State vs Jason Lynn Young: weekend discussion 11-25 Feb 2012

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IMO, if they were "regular" the wittiness would have been back in at least early part of the following week. How long after she identified JY did she continue to work and did that "regular" customer ever show up again? I do not believe her, maybe someone come in and cussed her but not JY.

I know, and that has always been a problem the state has had difficulty overcoming.....

Again, if only the store had video surveillance.

LE came in and set up surveillance easy enough, why couldn't the store use video to protect their own workers?

Good grief, what was to stop someone from robbing the store?

Why do you ring up $20 when the purchase is $15?

If there was anything hinky about her behavior, rest assured Klink would have exposed it...dontcha think?

Exactly, I would ring up the purchase total as $15.00, because that is the amount of the purchase of gas. I would then ring in $20.00 as the amount paid me, and would come up with $5.00 *change*. If someone purposely left without accepting that *change*, I would consider it a tip to me. Certainly not a tip to the store. In fact, in an instance such as this one, I'd consider that the man who was so RUDE to me and SWORE at me, probably felt remorseful upon exiting my store and decided to show that REMORSE by tipping me. Like I said, my husband often tips. He certainly isn't intending his tips to go to the establishment. He is tipping the PERSON who assisted him, spoke to him, helped him in some way, was extremely courteous to him, etc.
Why do you ring up $20 when the purc15?

If there was anything hinky about her behavior, rest assured Klink would have exposed it...dontcha think?

I am just honorable enough to show the $20 in and a $15 cash purchase so that it reflects $5 over. I figured that it was standard operating procedure. Maybe it is not.

I never said her behavior was hinky. In fact the $20 is not an issue with me. LE did not help verify Gracie's story, and it was speculated that if she was over $5, it might be helpful. You have any idea why LE did not show her the surveillance camera footage?
Although I could quibble about him having a 1/2 gallon of gas left, it certainly is in the range of probability.

Thinking about the King gas stop and Gracie sighting from another perspective: What are the odds that JY picked the only gas station without a camera to record his mug or record his plate???? Without Gracie, the Prosecution would literally have no case, because without gas, he could not make the round trip to kill MY. Only Gracie makes this all possible, and that's a chilling thought....IMHO

Thinking the JY planned to kill MY to this end I believe after cutting the grass he simply placed the gas can in his vehicle and had an extra gallon or two of gas.

He simply discarded the gas can with the shoes and clothes.
Why would it belong to the store? If he gave her a twenty, and pumped $15.00 worth of gas, why wouldn't the extra be 'keep the change'?? My husband often gives *tips* to people who service him. He always tells the woman who rings him up at Subway to 'keep the change'. I've seen him do it at other places too, places where normally a tip, per se, isn't given. He'll say 'keep the change'. I'm CERTAIN he isn't tipping the establishment.

I'm surprised your husband admitted this to you!

(sorry, couldn't resist)
Thinking the JY planned to kill MY to this end I believe after cutting the grass he simply placed the gas can in his vehicle and had an extra gallon or two of gas.

He simply discarded the gas can with the shoes and clothes.

With the King purchase, it seems he just planned a pump and run maneuver in at least 1 place.
Who knows, he may have done the same thing when he bought the $9 cash between Hillsville and Clintwood?

Though planned, it looks like a lot was just done on the fly....he just got lucky on so many fronts.
If I had been JY, I would have bought extra gas for a while, then top the car off with this gas on that day, put the cans in the car, and then dispose of extra cans somewhere.
If this incident even happened, it sounds more like someone was on their way to work, and their tank filled up at the $15.00 mark and they forgot to go get their change until they were driving and later remembered it.

To put 2.5 more gallons of gas in his car would have taken Jason another whole second.

Gas was about $2.16 then, btw.
Jay was a confirmed gambler.
He upped the life insurance to $4,000,000, 2 months before she was murdered.

That jackpot involved a lot of risk, but he was willing to take the chance to be a single, playboy millionaire.

Can't win 'em all
Turns out he now owes $15,500,000 and is on trial for murder.
No matter whether we believe Gracie or not, it is the jury that has to believe or discard her testimony. I believe corroboration of her testimony would have ben extremely helpful though, but perhaps LE was hesitant to check out the cameras with her. MOO Everybody is entitled to their own opinions.
If I had been JY, I would have bought extra gas for a while, then top the car off with this gas on that day, put the cans in the car, and then dispose of extra cans somewhere.

That would have made more sense in his "plan", wouldn't it?
cody100, based on the purchases (all cash), looks like random people running in get coffee or cigs, ect. Gracie already said who her regular customer was, so it seems the rest were random folks that pop in Cstores all day long.

As I pointed out, it would be impossible to track down random cash buyers, even if they tried to right away.

Yep, lots of people in and out, at 5:30ish in the morning, some getting coffee, etc... Probably not paying much attention to who's who in the cs. Most cashiers are probably not paying too much attention either, unless they're getting cursed out. He would've been face to face with Gracie, his back to others... I'm sure he was rushing, and trying to avoid eye contact with anyone else. I would imagine his other unknown stops were uneventful, and therefore no one else noticed him. If you asked me who was in the gas station I was at this morning, I couldn't tell you. When I'm in a hurry, which is quite often, I just toss the money down, tell them what pump, say ty and I'm halfway out the door before I'm done talking. Point being, unless someone does something to draw attention to themselves, I don't really pay close attention when doing day in day out, routine things. And if it turned out someone in the gas station murdered someone, and le needed my help, I would be useless...
No matter whether we believe Gracie or not, it is the jury that has to believe or discard her testimony. I believe corroboration of her testimony would have ben extremely helpful though, but perhaps LE was hesitant to check out the cameras with her. MOO Everybody is entitled to their own opinions.

Luck has it (for Jay) there is no video or corroboration.
No matter whether we believe Gracie or not, it is the jury that has to believe or discard her testimony. I believe corroboration of her testimony would have ben extremely helpful though, but perhaps LE was hesitant to check out the cameras with her. MOO Everybody is entitled to their own opinions.


I think the state knew there were going to be problems with this, I think they went to see her like 6 times !!

There are just so many things they can't get around....this just being one of them.

Ugh, such filth they wrote about LF and MF. Was one of those three Kim Young, or were her comments posted elsewhere? I read a few pages toward the end of the thread (including the post that got "skeptical" banned) but couldn't stomach any more.
I just started watching this trial... Missed the first one... Not sure where I stand on this case... There are some things they make me say GUILTY, but then others are like wait a minute NOT guilty!

I can't get past the size 10 shoe... My hubby wears the same size of shoe as JY and theres no way he can fit his foot in a 10....

Does anyone know what clothes MY had on when her friend left that night?
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