State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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Hi Anagrammy, I'm your neighbor. Love dropping in at the Kona Lounge to grab an adult beverage and watch the Oakland A's on the big teevee. And of course Fenton's Creamery when I can get in. Haven't been in recently tho, who can wait 2 hours?!

Is Fenton's still the "hot spot to be" like it was back in the day??? Guess some traditions are meant to live on!!! Man, sometimes I guess I do miss the Bay Area (raised in Pleasanton...left when I was 32)

It truly is a great area...beautiful, culture, TONS of stuff to do always. I don't really miss the people (except my friends and family of course) nor the high costs or traffic!!!
I think she'll either remain very calm or start crying. No temper tantrums because she still has to beg them to spare her life.

But perhaps she'll break out into song and do a couple of yoga moves.
Good morning Travis lovers. Question - has JS given each side a time limit for their respective closing arguments. Juan will have no problem today, and I know he's quick, but I could see the DT running the clock out tomorrow. Especially since it will probably be nurmi doing it.
Didn't judge Perry set time limits? I think JS should in this case, but she probably won't.
JA was born a terror. From the time she hit her brother with a baseball bat, kicking her mother, killing atleast one dog (imo), to snooping, stalking, intimidating, terrorizing others finally leading to the savage murder of Travis Alexander.

She's a life-sucking leech who deserves to be terminated. She's not even worth being used as manure. I've never felt so strongly about any criminal.
I think she'll either remain very calm or start crying. No temper tantrums because she still has to beg them to spare her life.

Im a thinking she will keep that arrogant look on her face. like it doesnt bother her, I dont think she wants to show anyone her emotions when the verdict comes in, her way of having control, jmo

but then heck, I have been wrong b4, and could be wrong now...

Ill keep a shaker of salt for my crow lol
In all likelihood it was typed it up from a tape recording. Medical transcriber. And yes, with something this important, an error like is huge and should result in firing. Spelling mistakes are inexcusable if that is your job. This wasn't a run of the mill autopsy, there was a serious crime involved.

I've transcribed medical reports before and you have to be extremely accurate. There are a lot of terms that sound similar but are very different -otomy vs. ectomy for example. You are hyper aware of this and check and double check if necessary.

There's also a chance he mispoke if he were talking into a recorder, or what he said wasn't clear and the person transcribing typed exactly what he said.

Yes... and I tried last night to explain what a "typo" is:

A “typo” (typographical error) is:

The term includes errors due to mechanical failure or slips of the hand or finger, but excludes errors of ignorance, such as spelling errors. Most typos involve simple duplication, omission, transposition, or substitution of a small number of characters.

Typographical error - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People all too often incorrectly minimize “mistakes” or “errors” by calling them mere “typos”. Typos can sure make a difference, like typing "heat" instead of "heart", but that's not what happened here.

I hope that it was explained to the juror's satisfaction... and I doubt that it'll break the case.
i don't see it this way. yes, she lied and was on record with the lies so they had to work with them. but the attorneys created this defense. they had to come up with arguments against the state's evidence. that's their job. it's NOT their job to find the truth. that's the job of the state.

to believe it's the defendant who provides every answer and the lawyers simply use that and nothing else isn't true. if it was, there would be no need to get the best defense attorney you can find----you'd just need someone to parrot what you say. do you really believe JW and KN buy her story and are just thinking 'she really didn't do this and was abused and had PTSD and is the true victim here?' i certainly don't believe that. defense attorneys defend guilty clients. it's STILL their job to try to get them off.

This is part of the reason how some lawyers got the general rep of being akin to used car salesmen. How Willmott and Nurmi live with their conscience defending this pile and other criminals is disturbing. The disturbing part being that they are trying to get them off at all costs and muck up the system with endless appeals and delays.
Please stay on the topic and branch out to other areas of the forum for other cases... thanks
Sneaking in from work...:D

I was confused...I forgot with closing arguments it's State, Defense, then State again. Right???

How long will the defense drone on?? Hope at least it's Wilmott and not Nurmi!!

One more hour till lunch. Hope to catch a little Juan!!!
Another thing I kept wondering about as far as JA suffering "trauma" come no one said the supposed trauma came from KILLING TRAVIS and then freaking out of the fact that she was caught.

Juan did say that. :)
I think she will cry...for herself.

If it is is 2nd degree or less...she will have that smirk of hers. The "dupers delight" smile.

I have read other killers stall [if on death row] with stays and appeals and all kinds of mumbo jumbo stalling..:fence:

Maybe the family of the TOT she babysat will speak once she is in jail forever? I want to know why she babysat anyway?
:blushing: I'm still sitting here in a nightshirt, and the crew showed up to stain/seal our deck and patio. They rang the doorbell to let me know that they were here, even though I saw their truck in the driveway. I smiled and gave them my best Bette Davis eyes ;) Off to get dressed....
It really dosen't matter if the gunshot wound to the head would be fatal or not.
It's weather in the immediate seconds after the bullet traveled through the skull a person would have instant motor function or would be able to verbalise anything.
You have to remember we are talking in seconds here as to weather or not Jodis story about how the murder happend was true or not.
It would be highly unlikely at best that Travis would have been able to chase after Jodi or say to her( kill you b+++h ) immediately after having a bullet travel through his skull.
This would have been very traumatic to his brain and functions.
He may have lived if that was his only injury but that is not the point.
The point is if he could have functioned after being shot.
Perfect - thank you for setting that right.
Why do you suppose the prosecutor let a juror question bring out the dura mater question, instead of asking Dr. Horn that question himself in redirect? When that juror question was read, I immediately thought "GOOD QUESTION" ... then followed by why didn't Martinez ask his own witness to clarify that issue? Do you think it was intentional that Martinez let a juror bring that typo mistake out?

Judging by Wilmott's angry reaction, this one question totally destroyed the ground she thought she had gained with Dr. G's loooooooong testimony.

Good morning everyone!

I was thinking of this last night. Her last question to Dr. Horn was 'Everything else in your report is correct, right?' and Dr. Horn said yes. I think she deliberately didn't ask the question herself so that Dr. Horn couldn't say it was a typo, and he wasn't able to explain it. I'm sure it would have, and probably still will be, brought up in closing, but now the jurors have heard Dr. Horn say it was a typo and of course the dura mater wasn't intact. JMO
That is Jodi lying not them. They have to take what their client says and do the best with it. That is their role. They need to fight for them based on what they are told by their client.

She deserves a defense. And they did the best they could with what they had to work with.

I'm a big fan of the legal process as it's supposed to work. I'm also a true believer in the proposition that everyone deserves a vigorous defense before the courts when charged with a crime. In this case, however, I believe the DT went far beyond their mandate of holding the State to its proof burden and providing a meaningful defense for their client. In this case, I think both of these lawyers are complicit in their client's lies. And that bothers bothers me a lot.
Good morning Travis lovers. Question - has JS given each side a time limit for their respective closing arguments. Juan will have no problem today, and I know he's quick, but I could see the DT running the clock out tomorrow. Especially since it will probably be nurmi doing it.
Didn't judge Perry set time limits? I think JS should in this case, but she probably won't.

I cant imagine closing arguments longer then a couple of hours...for JM anyway i can see JW and Nurmi stretching it out as long as possible...trying to muddy the waters one last time.
I hope we hear Juan refer to himself as, "The Prosecutor," one more time.
When I heard the question I thought of this, which happened to be circulating around my facebook friends just last week. It's old stuff, but perhaps a juror read it (which would not be in violation of any admonition)

there is an exchange between a not-so-bright lawyer (it may remind you of someone in this case) and a ME about a third of the way down

Thanks for that, it was very funny and very fitting. :floorlaugh:
Getting prepared for when court opens…
Laptop (cookies cleared)


Snack (toblerone chocolate)

Fan (in case I get hot under the collar during defense closing)

Food prepped

House semi- clean (very semi!!)

Hammer (for moments of frustration)

Do you guys think I have it covered?

I have some of that covered...for the rest of it, my housekeeper/helper is coming today to do the rest!!! I told her I needed to run errands - I normally go with her, and we go to lunch. But I told her today, she was on her own - I have invested WAY too much time in this trial to miss today...LOL!!!
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