State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-14-12

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Here's the difference (to me) between the BC witness who said she saw NC running and had a conversation with her, versus Gracie.

The story was, NC was running in broad daylight, through neighborhoods full of people out doing their morning stuff. The opportunities for her to be spotted were myriad, and its not like LE wasn't out there trying to find people who saw her. This one woman, out of however many people were canvassed, managed the feat of actually seeing and talking to NC, while nobody else in Cary out on a Saturday morning did.

If the story had been that JY ran from Raleigh to Virginia in broad daylight right up the side of the road, and Gracie was the only person claiming to have seen him, I don't think anyone on this planet would have believed her. But JY was in a car in dark clothing, driving in the dark, and he made one stop.

If he did stop en route, the possibility for him to be seen is minimal, tight as can be, narrowed down to a handful of people at best.
The lady in the BC trial was somewhat confused on the stand, but so was Gracie. Both were shown one pic and not a lineup. I do not find Gracie any more or less credible than the lady in BC trial. MOO Now the postal lady in JY trial has not testified yet. She is more credible in my opinion and indicated that she saw a vehicle with two folks coming out of the driveway of the Youngs around 5:30 or 5:45 that morning. She was on her way to work.

So, there is a contradiction since JY could not still be in Raleigh at that time to make it back to HI in Virginia. Eye witness testimony is not the most reliable evidence, but if we use Gracie's testimony, we have to consider the postal lady's testimony as well unless we can prove one more plausible than the other.
Out of curiosity, I looked at anthropometric dimensions and, as I said back on page 1, without hand length info, the data collected by officer Galloway was incomplete. Jason is 6'1". If we stretch our arm up, our elbows should be at about the top of our head. I suspect that the length from elbow to wrist taken by Galloway was an approximate length (19 inches) because the elbow to fingertip length is 21.3" for 95 percentile male (Jason is 95th percentile). His total reach envelope includes reaching up to about 85-93 inches (depending on which stats are used) so it's more likely he could barely tilt the camera with his fingers. I would like to know the height of the electrical outlet that he theoretically accessed.

In any case, to suggest that Jason could reach 105" by adding the length of his arm to the height of his shoulder (supposedly at 71") is mumbo jumbo that aligns nicely with suggesting that a 3 allele DNA match can be used to identify one person. This is another point that strengthens the argument that investigators are determined to fit Jason into the evidence.

Is JY able to jump?
I didn't follow this case during the 1st trial, however, I had seen the initial coverage in Nov '06. I've been getting caught up over the last several days , and will have several questions for you here soon. From everything I've seen so far, I don't see how it could've been anyone else but jy. I'm really surprised at what some of the In Session contributors are saying. Yesterday they had doubts that jy could've done this, because "he would've left something behind in the house." And that "he would've had to of been really good." Obviously somebody did it! Whoever did it was really good. Why not him? In fact, it makes more sense if it was him. He's the one person that would've had the opportunity to change his clothes, shoes, and have time on his side for any cleanup... I think he had a murder kit waiting for him in his closet with change of clothes, shoes, garbage bags, maybe even washcloths, etc...
Unless, of course, the "real killer" is some child loving dude who brought some clothes, shoes, cleanup supplies, etc. with him. Yeah, that makes more sense.

And I agree with all your posts about coincidences... To many in this case to not add up to anything but guilt!
On the eyewitness account, I think that doesn't get thrown out but it has to be taken with a grain of salt and measured in conjunction with the other evidence. If the eyewitness in the BC case had caused the jury to acquit or hang, they could hardly be faulted for that, but they chose to give that account little credit. Same applies here, the jury if otherwise unconvinced probably will not see this account as the damning thing, for reasons given. But if they see the case as otherwise convincing, well this is just another matter that is consistent with that.
I don't know if this hotel has moved or modified the parking lot since 2006, but there are actually not very many spots near the front entrance. I count only about 20 spots that are closer to the front than the side.

Nope, same hotel since 2006.
Have you been there foltster? I have.

There is ample parking all across the front for the hotel being a little more than 1/2 full.

On the eyewitness account, I think that doesn't get thrown out but it has to be taken with a grain of salt and measured in conjunction with the other evidence. If the eyewitness in the BC case had caused the jury to acquit or hang, they could hardly be faulted for that, but they chose to give that account little credit. Same applies here, the jury if otherwise unconvinced probably will not see this account as the damning thing, for reasons given. But if they see the case as otherwise convincing, well this is just another matter that is consistent with that.

So very true. We analyzed the cases here, but the real decision maker is the jury. And as you well know, it is very difficult to know what they are thinking or what they will find more or less important. That is what really matters in the end.
Nope, same hotel since 2006.
Have you been there foltster? I have.

There is ample parking all across the front for the hotel being a little more than 1/2 full.


JTF, How much parking is on the sides of the building? Were there cameras on the second floor? Why wouldn't he park on the end near his room unless there were no places left on the left side? I would have parked there rather than in front. Of course, the camera is at the end of the hallway on the right end?
The lady in the BC trial was somewhat confused on the stand, but so was Gracie. Both were shown one pic and not a lineup. I do not find Gracie any more or less credible than the lady in BC trial. MOO Now the postal lady in JY trial has not testified yet. She is more credible in my opinion and indicated that she saw a vehicle with two folks coming out of the driveway of the Youngs around 5:30 or 5:45 that morning. She was on her way to work.

So, there is a contradiction since JY could not still be in Raleigh at that time to make it back to HI in Virginia. Eye witness testimony is not the most reliable evidence, but if we use Gracie's testimony, we have to consider the postal lady's testimony as well unless we can prove one more plausible than the other.

The lady in the BC had a fleeting glimpse of a female jogger with a ponytail and "long face". The postal worker thought she saw a vehicle at the end of the drive with 2 people. She thought Friday AM, but could not be totally sure. If true, were the 2 people involved in the murder, or was she really seeing another neighbor up the street? Personally, I found her details too specific (ring on finger) to be believable. She sought out LE (like Cooper witness) and wanted to insert herself in the case, MOO.

On the other hand, Gracie had a face to face encounter with communication she clearly recalled because of the unusual circumstances (cursed her and left his $5 change). In addition, she watched him pump gas into a white SUV, described as similar to his Ford Explorer. She did not insert herself by seeking out LE to 'tell her story'. She came across as a humble, honest lady that had no agenda....IMO
JTF, How much parking is on the sides of the building? Were there cameras on the second floor? Why wouldn't he park on the end near his room unless there were no places left on the left side? I would have parked there rather than in front. Of course, the camera is at the end of the hallway on the right end?

He stayed on the 4th floor, and yes, 1 camera aimed at the elevator.
He parked at that far west end before he checked in.
So he walked all the way around to the front, carrying his luggage.
Who does this before they know they have a room and where that room is located? I think he first parked on the far end to case the exit and scope surroundings, ect. He then walked the perimeter looking for cameras, before entering the front...MOO
The lady in the BC trial was somewhat confused on the stand, but so was Gracie. Both were shown one pic and not a lineup. I do not find Gracie any more or less credible than the lady in BC trial. MOO Now the postal lady in JY trial has not testified yet. She is more credible in my opinion and indicated that she saw a vehicle with two folks coming out of the driveway of the Youngs around 5:30 or 5:45 that morning. She was on her way to work.

So, there is a contradiction since JY could not still be in Raleigh at that time to make it back to HI in Virginia. Eye witness testimony is not the most reliable evidence, but if we use Gracie's testimony, we have to consider the postal lady's testimony as well unless we can prove one more plausible than the other.

To me, what makes Gracie more credible is that she fits the timeline. And some of the details she gave made her even more reliable.
Jason really measures 71" from floor to shoulder?

Please refer to Inv. Galloway's testimony re his sketch (not shown to us) of the measurements of Jason Young -- "Day 7, pt.1" in the WRAL listing of full testimony, occurring from 01:39 -- 04:00, where he states each length as I listed it in my post that you cite.

I just listened to Galloway's testimony as solicited by Becky Holt.

I just added up the pieces as explicitly given -- I would assume there is some overlap in doing it this way -- I do not know the proper method for allowing for this -- and no measurement was cited by Galloway for the length from wrist to fingertips nor for shoulder to top of head (not appropriate for my calculation). Crude calculations, to be sure, but that's what was given, so I used verbatim what was said.

I also remember Elmer Goad's testimony when he talked about going up the ladder to re-connect the unplugged camera: "...It would be easy for someone six feet tall to do this without a ladder.." -- or something to that effect. And he stated that he himself was 5'10".

Just re-capping the testimony, Poppy. It would be great if someone who knows how to properly put these measurements together would calculate the actual length of Mr. Young from feet to tip of fingers, but I do not know how, and neither do we know the length of his had from wrist to fingertips.
The lady in the BC had a fleeting glimpse of a female jogger with a ponytail and "long face". The postal worker thought she saw a vehicle at the end of the drive with 2 people. She thought Friday AM, but could not be totally true. If true, were the 2 people involved in the murder, or was she really seeing another neighbor up the street? Personally, I found her details too specific (ring on finger) to be believable. She sought out LE (like Cooper witness) and wanted to insert herself in the case, MOO.

On the other hand, Gracie had a face to face encounter with communication she clearly recalled because of the unusual circumstances (cursed her and left his $5 change). In addition, she watched him pump gas into a white SUV, described as similar to his Ford Explorer. She did not insert herself by seeking out LE to 'tell her story'. She came across as a humble, honest lady that had no agenda....IMO

As you know, my objection was that they did not use several pics to show Gracie. I realize the counter reasoning was that they did not have time to show her multiple pics. Plus, Gracie admits to having memory and brain damage from an accident when she was very small. Genuine as she is, I have to question how jury interprets this. Apparently they were divided on this issue because this is very potent evidence against him if indeed she saw him that day.
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