Steve Powell claims credible investigators say Susan Powell left on her own accord

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Really liked your last post, Pickie. Very good answers and points and information. Thanks!
Thanks for the responses you posted. You and many others have stood up to the plate, so to speak, on Susan's behalf. I have followed this but I did take a break for a couple of weeks because I find this very upsetting and am so afraid Josh will never be charged. I am also concerned about the police and if they are really on top of the situation. As a teacher I have seen kids do all sorts of things and get away with it due to ineptness and other issues. Let's hope the police have enough to charge Josh eventually and get those kids away from this family; to even suggest that Susan made a run for it is beyond the pale...Again, thanks to all of you for caring about Susan; obviously, much more than her husband, .........
There are many of your statements that need to be corrected.

First Josh made more $$$ than Susan. I know how much Josh was making and was afraid to leave his present position for more money because of the economy. I can tell you that in the present economy Josh could have made a minimum of $15K more than he was earning at that time. Bad economy does introduces some fears into people and technical job recruiters have felt the pinch big times. Top wages have gone down in the software industry but I knew Josh well enough to tell you Josh would have had no problem making at least $15K more than he was presently making and Josh was making more $$$ than Susan was.

Second point is that Josh is entitled to just as much information as the Cox family is receiving related to the search for Susan. The WVCPD is not sharing information into a criminal investigation with the Cox family because of the gag order. If Josh wants that information being the husband he has the right. Remember once Josh is declared a suspect they have to turn all that stuff over to his attorney as part of the discovery process.

Third point is that women have left their families before. Women have also disappeared without notifying anybody. A neighbor's daughter disappeared while she was working as a nanny in Ohio and that was well reported in the local media. It's uncommon granted just like women murdering their children and spouses but it does happen. Remember Piper Rountree? I sat behind her in English and next to her in biology and she was not only attractive but also well liked and she flew from Houston to Virginia to blow her ex-husband away. Stuff like this is rare so it does happen.

Fourth point, while I believe Susan is dead, Susan could have easily moved in with somebody and disappeared. It wouldn't have been hard to disappear and you have to remember that Elizabeth Smart was walking down the street and wasn't noticed and it wasn't until people started looking for Brian David Mitchell that Elizabeth was found. I realize it very unlikely that this happened but Susan could easily be staying with a friend and never be seen.

Fifth point is that this is Utah and while women can get stuck paying alimony and child support, the courts rarely goes after women for this in Utah. The laws in Utah are so biased here against men it's alarming. Just look at the teachers accused of having sex with students. Female teachers do not get the same sentence that male teachers do. That's just a fact of life and you have to realize that life isn't fair or equal (and I'm glad of that too)

Sixth point is I personally told Josh to speak to only his attorney and the WVCPD and nobody else regarding the details of December 6th & 7th. The WVCPD also knows I said that to Josh as well as they have heard me say that to Josh (and that doesn't bother me either - glad they were listening.) I also pointed out to Captain McLauchlin and the detective that interviewed me what they could do to get Josh to speak to them but they said stuff like that wasn't their jobs. After the interviews of December 7th & 8th they show up with search warrants on the December 10th doesn't instill trust. At that point I think the WVCPD proved it was they weren't interested in continuing the conversation.

PRESENTLY Susan is only a missing person and during my interview with the WVCPD, I was told specifically they were treating this as a missing persons case and not as if Susan was the victim of foul play. If the WVCPD had evidence to have charged Josh they would have declared Josh a suspect and have arrested Josh.

You can attack Josh and Stephen Powell all you want however until they find Susan your efforts are premature. Presently what happened to Susan is pure speculation and Susan needs to found first. Once they arrest somebody and have a trial, I will personally ENCOURAGE you to malign that guilty party regardless of whomever that is because I will be echoing similar comments. However before that point, those types of comments do nothing to help this tragic situation come to a conclusion.
There are many of your statements that need to be corrected.

First Josh made more $$$ than Susan. I know how much Josh was making and was afraid to leave his present position for more money because of the economy. I can tell you that in the present economy Josh could have made a minimum of $15K more than he was earning at that time. Bad economy does introduces some fears into people and technical job recruiters have felt the pinch big times. Top wages have gone down in the software industry but I knew Josh well enough to tell you Josh would have had no problem making at least $15K more than he was presently making and Josh was making more $$$ than Susan was.

Second point is that Josh is entitled to just as much information as the Cox family is receiving related to the search for Susan. The WVCPD is not sharing information into a criminal investigation with the Cox family because of the gag order. If Josh wants that information being the husband he has the right. Remember once Josh is declared a suspect they have to turn all that stuff over to his attorney as part of the discovery process.

Third point is that women have left their families before. Women have also disappeared without notifying anybody. A neighbor's daughter disappeared while she was working as a nanny in Ohio and that was well reported in the local media. It's uncommon granted just like women murdering their children and spouses but it does happen. Remember Piper Rountree? I sat behind her in English and next to her in biology and she was not only attractive but also well liked and she flew from Houston to Virginia to blow her ex-husband away. Stuff like this is rare so it does happen.

Fourth point, while I believe Susan is dead, Susan could have easily moved in with somebody and disappeared. It wouldn't have been hard to disappear and you have to remember that Elizabeth Smart was walking down the street and wasn't noticed and it wasn't until people started looking for Brian David Mitchell that Elizabeth was found. I realize it very unlikely that this happened but Susan could easily be staying with a friend and never be seen.

Fifth point is that this is Utah and while women can get stuck paying alimony and child support, the courts rarely goes after women for this in Utah. The laws in Utah are so biased here against men it's alarming. Just look at the teachers accused of having sex with students. Female teachers do not get the same sentence that male teachers do. That's just a fact of life and you have to realize that life isn't fair or equal (and I'm glad of that too)

Sixth point is I personally told Josh to speak to only his attorney and the WVCPD and nobody else regarding the details of December 6th & 7th. The WVCPD also knows I said that to Josh as well as they have heard me say that to Josh (and that doesn't bother me either - glad they were listening.) I also pointed out to Captain McLauchlin and the detective that interviewed me what they could do to get Josh to speak to them but they said stuff like that wasn't their jobs. After the interviews of December 7th & 8th they show up with search warrants on the December 10th doesn't instill trust. At that point I think the WVCPD proved it was they weren't interested in continuing the conversation.

PRESENTLY Susan is only a missing person and during my interview with the WVCPD, I was told specifically they were treating this as a missing persons case and not as if Susan was the victim of foul play. If the WVCPD had evidence to have charged Josh they would have declared Josh a suspect and have arrested Josh.

You can attack Josh and Stephen Powell all you want however until they find Susan your efforts are premature. Presently what happened to Susan is pure speculation and Susan needs to found first. Once they arrest somebody and have a trial, I will personally ENCOURAGE you to malign that guilty party regardless of whomever that is because I will be echoing similar comments. However before that point, those types of comments do nothing to help this tragic situation come to a conclusion.

Thank you so much for coming here to straighten out the record. I'm also glad that you're reviving these threads which had gotten little attention lately.

Do you have any way to prove your statement about the incomes? That would be most informative. Otherwise, it's rumor.

I'm not sure I get your point about Josh's entitlement to information. AFAIK, it goes both ways and Josh has been the one who hasn't been willing to talk to WVPD.

If Susan made less money than Josh, wouldn't it be a non-starter, for there to be consideration about Susan having to pay alimony and child support in a divorce? In such a case, wouldn't it be in everyone's best interest for POI to earn the income and share it according to the decree of the courts?

As far as the fact that SP is a MP, It's by no means over. LE can say and not say whatever they want. They won't say all that they know, and personally I'm assured they know a lot.

We the people can speculate all we want. We can be creative about solutions to this case, because it actually impacts us all.
:twocents: :cow:

Thank you so much for coming here to straighten out the record. I'm also glad that you're reviving these threads which had gotten little attention lately.

Do you have any way to prove your statement about the incomes? That would be most informative. Otherwise, it's rumor.

I'm not sure I get your point about Josh's entitlement to information. AFAIK, it goes both ways and Josh has been the one who hasn't been willing to talk to WVPD.

If Susan made less money than Josh, wouldn't it be a non-starter, for there to be consideration about Susan having to pay alimony and child support in a divorce? In such a case, wouldn't it be in everyone's best interest for POI to earn the income and share it according to the decree of the courts?

As far as the fact that SP is a MP, It's by no means over. LE can say and not say whatever they want. They won't say all that they know, and personally I'm assured they know a lot.

We the people can speculate all we want. We can be creative about solutions to this case, because it actually impacts us all.
:twocents: :cow:
If Josh was so worried about changing jobs because of the struggling economy, you'd think he'd have shown up for work rather than taking his 2 and 4 year old boys camping on a Sunday night at midnight out to the middle of nowhere in 20 degree weather when he had to be to work several hours after he left!

That job clearly wasn't very important to Josh, was it?

I wonder if he's working yet.
Pickie, of course he's working! He's making an attempt to edumacate his two boys via homeschooling.
WHY HASN'T HE BEEN ARRESTED YET???? Clearly there isn't enough evidence to charge and arrest Josh for murdering Susan Powell. The county prosecutor needs to make certain there is sufficient evidence/proof so a jury would NOT find him innocent due to reasonable doubt.

Just because Josh hasn't been charged and arrested doesn't mean law enforcement doesn't have a substantial amount of evidence linking Josh to Susan's disappearance and possible murder, it simply means there isn't enough at this point in time to take the matter to trial and be certain a jury would find him guilty.

They may still be waiting for DNA test results to come back from the lab as well as for someone to come forward who Josh confided in about what he did to Susan. This is why it is so important that the reward be increased a substantial amount.
It is also possible they know they can get him but they also want more of him for a premeditated cold blooded murder. He's a POI now, but for the DP it's a higher standard, and I think they're going for it.

Do you have any way to prove your statement about the incomes? That would be most informative. Otherwise, it's rumor.

Josh personally told me how much he was making. I also was with Josh on a couple of occasions when he was approached by job recruiters so I know what Josh said as I was there. I also know with Josh's skill set what Josh should have been making so I can tell you that Josh was being underpaid.

Josh also asked me for rides so I knew they only had one car. In July, after one user group meeting we spoke for a couple of hours after that meeting. Part of the conversation, Josh was sitting in the back of his minivan and I had my foot up on his bumper during the conversation. I also gave Josh a ride home from a user group meeting where I drove Josh by my house so he would know where I lived. He also asked me for rides to user group meetings but during those times I had other things I was having do first so I wasn't able to give Josh a ride.

If Susan was making more than Josh then they would not have had only 1 car and would not have been in the financial situation they were in. Josh has been in my house and I've been in his. His basement is mostly unfinished as well as his patio deck. The Powell situation would have been significantly different.

Do I have proof to your satisfaction. "NO!"

However think about it for a second. If Susan would have made more than Josh based on what everybody was saying about their marriage would Susan have stayed? If Susan and Josh had gotten a divorce, Susan would have gotten the children (this is Utah) and Josh would have been stuck with child support and paying for the kids insurance. Susan would have been much better off if the stories everybody else were saying were true.

I'm not sure I get your point about Josh's entitlement to information. AFAIK, it goes both ways and Josh has been the one who hasn't been willing to talk to WVPD.

Josh doesn't have to talk to the WVCPD! Josh can ask to receive the same briefings as Chuck Cox as Chuck Cox has less legal right to that information than Josh does.

A parent loses that plenty of rights when somebody gets married. An example would be say I get an accident and my mother wants to see me in the hospital. My wife can legally say 'NO' and my mother can do nothing about it except through the court system which would deny her that right. If I was single that would be a different situation.

If Susan made less money than Josh, wouldn't it be a non-starter, for there to be consideration about Susan having to pay alimony and child support in a divorce? In such a case, wouldn't it be in everyone's best interest for POI to earn the income and share it according to the decree of the courts?

You definitely don't know what you are talking about. Josh would get no alimony in a divorce. Absolutely none! In the State of Utah, the woman gets the children unless the man can prove the woman is an unfit parent or the woman gives up her rights to the children. Child support in this state is based on a formula based on how much the husband makes so even Susan made $1 million/year and Josh made minimum wage, Josh would still have to pay child support. Probably have to pay for the kids insurance as well.

As far as the fact that SP is a MP, It's by no means over. LE can say and not say whatever they want. They won't say all that they know, and personally I'm assured they know a lot.

WVCPD has interviewed over 200 people related to Susan's disappearance. I am sure they know plenty. However I spoke to Josh as he was replacing the carpet in the house and can tell you that the WVCPD took that wet section of carpet but did not take the pad. The WVCPD has the Powell telephone records including the prepaid cell phone and the cell phone information is not only the numbers called but the towers used during those calls.

While it is illegal for you to lie (knowingly give false information) to the WVCPD it is not illegal for the police to knowing lie to you or to the media. If what Steven Powell is saying is correct about 10 hours of interviews knowing how much Josh likes to talk, that should tell you more that the WVCPD isn't being entirely honest.

We the people can speculate all we want. We can be creative about solutions to this case, because it actually impacts us all.

Doesn't do anybody good at this point to do what you are calling speculation because what you folks are doing is nothing but gossip. What good has become of you so-called speculation? Have you uncovered any leads that have been useful in finding Susan?

In December I was commenting that if Susan wasn't found by June they might not be able to prove anything more than cause of death. Any evidence proving who killed Susan would be gone. Unfortunately those closest to Susan were against a search. Promoting a search would say they believed Susan to be dead which is something they didn't want to do.

Unless you know the Powells or live in this area, this situation doesn't really affect you. I would say is that if a loved one of yours does disappear do not use this tragic situation as the example of what to do. Use it as an example of what not to do.
It is also possible they know they can get him but they also want more of him for a premeditated cold blooded murder. He's a POI now, but for the DP it's a higher standard, and I think they're going for it.

Problem is you don't understand how the Utah justice system works.

The sentence for this type of crime was "6 Years to Life" prior to Mark Hacking and after Mark Hacking killed Lori the sentence was changed to "20 Years to Life" The only way the "DEATH PENALTY" can come into play is if Josh poisoned Susan (I think we can rule out brutal death because of the lack of physical evidence found in the Powell home.)

What you and everybody seems to be forgetting that Josh told the WVCPD that he went to Simpson Springs. If the WVCPD can prove Josh was someplace else other than Tooele County and couldn't have been in Tooele County then you have a case of lying to investigators. That is enough to put somebody behind bars for years even if they aren't guilty of the actual crime.

The WVCPD has Josh's phone and bank records so they know approximately where Josh was at 3pm on December 7th and if Josh's phone was on, they know where he was each time Josh received a phone call. That could be as early as about 9am on December 7th. You also need to remember if what Josh said was true and he left his house at 12:30am on December 7th then Josh was in the car for about 17 hours so that means he had to get gas at least once. I don't know if you have gotten gas lately but Josh wasn't know for carrying that much in cash on him so they know where everywhere he used an ATM card (including if he took out say $300 from an ATM before he left West Valley.)

The WVCPD would have already charged Josh if they had the evidence even if it was a simple charge of providing the WVCPD with false information. The WVCPD knows the best sentence they can get is "20 Years to Life" but if they could have Josh in jail for lying to them for a few years while trying to find Susan they surely would have pursued that route.

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