State vs Bradley Cooper 4-21-11

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I found the last witness to be a sweet, well meaning nice lady. Her testimony was not credible to me though as she contradicted herself. She said she talked to officers at the roadblock and remembers talking to Det. D. even saying she could pick him out if she saw him again. She said she had tons of business cards from the police ,yet claims they never talked to her ....... how did she get all the business cards? Glasses are also relevant when a witness is saying they saw a person.
Ummm Did she look upset? Was anyone following her? Did you notice anyone else on the road, in a car, or in person? What was she wearing? Was she running alone? The questions go on and on.

As concerned as Mrs Z was, she would have gladly volunteered any and all of that information without being asked - much like she did today on the stand.

She genuinely wanted to help and would have shared ANYTHING that was even remotely pertinent.
She had to use those glasses to look at the poster.....Yes?
All this talk about glasses!
Show of hands--who thinks Cummings was really trying to save paper when he used small type?
I'm confused, did he just say it was a late model van and then say it was an older style van in the same sentence????
Wonder if he turned around and went back and checked on the jogger with the suspicious van? Apparently not.
So a van pulls a U Turn..and follows same direction he was going..and van disappeared...Hummmm Once again hispanics driving van...Wonder if they missed their turn and had to backtrack tothat street??.. Ohhh wait, they must have been up to no good!! Conspiracy theories abound here :banghead:

I am sure these witnesses have good intentions..but poor Nancy was long gone by then..and she wasnt jogging half nude, and barefoot..

I am sure he recognized nancy as someone who had shopped at his store...once again transposition of recognitions..very common thing for eye witnesses do subconsciously...
Since I have had a hard time watching the witnesses, did anyone ask the detectives when they were on the stand why they did not follow up on tips like people think they should have? If so, what was their reply, anyone know?

Their reply was a standard "we followed up thoroughly with all leads"
Only 90% sure it was NC and won't bet his life on it.

Doesn't sound positive, imho. He was just driving down the street.

As LindyLoo said, he is transposing his recollection. He saw her in the store as a customer and then on the flyer.

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