Everyone has their theory, here is mine. I know some will disagree, just had to share with other people watching since I don't know of anyone IRL watching. This is my theory based on what I have heard here and there.
-JLY comes home after checking into hotel, changing, propping open doors and unplugging camera.
-JLY turns on CY CD lullabies to drown out any sound.
-He grabs an object (from the hall table? don't know whole story there) and hits her, but she is not dying right away, so he tries strangling her. At first, MY is stunned and can't see due to the hit to the face so she isn't effectively fighting back but is able to attempt to pry his hands away when he is strangling her. Strangling isn't killing her either, so more hits.
-Eek! MY is blocking the door to the closet and he is way more bloody than expected after bludgeoning her to death. That got out of hand. Moves MY and gets changes of clothes and shoes from closet.
-Eek! After exiting the closet, JLY sees CY is awake from the noise and standing in the blood. Sends her to the bathroom, telling her to wash up but closes the door on her and keeps her in there while he changes, goes downstairs, puts bloody items, murder weapon in garbage bag. The garbage bags were out.
-Now with clean shoes, so no adult prints in bathroom, grabs CY to wash her off outside, her feet transmit blood on door handle. He rinses her feet and his hands outside and leaves it running/nozzle leaking to get rid of blood.
-Brings her back up to her room, gives her meds to sleep, and takes off, bringing the bag of items with him in the garbage bag, preventing any blood evidence in the vehicle. Ditches bag of items along route.
-Returns back to hotel, checks camera after noticing the rock is gone, repositions camera and then picks up his receipt (I am unclear about the surveillance camera evidence from the next morning, haven't watched that testimony yet).
-3 days have gone by before his NTO so any blood stains on his hand would be gone with bathing.
I was wondering if his mom has an alibi or knew about it because of the flurry of calls the next morning & the 2nd print.
I know it's a little sloppy, but that's it IMO, MOO, etc.