State rests rebuttal case - thread #168

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Wanted to add this - not sure if it is posted somewhere else:

State called 20 witnesses in 9 days

Defense called 10 witnesses in 38 days

Rebuttal - State called 9 witnesses in 6 days

645 exhibits for Jury
I know I felt the same thing. Skye had warned him and told him that it was Jodi who wrote the email he was reading to her and not some random stalker of Jodi. But Travis wouldn't or couldn't believe someone would do that. I think Travis was a far more kind human being that we ever thought possible.

I think he had his problems like everyone else, but I think you're right. He was just the kind of person a psychic vampire like Arias could latch onto. That poor man.
I feel bad for anyone who is just starting to watch that.

*raising hand from clenched position on stomach* I am, catching up now. I'm almost up to where they broke for lunch, and ready to lose mine. I don't see any value with this witness.

I need something with lots of caffeine and sugar in it. Do they still make that soda called Jolt? Two sips and you're right into the stratosphere! "All the sugar and twice the caffeine!" Yeah, I need that.

After this barrage of non sense I need tequila!

During closing it is considered extremely bad form for the opposition to object unless it's about stuff never presented in court.

I will be interested to see if JW respects the process and if the judge maintains control (which would be demonstrated by the use of "STFU," "STHD" (sit the hell down) and "Ms Wilmott" in the same sentence)
Wonder how long Willmott will be talking she drags things on and on
I get so tried of hearing her
That is what I have been thinking for months. Unfortunately Travis chose what he was used to. Although no one could be as abusive as JA.
People who are in abusive relationships don't choose it. If Travis having been abused was a factor in him becoming attracted to an abusive personality, very often such a relationship is viewed through a normal lens. For them, that can be normal. Even for those that aren't abused as kids, it's really quite easy to minimize abuse, especially when the abuse is largely psychological. Sometimes, people can live in a psychologically abusive relationship for many years without ever being able to identify what's making them so miserable, why their spouse just doesn't seem to like them, etc. Travis showed a wisdom and insight truly remarkable. (Ala sociopath.)

And, in my experience, male victims are much more likely to minimize any abuse and discount the potential risk of their abuser. My prayer is that Travis' senseless murder changes that.

"MissHathaway ‏@MissHathaway 8m Willmott's still po'd about Dr. DeMarte making her look like a doofus. Personal payback, that's what these questions are about."

Tast week there was a PPT by Dr G about how to be an expert witness circulating around Twitter. I can't find it right now but one of the last things on a slide was avoid yes or no answers and to keep the same manner with all counsle. We'll see how that one pans out. I think though if Dr G stays 'agreeable' JM will let Dr G talk a bit. It's only when people are being PITAs that JM pulls them in.....
Rose, wonderful idea about using a toothpick to eat cheeto's lol

I hate it when it my fingers turn orange lol

you are so clever...;-)

eta, hi every1...been tagging along, following along, but my work duties get in the way of me posting


That's a great idea. My face is usually orange from sticking it inside the bag. I just don't like dirty hands.
I'm listening to JA answer jury questions to pass the time while working and she's talking about the helio. WHEN did she tell JM she lost it? After the phone sex but before the deadly trip? Does anyone know?

It was "stolen" on May 17th or 18th...she can't be sure of the date. She got her replacement on the 22, as per Dear Diary. I'll 'fess up front that I'm not the world's most patient person...

But what in the world is the point of calling this 'expert' up ??

He is talking psycho-babble...has no bearing on the case...

And if I was a juror, smoke would be coming out of my ears at this bumbling 'expert' and surr-surr-surr-rebuttal...

Only hope that this serves to prove defense did everything (inanely) possible to defend this 'beeotch'....
Is lunch over soon?


that is so adorable. I am so allergic to cats I can't even be around them without taking an antihistamine before and after...but I think they are so cute.
Wasn't Juan supposed to put ppl cancun witness on the stand? Could he still do this?
I'm listening to JA answer jury questions to pass the time while working and she's talking about the helio. WHEN did she tell JM she lost it? After the phone sex but before the deadly trip? Does anyone know?

She testified to the phone being "stolen" about a week after the May 10th phone sex taping, so yes, before she left for Mesa.
I'm bringing this over from the other thread .... I want to know what everyone thinks of the new stories shared by Chris and Skye.

Ok so thoughts on Skye and Chris Hughes stories about Jodi on Dr. Drew???

How many of you listened to their stories and realized there is probably a *****ton of things we have no idea about???? And that Jodi was far more stalkerish than we ever realized.

When Skye mentioned that Travis had said he couldn't break up with Jodi because she said she would kill herself it all made sense to me. All of it. Travis was trapped. I so wish the jury could know about that exchange between Skye and Travis.

BTW--manipulating and trapping people with threats of suicide is BPD Central. The problem is that Travis believed her threats, and cared too much about her.
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