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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Something that always bothers me is the vagueness about whether John checked that the doors were locked. If he did, then there should have been signs of forced entry. If he didn't, what sort of millionaire with little children would put so little premium on his family and his wealth that he wouldn't check that his home was secure?

In JR's statements to the LE he said a couple of times that he checked the doors to makes sure they were all lock...What gets me when I read that even in 2000 the R's was still changing their story of that morning JR said on Larry King Live on march 27,2000 he handed the officer there the note but yet no finger prints...Geez,by this time they wouldn't need police documents just search the web to see all that they told in interviews...
Does anyone think it is possible PR hit JBR in anger, JBR didn't pass our or die at that time, PR took her downstairs for a pineapple treat as an apology, and JBR passed out at that point, PR realized she probably killed her and started the cover up? I have heard of people in car crashes walking around, talking to police and then sitting down on a curb and dying of injuries sustained, I just wonder could JBR's injury been one of those kind?
Becky319 - if I remember correctly she died @ two hours after eating the pineapple. The R.s at this point would either decide a.) come up with a scenario that explains head injury & call 911 or b.) go ahead & kill via strangulation, then do cover-up.

I posted in 'cause of death' that I don't think they choose 'b.' & I don't think the head trauma came before her actual cause of death: strangulation.
There was an epic 'dna' post here months ago - I hate to revisit it BUT....I have a question that may show just how idiotic I am & confusing this case is but here goes:
Presumably the paint brush handle was the cause for the blood in her underwear - could not this DNA come from a male who has handled the brush in the past (and not a phantom male at the time of murder)? Or...not?

Plus, the DNA that matches under her fingernails could be that she snatched/scratched, handled the paint brush herself.....

About the head wound - it's possible p.orR. wanted to call 911 & the other did not...however, if the head wound was prior to death there would have been a profusion of blood - apparently it did not break the skin (thanks superdave) so I deleted some of this post.

Just more thoughts.....
I think the 911 call two days before her death coincided with something, more than likely the abuse, of Jonbenet. I can see P. coming across either J. or some other adult perpetrator, who is very close to the family & going nuts & calling 911 to have them arrested immediately but is talked out of it, etc.....I think christmas night whatever this crisis was revisited & led to the rage attack on Jonbenet......
There was an epic 'dna' post here months ago - I hate to revisit it BUT....I have a question that may show just how idiotic I am & confusing this case is but here goes:
Presumably the paint brush handle was the cause for the blood in her underwear - could not this DNA come from a male who has handled the brush in the past (and not a phantom male at the time of murder)? Or...not?

I have often wondered that myself.

Plus, the DNA that matches under her fingernails could be that she snatched/scratched, handled the paint brush herself.....

Who knows. Not that any responsible person would call that a match.

About the head wound - it's possible p.orR. wanted to call 911 & the other did not...

That's exactly what I think happened.

however, if the head wound was prior to death there would have been a profusion of blood - apparently it did not break the skin

Just because it didn't break the skin doesn't mean it came last.
There was NO matching DNA from under her fingernails. The fingernail DNA was old and degraded, and the coroner did not follow proper procedure for collecting the fingernail clippings. Coroner was supposed to use a separate, sterile nail clipper for each nail. Instead, he used the same clipper for each nail, and it may not have been sterile anyway.
So the fingernail DNA has to be discarded as far as this case is concerned. NO DNA from JB herself (blood, skin cells, etc) has been found under her nails. She did not scratch her neck nor did she scratch anyone else. The perfect circumferential ligature mark indicated that she was not struggling against it, and may have already been comatose, certainly she was unconscious.
also remember that as far as calling 911 was concerned...Dr Spitz says JB was strangled by her shirt collar *first(not to her death but maybe to unconsciousness)...the ligature was an attempt to cover that.So to call 911 would mean they would have to explain how JB got those strangulation marks on her neck..not to mention,the head bash.But I suspect either one or both did not want JB to wake up and start talking..about how she was thrown around by her shirt collar,(not to mention the chronic sexual abuse evidence),etc...
Now just a crazy thought now I was wondering if JR was in fact the one that killed JB, and woke PR up and putting the same clothes on would the jacket fibers be on her shirt...Cause I was just wondering if PR screamed cause she seen JB would her fibers be on the garrote if she tried taking it off of JB..
To me where PR fibers was found at the crime scene is very bad but where JR fibers was found is more terrible..And maybe JR reading Mindhurter help him with an almost perfect crime...Cause I believe at times PR was setup...Then sometimes I think PR did it....
How did she wear her hair at the White's party?
Does anyone know if the same way like when she was found,fixed in two ponytails? TIA
And is it true that JonBenet was not feeling well on Christmas Day?
How did she wear her hair at the White's party?
Does anyone know if the same way like when she was found,fixed in two ponytails? TIA

How her hair was fixed at the party I don't know but that is why I wish the LE or who ever have the pictures from the White's would release them...
I wonder what are really in the pictures from the White's party..Now if I'm not mistaken ST said JB's hair was not in two ponytails in the pictures but I might be wrong on that...
I wonder what are really in the pictures from the White's party..Now if I'm not mistaken ST said JB's hair was not in two ponytails in the pictures but I might be wrong on that...

Would be pretty interesting if true.Cause you don't fix someone's hair when that person is sleeping.
Would be pretty interesting if true.Cause you don't fix someone's hair when that person is sleeping.

Not necessarily true. When my daughter was young, she had (still has) waist-length hair. When I got her ready for bed, I'd braid it loosely. But is he was asleep or too sleepy sometimes I'd pull it back at the nape of her neck in a loose ponytail. It wasn't all that hard to do without waking her up- I'd just turn her on her side or on her tummy.
I remember reading somewhere that PR said she sometimes pulled JB's hair into a ponytail for sleeping. And the topknot ponytail? I have seen photos of JB with that topknot ponytail and the rest of her hair down long. I used to make the same topknot hairstyle on my daughter. So it isn't too hard for me to imagine PR putting JB's hair in that bottom ponytail while leaving the top ponytail in place instead of brushing it out. Even with JB being awake and walking in to the house she'd still be sleepy/cranky and I can see a mother not wanting to get involved with brushing her hair out. Just leave the party hairdo in place and pull the rest back into a ponytail.

While it isn't a hairstyle you'd let your kid go out in, I never thought the double ponytails were either suspicious, or had anything to do with the staging. To me, it seemed like PR had styled the top ponytail for the party, then simply left it in place when she made the usual bedtime hairdo. But when the unusual hairstyle was brought up, the Rs jumped all over it by making it seem like this was something they had nothing to do with. (like when the pineapple was discovered at autopsy- something that they should have admitted to readily suddenly became something they had to distance themselves from.)
That is why I wonder about the two ponytails cause the R's did in fact made a fuss about it...So I thought maybe JB's hair was fixed different at the party cause I don't see an intruder fixing her hair....
That is why I wonder about the two ponytails cause the R's did in fact made a fuss about it...So I thought maybe JB's hair was fixed different at the party cause I don't see an intruder fixing her hair....

I agree.

There is alot of things an intruder wouldn't know of the house..And personally I don't see JR the kind of man to leave paystubbs out so if we had intruder did the LE checked his office like say a filing cabinet or desk...Sure they did...But when I sit there I can't see an intruder...

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