State v Bradley Cooper 4-27-2011

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I think they make a pill for that. Sounds painful.

Or a support group for families of BCTOPWCMUTMBTCITC. (Brad Cooper Trial Obsessed Persons Who Can't Make Up Their Mind Because The Case is Too Confusing)
Notice how his mother described their response and their trip from HK to Canada and to RDU. She did not speak to BC until arriving down here. She barely has a telephone.

I'm not going to even discuss his mother......another victim IMO.
That is from your singular point of view. I would probably listen as long as the person wanted to talk. But that's the counselor in me. MOO

I think it also comes a bit from experience. I think that DL had probably never been exposed to what she was hearing. She felt a lot of empathy, and wanted her husband to follow up and find out how things turned out. Unfortunately, there are a lot of sad stories in this world so, at a certain point, many of us protect ourselves from them and the people that own them.
This is the exact kind of analysis of the evidence that I find so off base. It isn't the fact that he can't remember certain is that he is a disconnected person from those he should feel the most feelings. Yes, he is cold, callous etc. My kids and I tease my husband that he can be the nutty professor...but be assured, if anything ever happened to any of us, he would be busting down the LE doors, our friends, and family. How people do not see this man as a empty soul.........I just will never get. JMO

So true. My daughers were laughing about their dad not too long ago. We were having our usual week-end family cook-out, and the girls got to chatting about dad. The time he took one of them to the ER, and was badgering the nurse about getting the IV going, 'where is her pain meds?' 'Have you done such and such yet'. Dear old, laid back dad, turns into a mad man when somebody he loves is in need. We've also gotten into these crime discussions at our cook-outs, my interest in crime spills out. And you put four women in a room, cleaning vegetables and fruit, conversation flows. Our sons in law know we'd hunt them down with a shot-gun if anything ever happened. They know it. thank goodness the girls chose men very much like their dad.
The longer this case goes on, the more I lurk. I find it so amazing that when the DA was bringing in how Brad had cheated....people chimed in that it had nothing to do with the murder. Now, that it is out there that Nancy cheated... the fact that she cheated, has everything to do with who MURDERED her. .

You have to think a little more clearly on this one. Its not the actual act of cheating that's the issue - its the possible reprecussions down the line.

Its been suggested as a possible scenario that JP is the father of the youngest daughter. CPD refused to perform a DNA test after multiple requests, and BC was unaware of the NC/JP affair until 2009.
Marriage ending was Nancy's life sadly. You don't hear that Nancy bad mouthed Brad to anyone, as so many want to say, years ago. No, I'm sure she kept it inside, then it was bad enough that she told her family, then bad enough that she told her close friends, then it gets bad enough that she will tell anyone that will listen.....I'm in misery. This was an escalating situation. As such, as it progressed, she told anyone she felt would listen. Sad to me.

Very sad. Seems like many here would rather nancy have kept it bottled up inside. The way many feel about rape, child abuse, incest, 'just don't talk about it'. Lot's of very judgemental posters. The anybody but brad crowd certainly repeats the mantra 'we aren't dissing nancy' 'we aren't putting nancy down' 'we aren't blaming the victim..........but..........
Sorry, I haven't listened to all her testimony. From whom did the C's learn about NC's "disappearance"?

BC's parents were in Hong Kong at a conference when their other son finally reached them. They had been in Korea without cell phones. They started flying home next available flight, stopping overnight at their home and then flying to RDU. She did not speak to BC until reaching RDU.
Very sad. Seems like many here would rather nancy have kept it bottled up inside. The way many feel about rape, child abuse, incest, 'just don't talk about it'. Lot's of very judgemental posters. The anybody but brad crowd certainly repeats the mantra 'we aren't dissing nancy' 'we aren't putting nancy down' 'we aren't blaming the victim..........but..........

You like to imply a lot about posters here who are not convinced of BC guilt. Now we are victim-blamers and would prefer rape and incest victims to keep quit? Sheesh, you are something else...
Notice how his mother described their response and their trip from HK to Canada and to RDU. She did not speak to BC until arriving down here. She barely has a telephone.

Can you imagine what that week was like? They were in Korea until the 15th (or was it the 16th). They arrive in Hong Kong and learn that their son has been trying to reach them (he got their contact info through dad's work). Flights from HK to Vancouver, then Calgary, then Medicine Hat, home to change, back on the plane in Medicine Hat, then Calgary, then Raleigh. That would be something like 26 hours travel (with a break to shower) and several time zones. I think they were probably on automatic pilot in the sense that they knew they had to get to NC, and that was their only focus. What would be the point of phoning their sons again.
Marriage ending was Nancy's life sadly. You don't hear that Nancy bad mouthed Brad to anyone, as so many want to say, years ago. No, I'm sure she kept it inside, then it was bad enough that she told her family, then bad enough that she told her close friends, then it gets bad enough that she will tell anyone that will listen.....I'm in misery. This was an escalating situation. As such, as it progressed, she told anyone she felt would listen. Sad to me.

AND, to me it is a very real scenario, that BC, after being insulted by Nancy at the party, feeling like an outsider, reading her emails, some that probably were not flattering to him, may have "lost it" and struck/strangled her after a verbal altercation when she arrived home that Friday night/Saturday A.M.

She was drinking too much that evening. She acknowledged that she was using liquor to relieve the stress of her "entrapment." I can easily imagine that she could push just the right button to send him into a rage (and BC, probably knew exactly how to "set off" NC). IMO, she longed for some type of emotional response from Brad, but he often dismissed her, took her for granted, or dictated to her. For someone who was as social as Nancy, this type of ignoring would have been untenable.

Someone earlier (Gracielee?) suggested that she could have enraged him by "spitting" in his face. There are a number of triggers for individuals that engage that rage response, and once one crosses that line into irrationality anything is possible.

This entire situation is very sad. I am sorry for the families, especially the children, their friends, and the community. This tragedy promotes a loss of innocence and trust when violence enters previously "safe havens." And, I remain firm in my belief that something caused BC to inflict a fatal injury on NC that evening/morning. WHOOPS...forgot MOO, MOO, MHO
WOW and the people that aren't sure of Brad's guilt get called out as posting conspiracy theories. All I can say is WOW.

Her death was horrific and I wish she was still alive, but you people did not really know her.
Can you imagine what that week was like? They were in Korea until the 15th (or was it the 16th). They arrive in Hong Kong and learn that their son has been trying to reach them (he got their contact info through dad's work). Flights from HK to Vancouver, then Calgary, then Medicine Hat, home to change, back on the plane in Medicine Hat, then Calgary, then Raleigh. That would be something like 26 hours travel (with a break to shower) and several time zones. I think they were probably on automatic pilot in the sense that they knew they had to get to NC, and that was their only focus. What would be the point of phoning their sons again.

Sounds horrific. I believe Nancy's parents were at a friends funeral. Both parents are victims of Brad. JMO.
Sorry but you have me confused here? Brad said she drank wine. The female friend she drank red wine. Brad said she spilled wine on her dress. Noone was able to prove one way or another whether it was wine. So - why are people so adamant that it was not red wine. Am I missing something here

Her sister said due to crohns BC could only drink red wine.
Very sad. Seems like many here would rather nancy have kept it bottled up inside. The way many feel about rape, child abuse, incest, 'just don't talk about it'. Lot's of very judgemental posters. The anybody but brad crowd certainly repeats the mantra 'we aren't dissing nancy' 'we aren't putting nancy down' 'we aren't blaming the victim..........but..........

I see many posters with "bookends" of their attacks on Nancy with....I'm not saying she deserved this or I'm not attacking the victim, at the start and ending of the post, only to fill in between the entire post with their remarks against Nancy. It is not lost by me......but only a way to get it out there...kinda like defense attorneys actually........lets see what sticks.
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