Sting Operation?!

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think they would have it under surveillance 24/7 via camera if this were the case. It could be done.

We don't know that DC or someone else did not go back out on Dec. 10th or 11th before Kronk's "find". JH did say that DC went back twice without him that he knew how many other times or other people went there?
EXACTLY and if the area was under surveillance LE would know who, and when and what they did. And remember LA fell off the radar for quite some time - never to be seen or heard from.

I'm wondering if LE had "heard" some conversations at the jail (JB?) which pointed them to OJ, cover-up, tampering, etc. charges with people on the outside?
One thing that has always stood out to me with TM is the passion I heard in his voice, I believe he was on NG, not sure now if she was playing a video of him or if he was on the show discussing it with her, but he said "Damn you Casey" This was such a strong statement for him to have made and I always thought that he knew of things that we did not know.

Yes. And they would have sent any evidence they had to Quantico and matched the DNA as soon as they could.

I know we're all theorizing to the point of craziness, but this one is too fantastical for me. We just don't have all the pieces together yet to find out what really happened. They're being revealed slowly but surely.
I don't believe they found ANY REMAINS - maybe they found the infamous Blackjack and who knows what treasure trove of info was on that????

But to find remains and sit on them - NO - but I don't believe that was the case

Maybe they (LE) didn't even know Caylee was there - but "other things" were and they wanted to find the "outside person" helping in the cover up?
Tim would have no say in it if the OCSO and the FBI were to tell him what to do. Would he? I don't see him going against them no matter what.

Tim said himself he called off the search because of the fear that she were in the water and could be pushed further down into the muck and mud. They lost a 4 wheeler that completely submerged in the exact area where she was found.

I find it odd that not only would Tim make such a declaration of her not being found, but that he didn't go back full force to search that particular area once the water did recede.
remembers something about the first search they did where it was said they have an idea or some leads as to where caylee was but it was under water and he didn't want to take the chance of the bones being pushed further into the ground.
I went to the Nov 15 on the media link thread and found LP at the little econ, and CA blasting him, saying, "He has crossed the line!" I wonder if it wasn't a trick to get KC to arrogantly say, "She isn't in the econ you fool, and I can prove it." I don't know if that was LP's plan, but it could be that is what happened. She is pretty arrogant to think LE is "stupid," as YM said, "Do you think we're stupid?" And LP does have experience dealing with perps.

Though I have doubts b/c I think Kronk was sent to that sight in August. jmo

ETA; TM is and honest and upright man, and a victim family member with a ton of experience in recovery. I think he saw the odds of her being found and truly thought she wouldn't. If KC hadn't told one or more, she may not have been, but a perp has got to brag after all. jmo
Unless OSCO had this area under surveillance 24/7 I just don't see them risking others trampling the scene. If that was the case, why not stop it when DC was there? Why wait another month? And doesn't that open up a whole host of issues the defense could raise at trial time with regards to evidence?

JMO though...

Those are my thoughts, too, but the whole case has been "highly suspicious". I remember when Casey was first arrested, everyone wondered why LE didn't do a Scott Peterson type sting instead. Could it be that they knew others had information and Casey wasn't the only one involved? Yes, she killed her child, but so many others in her family have a knack for coverup. It's mindboggling. Chief Coverup & Pants Washer: GrandmaCindy.

Everything about this case brings about more questions. It's no longer about KillerCasey, poor little Caylee, the highly suspicious Anthonys, and the love-struck defense attorney. Now there are unscrupulous attorneys, private investigators, and who knows what else. The circus has suddenly taken on six extra rings.

I always suspected LE had more evidence than they let on. They could have found it long ago, just didn't have the body. How were they to know a maniacal PI was going to chop his way through the Everglades - I mean the crime scene - with such a vengeance? If LE had surveillance of the area, why didn't they stop him?

I just don't know what to think.:confused:
While it may be a crazy theory is no more crazy than the rest of this case has been!! You cannot write this insanity! Look at what we have already seen happen!
OMG! Lightbulb moment!!

What IF...the FBI, OCSO, and T. Miller set up a sting?!

Maybe they didn't find "all" of her, but smaller pieces because of the water...then they made that "announcement" of not being able to ever find that when the water did go down...they could be led right to her. It wasn't happening fast enough...

Enter Kronk. Maybe he was working with OCSO and the FBI all along?

Now they have the A fam knowing where the remains were located...

Could they have a surveillance tape of DC and JH conducting their search?! Sure they could. Then they also have JH's tape to back it up.

I really really doubt that happened, not with Tim being involved anyways. The reason I say that is when Tim & crew left Orlando the last time, they came straight to NC, about 20 minutes from my home. I searched with all of them, Tim included for a woman in Lawndale, NC. Heart break & disappointment was written all over his face & the face of all those who came who also were part of the Caylee search. There is NO WAY what we were seeing while with Tim was not real. He was personally crushed at not finding Caylee.

As you may recall, Tim was admitted to the hospital in Fl & released just a day or two before she was found. Caylee was found on Tim's birthday. It was like she was calling to be found & I thought it was amazing she was found on his birthday. It was if this little angel knew the love, hard work, dedication, heart ache & the personal tow this took on him. For TES, it doesn't matter who finds her, just that she is found.
He proably didn't go back after the water receded because he genuinely thought the remains would never be found, as he stated. I thought the statement was hasty, but I don't think he was in on anything.

Also, as previously stated, he was getting pressure to work on other cases. I take him for his word.
Yes, SS I found that whole thing with TES just (for lack of a better word) hinky. First they come, search, too much water, loose $10K ATV - leave. Come back, search one / two days, leave again with everyone visibly upset and not wanting to stop, then come back yet again only to announce that she is not findable.

Plus the visible deteroiation of TM's health and demeanor - something always bothered me about that. You never saw him get that way when he was searching for Natalie.

IF and BIG IF this is what was done it was because LE, and FBI had serious reservations and concerns about an "outside person" being seriously involved.
Tim would have no say in it if the OCSO and the FBI were to tell him what to do. Would he? I don't see him going against them no matter what.

Tim said himself he called off the search because of the fear that she were in the water and could be pushed further down into the muck and mud. They lost a 4 wheeler that completely submerged in the exact area where she was found.

I find it odd that not only would Tim make such a declaration of her not being found, but that he didn't go back full force to search that particular area once the water did recede.

I have always thought in the back of my mind that Tim's "never find her" statements were made to lull the perp Casey into a false sence of security, and to somehow have someone move the body. The PI's haphazzardly grubbing around the area made me think they were trying to do just that. No way would any professional conduct a search in this manner...unless they were trying to distroy or distrupt evidence of a crime....JMO
I'm going to bring my posts over from the other thread: this is the first one....

When did TM and LE announce that they believed that Caylee was unfindable? I've tried to do a search but didn't come up with anything.

Thinking outside the box here - could someone (or a couple of someones) have known all along where she was and just kept checking on it? Then when LE and TM made this statement, the dirty PI decided (or a group decision) to "go get her" and film it in effort to bolster the "someone other than KC" did it theory (as well as make some money off the find)? But, then everything went wrong and we are where we are at today?

I don't know if LE said she was unfindable, I do know Tim said that as he was leaving the last search. I think a lot of people thought she had been put in the dumpster & because so much time had gone by she would not be found. I dont know if this was LE or TES thinking but I do know it was a common thought.
Tim would have no say in it if the OCSO and the FBI were to tell him what to do. Would he? I don't see him going against them no matter what.

Tim said himself he called off the search because of the fear that she were in the water and could be pushed further down into the muck and mud. They lost a 4 wheeler that completely submerged in the exact area where she was found.

I find it odd that not only would Tim make such a declaration of her not being found, but that he didn't go back full force to search that particular area once the water did recede.

In my heart, I just feel that if Orange County told Tim that he couldn't do anything else, or that he couldn't do whatever it took to find the rest of her, not only would he not have went back, he would not have set up a office to work with people who would do his organization that way.
I have to think of what he dealt with in his own case, and just feel he wouldn't accept being told not to do something knowing that anything of her was found.
I certainly do not want to think that Tim would put closure on the back seat to prosecution.
I understand the waters, but I believe if Tim or any of TES would have found even one bone, Kronk would not be the ones to find the remains. The local office was set up there by then, Tim would have had his people check the water levels everyday and as soon as it was safe, he would have been there to retrieve Caylee from those woods.
I apologize, I am upset even thinking this could have happened.
Bringing in a few post's from the calendar (some with links)

Dominic C visits KC in jail.

"Baez said he hired Casey as an investigator July 28, and the service agreement between the two was terminated Oct. 1, 2008

*The director of the Texas-based group that helped organize the volunteer search for Caylee will be back in Central Florida on Friday, an organization spokeswoman said.
Tim Miller, founder and director of Texas EquuSearch, will assess the weather conditions, including water levels and vegetation, to determine whether it's the right time to resume the search.
More on the story here:

Equusearch may pull out of Caylee search
Sunday, 12 Oct 2008
Hundreds of volunteers gathered to help search for missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.


ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) -- Texas Equusearch, a non-profit group that is helping to organize searches for missing 3-year-old Orlando toddler Caylee Anthony, may be pulling out of Orlando for good.

"We gotta think about what's good for Equusearch in these tough economic times, because people who donate money may not donate again if all our money goes to one person when there are more (missing persons) out there," Equusearch founder Tim Miller told FOX 35 reporter Tracy Jacim in an exclusive interview on Sunday.

The fact that Miller says Equusearch has already spent $44,000 on the search for Caylee, only having recouped $5,000 from the Orange County Sheriff's Office and another $7,000 from private donations, and the fact that the Anthonys are not cooperating, is forcing Miller to reconsider continuing the search.

Miller flew into Orlando on Thursday with a few members of the group and a board director. New York Times bestselling author Judith McNaught is helping with the financing and came to support Tim in what she calls "a draining case."

"I'm out here to write checks, that's what the Board of Directors does, because we all want it to turn out so well," said McNaught. "At the same time, this is the first time I've made a public appearance on any case, because he (Tim) is so exhausted," she said, adding "I'm worried about our main resource."

Tropical Storm Fay forced Miller and his team to table a search a few weeks ago. Since returning, Miller says he and about ten others have done small-scale searches with the Sheriff's Office and have turned up nothing. He says water is still an issue too.

Miller says he'll have his final decision Monday.

A large scale search for Caylee Anthony's body has been called off. Organizers with Houston-based EquuSearch grew emotional on Sunday as they announced that they would head home.

About a third of their targeted search area near the Orlando International Airport was underwater after Tropical Storm Fay. Director Tim Miller said they needed to wait for the ground to dry before continuing the search for Caylee.

"If Caylee is out there and if we're going through with four wheelers and horses, we may accidentally run over her cause she's under the water or we don't see her. We don't want to push her in the mud or destroy something," said Miller.

The search attracted more than 1,200 volunteers over the weekend and from as many as 13 states. EquuSearch said that they have spent more than $35,000 in donations. The Anthonys made no comment.

Sept 8......scroll down quite a ways.

They did sink an ATV they had borrowed & had to pay the owner for it. He was correct, it would have destroyed evidence & pushed her further into the muck. He is an excellent searcher & knows what he is doing.
OMG! Lightbulb moment!!

What IF...the FBI, OCSO, and T. Miller set up a sting?!

Maybe they didn't find "all" of her, but smaller pieces because of the water...then they made that "announcement" of not being able to ever find that when the water did go down...they could be led right to her. It wasn't happening fast enough...

Enter Kronk. Maybe he was working with OCSO and the FBI all along?

Now they have the A fam knowing where the remains were located...

Could they have a surveillance tape of DC and JH conducting their search?! Sure they could. Then they also have JH's tape to back it up.

I don't know, but if I have learned anything with this case, it is that anything is possible. So, having said that, let's throw this into the mix. MN resigned on 11-20-08, stating something to the affect that the only consideration here should be finding Caylee. Then, he started working for TES. Do we know when he went to work for the A's? How much time did he have with the A family and the PI's before quitting? Just curious as to the timing of these events along with the other things about this scenario.
In my heart, I just feel that if Orange County told Tim that he couldn't do anything else, or that he couldn't do whatever it took to find the rest of her, not only would he not have went back, he would not have set up a office to work with people who would do his organization that way.
I have to think of what he dealt with in his own case, and just feel he wouldn't accept being told not to do something knowing that anything of her was found.
I certainly do not want to think that Tim would put closure on the back seat to prosecution.
I understand the waters, but I believe if Tim or any of TES would have found even one bone, Kronk would not be the ones to find the remains. The local office was set up there by then, Tim would have had his people check the water levels everyday and as soon as it was safe, he would have been there to retrieve Caylee from those woods.
I apologize, I am upset even thinking this could have happened.
Maybe TM didn't know OCSO and the FBI's intent? They didn't have to tell him. Maybe when whoever went back to pull that ATV out of the water, trace evidence was found - or like I said the infamous Blackjack. LE got their hands on that and who knows what was found then? Implicating outside people in the disposal and/or cover up?

I do not believe LE found any part of Caylee - just other evidence that pointed to someone else and gave LE and the FBI free reign to surveil that area to see what they could see.

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