Students left hungry and shamed!!!

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JMO, I grew up NEVER getting lunch in high school. NEVER. I was hungry many times at home. Did it affect anyone but me? NO. Didn't hurt MOM and DAD. Hurt my self esteem. I was followed by county health worker who gave me iron shots twice a week as well as an iron tonic.

How do you make parents do the right thing? You can't. I was so skinny and tiny I was bullied and made fun of....

MissJ, ((hugs)). Thank you for sharing a sad and hurtful part of your life. That was a horrible time.

I agree that some parents can't be made to do the right thing. Even by court orders.
Hi guys, (yes, I'm back, long time, no see).

Respectfully Snipped.

EDIT: Not to mention, at least in my area, the parents that can't be bothered to fill out the paperwork for the lunch program would be neither shamed or concerned that their kids weren't getting lunch. Too many drugs or too much mental illness to care.

unfortunately many parents in this situation that can't read or write at a level to complete intricate government forms.

In the UK they have a program where a quick check tells those in admin if a child is eligible. A special program with non identifying details.
Hi guys, (yes, I'm back, long time, no see).

This bugs me on a lot of levels. I can only speak for what I see in my local school districts, but they seem to have this worked out better than the one in the articles.

First, even though we are among the most economically depressed districts in the state, every child is provided school lunch. Every child has access to breakfast and lunch, and must have a waiver signed by the parent in order to bring their own. It lessens the gap between social classes, and supposedly reduces bullying. That, combined with the uniform policy seems to be doing a pretty good job of keeping tensions to a minimum. If we can afford it, most any district could afford it.

Also, to take food and throw it away in front of all the students is not only pretty repugnant from a moral standpoint, it makes no business sense and it is setting a horrible example for the entire school. I hope the idiot that thought this was a good idea is promptly fired or reassigned to permanent janitorial duty.

EDIT: Not to mention, at least in my area, the parents that can't be bothered to fill out the paperwork for the lunch program would be neither shamed or concerned that their kids weren't getting lunch. Too many drugs or too much mental illness to care.

Wow your area sounds awesome. I believe it does cut down on bullying. I've been a travel nurse and there are so many economically deprived people in this country. I'm not talking about people living off the government. I'm talking working poor. Many times parents are doing the best they can.
unfortunately many parents in this situation that can't read or write at a level to complete intricate government forms.

In the UK they have a program where a quick check tells those in admin if a child is eligible. A special program with non identifying details.

In our area, they aren't intricate. You write your child's name, DOB, sign your name, and the school does the rest of it. If you don't feel like doing that much, you can check the "Needs assistance" box, and sign your name, and the social worker will call you and walk you through it.

I understand in other areas, they might be a lot more confusing, but a lot of the time, the school will offer to help parents fill out the forms, because the school has to have them on file to get the funding.
Kids should not be hungry anywhere. JMO. Same with babies and old people. Sometimes parents do the best they can. Why punish the children?
Kids should not be hungry anywhere. JMO. Same with babies and old people. Sometimes parents do the best they can. Why punish the children?

MissJ (((hugs)))). I give you my lunch any day.

I am fairly sure that this event is recent. Lunch tabs not paid so we make them hungry.

I wish that you had a lunch tab!
Ummmmmm.... I'm not defending those parents. Clearly, they are at best, negligent. Now what?

Have CPS come in and take the kids away to live happy, fulfilling lives?

Sometimes we have to find a best solution when there are many unpleasant constraints and the ideal is unattainable.

No CPS should not take the children but should be called if the parents do not send in money so their kids can eat or provide a lunch from home.If your working poor like many families are today then take a minute and fill out the free lunch forms. I live in NJ and when mine were in schools from the first day of school they sent home the free lunch forms.The problem I have with this is kids are bullied all the time at school, taking away a child s tray and throwing their food out will be humiliating for the child.Children have no control over money issues or making their parents act responsibly, this will only make them targets for bullying. If You can not afford to pay even if your not on assistance why not just fill out the paper work to avoid this from happening to your child.If anyone should be held responsible and face humiliation IMO it is the adults who are in charge of the child.Having CPS knock on the door and having to explain why you neglected to fill your child s lunch card as long as the school does call and notify you should be for the parent to explain and face.When my children were in school the schools used tokens for the free lunch program , and the children who used them were bullied by other kids.Now they use a debit card system so no child is singled out,throwing away a child s food will cause the same bullying to children and it just isn't fair to the child. Believe me I much rather my tax dollars go to feeding hungry children even if the parents are just being irresponsible then paying for a war but a part of parenting is to be responsible for the children we have.Also if the parents can afford to pay and are not what else is that child doing without.It is neglect to not make sure your children are fed.We have food stamps and free lunch programs to insure our children do not go hungry but unfortunately some do because of irresponsible parenting.The school system also should not allow a child to spend more then what 1 lunch costs plus maybe 1 extra milk ,this way the money lasts as long as the parent have planned for.
Locals, is there any follow up to this story? I am curious as to how all of the media is working for this district.
Too bad Fox doesn't pick up on stories like this which took place a week or so before, in the very same school district with the very same Superintendent:

3,500 free backpacks being distributed to Willingboro students

Posted: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 12:00 am | Updated: 6:29 am, Tue Aug 27, 2013


The Better Education Institute, a nonprofit organization in partnership with the Willingboro School District, will distribute 3,500 backpacks to parents and guardians from 4 to 7 p.m. on Thursday at the Garfield East Elementary School and the J.C. Stuart Elementary School.

"We are grateful for BEI's commitment to help children in need in Willingboro. Their contribution will help our students start the school year prepared to learn." -- Superintendent Ronald Taylor

Organizers ask that children be in attendance during the pickup.

Talk about a forked tongue...attention issues and hunger are hand in hand. I find it difficult to wrap my brain around this superintendent being grateful for preparing the students with school supplies but not with something so basic as a meal.

Ah I get is because it was not on his dime perhaps.
I really have to say I agree with offering parents money for sterilizations! But Linda I agree, there is enough to go around if people didn't let human greed and selfishness get in the way. But I have no faith humanity will become enlightened anytime soon.

I take offense to the notion that kids from negligent parents on state assistance don't become future leaders! *uh humm* there are plenty of examples!!! Not all of us are throw aways.Sometimes we even shine brighter. So when you shop at your local store think of me. This welfare kid helps make shopping a pleasant experience!!

In this situation I think a little communication between the parents and school would go a long way to solve the issues but yeah parents need to get off their butts.
Yeah me too, I have just avoided commenting on this thread.

The constitution says every citizen has the right to "receive" an education. It Does NOT say the right to a government paid FREE education! Much less that the government is responsible for feeding all of those receiving a free education!

Now all meals are expected to be provided for free too. Even those that pay "full price" for the meals are usually getting heavily subsidized. A full price meal costs 90 cents or a dollar? I don't think so! And not just school meals, schools are sending food home and also keeping cafeterias open during the summer.

When I was a kid I went with a lunchbox and that is what fed me, yeah food from home, provided by my parents. Imagine that. The fact parents are NO LONGER EXPECTED TO EVEN PROVIDE FOOD FOR THEIR CHILDREN IS INSANE (hey if they are poverty stricken they get food stamps, meaning free food for the kids)!

Close down the school cafeterias and the problem regarding "denying children food and shaming them" is instantly solved!

Going to a public school is far from free. I had to pay $100 dollar enrollment fee for one kid. I also pay city, state, county, and property tax the schools get some of that. Our taxes were raised to build a new school. So it's not free. I believe if the groverment/ state is going to require kids to be in school. They should be required to make sure the kids get to eat while there. I do not consider a cheese sandwich a meal. My daughter take a lunch from home but nobody at school knows or cares if she eats. Yesterday she drinker her juice an ate her cracker the rest came home cause she didn't have to eat she said.


Does anyone really think the kids that are being raised by the state and bred by "negligent parents" are going to become our shining leaders of the future?

Yes I do. Why could they not be? Some Children raised like that work hard to better themselves. It's the snobby better than you's that keep children like me from even trying cause we been told over and over we are nothing and will never be anything. I also think the ones being raised by nanny and bred by rich parents are going to be your dope heads, thugs , and don't understand the word no. Or care about the people that have less than.
So throwing out perfectly good food in front of a hungry child is just good sense?


I suppose some people could sit down in front of that same child and eat a big ole ham sammich and not think a thing about it. "Not my problem, danged poor kids ruinin' mah lunch."


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