State v Bradley Cooper - 3/25/11

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Exactly, unlike Heather Metour, Pearson was never mentioned in any depositions. He wasn't brought up by Brad to counteract his affair/s. AFAICT, *if* Nancy ever had anything with Pearson, it was brief, not substantiated, and over years ago. Anyone know anything different that I missed here?

Going from just postings who gave this story about Pearson, ( was video of Def. Attny)..anyway..Person denied in first questioning, second questioning admitted to having a shower and getting naked...But wasnt this trist back in 6 years ago or 3 plus years before Nancy's death..and wasnt it during the time Nancy was having huge issues with Brad ( tho likely were constant)..Im somewhat confused as to its level of importance to the murder of Nancy in July of 2008?.. Me thinks it just a red herring of tittlating information Def. likes to give to the jury..You know..the old addage..throw as much as they can against the wall..something just may stick :rocker:
I will be the first to admit that I was wrong!! Thank YOU for paying such close attention to the testimony. Just goes to show further we can't rely on everything we've **thought** we've heard. I really do wish that someone would post a transcript up after each day's testimony.

Agree 100%! I like seeing the video and hearing the voice inflections and seeing facial expressions (especially when the attorneys are fighting which doesn't have anything to do with testimony but is fun to watch) but I would LOVE to see the words in print to compare with other words in print. That would be absolutely EXCELLENT if we could have a transcript of the UC witnesses.
It's also a very real possibility that CPD had already spoken to the neighbors in the area and one of the neighbors said that they saw a person known to them run by and a woman walking her dog. Since NC was not known to the woman who called in, she can't say for sure that it was NC. (It amazes me how many people mistake me for someone else!)

Again, going back to the Scott Peterson trial, I well remember the elderly woman who was standing at her kitchen window and just absolutely swore she saw Laci walking her dog the morning after she went missing. She was sure Laci was going towards the park area at the end of their street. Of course, she was wrong--but in her mind she was sure she had seen her.
It's also a very real possibility that CPD had already spoken to the neighbors in the area and one of the neighbors said that they saw a person known to them run by and a woman walking her dog. Since NC was not known to the woman who called in, she can't say for sure that it was NC. (It amazes me how many people mistake me for someone else!)

IIRC, I think something similar to that happened in the Scott Peterson trial. Either way, Garagos never was able to produce all those 'sight' witnesses he promised in opening statements.
I will be the first to admit that I was wrong!! Thank YOU for paying such close attention to the testimony. Just goes to show further we can't rely on everything we've **thought** we've heard. I really do wish that someone would post a transcript up after each day's testimony.

As an example. I was in one of our offices recently. I do not often visit the offices as I work out of my home, on the occasions that I am not traveling.

I met someone in the hall, and when I first saw him, he looked familiar. Not EXACTLY like someone I have known for years, but close. I have not seen that person in several years, and we all change, but he looked so much like the person that as we were meeting in the hallway, I kept looking at him and was about to call his name. As we got close enough to shake hands, I was not not sure if it was this person or not. He saw me looking at him and wondered if we had met, but only when he said his name was I sure it was not the person I know. They had some similarity, but not exact. Since it had been a while since I saw the guy I know, I know people change and it was a pretty close resemblance.
A couple of things -
Brad made the tennis plans, initiated by MH the night of the 11th in NC's presence at the party. Even JA said NC would not have been bringing the kids to paint.

I think there is doubt that there even were painting plans for Saturday, imo. I think that is why JA didn't tell BC about them when she called. I think she called CPD and had to say something more concrete than "I called her cell and can't reach her" so she made up the paint plans to the police. I think that is why the paint plans were not in her calendar and why NC had no conflict in her mind when the tennis plans were made because she knew she would be home to watch the girls. JMO

NO doubt there were painting plans to me...JA didn't tell BC about the plans because of the history of his control and she didn't want to cause problems. How can you jump to the idea that she just wanted a reason to call the police....that goes against common sense. There is no testimony that JA had been a instigator in their marriage, rather had tried to help Nancy. She had the kids with her in the beginning of the week when she painted....she most likely just planned on bringing them again.
IIRC, I think something similar to that happened in the Scott Peterson trial. Either way, Garagos never was able to produce all those 'sight' witnesses he promised in opening statements.

I read something about a month ago that in many trials circumstantial testimony is more valuable than eyewitness testimony. The report did a study of a mock crime using 10 different eyewitnesses. The research proved that several of the eyewitnesses got the hair color wrong, the color of the dress wrong, etc. Eyewitness testimony isn't always correct regardless of the situation.
Just a thought, in all those sports bras Brad said Nancy owned, at least a dozen, I wonder how many were black & red in color? I believe there was a 'black' one taken into evidence from the dining room table was it? I wonder if there were any other, specifically 'black & red' ones, and if so, how many? Cause Brad said in his sworn statement, the only thing he saw nancy wearing that morning was a white tee shirt of his, no bra, no undies. He said 'if she had them on, he wasn't aware of it'.
Going from just postings who gave this story about Pearson, ( was video of Def. Attny)..anyway..Person denied in first questioning, second questioning admitted to having a shower and getting naked...But wasnt this trist back in 6 years ago or 3 plus years before Nancy's death..and wasnt it during the time Nancy was having huge issues with Brad ( tho likely were constant)..Im somewhat confused as to its level of importance to the murder of Nancy in July of 2008?.. Me thinks it just a red herring of tittlating information Def. likes to give to the jury..You know..the old addage..throw as much as they can against the wall..something just may stick :rocker:

According to the defense opening, which we are apparently not supposed to lend any credence to, JP had also been recently running with NC and new great detail about her running paths. Until JP or somebody else gets on the stand and verifies this information just think of it as another chapter in a great novella.
According to the defense opening, which we are apparently not supposed to lend any credence to, JP had also been recently running with NC and new great detail about her running paths. Until JP or somebody else gets on the stand and verifies this information just think of it as another chapter in a great novella.

I hope Amanda Lamb writes a book on this one. I don't care what anybody says, I really enjoyed both her crime books. :great:
According to the defense opening, which we are apparently not supposed to lend any credence to, JP had also been recently running with NC and new great detail about her running paths. Until JP or somebody else gets on the stand and verifies this information just think of it as another chapter in a great novella.

JP was a friend that had a drunken fling with the decedent.
What possible motive would he have for murder?
Kurtz dropping his name shows desperation ,imo.
Okay Guys - KNOCK IT OFF or you will find yourself on TO. I will not post another warning or send any pm's, etc. You will just find yourself knocking at the door with no one to answer it.

We don't call other posters out or accuse them of being anything but a member here. Just because there is a difference of opinion, does not give a select few the right to determine what the opinion should be. Get over yourselves.

If you don't like what another poster has to say, put it on your ignore list and you won't have to worry about it.

I've been reading the motion to stay filed by the defense in mid-February. I had read the first pages b/c I was specifically interested in the deleting of info from NC's blackberry. I just got into some of the appendix of it today. Has anyone read the entire thing (141 pages)? I haven't even made it to the halfway point.
OK, time for a hypothetical.

I am not claiming this is true, but just to make a point.

Let's just say that a neighbor had a camera pointed from their home to monitor the street, and it happened to capture BC at 2AM pulling the car into the garage and loading a large, heavy bundle, shaped like a person into the trunk. CPD finds this information and while it is not absolute proof, it does show something that is not explained by BC on the morning his wife is missing and later turns up dead. CPD has the video of the loading operation, but later someone says she saw NC running, when the same video shows that NC never left the house that morning. NOW would you still say they were remiss not to interview the person?

I don't know this person, but it could be someone who calls frequently about things, and is known to the CPD. She might have reported other things that were later proven to be untrue, or CPD might have known something at this point that caused them to understand that NC had never left to run that morning, like say, having the same shoe from different pairs of running shoes left behind.

Eyewitness testimony is not the hard concrete thing that many think it is. LE frequently find that if they have 5 eyewitnesses to the same event, they get 5 different stories about what happened.

I am NOT saying the case was perfect, but I also don't think they were a bunch of keystone kops either, especially on the basis of someone thinking they saw her running in an area known for runners.

1)Yes, they should still interview the witnesses, unless the camera showed the victim clearly.

2)This was one day after she went missing. One clue does mean they should stop the investigation, right?

3)If this was someone close to you, a close friend or relative, wouldn't you want the police to follow up on these leads? Isn't that the right thing to do?

4)We will have to agree to disagree. That forensic "specialist" should be fired, imo.
Going from just postings who gave this story about Pearson, ( was video of Def. Attny)..anyway..Person denied in first questioning, second questioning admitted to having a shower and getting naked...But wasnt this trist back in 6 years ago or 3 plus years before Nancy's death..and wasnt it during the time Nancy was having huge issues with Brad ( tho likely were constant)..Im somewhat confused as to its level of importance to the murder of Nancy in July of 2008?.. Me thinks it just a red herring of tittlating information Def. likes to give to the jury..You know..the old addage..throw as much as they can against the wall..something just may stick :rocker:

It has not been discussed in court yet, but allegedly there are records of continued contact between the two of them beginning in early '08 and leading up to the time of the murder. We will have to see if the defense provides that proof when they are up.

There is also the possibility that he is the bio father of the 2nd child, based on the timing.
My issue with the lack of quick follow up to these leads is more related to the fact that it does leave an opening for questions on behalf of the defense but more importantly it doesn't do justice by the victim and her family. Whether they believed BC did it or not they had a duty to verify and tie up leads in a timely fashion especially the eyewitness reports. That is something I believe could have been handled better by CPD.
I read something about a month ago that in many trials circumstantial testimony is more valuable than eyewitness testimony. The report did a study of a mock crime using 10 different eyewitnesses. The research proved that several of the eyewitnesses got the hair color wrong, the color of the dress wrong, etc. Eyewitness testimony isn't always correct regardless of the situation.
I was leaving a store one day with two friends and a car drove up fast, spinned around and stopped and a guy jumped out. We were within 10 feet of this car. We got in our car, discussing the guy jumping out and running when a police car pulled up and approached us...he asked us if we saw the guy. All three of us gave different descriptions.....If I hadn't lived it myself, I wouldn't believe how wrong eye witnesses can be yet they are thought of as so reliable.
It has not been discussed in court yet, but allegedly there are records of continued contact between the two of them beginning in early '08 and leading up to the time of the murder. We will have to see if the defense provides that proof when they are up.

There is also the possibility that he is the bio father of the 2nd child, based on the timing.
This was just more opening statement chatter.
If Kurtz brings this in, he will have to bring JP to the stand.
If he goes down that road, he is asking the jury to decide if the killer was more likely JP or BC. Do you really think he wants to go there? Not me.
I was leaving a store one day with two friends and a car drove up fast, spinned around and stopped and a guy jumped out. We were within 10 feet of this car. We got in our car, discussing the guy jumping out and running when a police car pulled up and approached us...he asked us if we saw the guy. All three of us gave different descriptions.....If I hadn't lived it myself, I wouldn't believe how wrong eye witnesses can be yet they are thought of as so reliable.

But with that argument, you are trying to say that the police should ignore witnesses. Why bother posting all the missing person fliers if they are just going to ignore the calls they receive on them? How can anyone be okay with that?
I was leaving a store one day with two friends and a car drove up fast, spinned around and stopped and a guy jumped out. We were within 10 feet of this car. We got in our car, discussing the guy jumping out and running when a police car pulled up and approached us...he asked us if we saw the guy. All three of us gave different descriptions.....If I hadn't lived it myself, I wouldn't believe how wrong eye witnesses can be yet they are thought of as so reliable.

"Of course we will help you officer! He was a shortish.tall, thin yet stocky fellow. He had blondish black hair and was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a tuxedo."
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