***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION

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I'm sure she was thinking, what you don't believe me JB believes every word I say. So if CM wanted her to take a plea, he has to think she's quilty. why would he ask an innocent person to take a plea.

"why would he ask an innocent person to take a plea." - I know this may not be entirely proper - but if the DT thinks it is the best of 2 grim choices.

As to the rest of your post, I would be very interested to have see a book by someone reasonably independant from within the DT (i.e. not JB, CM, etc). There was clearly differences between JB and CM that saturday morning when CM asked for competency reports.
Bill Scheaffer said in his video that it was because the trial was going so badly for OCA at that point even the DT was afraid she was going to get the DP. The competency hearing was held because CM was astonished that when he "put the plea" to OCA - she had no reaction at all - just sat there as if she didn't even hear him. He thought she may have lost it.

Wow! Another mistruth brought to light. Was it CM who said FCA thought of him like either a dutch uncle or a grandfather figure, she leaned more towards him than JB? What a chameleon she is-yea her and her team-they like to speak out of both sides of their mouths! I just get happier and happier with each post that brings the truth out. :rocker:

Friday is my book day. I just wish Mr. Ashton was on his book signing in CA. I've looked for the info, but nada yet. This is why I was a bit confused to hear about Mr. Ashton being on Dr. P. and not finding anything for a book signing in the area, now it seems that maybe? the Dr. P segment was taped in NY? I'm confused, but what's new:floorlaugh:
There's one gal there who wore a t-shirt that said "We the people, find Casey Anthony guilty." Loved it. Her husband came with her...what a good sport. I thought I was bad...whoa.
He did say Casey's stories were amazing in all their details. One of the father stories...dad was from Georgia...she had a name, a place in Georgia, etc...but guy had never been to Florida (that sounds familiar)...but it was the details that she knew that amazed him.
The entire Anthony family that was called into court played their roles. Karma..........as Jeff states and believes as I..... they shall live every day that they WERE THE SOLE REASON the killer of their grandchild was set FREE.

How these <MODSNIP> can ever face on this earth their family, e.g. Rick and Shirley Plesea.........my heart goes out to them as I'm sure their hearts are so very very broken. That they could only stand by and watch this. I can't fathom their pain and anger etc. that they much have.

Wish I could agree with you but I can't. I think the Pinellas 12 took that honor - they brought their bodies to the courtroom but left their souls at home.

Jeff says in his book that with these 12 they lost the case before they started.
He was kind of funny talking about Casey logic.
He also said we should "shun" her if we ever see her walking down the street.
Someone once asked him if he knew where she was, and he told them "no" and I don't want to know...he doesn't care...as long as she's not in his neighborhood.

I have no problem with that one...
DH and I once saw Baez at the Mall at Millenia around Thanksgiving, he walked past us and entered a Gallery.
I shunned him ( I couldn't say out loud what I really wanted to...I had my kids with me) but DH made a hand gesture...
He was kind of funny talking about Casey logic.
He also said we should "shun" her if we ever see her walking down the street.
Someone once asked him if he knew where she was, and he told them "no" and I don't want to know...he doesn't care...as long as she's not in his neighborhood.

I absolutely agree shunning her is the best approach. She needs mirrors in order to know she exists.

I've suggested this more than once here - especially the mirror part.
I absolutely agree shunning her is the best approach. She needs mirrors in order to know she exists.

AMEN! I feel the exact same way about the entire defense team.

Casey thrives on being the center of attention and I absolutely refuse to give her .00000001 second of my attention.
I have no problem with that one...
DH and I once saw Baez at the Mall at Millenia around Thanksgiving, he walked past us and entered a Gallery.
I shunned him ( I couldn't say out loud what I really wanted to...I had my kids with me) but DH made a hand gesture...

I hope your shunning included a look of recognition followed by a shudder of revulsion, followed by a quick "walk away, WALK AWAY!!!"
AMEN! I feel the exact same way about the entire defense team.

Casey thrives on being the center of attention and I absolutely refuse to give her .00000001 second of my attention.

Yes, I know if I saw her or anyone on the DT I would either turn my face away or cross to the other side of the street. No question about it.
That tells me everything I need to know about Casey Anthony.
a. Bitterness of feeling; rancor.
b. Something bitter to endure:
c. Outrageous insolence; effrontery; absolute arrogance.

TBH, you are prob correct about her, in the most part.

BUT: I would be bitter if my life was on the line and my lawyers decided to talk about my pleading guilty with the judge and prosecution away from me and I was not even allowed to be there, as if it was being hidden from me or if I wasn't important enough to be "in the loop" when my own fate is being discussed.
Wish I could agree with you but I can't. I think the Pinellas 12 took that honor - they brought their bodies to the courtroom but left their souls at home.

Jeff says in his book that with these 12 they lost the case before they started.
Yup...one of the folks there tonight asked if he thought the 4th of July weekend had anything to do with it...Jeff said, "no"...after 90 minutes they had 10 to acquit. He said he would have been content to say nothing about the jury after coming on the "Today Show" after the verdict...but then the 2 talked...and he couldn't hold back. Someone asked whether or not the jury thought there was more money in a acquittal..he said there's no way they would have known that.
still trying to catch up ... my book should be here tomorrow, but appreciate everyone's snippets ... :tyou::balloons:

And YAY :great: for Jeff Ashton .... :balloons:

A book, a movie based on the book ... and the best part ..................... it's really making Jose, KC and the whole Anthony clan really, really angry
None of them can do a damn thing about it ... Jose didn't waste any time commenting either which to me means it really bugged him

How does it feel Jose ?? Now Jeff can say anything he wants to about the case and you can't do a thing about it ... :floorlaugh:

As sad and frustrating as it is bringing up the farce of a trial and reading even more maddening things that went on behind the scene, it makes me smile thinking of Jose and his loser client's reaction to the book/movie ... :great:

Now if Jeff Ashton gets an offer to be a talking head for a major network, JB's descent into oblivion will be complete. :great:
Now if Jeff Ashton gets an offer to be a talking head for a major network, JB's descent into oblivion will be complete. :great:


Oh the irony....sweet irony...

Irony - Good gracious, that word STILL permeates everything about this case!
And I was relieved to know that we out here in social media land had nothing to do with Casey going free as Ms. Singer and her group would like us to believe. He said it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they were going to go after George, especially after Caylee was found so close to home.
He said he didn't think we saw the suicide note in its entirety.
I did not watch JA on Dr. Phil yesterday but here is a short article about it:

Ashton on Baez:

Why did he smirk at a crucial moment in the trial? &#8220;I wish I hadn&#8217;t,&#8221; Asthon said. He cited attorney Jose Baez&#8217;s argument that the duct tape connected George Anthony to the crime. "That argument had never made sense to me,&#8221; Ashton said. &#8220;Jose&#8217;s voice went up a couple of octaves. The combination of the argument and the squeaky voice got me."


On the jury:
Ashton said the jury was bland and not made up of passionate, decisive people. &#8220;All of those people had already put the pieces together,&#8221; Ashton told McGraw.

I adore JA's witty sense of humor. His personality is so much more honest and likable that JB's IMO. Not to mention he is a respectable and ethical human being, and well, most of us agree JB is not. Can't wait to read Ashton's book. The dedication alone brought me to tears. "For Caylee, so no one forgets". JA never lost sight of the real victim in this. He brought Caylee into that courtroom, even though the DT tried to keep her in the woods. Too bad the jury was blind and more concerned with movies and deserts than justice for her.. *sigh*
If the eyes are the mirror of the soul - I wonder what OCA sees when she looks in the mirror?

A big blur spot and ice cube for peepers.:crazy: I'd liken her to the big bad mean witch from Snow White, but that's a fairy tale. FCA a nightmare:blushing:
Someone asked if Casey had committed the "perfect" crime. He laughed and said far from it...and then he went on to talk about her choice of duct tape...who would have used duct tape with a logo on it? He's used duct tape forever and has never seen a logo on it (me paraphrasing).

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