State v Bradley Cooper 04/04/11

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Oh wait....I have 'screwed up' thinking here after watching Krista....maybe the defense will ask....."Brad was a crontrol freak...but hey he didn't beat her did he".

Sorry, Krista's testimony got to me.

Emotional abuse is sometimes more harmful than physical abuse, a bruise will heal..emotional stays around for a long time
That picture was posted very early on. I imagine they have had access to hundreds of pictures since then.

The picture was on their website until recently! They never replaced it with a better/more clear one.
Verbal and mental abuse often scars worse than physical abuse. Control and being trapped have to be a nightmare to a mother with two kids.

I just posted that without seeing your post, so it must be true!!
There is no doubt that Nancy was in an increasingly controlling, emotionally abusive situation in that household and marriage. It may not have started off that way in the early years, but in those final 6+ months? It was bad. Brad was losing 'control' and he was making life hell for Nancy and the girls. Separation and divorce is the most volatile time in a situation in which one spouse is controlling and/or unbalanced. That is a well known fact. That, and pregnancy.

Once Nancy knew for sure Brad had really truly cheated and claimed he was in love with H.M. and Nancy was DONE, that's when Brad continued to escalate his emotional abuse. It was then he took her off all accounts (this is BEFORE any separation agreement or consult with a lawyer), it was then he made it impossible for her to leave, taking/hiding the passports, etc.
Mental cruelty, controlling behavior is no less cruel than physical abuse. Just because we know of no physical abuse doesn't make the other behavior "better" or "acceptable". Because Nancy would not leave without her girls she was trapped. This probably distorted her thinking in so many areas.

It seems to me, since Brad hadn't done anything "physically" to Nancy...she wasn't afraid to stay once he grabbed their passports.

But, she still wasn't willing to leave without the girls. Maybe she knew something. Looks to me like it cost her..her life. So Sad.
There is no doubt that Nancy was in an increasingly controlling, emotionally abusive situation in that household and marriage. It may not have started off that way in the early years, but in those final 6+ months? It was bad. Brad was losing 'control' and he was making life hell for Nancy and the girls.

My guess is they were making life hell for each other.
The State is not yet finished either.

That's right, the judge told the jury that 'we'll begin tomorrow morning where we leave off today". or something to that effect. I am certain the state hasn't finished with Krista.
Verbal and mental abuse often scars worse than physical abuse. Control and being trapped have to be a nightmare to a mother with two kids.

I was once married to a man, I had two children, and I had to deal with both the emotional and physical abuse. And guess what--he was a detective with a police department.
My guess is they were making life hell for each other.

Yes indeed, I think Krista spoke to that..both of them tormenting each other creating yelling matches and stress..No one is even attempting to say Nancy was the timid, quiet as a mouse person....But the stress toll of it all was seen in the oldest child's behaviors...incontinence..crying, clinging to mom and her..cringing in the corner....What this did to her (B) psyche can only be imagined by us..I sure hope she had some good councilling !!
Nancy never realized how much danger she was in. She simply never knew how sneaky, how cunning, how evil and how subversive Brad really was. She suspected some of it, probably, but didn't know how deranged he was. Not until he started strangling her. Then she knew all that he was truly capable of and it was too late to save herself. Nancy was a very tall, physically fit woman. She never stood a chance against a 6'4" triathlete in a rage.
That's right, the judge told the jury that 'we'll begin tomorrow morning where we leave off today". or something to that effect. I am certain the state hasn't finished with Krista.

they are not
I missed a good part of the day and I was confused by the article based on the feed that had twitterings on the side as the article and twitterings and comments had differing opinions. The mica found on the shoes, was it a match to the fieldings dr.?

I am still really confused about the money problem. Krista is in tears up there over NC not having any money (and I believe Krista is telling the truth as she saw it). Yet Nancy's own friend said NC was mad because she couldn't get her and the girls a pedicure on the 12th because she hadn't received the money from BC yet. Those 2 things simply don't add up. If you are so concerned about money, why on earth would you use the money you were given on pedicures. I honestly don't understand this. If it were me, I would have been secretly hiding some of the money I was given ($50-$100/week) to use when I really needed it.

From Krista's testimony so far it seems she had a more real idea of the situation between the Coopers. This is all just my opinion, but it sounds like she really was stuck and wasn't quite sure how to get out because on some level she was afraid of what would happen (like her telling Krista she didn't have to live with the repercussions of being given money). But with her friends she showed the more annoyed perspective, versus the scared side her sister saw. Maybe it was easier to handle on a day to day basis to be annoyed you can't do frivolous things, instead of dwelling on being stuck in a situation they couldn't figure a way out of.
NCSU, you've posted before about your confusion on this pedicure thing and I believe someone already explained it once. Let's try this again.

Nancy thought she was making EXTRA money by painting at JA's house. She thought she would be getting $300 from BC on that Fri, as she was supposed to. She thought she would then have EXTRA money so she could splurge on a pedicure. She was looking forward to that little splurge.

She was angry when she didn't get that week's 'allowance,' because it meant she could not treat herself to anything extra, not to mention that she had even less money than she would have had for the week since only $140 was 'profit' out of the money received. The rest paid for the paint & supplies. Nancy received a total of $240 from JA.

Why is the necklace so important? The detectives didn't even take it into evidence until months later, right? Again, if he took it off her that night/early morning, why wouldn't he get rid of it, hide it, flush it down the toilet? It was in the guest room where his mom was staying, right?

I think the state made a HUGE deal of 2 things - the necklace and the dress. The dress turned out to be nothing. He didn't even wash it that morning (imo based on the opinion of SBI, deodorant stains, oily stain). So what that he forgot what she was wearing that night initially.

The necklace too. Why didn't he pitch it if he had to know it would incriminate him?
Why is the necklace so important? The detectives didn't even take it into evidence until months later, right? Again, if he took it off her that night/early morning, why wouldn't he get rid of it, hide it, flush it down the toilet? It was in the guest room where his mom was staying, right?

I think the state made a HUGE deal of 2 things - the necklace and the dress. The dress turned out to be nothing. He didn't even wash it that morning (imo based on the opinion of SBI, deodorant stains, oily stain). So what that he forgot what she was wearing that night initially.

The necklace too. Why didn't he pitch it if he had to know it would incriminate him?

BBM: Brad would never 'pitch' anything that was worth $2,800, especially if he could sell it later or have his mother sell it. Money meant too much to him.

JMO, and not going to debate it.
NCSU, you've posted before about your confusion on this pedicure thing and I believe someone already explained it once. Let's try this again.

Nancy thought she was making EXTRA money by painting at JA's house. She thought she would be getting $300 from BC on that Fri, as she was supposed to. She thought she would then have EXTRA money so she could splurge on a pedicure. She was looking forward to that little splurge.

She was angry when she didn't get that week's 'allowance,' because it meant she could not treat herself to anything extra, not to mention that she had even less money than she would have had for the week since only $140 was 'profit' out of the money received. The rest paid for the paint & supplies. Nancy received a total of $240 from JA.


But I think a major point you may be missing here is IF she were so desperate for money and wanted to move out, why in the world worry about a pedi??

If I wanted to get away from an abusive husband, my toes would just go unpainted and ugly for the next 10 years, if necessary.

Something is not right.
NCSU, you've posted before about your confusion on this pedicure thing and I believe someone already explained it once. Let's try this again.

Nancy thought she was making EXTRA money by painting at JA's house. She thought she would be getting $300 from BC on that Fri, as she was supposed to. She thought she would then have EXTRA money so she could splurge on a pedicure. She was looking forward to that little splurge.

She was angry when she didn't get that week's 'allowance,' because it meant she could not treat herself to anything extra, not to mention that she had even less money than she would have had for the week since only $140 was 'profit' out of the money received. The rest paid for the paint & supplies. Nancy received a total of $240 from JA.


I'm not confused at all about that. I'm confused why someone in her position would waste money on pedicures.
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