State vs Bradley Cooper 4-21-11

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I think it's more that a lot of people here have literally put their heart and soul into this case for over 3 years. They have poured over documents, affidavits, news accounts, depositions, and feel very strongly that most of the facts have been out there for quite some time. Granted something *new* might come to light in the trial. The google map search was *new*, but many had already guessed based on previous homicide cases that something of an incriminating nature would be found on a computer. Those darn computers tend to trip up a lot of people. But unless there's a Perry Mason moment when some other witness stands up and says, "Okay. You got me. I did it!!!" I don't think there's much else that's going to come out. We all know that the first defense is the "cops bungled the case" defense. Okay... like we haven't heard that one a million times before. And the defense will do their utmost best to try to paint the police as bungling, inept, corrupt. It is their only defense. Half-hearted witnesses who proclaim BC a "good dad" - okay, that's what they saw back in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. Seems as though most of those witnesses don't have much to offer in 2008 when Brad got the unpleasant news that his pockets were about to be empty for a very long time. The budget wasn't going to be working once NC left and he had no more control and had to hand that control over to the State of N.C. through the court system as to just how much he would be demanded to pay.

So those very passionate people here that have been here a long time have a hard time putting the forest aside to entertain looking at one leaf of one tree and proclaiming that it could mean this and it could mean that, just because someone came here in the last few days and is fueled by curiosity over what they've read on Twitter or GOLO. It's tantalizing to want to go through all the mud and muck of Nancy and Brad's life if you're new to the case. I can accept that. There was enough mud on both sides.

I will do my utmost best to bypass those posters whom I disagree with and give them ample opportunity to say and post what they want to post here. I would ask for the same respect when I post my thoughts. My thought = Guilty! I mean the burn-in-he11-you-rotten-sob-kind-of-guilty.

Thank you!!! You said it very well. :). I just gotta do what others have done and use the ignore button. Those of us who ARE in the BDI "clique" (more like family now) know who knows what. People can keep spouting all they like!!! :)
Airing dirty laundry is one thing....and that is the stuff of nasty divorces....but beating dead horse when it does not solve the murder just puts more of that stinky stuff on the line.

I guess you missed the prosecutions case? The dead horse that is the BC/HM affair is no longer recognizable from the beating.
My only comment to this is just because someone hasn't been posting on this forum for the past 3 years doesn't mean they haven't been following the case closely. For example, I didn't even know this site existed until last month. But I've read the affidavits/watched the deposition as it they were published.

I believe he's guilty too, but I believe in the truth as well and I understand that sometimes the truth may not coincide with what I believe in initially.

Thank you - I also have not posted the entire three years. I don't believe I was referring to any one person.
Those who don't think Brad did it. Who else had all three.....means, motive and opportunity? And be real here.

If she left the house to go jogging, then whoever killed her had all 3.
I'd like to add my thoughts about BC's social skills. I keep hearing he didn't have social skills - well, he didn't club all those women over the head and drag them back to his lair to have his way with them while they were unconscious. He sure had some kind of social skill to chat them up and bed them down. Social skills? Yeah, he had some. He just was calculating and manipulative in how he used them. That's my take on the whole social skills debate. MOO.

My guess is he is better one on one than in a group setting.
Personally, I don't think BC killed his wife. I started to believe he did at one point, based on the google search but now that computer tampering has been shown, I'm back to "not guilty". That is my opinion. I'm allowed to have my own opinion, otherwise, how is this forum any different than the bullying that went on with JA coercing everyone to write negative affidavits. I don't need to be in the BDI "clique".

I think at this time there are the BC did it, maybe someone else did do it, and the people like myself, I do think he did do it, but if I were on the jury I just don't believe I could convict. Just enough reasonable doubt for me to say it I can not convict. Now a lesser charge, most definitely. I have read the avidavits, I have listened to Mr. Rentz and KL. I have listened to JW. I still sit here wondering, is this a crime that is premeditated. Is there a possiblity that there is something else under the surface no one has touched on yet. Maybe there will be that moment. I just haven't heard it yet. I also think there are emotions that are very high. I remember seeing the first news of the search for her. I remember thinking uh oh, husband did it. So, initially I was one of those people who was sure he did it. I did not have the facts and followed not so closely. I don't have a lot of use for the newspaper media, they sell a story..the bigger the story the better. Once I did start looking at the elements, the picture was not so clear for me.

I don't think, in the end, if I am supposed to take whatever the Pros has put forth as being total fact, I can not at least look at the def facts as they see it with the same weight. The trail is supposed to be about the facts, not what a nice guy BC is or isn't.

I would like to hear everything before I can honestly say he is guilty and I have no doubt him being in prison for the rest of his natural life is where he deserves to be, without hesitation. I mean no disrespect to those who 100% with certainity could convict today. I 'am' ignorant for not following this case from the beginning, being immersed in every minute. I am late to the game in some ways, but am trying to catch up. My comments may come across differently than I tried to post them, not in any way bashing of NC or BC if I can help it. I don't think there is merit in that.

Anyone know about the rumor that NC slept with her sister's husband? Lots of people around here state it as fact, but I have no idea where that story orignated or if it is valid.

Just curious, because people keep talking about this locally.

It is in various court documents, including this one:

Starting about page 61 is a discussion of NC's extramarital affairs and possible affairs. Number 9 on that list. This section is part of an appendix of documents filed earlier; this part is from April 2010, I believe.

A lot of what is in this document has been crucial to understanding the case so far.
I see that testimony is often misstated and I wonder why. There is no testimony that Nancy ever said Brad was a 'bad' father. She said to most people he was a good father and he loved the kids. She also complained he wasn't around much and didn't help out at home. We know that is true simply because he wasn't home with his athletic time, work time, traveling, MBA time, etc.

Testimony is that by spring of 2008 Brad was making unilateral decisions that affected not only Nancy, but also affected the kids. He was putting in a lot more effort to look involved than he ever had before, since divorce and custody issues were emerging.

I believe Brad Cooper murdered the mother of his kids. As such, I don't find that to be a very caring father in the end. Hurting the mother of his kids does not do the kids any good. But hey, that's just me.

I believe the testimony was that he was pretending to be a good father at the advice of his lawyer.
I agree. I do think BC did do the crime. I am still not sure about JW's testimony re: the tampering of the computer. I am still not sure I completely understand what he is was getting across. I am hoping the google testimony will put things into perspective in that area. I still am at the point where I understand the defense is saying it could have been done, since that is all they need to prove, but I still keep feeling that I want someone to say this is how it was done, when it was done etc so that I can say aha, he was framed or he wasn't. I still think BC did have the opportunity, motive and means to do this.

I do not believe there should be ANY abuse in a relationship, no matter what type of relationship child/parent husband/wife. Unfortunately, in this case there was abuse in many ways. NC death is horrible and her life should not have ended by anyone's hands. I want her to have justice, her family to have justice...not years of court/trails/reliving these years.


I would love that too...but the prosecution team is the one keeping that out so far.
Personally, I don't think BC killed his wife. I started to believe he did at one point, based on the google search but now that computer tampering has been shown, I'm back to "not guilty". That is my opinion. I'm allowed to have my own opinion, otherwise, how is this forum any different than the bullying that went on with JA coercing everyone to write negative affidavits. I don't need to be in the BDI "clique".

Interesting, but computer tampering has been shown as possible. Just as Brad's ability to spoof the calls has been shown as possible. No concrete PROOF. We're all entitled to have our own opinions but trying to insult the posters who believe Brad is guilty by using he term "clique" to describe us seems rather petty. So far I've seen nothing that would put me in your BII "clique" because the facts don't support it. What surprises me is how some BII posters seem to take this personally. Why?
My guess is he is better one on one than in a group setting.

Amend that to be better one-on-one with *women* and I might agree with you. I don't think he cared all that much about making friends with men. He didn't seem to have many (wink-wink). But maybe a parade of men will make it to the stand to say he was their besty and was a he11uva guy and shared the intimate details of his life with them. I can think of one - but he had a lot in common with BC, particularly one thing. MOO.
I think at this time there are the BC did it, maybe someone else did do it, and the people like myself, I do think he did do it, but if I were on the jury I just don't believe I could convict. Just enough reasonable doubt for me to say it I can not convict. Now a lesser charge, most definitely. I have read the avidavits, I have listened to Mr. Rentz and KL. I have listened to JW. I still sit here wondering, is this a crime that is premeditated. Is there a possiblity that there is something else under the surface no one has touched on yet. Maybe there will be that moment. I just haven't heard it yet. I also think there are emotions that are very high. I remember seeing the first news of the search for her. I remember thinking uh oh, husband did it. So, initially I was one of those people who was sure he did it. I did not have the facts and followed not so closely. I don't have a lot of use for the newspaper media, they sell a story..the bigger the story the better. Once I did start looking at the elements, the picture was not so clear for me.

I don't think, in the end, if I am supposed to take whatever the Pros has put forth as being total fact, I can not at least look at the def facts as they see it with the same weight. The trail is supposed to be about the facts, not what a nice guy BC is or isn't.

I would like to hear everything before I can honestly say he is guilty and I have no doubt him being in prison for the rest of his natural life is where he deserves to be, without hesitation. I mean no disrespect to those who 100% with certainity could convict today. I 'am' ignorant for not following this case from the beginning, being immersed in every minute. I am late to the game in some ways, but am trying to catch up. My comments may come across differently than I tried to post them, not in any way bashing of NC or BC if I can help it. I don't think there is merit in that.


I respect your opinion, but I do have to say that I don't see how a lesser offense applies. The google map search has to indicate it was premeditated. So I don't see how there can be anything but murder 1 or not guilty.
Amend that to be better one-on-one with *women* and I might agree with you. I don't think he cared all that much about making friends with men. He didn't seem to have many (wink-wink). But maybe a parade of men will make it to the stand to say he was their besty and was a he11uva guy and shared the intimate details of his life with them. I can think of one - but he had a lot in common with BC, particularly one thing. MOO.

That's fair.
I'd like to add my thoughts about BC's social skills. I keep hearing he didn't have social skills - well, he didn't club all those women over the head and drag them back to his lair to have his way with them while they were unconscious. He sure had some kind of social skill to chat them up and bed them down. Social skills? Yeah, he had some. He just was calculating and manipulative in how he used them. That's my take on the whole social skills debate. MOO.

We keep hearing about BC's social skills. Everyone is different. Some people are extroverts and some are introverts. Some people prefer to socialize more, while others prefer to keep to themselves. Obviously, BC and NC were polar opposites in that department. He kept things to himself. She told everyone and anyone about their problems. If I was a private person that would irritate me to no end.
It doesn't make anyone better than the other. And keep in mind, we have heard about BC's unlikable social skills mostly from NC's friends. Of course they are going to portray him as controlling, evil, etc. They were HER friends, not HIS. It has even been stated that NC exaggerated the truth at times. Maybe he is not really such a bad guy in general, but only to those who have already formed an opinion about him without really ever getting to know him.
And didn't it show it pinging off all 3 of the towers, basically at random?

Not the tower nearest to where her body was found, nope. The one in Morrisville (or 2) and the other one or 2 in Cary.
Well, any parent who kills the other parent doesn't take the kids' consideration into account (I think their own selfishness just glosses over it). But I'm not there yet in thinking BC had to have done it (it's likely he did, but still keeping an open mind). I agree he does come off as a no-feeling SOB.

But, with telling the kids (or not) about their mom. I don't think it would be guilt. I mean the oldest was only 4. That's not a difficult age to give them BS (I used to do it all the time to my kids and they would buy anything I sold them!). It's not like they were teenagers and he'd really have to act. His terrible acting wouldn't have even been noticed by them.

The key point here is : it has not been proven in a court of law if BC killed NC. So - we can't really suggest the 1 parent kiled the other parent (yet)
I respect your opinion, but I do have to say that I don't see how a lesser offense applies. The google map search has to indicate it was premeditated. So I don't see how there can be anything but murder 1 or not guilty.

I guess, at this point, I am not sure about the google map search. When it was first presented, well..I fell of the fence to BC did it. JW did a really good job the 2nd time he was on the stand though of casting enough doubt for me to wonder how it actually was done and when.

I believe the testimony was that he was pretending to be a good father at the advice of his lawyer.

Didn't we determine that he did not have a lawyer, only made the single intro visit?

And the "good father" behavior appears to have begun after he finally had to admit to his affair and had been looking at sites about losing custody of his children. I believe this was also just after he finished the MBA which had been taking a lot of his time.

It was after NC hired AS that NC ramped up her claims to her friends that BC was abusive and controlling.
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