State vs Jason Lynn Young: weekend discussion 11-25 Feb 2012

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FWIW, I don't recall that either one of them said anything about feeling like they were being watched, nor do I remember MY saying that JY mentioned the feeling of being watched. (Heaven only knows what tricks he might have run out there & done on the lawn if he had thought so...).

I do remember SS's "eerie feeling" and the rest of what you stated above, pjc.

I have read it on several boards but I don't believe it was ever testified to in court.
Cindy Beaver..Credible testimony 5 years later?
The more I watch, the more I know she is is all in the details.
She LOVED her 26 minutes of fame, after inserting herself into this case.

JTF, (MOO,IMO) CB <modsnip>- if this women can observe all what she said she did and drive she pretty much had to stop in the road and get a good look!! How can one get that much info going by a drive way at around 25 mph.
OMG he even told his sister about sex. The boy has issues.

I guess in this family openly discussing their sex lives is an appropriate topic of conversation. They say it without hesitation, as if they're talking about the weather.... I can see a sister going to a sister and opening up about a sexual matter, but a male talking about not getting enough to his mom and sister is just off the creep charts. Everything about it is gross and creepy. IMO
Also, during cross, hyb was talking about what the four of them (hyb, her husband,jy, and py) discussed during the 5 hour trip back, and what they thought had happened to MY. She said they thought it was a natural death, and they were thinking maybe a fall? Hemorrhage? Then she was asked when she realized MY's death was not of natural causes, and she said it wasn't until the next morning, after all the questioning by le... Why didn't he follow that up with, "if you thought she died by natural causes, then why did you feel the need to get him a defense attorney?" The pros needs to point out any inconsistencies ... They've got to think on their feet. She probably could've said it was because of jd's phone call, but it's still an inconsistency no less. It would've given the jury something to think about....
(cover my back ;) ) I watched P.Young's sugar sweet tea honey dripping.....

Gimme a break! Michelle Money=her Christmas list? She hung up on LE- her babyboy didn't? Mooned the Grammy and it was hilarious!!! (ick) I was in sugar shock myself.
She was selfish and didn't want LF for the holiday? Her boy was going into shock....UGH

*hope Fran and Nurse are sleeping*

I missed a lot of the first trial. Can anyone direct me as to where I might read about Michelle Money and her Christmas list?
OMG he even told his sister about sex. The boy has issues.

His sister's testimony comes across as coached to not so subtly point a finger at Meredith. Young's family are all despicable accessories to the crime, in my opinion, and some in the bunch no doubt know the "little grandma-mooning imp" is a sociopathic killer.

Edit to add: Now I recall the neighbor and her testimony. She sure does seem to enjoy her time on the witness stand. If suppositions are correct that she now understands that Jason Young killed his family, I hope she will temper her enthusiasm. Must be in a pickle to realize you may have helped a sociopath almost get away with murder. Well done, Cindy, well done.
Wow this case is taking over my subconscious!! I had a dream last night that we had reached closing arguments for the case. The state fired BH and HC and hired Just the Fax, who in the dream looked just like Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird.". He gave a dramatic closing, walking all around the gallery, pointing his finger at the defendant, raising his voice, the jury was spellbound. Then Just the Fax helped me fix my kids pinewood derby cars and they won a trophy! (so I guess the cub scout pinewood derby has taken over my mind too! Lol!). Weird dream...
I have read it on several boards but I don't believe it was ever testified to in court.

If you go back about one page you will see a few posters have posted links to testimony by Shelly S. Shelly S testified to "having eerie feeling that night" and " Michelle had told her Jason had been hearing noises" and on cross Shelly S also testified that "because the large window in the room where she and Michelle were sitting were not covered she felt she /or they were being watched." I'm paraphrasing. But the links are provided just a page back because I listened to it again this morning.
A few quotes below regarding SS feeling as though they were being watched.

"Michelle seemed despondent, and Schaad had an odd feeling about the night.

"Something was weird to me that night," she said. "I just had a weird feeling there. Sitting in front of open windows -- an eerie feeling. I said, 'Do you mind walking me out to my car?' And she did. And she walked me to my car and I gave her a hug and I left.""

"The defense asked her some specific questions about that night. She remembered how she had an eerie feeling that night, like they were being watched. And she said Michelle had not liked the location of the house once late fall came and the leaves had fallen, exposing a trailer park not far from the house."

"Shelly Schaad, a longtime friend and sorority sister of Michelle Young, had seen him when she took dinner over about 6 p.m. He gave his wife a quick hug goodbye that night, Schaad said, heading out to a Cracker Barrel along the way. Schaad testified again Wednesday about having an eerie sense of being watched through the home's curtainless windows as the two women chatted on the couch. Schaad said she was so disturbed she had Michelle Young walk her to her car when she left late at night."

"Schaad said she recalled feeling watched that night.

No curtains or shades covered the big windows in the family room. Michelle Young told Schaad that Jason Young had reported hearing noises outside recently."

Here is the post that details that specific testimony as to what was said. Thank you enzeder for doing this to set it straight.
"I met him in the yard and told him what happened," Gerald McIntyre, the stepfather, said from his home in Brevard.
"He went plumb to his knees."


This is interesting because of what he immediately did after hearing GM say "Michelle is dead".

Meredith when asked by the defense said she didn't cry initially as she was still trying to process what she had seen. Surreal.

Linda also testified she didn't cry when Meredith called her because she couldn't grasp that Michelle was dead. How could this be?

But when told, Jason immediately fell to his knees, sobbing, acting like he couldn't hold up- immediate total acceptance.
I guess in this family openly discussing their sex lives is an appropriate topic of conversation. They say it without hesitation, as if they're talking about the weather.... I can see a sister going to a sister and opening up about a sexual matter, but a male talking about not getting enough to his mom and sister is just off the creep charts. Everything about it is gross and creepy. IMO
Also, during cross, hyb was talking about what the four of them (hyb, her husband,jy, and py) discussed during the 5 hour trip back, and what they thought had happened to MY. She said they thought it was a natural death, and they were thinking maybe a fall? Hemorrhage? Then she was asked when she realized MY's death was not of natural causes, and she said it wasn't until the next morning, after all the questioning by le... Why didn't he follow that up with, "if you thought she died by natural causes, then why did you feel the need to get him a defense attorney?" The pros needs to point out any inconsistencies ... They've got to think on their feet. She probably could've said it was because of jd's phone call, but it's still an inconsistency no less. It would've given the jury something to think about....

I listened to Heather from trial 1 last night also and was thinking the exact things you were. I was actually getting ready to post almost your exact words, I can't believe PT during cross did not ask this of Heather.
I watched Jason yesterday.
In a Perry Mason moment, Collins handed him that picture of CY's 3rd BD party.
(I had forgotten exact details and what was said)

Collins..."Can you describe what you are wearing in that photo?"

Jason....."A dark fleece pullover w/ a stripe across the chest"

I had missed his exact words in the first trial.
"fleece pullover"?
Odd description for a wool, crew neck sweater.

Thankfully, the PT and Spivey busted that fraud for the jury.
I watched Jason yesterday.
In a Perry Mason moment, Collins handed him that picture of CY's 3rd BD party.
(I had forgotten exact details and what was said)

Collins..."Can you describe what you are wearing in that photo?"

Jason....."A dark fleece pullover w/ a stripe across the chest"

I had missed his exact words in the first trial.
"fleece pullover"?
Odd description for a wool, crew neck sweater.

Thankfully, the PT and Spivey busted that fraud for the jury.

Ugh, I'd forgotten that. More coaching, lying and purposeful deceit to fool the jury. Nonetheless, prosecution should have pounced on that during cross and had Spivey prepared to debunk this obvious lie. As it was, the "MENSA 8" bought it. Fast forwarding to this jury, I'm hopeful that the prosecution will raise this at every opportunity...why would Jason Young need to exaggerate (in my opinion, downright lie) about the birthday party photo? And as I have noted previously, this also goes to the family as accessories after the fact.
So many of us have been here since the murder of Michelle and watched, listened, read, and even dreamed. Like some of you have already said, this case has affected me in so many ways.....I'm sleepy today as I've started having trouble staying asleep.

We've grown to love Michelle. Our feelings for Cassidy, Linda and Meredith are just as strong. From the beginning we knew what and who Slayer Young truly was/is.

I'm proud of all of us together here for Michelle.....for Cassidy....for Linda and Meredith. Whether we post a lot or not, we're here for one main reason.....we want to see SLAYER YOUNG punished for his unspeakable crime and brutality.

I believe in my heart he WILL be convicted this time. Stay positive folks....keep the positive energy flowing to the PT and jury. :)
I guess in this family openly discussing their sex lives is an appropriate topic of conversation. They say it without hesitation, as if they're talking about the weather.... I can see a sister going to a sister and opening up about a sexual matter, but a male talking about not getting enough to his mom and sister is just off the creep charts. Everything about it is gross and creepy. IMO
Also, during cross, hyb was talking about what the four of them (hyb, her husband,jy, and py) discussed during the 5 hour trip back, and what they thought had happened to MY. She said they thought it was a natural death, and they were thinking maybe a fall? Hemorrhage? Then she was asked when she realized MY's death was not of natural causes, and she said it wasn't until the next morning, after all the questioning by le... Why didn't he follow that up with, "if you thought she died by natural causes, then why did you feel the need to get him a defense attorney?" The pros needs to point out any inconsistencies ... They've got to think on their feet. She probably could've said it was because of jd's phone call, but it's still an inconsistency no less. It would've given the jury something to think about....

good points. :) that family has seemed creepy to me from the start...didn't PY then mention the sex life issues to LF too? yikes...
I wonder if KY will testify this time...if so, will those emails be able to come in between her and JY? i thought those were pretty damning - why wouldn't the PT call her?
I watched Heather's previous testimony last night. Still haven't been able to force myself to watch PY's testimony from the last trial. It was bad enough the first go round. :( What a bunch of lies. If they all thought it was from natural causes, WTF didn't JLY talk to the cops and ask 'what happened to my wife, what happened to my son?' And Heather's references to the 911 call displayed exactly how much JLY"s *family* loved Michelle. IMO
good points. :) that family has seemed creepy to me from the start...didn't PY then mention the sex life issues to LF too? yikes...

And yet much like Gracie, it's Linda Fisher who is deemed the 'meddling MIL' while JLY's whole damn family meddled. I've forgotten, what is this about the 'christmas list'? I still can't stomach going back to view Pat's testimony again. The first time around was bad enough for me. :maddening:
This weekend I did try to punch holes in the state's case to see what I came up with.

* I don't know anything about anything when it comes to fiber tranferring. Though I find it odd no fibers were found at the home from the HI. He wasn't there long after check in but long enough to make the calls he did. But still no fibers.

*It was testified to at the first trial Jason's tesitmony that he had not STAYED at that specific HI in the last three years. (Doesn't mean he didn't make a "visit"prior I know.) But let's say he didn't. In order to fit the time line, he couldn't have stayed at the hotel for that long that night..he made quite a few calls from his room, changed clothes yet had the time to figure out the best route to leave , to go directly to the emergency door *wasnt shown on other cameras wandering around* , where he sees he can easily come back in, push the camera away so he won't be seen, unplug it too, props the door open and banks on it not being a problem when he returns though maybe he saw that sign on his way out or whenever that reads that same door is UNlocked after 6am. For me I don't know how he quickly left the hotel doing all that in the time he did. (though he could have learned that floorplan of the HI in a variety of ways ,,,u=i.e. stopped there unbeknownest to anyone at some point, I don't know. Possibly looked the floorplan up on a computer? A computer other than his...because no such evidence was found on this. But he wasnt known to be a planner. imo learning that HI floorplan to figure out the best exit def takes some planning.

*This shoe size 10. Did he plan that far in advance to stop and buy a pair? Or did I miss something?Where did he get these shoes from? Did he remember to take it with him on his trip, remember then to bring it in the house that night ? Or simply had it hidden already at the house? It's been said Jason isn't a planner so this surprises me he thought of this and got it together and remembered to do it, and got rid of it. Now, I will say I have read every page of every thread but the shoe thing has confused me to no end with all the misinforomation so maybe I'm missing something.

*He got no blood downstairs. Yet there was no sign of a clean up upstairs *in the sinks/bath tubs* How lucky is that?

* He was able to transfer the bloody clothes, weapon I suppose?, wedding rings, wallet with money, maybe cy's diaper from the upstairs ...downstairs to his car yet there was no blood found downstaris or in his car...the car thing really gets me. Because he had to disgard this stuff SOMEWHERE. I know garbage bags were left out on the kitchen counter so maybe he bagged it all really well?

* Even though he wanted/did brutally murder his wife with his daugheter nearby, I find it hard to believe he wasn't shaken up, nervous. anxious, worried about time issues, etc that he could concentrate enough, be that calm to be so careful WITH ALL THE ABOVE? Or did he have someone come sometime that morning to their house to fix somethings he perhaps forgot? I don't know about that.

Now, when I look at the totality of the evidence I do think it points to guilt. There are too many concidences for me.

I would def like your feedback on what I wrote above. I have no doubt I missed somethings that can explain above. I'm just trying to think if I were a juror and how others might counter my above points.

jmo, imo and all of that
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