State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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Has anyone opened a book on whether or not we'll finish with witnesses tomorrow? I can see it going on until Thursday and closing arguments moved to Monday / Tuesday.
No, their character and intentions were trashed on here last night. They were called scammers and manipulators. This is about Jodi. She is the one on trial. People should stop talking about people they don't know. It's one thing to discuss their actions but if you don't know them then don't discuss their character. That's sort of the whole problem with this trial, isn't it?


I did not see the DD show or the Hughes . I do not know them and you are right I have nothing to say about them or their character. There is one thing though that has been unfortunate in this trial and Travis, and that was the statement to Jodie that Travis was a player and did not always treat women the way they thought He should. For whatever reason they said that the Defense team played that up big.

The fact that Skye , after hearing the pedophilia accusation did not adamantly defend their friend but rather asked how old the children were was another statement I am sure the Hughes would take that back in a nano-second--it did not help. I believe they were true friends of Travis, but this is probably why those statements stung so much.:moo:
CH said on Dr. Drew ast night the Sky has a "6th sense" and did not have a good feeling around Jodi. One must wonder if she was forcing herself all over Travis... as she did this regularly apparently.

I believe this - we're designed by nature to sense danger and evil, we just don't always listen to our feelings.

Knowing myself, if I was that skeeved out by a friend's girlfriend or boyfriend I would have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. It would be different if I just didn't like the person vs. having a distinct feeling the person was "off".

I know it would be crossing the line, but I would say something out of the best interest of my friend. If they get mad and don't talk to me so be it, so I understand what they did completely. This isn't a normal person we're talking about after all, her evilness has to be palpable.
Maybe Jodi doesn't respond outwardly, but I don't see how she cannot have gained some insight into her unmistakeably horrid ways. These professionals who are giving her an excuse for it all are despicable.

Abuse is not okay in any case. Why do they think it was okay when Jodi abused Travis? Savagely murdering him?
Originally Posted by Hopeful One
Nope. And last night Chris Hughes said it would take eight hours to tell all of the stories, so obviously a LOT had happened.

Edited to add the above quote by Hopeful One, which was supposed to be the post I was responding to, dunno what happened.

Perhaps I misunderstood but the Hughes were actually afraid of what JA would do to their children! They perceived a potential physical threat and kicked her out. Much nicer than stabbing and shooting someone in 'self-defense' I'd say...

I remember (last night on DD) Chris saying it would take 8 hours to tell all now that you mention it. I would buy his book if he were to write one, just to read more of the honest truth about Jodi. She is evil personified to me. I would bet that as close as Travis was to the Hughs', they would now most of Jodi's evil shenanigans via Travis's telling them. I believe Travis had a very close relationship to both of the Hughes' and would tell them most everything about his concerns with Jodi. I believe Travis had many concerns about Jodi's actions and lies but he was just too nice of a guy to get the distance he needed fron her. He should have filed stalking charges on her after telling her to go away... and then she continued to invade him home via the doggie door? Travis was too nice to Jodi and look at what that got him.

Oh, and I believe Chris would donate all proceeds of a book to the Alexander family and/or to a nonprofit organization to help other people/victims of crime. He would not write a book for fame or personal gain. I trust that he is an honorable man.
CH said on Dr. Drew ast night the Sky has a "6th sense" and did not have a good feeling around Jodi. One must wonder if she was forcing herself all over Travis... as she did this regularly apparently.

I will wait to see if CH ever wishes to explain what led up to the talk with Travis. Neither he nor his wife are on trial. Jodi is. Second guessing CH and his wife is what I find disrespectful. IMO
ITA- Jodi most likely snooped.

I have the feeling that Jodi is the type of 'guest' that would snoop through the medicine cabinet, jewellery boxes, file cabinets and other areas a homeowner would consider to be private. She had no qualms about snooping through the garbage can during her interrogation. Jodi doesn't give a crap about other people's boundaries. Watch out though if you ever have the misfortune to cross hers. :stormingmad:
May God Bless you. I saw Chris Hughes on Dr. Drew last night and I think he was very genuine in everything he said. I look forward to hearing what Skye has to say on Dr. Drew tonight. I support the Hughs couple even though I do not know them. They both seem to be honest people and only interested in seeing justice done for Travis and his family.

Chris will also be on Trishes true crime radio this Sunday at 8 oclock.
Hello Websleuther's. Took a bit of a break but reading here.

Soooo...will it be sleepy Nurmi or peppy Wilmott tomorrow???

Glad to see Juan will have a sur-rebuttal witness to the defenses sur-rebuttal of the rebuttal...YES. this trial is ridiculous.

It does have to END as some point...doesn't it?? :waitasec::waitasec:


That is the allegation, however I see no contemporaneous evidence of such as yet.
Maybe this is a stupid thought.. But don't car rental places have lowjack on their cars? OR GPS? So they can find them??

This was written in 2005 so I assume it was in effect in 2008

"In California, for instance, car rental companies may no longer use GPS information to impose surcharges, fines or penalties relating to the renter's use of a leased vehicle.

GPS information may, however, be used by a California rental company to help find a stolen, abandoned or missing vehicle. This practice must be clearly and conspicuously disclosed to the rental customer. (bbm)

GPS information also may be used by a California car rental company "for the sole purpose of determining the date and time the vehicle is returned to the rental company, and the total mileage driven and the vehicle fuel level of the returned vehicle." Such determinations may be made "only after the renter has returned the vehicle to the rental company."

There are many restrictions as to what rental car agencies (in many states) can do with the info garnered by a GPS. Basically you cannot track someone. One company was alterted by GPS when a car crossed state lines (he only rented in-state) but there was no constant tracking or even a location given, just that they had crossed the state line. I doubt any evidence taken from a GPS about where Jodi went would be allowed in court, and this article was written long before SCOTUS determined cops have to have a warrant to track someone.

Maybe Jodi checked around until she found a company that didn't use GPS. (although I don't think it was all that common in 2008) maybe that's why she went to Redding.
I don't think anyone is either pure evil, or pure goodness. It's a lot more complicated than that. Jodi is not pure evil, neither was Travis a saint. It doesn't have to be one or the other. It's more of a combination between people IMO. A perfect storm if you will.
I will wait to see if CH ever wishes to explain what led up to the talk with Travis. Neither he nor his wife are on trial. Jodi is. Second guessing CH and his wife is what I find disrespectful. IMO

:goldstar: ITA
BBM~ :what: A second time? I did not know that part. :blushing:

Maybe, but its their house and they had an expectation of privacy. If they want to talk badly about her, that's their right. They don't expect weird women listening at their bedroom door (not once but twice). If that had happened to me, I would be out the door so fast but I would tell all three of them off before I left. Then again, I think its bizarre she was eavesdropping in the first place and then stuck around to get caught a second time.

I did not see the DD show or the Hughes . I do not know them and you are right I have nothing to say about them or their character. There is one thing though that has been unfortunate in this trial and Travis, and that was the statement to Jodie that Travis was a player and did not always treat women the way they thought He should. For whatever reason they said that the Defense team played that up big.

The fact that Skye , after hearing the pedophilia accusation did not adamantly defend their friend but rather asked how old the children were was another statement I am sure the Hughes would take that back in a nano-second--it did not help. I believe they were true friends of Travis, but this is probably why those statements stung so much.:moo:

I think people are just mostly angry that the Hughes' words have now been taken and used against Travis and are now blaming them for ever saying them. I see that. I still don't blame them though. I have known people, usually kind people, who take everyone's words at face value because they see the goodness in everyone and expect that people wouldn't lie to them just to lie. I don't think we can blame the Hughes for being led to believe those letters were authentic. It's not their fault they were lied to. They were probably devastated to hear such a thing about Travis but figured the DT was being truthful. Look how thoroughly and genuinely pissed Chris looks at that hearing where Nurmi is questioning him. I am sure they feel horrible for ever believing that.

As for the email, we need to see it for ourselves and keep an open mind. People have different definitions of "treating women bad" and for some dating around and flirting is treating people bad. You also have that whole believing what they're told thing and it seems they took Jodi at her word until they got to know her. The Hughes have said it was all taken out of context and I think we should trust them.

Again, they are not on trial here. It's not their fault the DT has used dirty tactics to get a murderer off.
Hello Websleuther's. Took a bit of a break but reading here.

Soooo...will it be sleepy Nurmi or peppy Wilmott tomorrow???

Glad to see Juan will have a sur-rebuttal witness to the defenses sur-rebuttal of the rebuttal...YES. this trial is ridiculous.

It does have to END as some point...doesn't it?? :waitasec::waitasec:

The way they've approached it so far is that JW has handled the 'expert' psych witness testiphony.

Nurmi has reserved the sextimony for himself.
The JA murder trial in 40 seconds. This is all that matters.

OT and I will PM the mods about it but has anyone else gotten antivirus notifications today that threats have been identified? I've only been here today and so far I've had two notices.... I am not very puter literate so disregard me if I sound totally confused about my being here and getting those virus notices.... Just wondering if its happened to anyone else today?
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