Sunday, 6/9/2013 Radio Show

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Great point Katy!

Jodi Arias and Scott Peterson are excellent examples of guilty perps giving media interviews in attempts to conjure up smoke screens.

As far as I'm concerned, MR's willingness to go on Dr. Phil, or his willingness to give multiple radio show interviews isn't evidence of anything more than his ability to ramble incessantly about nothing, all while dodging providing answers to questions.

I listened to the radio show Sunday evening, and I found myself shaking my head in disbelief throughout most of the program. Here's a father of a missing 13/14 year old son, who (for whatever reason) can't seem to provide concise answers to even the most basic questions.

I've been struggling to give MR the benefit of the doubt, but he certainly doesn't make it easy.

I must say that Tricia has the patience of Job. I was fighting the urge to pull my hair out as I listened to MR's run-on non-answers to practically every question. I totally understand where ER is coming from now. Her son is missing, and she wants information and answers from the last person who saw Dylan, but MR seems to want to play word games. It amazes me that, despite his verbosity, he avoids providing any real information or answers, or any genuine plan regarding what HE, AS DYLAN'S FATHER, intends to do to help in the search for HIS MISSING SON.

Bottom line for me at this point: I don't trust this guy and I don't believe anything he says.

I'm flabbergasted that he hasn't been handing out or posting fliers at all the truck stops he's been to these past 6+ months. WTH????

BBM - perhaps that is why he failed miserably on the original poly, how does one fail miserably a 5 question poly, three questions being name, address & DOB?

2nd BBM - perhaps it's all moving too fast for him, IDK.

If Dylan's phone was on for a day or two then I wonder what that means ?

1) He is dead and the phone was ditched with him (any kidnapped worth there salt would not keep the phone switched on if they was with Dylan and moving in transit as they could be tracked)

2) the phone was dumped somewhere and is not with Dylan and they did not bother to switch it off .


ETA- I wonder why LE have not said anything about this.

IMO - that would mean that the discussions regarding the battery being dead or the phone suddenly stopping to work are all moot points now.

I have another phone that is not charged but has a number tied to it and still being paid for under my plan (don't asked long story about daughter's so I called it and it said...this phone # does not have a voicemail set up.

So is that what happens when the battery is dead or removed?

FYI only/JMO
Score - does this mean the caller hears the music on their end before it goes to voicemail? I'm not understanding the whole Verizon music thang.

Yes, the caller will hear the song/music you have set and if you don't answer in a certain period of time, then the phone sends the caller to voicemail.
He went to 2-3 different rooms and out to the garage looking for the fishing pole? WHY??
On Dr Phil he said to Cory that he noticed the fishing pole gone right away because it wasn't in its usual place in the living room. Looking in all these locations makes it seem even more odd that he didn't notice the backpack was missing!
IMO - that would mean that the discussions regarding the battery being dead or the phone suddenly stopping to work are all moot points now.

A very good point and one I had not thought of .

I have another phone that is not charged but has a number tied to it and still being paid for under my plan (don't asked long story about daughter's so I called it and it said...this phone # does not have a voicemail set up.

So is that what happens when the battery is dead or removed?

FYI only/JMO

If the battery is dead it goes straight to voice mail . Or in yur case it won't as its not set up x.
He went to 2-3 different rooms and out to the garage looking for the fishing pole? WHY??
On Dr Phil he said to Cory that he noticed the fishing pole gone right away because it wasn't in its usual place in the living room. Looking in all these locations makes it seem even more odd that he didn't notice the backpack was missing!

Interesting that backs up what Cory said at the beginning , the fishing poles were kept in the garage . Yet another inconsistent comment as I am sure MR said he kept if in the living room . So why look in 2-3 rooms if its always in the living room ? . Did he think Dylan had done some spring cleaning !
If the battery is dead it goes straight to voice mail . Or in yur case it won't as its not set up x.

That is what I am thinking.....if phone turned off, battery taken out, battery goes directly to voicemail ( I gather because I am still paying for phone).
Interesting that backs up what Cory said at the beginning , the fishing poles were kept in the garage . Yet another inconsistent comment as I am sure MR said he kept if in the living room . So why look in 2-3 rooms if its always in the living room ? . Did he think Dylan had done some spring cleaning !

I thought he was looking for a sign of where Dylan may have gone. Fishing appears to be the first thing he thought about. If I thought my child was going swimming, I'd be looking for goggles and a swimsuit. If I thought my child went to play softball, I'd look for the bat, glove and balls.
He went to 2-3 different rooms and out to the garage looking for the fishing pole? WHY??
On Dr Phil he said to Cory that he noticed the fishing pole gone right away because it wasn't in its usual place in the living room. Looking in all these locations makes it seem even more odd that he didn't notice the backpack was missing!

Looks like MR has a bad case of "Gaposis". He's now trying to fill in the large gaps in his inconsistent stories.
How he keeps in contact I wouldn't know, just that he said he was in contact with them. Could be email or phone, who really knows. I just took it for what it was, Tricia asking him if thought about setting up a website for people with the resources to help him in his efforts to search for Dylan and he named that page. That is all. I didn't see him as trying to call it an official page at all, just a place where all those helping resources could be directed to.

My impression is this, where the search efforts are concerned, he and ER are divided and won't or can't be working together. It's obvious that MR needs a lot of help getting it together and I thought it was nice of Tricia to offer to help him by getting people with resources to contact him.

I thought it was very gracious of Tricia to offer her help and expertise. But I still am wondering about his close daily communication with that FB page. Why would he rely upon this other person? Are they experienced in this kind of situation?
He went to 2-3 different rooms and out to the garage looking for the fishing pole? WHY??
On Dr Phil he said to Cory that he noticed the fishing pole gone right away because it wasn't in its usual place in the living room. Looking in all these locations makes it seem even more odd that he didn't notice the backpack was missing!

Regarding the fishing pole. This is from the Dr Phil Day 2 Transcript posted here on WS: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Dylan Redwine *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]
CR: When you go into your house the fishing pole is in the garage. You didn’t walk through the garage and into the house before you went into the house...

MR: There’s several places that that fishing pole is… it was either next to the TV

CR: It’s always in the garage. Then how come that’s the first …you noticed that before his bike? Before his footprints?

IMO - MR was interrupted and didn't finish saying what were the several places the fishing pole could have been located.
That is what I am thinking.....if phone turned off, battery taken out, battery goes directly to voicemail ( I gather because I am still paying for phone).

I can verify that. My son has a phone with Verizon, and awhile ago he dropped the phone in his driveway without realizing it, and it got run over by someone. I tried calling him on a couple of occasions before he got a new one. (He hadn't told me the phone was broken yet.) When I called his dead phone, it went straight to voice mail - no ringing, no music.
He went to 2-3 different rooms and out to the garage looking for the fishing pole? WHY??
On Dr Phil he said to Cory that he noticed the fishing pole gone right away because it wasn't in its usual place in the living room. Looking in all these locations makes it seem even more odd that he didn't notice the backpack was missing!

And he looks for the missing pole but doesnt bother to look for the backpack until asked by the searchers?
Also about the phone being on , it is very spotty reception (from what we have been told) so that phone had to be somewhere it can get reception or again it would go straight to voice mail if it was in a place with no reception . So that is intriguing to me !!
I thought he was looking for a sign of where Dylan may have gone. Fishing appears to be the first thing he thought about. If I thought my child was going swimming, I'd be looking for goggles and a swimsuit. If I thought my child went to play softball, I'd look for the bat, glove and balls.

But if your child had just arrived on an airplane, and everything they brought w/them was in a backpack, wouldn't you think to look and see if it was still there?

When my social butterfly Daughter used to disappear without asking I immediately looked to see if her wallet, cell, etc. were gone. Sometimes she was just next door at her friends house, in which case her purse etc was still in her room. But if that was gone, I knew she was on a mission somewhere.

I still have a hard time believing that he never thought to check on the backpack. It makes me very suspicious.
He went to 2-3 different rooms and out to the garage looking for the fishing pole? WHY??
On Dr Phil he said to Cory that he noticed the fishing pole gone right away because it wasn't in its usual place in the living room. Looking in all these locations makes it seem even more odd that he didn't notice the backpack was missing!

IIRC didn't CR mention on DP that the fishing poles were always in the garage and it was MR that was very insistent that it was in the living room.
Now this version has him searching for the pole that he insisted was kept in the living room.
Interesting that he took time to look for a fishing pole, not a backpack but a pole, yet took a nap when it was time to look for his son. MOO
I thought he was looking for a sign of where Dylan may have gone. Fishing appears to be the first thing he thought about. If I thought my child was going swimming, I'd be looking for goggles and a swimsuit. If I thought my child went to play softball, I'd look for the bat, glove and balls.

Also, IIRC, originally he said " I nOTICED the pole was missing. " So that indicates he accidentally saw it was not in the usual place, not that he went looking to see.

I will go try and find that quote, but it might take a while.
Test #1 - called my phone with a dead battery (needs charging) - no ringing, straight to voicemail

Test #2 - called my phone with battery removed - no ringing, straight to voicemail

Test #3 - called my phone with battery and Sim card removed - no ringing, straight to voicemail

So if the automated music serves as a ringtone, I would assume Dylan's phone was charged and operable.
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