WV Sting and rescue theory

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And taking five small children all the way to Italy is kind of difficult. It involves someone caring about the kids, making sure their fed, spending money on boat tickets, and food and other stuff the kids would need to survive. So... And than to keep them in Italy, to let them grow up in Italy... It takes a lot of work to add even one child into your family, let alone five. It almost makes me think perhaps the kids were taken by some of the Sodder's family, (with or without their permission) and perhaps sent each child to live with someone different in the family. Which makes it harder to track. Perhaps one was sent to Italy one was sent to Florida to the Cipriani's, perhaps they had some distant relatives in New York and Betty went there, (the photo of the ballet student was from New York).... It just makes things harder to track.

If sting and rescue theory proves true then the ill-gotten insurance payouts (5x) would expedite relocation of the four rescued children away from their immediate family.
Just saw this and had to post the actual accurate information. The Christmas tree was not absent in the Sodder home. It was there but had not been decorated. The Sodder family had a tradition on Christmas that all the family together decorate the tree. Joe, the 21 year old son, was still on the military base in North Carolina and not expected to arrive until Christmas day, Once Joe arrived they would all decorate the tree. It was a fun and joyful family tradition. Joe arrived home on Christmas day but it was not to a house filled with his joyful family. He arrived to a massive hole in the ground where their home once stood and to his distraught and heartbroken parents and four siblings, John, Marion, George Jr (Ted), and baby Sylvia. I'm originally from WV and have stayed very close to this story. This information is accurate.
mywvhome dot com

The above link is to the My West Virginia Home website which matter-of-factly mentions local authorities of the 1930s to 1940-ish era were corrupted and likely by whom, as posted up-thread, further substantiating sting & rescue theory. Same website mentions the Sodder children. Permission to link to the above website kindly granted by Jerry.
A huge problem with this case is that we are looking at this through today's eyes and the reality is that we have no idea what is truly accurate and what is not. Most of what is posted here is theory and conjecture yet taken as gospel truth and yet the reality is that these details are lost to time. At this point we can only theorize about what really happened that night.
We tend to develop a theory and then build and twist the narrative around it to fit rather than looking it everything as a whole and base a decision on that.

To the OP's point, why would anyone stage an elaborate fire just to attempt to rescue only SOME of the kids? Weren't ALL of the kids in danger?
Most people cant keep their mouths shut. It's human nature. How can ALL of these people be involved in an operation to abduct these kids yet nobody talked (including the kids) all the way to today?
Nobody involved stepped up after the fact to collect the reward $$$?
None of the kids came forward after the fact because they miss their family?
So all of the people involved with this "rescue" were willing to commit a crime (kidnapping/arson) and be part of a relatively dangerous operation (dangerous to the kids and the "perps") to rescue these kids when all they had to do was grab them when they were walking home/around town? Or even call the police/authorities?

Here's the questions that need answers:
How did George come up with $20K (@$300,000 in 2021) reward when he couldn't afford to insure his own house (or even build a house)? The community rallied after the fact and conducted a clothing/$$$ drive for the family.
Why did George continue to harass/harangue the local fire/police on the billboard if he was somehow guilty of something. Poking a stick at someone is going to bring attention to you (and unwanted attention from the local fire/police).
Same with mafia. If the mafia grabbed your kids or burned your house, they probably didnt do it randomly. It was for retribution for whatever ($$$ owed, some offense, etc). Why would George continue to make this a high profile case and not just simply lick his wounds and leave town asap?
Why would every law enforcement agency arrive at the same conclusion despite investigation after investigation?
Why did Jennie leave the scene immediately after the fire without her kids or her husband? This left George with the kids, huddled in the garage staring at the smoldering hole in the ground trying to comprehend what just happened.

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