State vs. Jason Lynn Young 03-01-12 (A.M. session: DT closing arguments)

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iirc, he called both. Landline right next to the bed where CY was found.


I guess it wouls also depend upon how many rings it was set for before voice mail picked it up. Is the message posted somewhere? I would like to know what it said. tia
This is my first post and I'm a fairly new lurker; be gentle please!

Is it possible that JY stopped for gas to top off his tank somewhere around ... say, outside of Greensboro and paid in cash?

And a separate question about the unidentified finger prints - did they ever say if the unidentified prints in the master bedroom were possibly from the same person or were they unable to make that conclusion?


:wagon: Itism3! So very glad you joined us!
Absolutely. I don't question a thing he's done in this case. After all, it is his job to do the best job he can do for his client. And if that means pointing the finger at someone else, I don't really care who else it is, then so be it.

Ahhh, thank you.

Personally, I could not be a criminal defense attorney because I want to sleep well at night.
IIRCC, a new DA or something stepped into the office? Anyway, someone new and they went over the old cases to see if they had merit.

Some one tell me if I'm wrong, but didn't they arrest Raven about the same time, if not the same weekend as JY?


Raven was arrested on Monday February 1, 2010 in Idaho. He had moved immediately to Utah after Janet's murder and it was weird to find out he was living in Idaho.

He fought extradition and was finally brought to Durham, NC on February 26, 2010.

Anything is possible, but this is a murder case, and murder cases need proof, not speculation or theories.

Which the state is so good at it, and then just leaves things out there, as pointed out by the defense this am...

I hope the Pros falls flat on their face......


You are right. A jury is not supposed to speculate. They are to weigh the evidence entered and there is no evidence that JY stopped and got more gas at another unknown place.

OK, so we agree to disagree on whether a 2 1/2 year old would answer the phone.

But again, wasn't this message left on a voicemail as opposed to an answering machine? An answering machine would mean CY could have heard JY's voice. Voicemail means she would not have been able to hear the message as it was being left.

I'm having trouble seeing how one infers that CY not answering the phone indicates she wasn't there. There could be other reasons she would not have answered the phone. 1. (My assumption) A two year old doesn't answer phones. 2. She had been drugged and was unconscious. 3. Assuming she is capable of and in the habit of answering a phone and assuming she's awake and coherent, she doesn't hear that it's Daddy that is leaving the message because the message is being received by voicemail, not an answering machine.

The phone in the master bedroom was right upon where CY was found in bed.

The phone would ring before it went to voicemail or into the answering machine data, and at any point CY could have picked up.

I don't mind agreeing to disagreeing, you were very respectful about it.

Wasn't it established that there was no forced entry into the home? If everyone who had a key (access) was eliminated with the exception of JY, isn't that a fairly compelling piece of evidence? Isn't it fairly well established that MY was attacked in the bedroom and in bed?
Hi Cammy and all. :seeya:
I think the way they handled CB was not only disgusting but will affect the way other wittinesses might feel about coming out with information. Maybe th N/O delivery did see something and turned his head. Maybe he did not have time for LE, BS, as he worked 2 jobs, starting at 3 AM ending his route to go to his second full time job.
If he spoke to anyone about it, I can vision them saying," man you seen nothing, you get involved and they will have you committing the murder in no time". MOO
If CB daughter is reading, give her a double huge hug for being brave enough for standing her ground with LE...

The bullying evolved in this case from investigation to prosecution. I expect it from the cops but found the prosecutor's behavior surprising. Maybe the defense expected it and wanted the jury to see it for themselves.

YES! And to me (and several others) this is a big gotcha! What married couple has to identify themselves and their voice to their spouse?

Though I suppose if you only ever email your spouse you might not know what each others' voices sound like... plausible? Bueller? Bueller? :innocent:

My hubby always identifies himself by name when he leaves me a message....should I be worried :what: LOL.
Wasn't it established that there was no forced entry into the home? If everyone who had a key (access) was eliminated with the exception of JY, isn't that a fairly compelling piece of evidence? Isn't it fairly well established that MY was attacked in the bedroom and in bed?

Correct no forced entry.

Front door, patio door and all windows confirmed by WCSO and MF to be locked.

Garage door unlocked, with a broken remote lift so it had to be lifted manually. Inside door leading to kitchen was unlocked. MF testified the garage door was down when she arrived at the home around 1:30pm.
Closing arguments set to resume at 2:15 pm Eastern. We will be moving over to a brand new thread, too:

We will unlock the afternoon thread very shortly & lock this one up. Start gathering up your belongings and get ready to move the picnic over to the afternoon thread. (I hear there's chocolate over there.... :) )
I know one thing about Bryan Collins, there is no way he will be voted in as a Superior Court Judge. In my book, anyone that can so passionately support a cold blooded murderer can't be impartial enough to sit on the bench and decide justice.

So being assigned as a public defender and then doing his job somehow hurts his election chances?
I think the unknown prints are quite irrelevant simply because these unknown prints have not been paired. For example, the unknown print on the medicine dropper has not been linked to the unknown print on the ebay papers. The unknown print on the ebay papers has not been linked to the unknown prints on the jewelry box.

The gas is a can of worms as there are some will say that since the PT did not prove he purchased any gas nor are there any witnesses to him purchasing additional gas then it just must not have happened.

Then dont you think that is a failure on the State's part? It isnt up to the defense team to try the State's case. Why didnt the State cross match all of those prints?

Any unknown fingerprints in the room where a murder took place is very relevant imo.

I have to say - you guys are quite intimidating! ;)

Lol, after 5 years of this, I am sure it seems this way to a newcomer.

I think we are all just passionate and emotional about a case that is finally coming to an end......

This is it, this could be over in a day or days.

And, I can only speak for me, but this is a very anxious time approaching Verdict Watch and waiting to hear the Verdict.

I won't have any fingernails left........:)
No way I am listening to the state.

After what they did or tried to do to Cindy Beaver, I am so disgusted with them.

She did not even want to get involved in the case, it took her boss to tell her she HAD to, he made the call, not her.

She even tried to withdraw her statements, but you know what she never did, she never changed her story....

And, look how they treated her.......I hope she sues them.



It's ok to throw dirt on the murdered victims family. And BADGER them but not any defense witness.

Every attorney has to zealously present their case or defend their client.

Thankfully the prosecutors will not and cannot be sued for doing what was just and proper under the law.

There is no double standard inside the Courtroom. What is good for the goose is certainly good for the gander.
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