State vs. Jason Lynn Young 03-01-12 (A.M. session: DT closing arguments)

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So was the juror run-in with someone in attendance, and not on the DT or PT? Judge just said "they see you sitting in here, but they don't know who you are, they don't know who you're with"
I must be really out of it. I could have sworn that the PT always gives their closing arguments first. ???
I must be really out of it. I could have sworn that the PT always gives their closing arguments first. ???

They can give theirs first, last, or first and last. It's their choice if the Defense presents any evidence.
Does he necessarily need to even be there for the murder to get charged with first degree? GritGuy, correct me if I'm wrong, but hiring a hit man is a felony. And if the murder occurred during commission of a felony, then he gets 1st degree under felony murder anyways, without necessarily having to be there when the fatal blow was wrought.

Going on instinct, I would think that is correct. I think the in concert with instruction allows you to be "constructively there" or some such as well.
Judge talking to jury. They are going to look at one last piece of evidence before closing arguments. Telling them about importance of this phase of the trial; instructing them that lawyers' arguments are not evidence.
Making it clear that the closing arguments are NOT evidence, just each side tying up their cases and clarifying their case from their perspective and clarifying anything they think is wrong, etc... keep an open mind until you've heard it all and have heard my instructions on the law.
Regarding reactions to CB's testimony, it seems like a classic shoot the messenger response.

My fear about harassing a wittiness is, when will the time come when wittinesses will keep their mouth shut, see nothing, hear nothing, simply because they don't want their name slandered on internet? They don't want to be harassed by nosy locals who become so obsessed that they are harassed to a point that effect their place of work, friends and real life.
Keep in mind that narcissist come in all ages and gender. Narcissist will do and go any where for the attention they need to survive. They are stalkers, they are sheep in wolf clothing.
I hate to see the day come that ordinary citizens refuse to come forward as a witness to a crime because it becomes dangerous in this sick world. AMOO..
ETA: And who will want to sit on a jury, doing their duty as a citizen, to be called names all over the internet if obsessed people are going to rip them apart publicly for doing their job, but does not bring forth a verdict that some disagree with?
What is going to become, of our future justice system?
We will not begin deliberations this evening, no matter when we finish!
Stephens' warning to the courtroom about not talking to jurors--"if you walk up to them, start a conversation with them, even innocently, it really... freaks 'em out". Go Judge!

I think I'm in love. lol!
I saw a ladybug on my deck this morning.......I'm reminded of your presence in Raleigh....loving thoughts of you Michelle and hoping this murdering b#st**d is convicted soon.
His stance is he is worried something could happen to one of the jurors after he has dismissed the alternates and then he would have to declare a mistrial... deliberations definitely won't begin until Friday morning with 12 jurors.
We will not begin deliberations this evening, no matter when we finish!

Yep, he pointed out that he will let the alternate jurors go before deliberations start, and once gone he can't recall them, which is in accord with the law. So, he wants to reduce the chance of a mistrial if he let's the alternates go this afternoon and something happens tonight. If he starts tomorrow morning, they'll be well into deliberations before the day is over.
The corroborating details she provided include stating that Jason was about the same height as she: about 5' tall. I don't find that credible since Jason is 6'1" tall. Regardless, one of the investigators testified that she didn't remember anything about the customer during an interview. However, during testimony, she remembered all sorts of things, including that Jason was no longer about 5' tall, but that he was about as tall has her son at 5'11". How did she come to remember new information that she didn't remember months earlier?

I agree Otto, her testimony included discrepancies, but they way she described the distance between her face and the person whom she identified as the defendant, that may well have been the defining moment for her, and I would have expected that the person if taller than her would have stooped to some degree to plant his face in front of hers.
We will not begin deliberations this evening, no matter when we finish!

Wow! That's surprising. I wonder why that is? I don't think attorneys usually like to give them time to think on their own before they go deliberate.

ETA--Saw the explanations. That makes sense, and I am happy he is thinking ahead.
JLY leaning forward now, wall of lawyers leaning back. Interesting.
The 2nd degree charge isn't directly tied to the accomplice. It has to do with possible lack of forethought and planning (which to me is odd in this case). The accomplice, if believed to be there, still would support the 1st degree charge if the murder were the result of premeditation.

Agree, and I cannot wrap my head around why a 2nd degree charge could be applicable in this case.
Wow! That's surprising. I wonder why that is? I don't think attorneys usually like to give them time to think on their own before they go deliberate.

BBM, or get their opinions influenced by news/family/internet ... this is not a sequestered jury.
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