State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-22-11

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So was the rest of the state's case strong enough for guilt beyond a reasonable doubt?

They need to be reminded of the biggies on closing. And they need to be asked to remember the crime scene (or better, have it shown to them again) and to also be asked, "Who would do this brutality that shows so much hate? You don't do this kind of violence to some anonymous and obviously pregnant person. There is only one person who knew her well enuff to have these pent-up feelings, and he is sitting over there at that table."
I think the jury instruction about the possibility that Jason was a party to others committing the crime will be the one that the jury follows. Defense objected to it, and I can understand why, but I think that is how the jury can find guilt.
I have to work tomorrow. Oh well, I'll miss the closing arguments on this case and probably the mistress' testimony in the Anthony case.

Today's (and every other day of jury trial) testimony should be available to view online at Just either look at the headlines, or search "Michelle Young."
Today's (and every other day of jury trial) testimony should be available to view online at Just either look at the headlines, or search "Michelle Young."

Thanks Born. I have been staying caught up each night that way. I hate I have to work tomorrow, had to work the day the Cooper verdict was rendered, but it won't kill me. Looking forward to watching the vids tomorrow night and catching up with you all then.
I agree that BH did not press him hard enough. She chipped away a little but she did not really get under his skin. I wonder if she was afraid of alienating the jury. She certainly had a golden opportunity to break him down big time.

Yeah, cody, she was just getting him "bowed up" a bit and then she said "No more questions." I had to swallow my scream... but she's done it before and let's hope they have a plan... This was probably the only Q & A for him with an adversary during this whole thing. As cool as he likes to be, she was beginning to irritate him. I was waiting patiently for her to get him to lose his temper or to be at least short & snippy with her. But no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o. We'll see....
I agree. In this case, I don't have a handle on what PY knew and did not know. She was and is still his chief defender along with stepfather and the one sister. I am guessing he never told anyone period. I figured she knew, but I am not sure now.

Hi Cody,

Here's my thing. Jason has his rendition of his phone calls.

28 calls to Pat and none of them, except...I think they admitted 2-3 went through.

JY managed to call MY at home.
JY managed to call MY on her cell.
JY managed to call MY at work.
JY managed to call MM several times.
JY managed to call MF.
JY managed to call Centel and work his way all the way through the ST00PID automated prompts...twice!

There were more too, I just gave up writing them all down...the couple from Charlotte, eg.

YET, his call to tell the hospital, he was going to be late didn't go through. He never answered any calls from LF that day?

People aren't that stupid.
Now...who would have liked to have seen Boz Z. do the cross on JLY?

I for one think that would have been interesting! He would have been like a pitbull with a bone. He most certainly wouldn't have given up after 55 min.

Yes, Mad. As soon as her "ums" started, I thought about Boz. He was quick, bright and you could almost see him salivate. Again, we may be pleasantly surprised... Let's hope.

How often does a 1st DM defendant take the stand? What a cherry-on-top, and again, she didn't bite.
I'm of the opinion that it's difficult, if not impossible, for a parent to be responsible for their adult children's decisions, and disagree that most parents of murderers are enablers. I agree that most parents have difficulty believing that a child of theirs could commit murder and that they probably struggle with accepting a guilty verdict for the remainder of their lives, but I don't think parents of murderers have any responsibility for the actions of an adult child. I find it interesting that he mothers, specifically, are viewed as the problem.

I disagree with you completely on this subject especially when it comes to men that kill their significant others. There's just too many coincidences and too many personality markers in sociopaths and the personalities of the mothers that I have run across, I'd love to discuss this in the future and see research on this.

I'm behind on testimony. I hope the jurors notice that his attorney cuts him off when he becomes long winded and the stories become unbelievable. I can't believe it one second he's putting Michelle up on a pedestal and since then it's constantly pointing out what he considers personality flaws and doing whatever he can to paint her in a bad light. He reminds me so much of Raven I'm getting ill.
My mind is still reeling from the julie tyndall dating jason. I did not hear that name before, but I do know the family.

Who is she, glee -- if you feel that you can answer...
Absolutely not.
If he is found not guilty, I hope he goes back to Transylvania County and crawls back under his rock for the rest of eternity.

ITA -- but at least some women may be wiser to his oily-ness, his temper, his shallowness, and his general character.
Yeah, cody, she was just getting him "bowed up" a bit and then she said "No more questions." I had to swallow my scream... but she's done it before and let's hope they have a plan... This was probably the only Q & A for him with an adversary during this whole thing. As cool as he likes to be, she was beginning to irritate him. I was waiting patiently for her to get him to lose his temper or to be at least short & snippy with her. But no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o. We'll see....

She would get him angry, then ease up, then he would calm down. I think to really get him to lose it, she needed to press him hard continually. She seemed to be hesitant to do that. Perhaps she has a game plan. I would have enjoyed seeing Boz with him. I love the expression "bowed up" It is so appropriate.
Are fathers of murderers viewed as passive bystanders while the mothers make a mess of their sons?

It could be, if the mother is raising a budding sociopath.
I am curious about how much notice the prosecution had about Jason testifying today. Did she get surprised by this and perhaps not have time to prepare a full line of questioning?
who knows? We were surprised for sure. Even so, she had lunch time to prepare. I would think they could have come up with questions very quickly. I just do not understand what happened today.
JS just suggested that the charge to the jury include that if they find JLY "acted in concert with someone else to kill his wife" they should return a guilty verdict. Defense has objected to that part.

ETA: JS overruled. Said based on the evidence, it's possible the jury may believe two people committed this murder, one of them being the defendant, and if they get to that point they need some legal guidance as to how they should proceed with their verdict.

Yes, and JS had to remind DT about the two pairs of shoes, thus the "acted in concert" verbiage and telling the jury that two killers do not make JY less guilty... and DT didn't argue...
She would get him angry, then ease up, then he would calm down. I think to really get him to lose it, she needed to press him hard continually. She seemed to be hesitant to do that. Perhaps she has a game plan. I would have enjoyed seeing Boz with him. I love the expression "bowed up" It is so appropriate.

Jeff Ashton is the second chair in the Anthony trial. He is brilliant. The trial is in the defense case in chief right now and so far, almost every one of the defense witnesses have been turned into state's witnesses right before our eyes with this man's prowess. Most have been scientists with a Ph.D in some sort of forensic science. It's been amazing to watch him in action.
I am curious about how much notice the prosecution had about Jason testifying today. Did she get surprised by this and perhaps not have time to prepare a full line of questioning?

You are right, this could have been the case. If so, I will cut her some slack. Hope we find out just when she found out that he would be testifying.
Again, I want L & M F to have a strong sense of satisfaction that the State did the very best it could to prosecute JY when this is all said and done. I hope today's cross examination didn't affect them as it did us.
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