Steve Thomas Speaks

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I have to agree about Steve Thomas. His main goal from day one was the serve justice to JonBenet - he actually sat beside her grave and cried because he couldn't give it to her despite his best efforts. If there was solid proof that someone other than who he suspected was the killer, I don't think he would have a problem admitting he was wrong and would be relieved that the right person was being held accountable.
Nuisanceposter said:
I have to agree about Steve Thomas. His main goal from day one was the serve justice to JonBenet - he actually sat beside her grave and cried because he couldn't give it to her despite his best efforts. If there was solid proof that someone other than who he suspected was the killer, I don't think he would have a problem admitting he was wrong and would be relieved that the right person was being held accountable.


Juliet10 said:
Steve Thomas has some gall parading around and gloating on national television. If the dna didn't match he would've been missing in action and never show his face on television again. This guy's police work and half-baked theories is the main reason this case is such a huge mess to begin with. He actually said he thinks that Wood may have been the one to open the basement window. He has absolutely no proof and make wild accusations! No wonder this case is in the shape that it is.

They definately have to go back over all the work Thomas did and double check everything done by him and the keystone cops at the beginning.
Anything he has been involved with can't be trusted or relied on to have been done correctly.

Helgoth proves that a proper investigation of suspects hasn't been done at all. He didn't commit suicide. They totally dismissed him and the guy had a stun gun, was guilty of molesting girlfriend's kid, liked to break into homes for thrill, talked about a large sum of money and had a video newsbroadcast tape of another missing girl. Yet they said, "nothing to see here. move along. nothing to do with ramsey. a suicide. the dna doesn't match, so let's go get some donuts."

The detectives need to start from the beginning and question people over again. See if someone has slipped through the cracks or look for thinks they may have dismissed as unimportant. I'm not confident in the job they've done so far in ivestigating people or the analyizing all the facts and evidence. With everything that has happened people shouldn't have much confidence in the case so far. The only way I see them ever "solving" the case is a whole lotta luck, a dna hit from the datbank or a confession. The case won't be solve by the investigators that's for sure. They need new people to take a fresh look at the case. Bring some experienced people from New York or Chicago or new forensic people.

NYPD detectives had a gut feeling in the Imette St. guillen case did follow-up of the falls bar owner. When they questioned him again, he cracked and admitted he lied. Just imagine if they were lazy police like the bolder team, they would've never solved the case. If they didn't do that and don't do a thourogh investigation the killer(littlejohn) would've gone free and gotten rid of evidence.
First of all you shouldn't slam someone on their "inacuracies" when you're just as inacurate in your posts. First of all the DNA didn't match, and ST was asked his opinion on this guy and the case. He gave it and was rather articulate as someone said he's grown into his own. If the DNA had matched I feel confident he would have still been asked and given his opinion on it.
Second, he didn't say Wood, he said WHITE as in Fleet White Jr. I believe he said (somewhere) that Fleet White Jr told him, or said in a depo about opening the window that morning.
Third ST wasn't on the case for the first 3 days, so slamming him for things not done then is also inacurate.
Fourth you cannot compare the St Guillien case with this one. They are absolutely nothing alike. In that case there were witnesses AND forensic evidence, there is only some forensic evidence in the JB case.
justice2 said:
Only by you.
Well that's not true either. The CBI and Secret Service also practically eliminated her, so had other handwriting experts.
Their actual words on the probability of it being Patsy's writing were "little to no basis for a match". They all but eliminated her...sorry, but they did.

I always thought the note was a collaborative effort by John & Patsy, just like their book was.
LinasK said:
Nope! Linda Arndt is to blame for not personally searching the house herself and letting John do it, then when he found the body letting him carry it upstairs!!!
Now is that fair? When LA got to the house she asked the officers that were there if the house was "secure". When cops secure a residence it means it's been thouroughly searched. She had no way of knowing that it wasn't secured. Then she was abandoned by all due to Koby's calling them all back to the station to "review" the situation.

I think she should have removed all the non essential players too, but she didn't and she may not have felt she had the authority to do so...
ljwf22 said:
Did you catch Steve Thomas on Nancy Grace? Was almost worth the scratch-on-the-chalkboard feeling I get listening to her.
Yes, I caught a repeat of the show. I wished I could have called in and reminded Steve that the real reason Lacy will never try this case is because she was HAND PICKED by Mr Plea Deal DA in your Pocket Hunter...

Other than that I agreed with a lot of what he said and I know he still reads here.

Hey Steve good going.

Out to Steve Thomas, who put his heart and soul into finding the killer of JonBenet Ramsey. I don`t get their discussion of an airtight case, Steve. They`ve got no DNA, no fingerprint, no palm print, no footprint matching. He`s not in the city, he`s not even in the same state the night that she`s killed. What were they thinking?

THOMAS: What I continue, Nancy, to witness from this district attorney`s office is simply inconceivable. She had an insufficient and incomplete case, in which, unfortunately now, speaking with friends in the Colorado law enforcement community, she has lost all credibility within the cops and detectives. And I can tell you, the Boulder Police Department is outraged and livid about being drug back into this after being removed from it in December of 2002.

But Nancy, you`re absolutely right. You tack down and then you double tack down, you corroborate, you create a nexus, you check airline passenger manifests, you show that he was in the home, you pull the victim`s funeral video, you show him in the back row at the church, for example. And there`s only three ways to solve a crime, through witnesses, through evidence or through a confession, and they acted solely on confessionary statements from this 51-50 (ph) cuckoo and without any other corroboration. And it just simply boggles my mind.
Seeker - is that really you? This is twice this week.....
RiverRat said:
Seeker - is that really you? This is twice this week.....
Don't get your hopes up Rat. I still think what he did and the way he went about it were morally and ethically wrong, but it's in the past and can't be changed.

Moving on...
"Are you aware of the personal damage suffered by Mr. Thomas or the White's for their stance for justice for this child?"


"He actually said he thinks that Wood may have been the one to open the basement window. He has absolutely no proof and make wild accusations! No wonder this case is in the shape that it is."

Not Wood, White.

"The handwriting matches Patsy's."

I'm afraid so. Anyone looking at those charts can see it.

"She is a 4.5 instead of 5, which mean she was almost eliminated."

Wrong. That was the ruling by her privately hired experts. And even THEY couldn't rule her out!

"Have you seen all the comparisons posted around here between patsys writing and the RN? You need to look at them again even if you have. Not only are the most of the letters the same, but wordstructure is pretty much spot on."

Yeah, if you can't believe your own eyes, what can you believe?

"Funny out of all the people whos handwriting LE took Patsy is the only one who couldnt be eliminated. Wonder why?"

When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

"Plus, did it ever occur to you that when LE had Patsy rewrite the note she was much more relaxed?"

Plus the fact she CHANGED her writing after the killing!

"Not just the handwriting curves and issues that concern a handwriting specialist, BUT what was said that was so familiar, it was also the sentence structure the usage of words."

YES! Linguistics plays a big role in it. Patsy's own sister and mother said the writing looked like hers.

"Well that's not true either. The CBI and Secret Service also practically eliminated her, so had other handwriting experts.
Their actual words on the probability of it being Patsy's writing were "little to no basis for a match". They all but eliminated her...sorry, but they did."

Sorry, Seeker. That's wrong. CBI man said she wrote it, but he couldn't say so in court. Speckin said it wasn't likely that anyone else could have done it, and even her OWN experts couldn't eliminate her. Plus, there's that little matter of the ten experts who say she wrote it.

Incidentally, one of the *advertiser censored*'t DAs at the presser yesterday slipped up and said that the infamous "1-5" scale has been reversed! "5" is actually a match! Can you beat that?
LinasK said:
Nope! Linda Arndt is to blame for not personally searching the house herself and letting John do it, then when he found the body letting him carry it upstairs!!!

LinasK....I just have a question about this.

I've read the Linda Arndt deposition and it seemed to me that she had a bunch of Ramsey friends about and was only officer on the scene of what she thought was a kidnapping, and when she asked if anyone had looked for Jon Benet she may of felt that she better stay right where she was in the living room.

John dashes off................finds the body almost right away, carries her upstairs and puts Jon Benet on the floor.

THEN.....Linda Arndt picks up the body and puts her near the Christmas tree.

It seems she got blamed for not following him into the basement.......but did she see him go down there?

I can't quite get the timing on this...........
It seems to me that because she had made the statement that when John Ramsey came back up the stairs with Jon Benet in his arms.........she 'Knew' from her training that he was the killer"...........and obviously she feel's that police 'didn't' want her to say that!

Am I right or wrong so far!
RiverRat said:
Here is the audio of Steve Thomas' KHOW interview on the Caplis Show:

This should launch in your audio player. If not, copy/paste the url into your Windows Media player by doing this:

Open Media Player
Click on FILE
Click on OPEN URL
Paste URL into the box, and hit OK

The file was reduced from 12 megs, to about 2.5 megs. The sound quality is reduced, but I think acceptable.

IF anyone needs a smaller file, I will do that upon request.


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I appreciate you sending that link to the file you uploaded for us. What a great interview!

IF IF IF you want to hear a better interview with a person that the R's pitched under the bus, go to todays Peter Boyles audio radio program

He had Jeff Merrick on the program, hear his personal story of WHAT happened to him and HOW the ransom note covers 'him' in it.

Mr. Merrick worked for Access Graphics and blew the whistle on some unethical things that were happening within Access Graphics, and he was - he was welllllllllll just go listen guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of dashing....John flees the country and leaves his defensless son Burke behind to fend for himself!

What a dad!
SuperDave said:
Sorry, Seeker. That's wrong. CBI man said she wrote it, but he couldn't say so in court. Speckin said it wasn't likely that anyone else could have done it, and even her OWN experts couldn't eliminate her. Plus, there's that little matter of the ten experts who say she wrote it.

Incidentally, one of the *advertiser censored*'t DAs at the presser yesterday slipped up and said that the infamous "1-5" scale has been reversed! "5" is actually a match! Can you beat that?
Well from all I've read he must have misspoken. Not one of the handwriting experts consulted has ever said that.

I must be getting old. I don't remember Chet Ubowski saying that about the writing. Do you remember where you saw that? TIA
Camper said:
IF IF IF you want to hear a better interview with a person that the R's pitched under the bus, go to todays Peter Boyles audio radio program

He had Jeff Merrick on the program, hear his personal story of WHAT happened to him and HOW the ransom note covers 'him' in it.

Mr. Merrick worked for Access Graphics and blew the whistle on some unethical things that were happening within Access Graphics, and he was - he was welllllllllll just go listen guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


--->>>YOU HAVE to hear Mr. Merricks story, a must!

Here is my link that works for me, BUT I am a registered listener which you have to be to get into Peters stuff, but check it out and see IF it will work for you.

Register and listen it is worth it every day to hear all the inside info on the case. Peter has the governors ear!

Camper said:
--->>>YOU HAVE to hear Mr. Merricks story, a must!

Camper, that brings back a lot of memories. Jeeesh, poor Jeff Merrick, he had the R finger pointed at him. How about his idea that maybe because he had been having dinner at Papa J's, he was accused of possibly planning the murder at that time!

Seems he is connecting D Paugh to have been the one putting this together, his being named by JR to the police. Bet somehow, this was put to DP by JR.

I took it Don Paugh was definetly there, but I didn't catch if JR had been there too. He did say it was for a dinner for Access Graphics. HA to be accused of being there planning the murder!

Then for J Douglas to go on TV or was it someone else appearing on TV that said J Douglas told them Merrick was there planning the murder?

JDouglas working for the Ramseys!

(it kept breaking up for me, I'm going to try it later--maybe I need a new computer) :(

He mentions they are 'charming people' we'll yeah, I could see that. Charmed the pants off Lacy, Smit, Douglas---and then again $$$ works!
I picked it up, courtesy of YumYum012 on FFJ at this link: merrick.mp3

My favorite part is how he reminds us again and again of the RST lie that the police "only looked at the Ramseys", "zeroed in on the Ramseys, to the exclusion of all other avenues of investigation"...what a bunch of malarkey!!

Listening to this just made me angry all over again, and really see what a calculating scoundrel JR is....I am frustrated that PR got off scot free, and JR will too!! :banghead: :furious: :razz:
sandraladeda said:
I picked it up, courtesy of YumYum012 on FFJ at this link:


Thanks Sandra, it worked for me :)

For the idea of the cops only focusing in on the Ramseys: ;)

TA DA! :clap:

In the five years they followed: Courtesy of Peter Boyles:

5,300 Phone Tips

4,800 letters (I think it was letters)

6,300 interviews

140 possible suspects

Only the Ramsey?????????????????????????

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