Steven Powell arrested in Washington State

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One last, quick, thing.... the story he writes of being hidden out when "Abducted" as a child, made me wonder if there may be some areas/places he'd think to hide susan. A place he associates with hiding or not being found.

just a thought.
Be sure to listen to the radio show tonight. Link in big margin at top of the page.

Is photographing children's private parts not enough to make him a sex offender?

Yes, but innocent until proven guilty... although obviously CPS has problems with kids being in the home of someone formally charged with a sex crime :thumb:
The writing was on the wall that SP should be investigated for being involved in Susan's disappearance long ago. I speculate that JP was possibly too much the focus and the accessory was overlooked for a while perhaps? MOO.

Their dedication to solving this case is highly commendable, though.

Hindsight what it is,I respectfully disagree.Everything attributed to JP's behavior that weekend screams "I did something". How could he not be the main (or only) focus? At the very least he's involved,IMO.
I'm thrilled to discover LE has continued to push for a resolution.
I want to know where SP traveled to for his job and for how many days gone from the time he started to take pictures of the neighbor's little girls to date.

I so wish LE could leak that information to us so we could sleuth for any criminal activity he might have committed while in those places.
The writing was on the wall that SP should be investigated for being involved in Susan's disappearance long ago. I speculate that JP was possibly too much the focus and the accessory was overlooked for a while perhaps? MOO.

Their dedication to solving this case is highly commendable, though.

We don't know that he wasn't.

In the course of investigations, peoples' rights have to be protected. They may have felt he was involved, but needed more than just a hunch to get warrants issued.

I am positive the FBI profiled this man and that is how WVC knew how to proceed and draw him out. Once he confirmed he had the journals, and showed them to media outlets...that is considered withholding evidence and a warrant was granted. In the course of that warrant..look what they found.

In regards to Sandy's call...they need more proof than just her say so in order to go into the house. Once HE confirmed it with reporters...that was enough.

The law is slow on purpose - to protect those who are innocent. Sometimes, it's hard to watch someone that screams "I AM GUILTY" be afforded the same protections, but it is necessary.
What appears to have broken this case wide open is SP stating his intention to post Susan's journals online.

On Thursday, authorities from Utah converged on the Powell's home in Puyallup, Wash., searching for journals from everyone, including Susan Powell, Steve Powell and Josh Powell, Steve Powell said.

He said they seized every computer in the home.

"They took the whole computers. They didn't just take hard drives," Steve Powell said. "They had a warrant, I guess, to pick up the journals and any electronic media that may have had the journals on them."

The search of his home Aug 25, 2011 was notably 40 days after SP said he was going to post Susan's journals online. After he said that, police contacted Sandy and this likely helped them obtain the search warrant.

It appears that SP would not have had his home searched again had he not caused the commotion about posting Susan's journals online.

Criminals are known for doing stupid things to get themselves caught - it looks that way to me. My philosophy is that we are all basically good (but that can be buried under a lot of evil motives), and so find ways to restrain ourselves from evil and prevent further crime.

The thing I don't understand is, don't these guys ever see the pattern they are setting? The premise is almost always the same in these spousal murder cases. Hubby says last saw wife doing such and such. Doesn't participate in the search. Doesn't seem to be the least bit concerned that a mother (or pregnant woman in Laci's case) has just mysteriously left or decided to leave. Almost always has some deep, dark, secret (Scott had a mistress, but what is Josh's deep, dark, secret?)

I think the pattern's cause might be as simple as hatred plus contempt. The spouse was a problem to take care of via murder and disappearance, and so long as there are searches and outpourings of love and concern, the problem lingers. Who wants to see the despised object of one's contempt fretted over and grieved and exalted? How grating it all must be.

I think some men (and women) kill their partners and genuinely mourn them and others kills their partners out of an abiding hatred and contempt and then move on. Contempt may be the last-ditch human emotion. I think SP/JP and all those you list hated and were contemptuous of their wives. In this case I suspect SP got that conversation started and kept it going. Father and son, possibly under the maddening influence of Chantry's inept and hellish warbling, somehow became the folio a deux. I expect Josh would have remained a garden-variety git otherwise: loudmouthed, domineering, controlling and weak, but probably not especially murderous.

My tuppence,

We don't know that he wasn't.

In the course of investigations, peoples' rights have to be protected. They may have felt he was involved, but needed more than just a hunch to get warrants issued.

I am positive the FBI profiled this man and that is how WVC knew how to proceed and draw him out. Once he confirmed he had the journals, and showed them to media outlets...that is considered withholding evidence and a warrant was granted. In the course of that warrant..look what they found.

In regards to Sandy's call...they need more proof than just her say so in order to go into the house. Once HE confirmed it with reporters...that was enough.

The law is slow on purpose - to protect those who are innocent. Sometimes, it's hard to watch someone that screams "I AM GUILTY" be afforded the same protections, but it is necessary.

Thanks for your input. BBM. That's an interesting point about Sandy's info - but why shouldn't they be able to act on her information though? I'm not sure that is accurate.
United States of America

Under the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, most searches by the police require a search warrant based on probable cause, although there are exceptions. Any police entry of an individual's home always requires a warrant (for either search or arrest), absent exigent circumstances, or the free and voluntary consent of a person with reasonably apparent use of or control over the property.
Under the Fourth Amendment, searches must be reasonable and specific. This means that a search warrant must be specific as to the specified object to be searched for and the place to be searched. Other items, rooms, outbuildings, persons, vehicles, etc. may require additional search warrants.
In the U.S. state of Indiana following a decision by the Indiana Supreme Court, residents no longer have the right to resist unlawful (i.e. without permission, without a warrant) police entry into their homes. Following a 3-2 decision Justice Steven David disclosed his belief that "a right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence." [1]
To obtain a search warrant, an officer must first prove that probable cause exists before a magistrate or judge, based upon direct information (i.e. obtained by the officer's personal observation) or hearsay information. Hearsay information can even be obtained by oral testimony given over a telephone, or through an anonymous or confidential informant, so long as probable cause exists based on the totality of the circumstances. Both property and persons can be seized under a search warrant. The standard for a search warrant is lower than the quantum of proof required for a later conviction. The rationale is that the evidence that can be collected without a search warrant may not be sufficient to convict, but may be sufficient to suggest that enough evidence to convict could be found using the warrant.

[ame=""]Search warrant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
You know who I would like to hear from? The sister who lives in the P home, her ex. Wasn't she married at one point? I would like to hear from her ex. Now as a male he would know a lot about that home, and the dynamics of the family.

I have not heard that she was ever married. I think she is younger than 25, but I suppose there are lots of people who have married and divorced before 25. That would be interesting.
This article could be a clue about their search in Ely August 18, 2011. The reason for this search has been a mystery to me. They said they had obtained a warrant to search SP's home just prior to their search here. Why did they search Ely before SP's home? They searched mine shafts and spent a few days at it. It appears this was a serious search, not some kind of diversionary tactic or something, even though the media was invited to attend beforehand (not a typical maneuver.)

What the West Valley City Police Department is calling fresh lead, but divulging no details of, led to the search of numerous mineshafts on Bureau of Land Management land a little more than a mile west of Ely. Areas search on Friday were accessible by remote winding roads. More searching is expected on Saturday.

Sgt. Powell did acknowledge that while the search that began Friday was the first in the Ely area, WVCPD detectives made a preemptive visit to Ely. He would not elaborate on the previous visit.

"This is definitely not a cold case," He said.

Sgt. Powell answered a question of whether Josh Powell (not related to the sergeant) had ever visited Ely by saying he did not know if Powell has ever visited Ely.

Speculating, maybe it was a tip that Steven Powell, not Josh, had been seen in Ely. OR maybe they just knew from the GPS on the Powell van that someone had been to Ely.

If the Powells had figured out that their was a GPS on their van (and that during the time it was on there, a visit to the remains was made), maybe they spooked and picked up the remains in Ely and moved them to Topaz. That would explain why that shallow grave was only three feet long. Then, after the Aug 25, 2011 search, they spooked again and moved the body from Topaz. Complicated theory, I know.


ETA: Ely is a 15 hour drive from the WA home. It is a 5 hour drive to Topaz Mntn from Ely. Both the Topaz and Ely location indicate that JP was the one who disposed of the body, as they are much closer to his WVC home than the WA home. This would tend to indicate that SP never saw the body, unless he went and visited the remains at these sites afterward. I find it unlikely that the body would be delivered to SP by JP, then SP giving it back to JP - I think he would have disposed of the remains near his WA home, not drive over ten hours with the police looking for Susan to give the body back to JP in his rental car. My suspicion about the rental car incident is that JP did indeed feel very alone, regretting what he had done, possibly trying to get out of Dodge, and then talked back to the WVC home by SP, saying he will take him in at the WA home.
I have not heard that she was ever married. I think she is younger than 25, but I suppose there are lots of people who have married and divorced before 25. That would be interesting.

If I had ever had the misfortune to be involved with any member of the Powell clan, I would shudder at the thought of ever admitting it publicly. I would have to try the bleach-brain remedy I've seen suggested by others earlier in the thread!

If she does have an ex, maybe he has privately communicated with LE in exchange for the promise of anonymity.

God Bless the poor woman who admitted her past involvement with Steve! She did the right thing in helping LE, but she has my sympathy for having to deal with it in public. I am sure that she would rather forget!:sick:
Isn't there lots of information to retrieve from a camera? GPS etc...? thx
I think the pattern's cause might be as simple as hatred plus contempt. The spouse was a problem to take care of via murder and disappearance, and so long as there are searches and outpourings of love and concern, the problem lingers. Who wants to see the despised object of one's contempt fretted over and grieved and exalted? How grating it all must be.

I think some men (and women) kill their partners and genuinely mourn them and others kills their partners out of an abiding hatred and contempt and then move on. Contempt may be the last-ditch human emotion. I think SP/JP and all those you list hated and were contemptuous of their wives. In this case I suspect SP got that conversation started and kept it going. Father and son, possibly under the maddening influence of Chantry's inept and hellish warbling, somehow became the folio a deux. I expect Josh would have remained a garden-variety git otherwise: loudmouthed, domineering, controlling and weak, but probably not especially murderous.

My tuppence,


Excellent post! I agree 100%. Hatred of their victims and self-hatred as well. I think (and I am just thinking out loud - IMO), SP self-hatred - knew he was inept, perhaps impotent, perhaps even bi or closet gay; probably hasn't had a REAL relationship since his ex-wife departed (and that relationship probably went sours years before it actually ended). JP - deep self-hatred. Unable to even hold a job. Unable/unwilling to perform sexually with his wife. Likely a closet homosexual or asexual, and angry that he doesn't have the courage to be who he really is. Angry that his father dominates him and he is dependent. Angry that Susan did have a career and shined with happiness. Angry that she had friends. Just ANGRY. Both of them. And HATEFUL. For others and though they might not realize it - self hatred.
Ive been in the hospital since Friday had emergency gall bladder, this is what I get for eating a taco from jack in the box. wow pain alll night so saturday morning the ER took me right in and made me go for surgery even though I dont have insurance they said no worries.baylor is a wonderful place but man im hurting can barely sit her, so has SP made bail,? anything happen since he was 1st busted when I left for hospital?
Ive been in the hospital since Friday had emergency gall bladder, this is what I get for eating a taco from jack in the box. wow pain alll night so saturday morning the ER took me right in and made me go for surgery even though I dont have insurance they said no worries.baylor is a wonderful place but man im hurting can barely sit her, so has SP made bail,? anything happen since he was 1st busted when I left for hospital?

HI Dizzychick. Sorry to hear about your surgery. Take it easy and get better!

No, he has not made bail yet. Its a cash bail. $200,000 I believe. The children are in protective custody with a foster family. The Cox family has requested custody. They had papers ready to go.

SP has been fired from his job since it involve going into schools even though he doesn't have direct contact with the children.

SP's ex-girlfriend is talking. Seems she had tried to talk to LE for a year about things SP had done and about the locked cabinet in his home not being searched.

Seems he had kept a pair of Susan's undergarments. She told a lot on him.

We're trying to figure out how this family will make it with SP in jail and no income.

Hope that helps!

Take care and get well!
Yeah but you have to think

HH expenses
five unemployed adults
2 housepayments with rent coming in for one home
legal expenses
legal custody battle for grandkids

Lots and lots of expenses.

HI Dizzychick. Sorry to hear about your surgery. Take it easy and get better!

No, he has not made bail yet. Its a cash bail. $200,000 I believe. The children are in protective custody with a foster family. The Cox family has requested custody. They had papers ready to go.

SP has been fired from his job since it involve going into schools even though he doesn't have direct contact with the children.

SP's ex-girlfriend is talking. Seems she had tried to talk to LE for a year about things SP had done and about the locked cabinet in his home not being searched.

Seems he had kept a pair of Susan's undergarments. She told a lot on him.

We're trying to figure out how this family will make it with SP in jail and no income.

Hope that helps!

Take care and get well!

ty so much wow what a perve now im wondering if he is the one cops should be focusing on instead of JP. hummmm with a weirdo -o llike that for a dad I guess nothing can be too shocking at this point. how bizarre I sure hope the cops get to the bottom of this. I know she didnt leave her children she never would with men like that in her life. I feel so bad for her. thank you again. wow my tummy feels like a mack treuck ran over it LOL this surgery came out of the clear blue, eating a taco one night on the OR table the next morning..what an experience

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