State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

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It's over.

How many of us on the fence are now sure of his guilt?

A show of hands...

*raises hand*

I so wish I could know what the jury is thinking, I'm now frightened of a hung jury, or he'll walk. I'm still overshadowed by a little trial in Florida, if you know what I mean.

Welcome to our side of the fence. After OJ and CA I will never predict how a jury will see it. I followed those two cases and was so stunned and sickened by both verdicts. The only other case I ever followed was BC case and was so glad that jury used their common sense and hope this one does too.
Didn't he print out the ebay listing to get a second opinion from Michelle's friend about whether it would be a good gift? I don't get the impression that he intended that specific ebay item to be the item he purchased, but that he wanted an opinion.

Regarding whether he realized at noon or earlier during the call with MM that he had left the ebay print outs ... thats a small detail that could easily be forgotten in 5-6 years. I think he'll have to be caught in a whopper lie for it to stand out as a deliberate lie rather than an issue of memory for small details years after the fact.
I hope someone kept a tally of his lies. I had to stop watching and listening right about the part where he very subtly exonerated himself from his affair with MM and also very subtly blamed it on his wife. He said he and MM talked about the "lack of intimacy" in their marriages.

Anybody want to take a stab at how you can possibly develop true intimacy with a character such as himself? True intimacy is made up of a lot of things, none of which he seems to posess. True intimacy with a person with whom sex feels like rape? Intimacy with someone who happily betrayed her time and again, waved it in her face, and lied over and over again?

He did this any number of times - very sheepishly exonerated himself whilst also copping, at the beginning, to being a bad husband. Actions vs. words, red flags are all waving furiously.
My gag reflex goes wild when he scrunches up his face, tries his best to appear earnest, and says, "Yes, sir... (insert rehearsed answer here)."

He took his coaching pretty well.

He's got an answer for everything. Business traveler leaving a room unsecured for the purpose of going outside to smoke? Farce. Rare shoes that show up at crime scene given away by your murdered wife who can't contradict that? Farce.

Just lies over and over and over and over. The fake contrition for the "affairs," the woe is me stories of how MY had too much drama or "scolded" him (which he said, which took a lot of nerve given what he would write her God only knows what he said in person), the digitally on and off sadness cued to testimony on MY when he feels such sadness should be displayed. Real sadness? MF's testimony. Even CAS, though that might have been mortification. The digital nature of his displayed emotion should be a clue he is acting.
I am guessing at the number of lies, but my initial estimate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 to 60.
Grit Guy, if you are still around....

Could Gracie have come to Raleigh and been asked to pick Jason out of a 5 man lineup at the station, and could Jason have been made to appear for such?

Thank you.
Didn't he print out the ebay listing to get a second opinion from Michelle's friend about whether it would be a good gift? I don't get the impression that he intended that specific ebay item to be the item he purchased, but that he wanted an opinion.

Regarding whether he realized at noon or earlier during the call with MM that he had left the ebay print outs ... thats a small detail that could easily be forgotten in 5-6 years. I think he'll have to be caught in a whopper lie for it to stand out as a deliberate lie rather than an issue of memory for small details years after the fact.

MF offered to help him with the purse so why not tell her when he talk to her on that nov 2 at or around 9pm that he had been looking at them oh I forgot he was worried about the remote.
I hope someone kept a tally of his lies. I had to stop watching and listening right about the part where he very subtly exonerated himself from his affair with MM and also very subtly blamed it on his wife. He said he and MM talked about the "lack of intimacy" in their marriages.

Anybody want to take a stab at how you can possibly develop true intimacy with a character such as himself? True intimacy is made up of a lot of things, none of which he seems to posess. True intimacy with a person with whom sex feels like rape? Intimacy with someone who happily betrayed her time and again, waved it in her face, and lied over and over again?

He did this any number of times - very sheepishly exonerated himself whilst also copping, at the beginning, to being a bad husband. Actions vs. words, red flags are all waving furiously.

Over and over you post genuinely insightful observations. I wish and hope when they dove into the jury pool they splashed up twelve like you for the current panel.
He took his coaching pretty well.

He's got an answer for everything. Business traveler leaving a room unsecured for the purpose of going outside to smoke? Farce. Rare shoes that show up at crime scene given away by your murdered wife who can't contradict that? Farce.

Just lies over and over and over and over. The fake contrition for the "affairs," the woe is me stories of how MY had too much drama or "scolded" him (which he said, which took a lot of nerve given what he would write her God only knows what he said in person), the digitally on and off sadness cued to testimony on MY when he feels such sadness should be displayed. Real sadness? MF's testimony. Even CAS, though that might have been mortification. The digital nature of his displayed emotion should be a clue he is acting.

His whole demeanor is a lie.
What are they are going to say oh that's not our client sitting there saying those things?

Lol, ummm no.

But, the defense is also not going to say that the real murderer was bidding on the same purse on Ebay that Jason was looking at either.
Apparently, go, he likes to pump gas and park his car in the dark and as far away from the madding crowd as possible. Odd, isn't it??

Did anybody ever figure out if there are streetlamps in that section of the parking lot?
Just a thought, why would you put your laptop in a bag but not the charger.

Same reason you would print out mapquest directions and remember to take them but print out an expired ebay auction and forget to take them. LIES!!!!
Instead of printing out that expired auction, he could have just copied the URL of it and emailed it to MF to get her opinion. He could have bookmarked it and reviewed it when he got back from his "business trip." He could have emailed the auction info to himself to review on his work laptop.

Printing the thing out makes zero sense except as a thinly veiled ruse to get his sis in law to come to the house. Did his printer even leave the printout face up? Was it a color printer with good quality to even see the purse in good enough detail? I recall seeing a bunch of papers face down on the printer. It is a laughably stupid excuse he dreamed up, but it's the one he went with.
Didn't he print out the ebay listing to get a second opinion from Michelle's friend about whether it would be a good gift? I don't get the impression that he intended that specific ebay item to be the item he purchased, but that he wanted an opinion.

Regarding whether he realized at noon or earlier during the call with MM that he had left the ebay print outs ... thats a small detail that could easily be forgotten in 5-6 years. I think he'll have to be caught in a whopper lie for it to stand out as a deliberate lie rather than an issue of memory for small details years after the fact.

Otto, good to see you.:seeya:

MF and MM gave Jason some general purse ideas, but MF said not to buy anything until he ran it by her, something like that.
That's my opinion as well. Now he doesn't have to testify again. So the only thing the prosecution can do is to try and point out the lies he told.

PT must have some new information that shows major discrepencies between his testimony and the truth. I am not talking about small time discrepencies. Otherwise, this is a questionable move on PT.
Over and over you post genuinely insightful observations. I wish and hope when they dove into the jury pool they splashed up twelve like you for the current panel.

And a curtsy in your general direction, sir.
Otto, good to see you.:seeya:

MF and MM gave Jason some general purse ideas, but MF said not to buy anything until he ran it by her, something like that.

Same to you ... did you see any glaring differences in evidence between what we've heard during testimony and Jason's testimony?

I don't know what to make of the missing video footage, but it's missing Jason coming down the stairs when he supposedly unplugged a camera, during breakfast, when he left the hotel ... anything else?

I got the impression that Jason was still looking for opinions about the gift, not that he was going to buy that gift on ebay.
PT must have some new information that shows major discrepencies between his testimony and the truth. I am not talking about small time discrepencies. Otherwise, this is a questionable move on PT.

I wondered if the person that was flying in was from the hospital that Jason visited in Brevard ... so the prosecution may demonstrate that he didn't speak with the person he supposedly spoke with ... something like that ... but, in my opinion, that proves he may have fibbed on his expense reports. I see that as minor. Have you noticed any glaring contradictions yet?
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