State vs. Jason Lynn Young 03-01-12 (A.M. session: DT closing arguments)

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I have to say neither my dh or I would say "hi, it's "name here". "hi, it's me" maybe, but more likely "hi honey" + message. jmo and headed over to "lunch + dessert"!

ETA-I guess since that thread isn't opened yet I should hit the shower. Have to work later on today.
My husband is a weird sort. Love him to death, but when he leaves me a voicemail, he says "Hey, it's ____, it's 1:25 on Thursday afternoon." before he starts his message. When I talk to him directly, he doesn't introduce himself, but nevertheless, that's how he starts every voicemail. :waitasec:

Well you said it Wp, he is a "weird sort".

All those many details about everything made the VM a total, obvious farce. He spoke to MY at 11:05PM the previous night and he still had to spout off everything under the sun? The jury will see right through his obvious deception.
We all do this differently and most of the time it is just habit. I have almost told total strangers I love them when saying good bye out of habit. jmo

You too? Oh my I am so glad I am not the only one.:floorlaugh:
I made fun there of his voicemail but it's been pointed out to me that I will typically leave messages/make phone calls where I call and say: Hey, _____name of other party___ it's _____ BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH_____ Well, name of other person here, call me.

I also repeat my name and phone number for relatives, friends and girlfriends, co-workers and sometimes say my last name for people who know who it is.
I almost always leave my name Hi this is Tipstaff etc. Comes from working and leaving voice mails to clients, etc. Mr. Tipstaff does the same thing.
I know one thing about Bryan Collins, there is no way he will be voted in as a Superior Court Judge. In my book, anyone that can so passionately support a cold blooded murderer can't be impartial enough to sit on the bench and decide justice.

Who appoints cases to the Public Defender? I wonder if he had a choice whether to handle this case.
We all do this differently and most of the time it is just habit. I have almost told total strangers I love them when saying good bye out of habit. jmo

My husband picked up the phone for his best friend the other night (big burly men), and said "Hey sweetie, how are you?" I was literally rolling on the floor laughing!
Who appoints cases to the Public Defender? I wonder if he had a choice whether to handle this case.

Unless there is a great reason, you do not have a choice whether to take a case you are appointed to.

However, Collins is THE public defender, so he likely chose this case himself. I find him to be a very respectful and honorable defense attorney, and I wouldn't hesitate to vote for him. He's well respected by this Judge in particular.
Yes, I think CY would have answered the phone....if she had been in the house when it rang.


I respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree. Imo, there is no way a 2 1/2 year old would answer the phone (even if she was super-bright). I've lived through 2 kids at that age. There's just no way.

And iirc, they had voicemail, as opposed to an answering machine, which means CY would not have heard JY's voice as he was leaving the message.

Now, I'm going to go call Mr. Litig8r, address him by name, then identify myself by name, and see if he asks me wth is wrong with me. I bet he will!
I definitely felt Collins and Klink gave great closings. Probably they were different than normal, but this is a most unusual case. IMO

Let's see what the PT can come up with. HC can give good closings sometimes.

To clarify, my understanding of the HP interpretation by Klink and Collins was two fold so that the jury could have an option: 1) Not enough detail on the print to say it is absolutely a 12 orbital HP.....could be 11 or 13, could be one of the other shoes using the same outer soles.
2) If you think it is the same shoe, then the defense team uses the disarray in JY's closet to show that the killer was looking for fresh shoes to put on.
I agree Cammy.... That closing sealed the deal for me.... Don't even know if I will listen to the state..

No way I am listening to the state.

After what they did or tried to do to Cindy Beaver, I am so disgusted with them.

She did not even want to get involved in the case, it took her boss to tell her she HAD to, he made the call, not her.

She even tried to withdraw her statements, but you know what she never did, she never changed her story....

And, look how they treated her.......I hope she sues them.

Unless there is a great reason, you do not have a choice whether to take a case you are appointed to.

However, Collins is THE public defender, so he likely chose this case himself. I find him to be a very respectful and honorable defense attorney, and I wouldn't hesitate to vote for him. He's well respected by this Judge in particular.

Bryan Collins?

Pointing the finger at the victim's sister to get the real killer off is what I call despicable.
Ring... Ring...

Mr. Litig8r: Hello?
Litig8r: Hey Mr. Litig8r, it's Litig8r.
Mr. Litig8r: (chuckles)
Litig8r: What's so funny?
Mr. Litig8r: It's funny that you said who you are. I know your voice.
I respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree. Imo, there is no way a 2 1/2 year old would answer the phone (even if she was super-bright). I've lived through 2 kids at that age. There's just no way.

And iirc, they had voicemail, as opposed to an answering machine, which means CY would not have heard JY's voice as he was leaving the message.

Now, I'm going to go call Mr. Litig8r, address him by name, then identify myself by name, and see if he asks me wth is wrong with me. I bet he will!

You can certainly disagree but I'll continue to hold my opinion, which is based on my own experience with children. I think a toddler all alone with a silent mother for hours on end would most certainly answer a ringing phone.

Unless there is a great reason, you do not have a choice whether to take a case you are appointed to.

However, Collins is THE public defender, so he likely chose this case himself. I find him to be a very respectful and honorable defense attorney, and I wouldn't hesitate to vote for him. He's well respected by this Judge in particular.

Collins wants to be a Judge when this case is over.

I hope he is...he is one of the most likeable, reasonable, well mannered attorneys I ever saw.

I actually think he even did better in closings this time than Klinkosum.

That gas milage chart alone leaves reasonable doubt........

Jason would have run out of gas 20 miles before he even got to King, NC.

Amazing, how the state worked around Gracie's failure to remember certain details at later times, but threw Cindy Beaver to the wolves.

No way I am listening to the state.

After what they did or tried to do to Cindy Beaver, I am so disgusted with them.

She did not even want to get involved in the case, it took her boss to tell her she HAD to, he made the call, not her.

She even tried to withdraw her statements, but you know what she never did, she never changed her story....

And, look how they treated her.......I hope she sues them.



Don't you want to keep an open mind?
Bryan Collins?

Pointing the finger at the victim's sister to get the real killer off is what I call despicable.

Absolutely. I don't question a thing he's done in this case. After all, it is his job to do the best job he can do for his client. And if that means pointing the finger at someone else, I don't really care who else it is, then so be it.
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