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What is still good?

All still the GOOD GUYS. At least we know they exist .I'll never forget them .

Caylee is no longer in harms way and will never endure another moment of suffering at the hands of her mother.

and of course KARMA
I just got home from work. A good friend emailed me to let me know the verdict was coming in. I punched out and sat at my desk trying to get on WS to no avail. Within moments another good friend in Florida called me and put the phone up to the TV. When I heard what I heard, I was physically sick. I had almost no sleep last night as I had a discussion with my Dad (he's 83 and retired LEO.) He thought she would be Not guilty. I tossed and turned all night, got out of bed, posted here and off to work I went. I was thinking, no way could he be right, no way. But when I heard that verdict, I nearly fell off my chair. Now I'm home and watching the party, a party for a woman who I strongly believe murdered her baby. I hope lil Caylee can rest in peace. I don't think her mother loved her (doesn't know what love is), but with all the wonderful people around the world who has sent so much love and light to her through all this. Rest in Peace Beautiful Caylee, We love you.
I have to say I am shocked that she is going to get away with it, but I had worse news today than this and just can't feel too much right now. I was told this morning that my mother has colon cancer and does not have much longer to live. I have to say goodbye to my mother, a childs murder will go unavenged, and KCA will be rich from the interviews and book deals. Someone please wake me up.
It seems to me these days that things are all turned upside down. You see it with our government, you see it with the wealthy bankers, all the liars and the cheaters seem to come out on top. This case is no exception, IMHO.

We work hard, try to live right, and then we see people like ICA getting away with murder.

All we want is fairness, we want hope for victims, we want the good guys to win. Today, shakes our faith in all that is good and fair about life.

What keeps me going for another day is my belief in "a higher power." My belief that in the end, we all get what's coming to us. Both good and bad.

I would be lying though if I said today hasn't shaked my faith in our society knowing the meaning of right and wrong. Situational ethics seem to be the norm. You know, forget right and wrong, just do what feels right at the moment. If that's snuffing out your kid, go for it. Sad, so very, very sad.

I just keep walking around saying, Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable.
I've been stunned and depressed since I've heard that farce of a verdict. My faith is seriously shaken.

Mine too. I'm just sick. It's not child abuse when you don't report your child missing and just go on about your merry way?
For your own peace of mind and emotional well being, if you believe in God, believe that He will have the final say. We may not see it this side of heaven...but He will fight this battle for us.
I have to say I am shocked that she is going to get away with it, but I had worse news today than this and just can't feel too much right now. I was told this morning that my mother has colon cancer and does not have much longer to live. I have to say goodbye to my mother, a childs murder will go unavenged, and KCA will be rich from the interviews and book deals. Someone please wake me up.

I'm SO sorry for you {{{{ChefMom}}}}
It seems to me these days that things are all turned upside down. You see it with our government, you see it with the wealthy bankers, all the liars and the cheaters seem to come out on top. This case is no exception, IMHO.

We work hard, try to live right, and then we see people like ICA getting away with murder.

All we want is fairness, we want hope for victims, we want the good guys to win. Today, shakes our faith in all that is good and fair about life.

What keeps me going for another day is my belief in "a higher power." My belief that in the end, we all get what's coming to us. Both good and bad.

I would be lying though if I said today hasn't shaked my faith in our society knowing the meaning of right and wrong. Situational ethics seem to be the norm. You know, forget right and wrong, just do what feels right at the moment. If that's snuffing out your kid, go for it. Sad, so very, very sad.

I totally agree!
She will answer someday, CA will answer some day......I have to think when they both fall asleep at night that little sweet Casey is in their dreams.....I truly believe ICA will spend her last days in a mental ward......we may not believe it right now but living in society might be the worst punishment for her.
It seems like just blaming someone else without any proof whatsoever is enough to overcome solid evidence. I'm sick about it. Are we now going to see innocent people drug through the mud so a guilty one can go free? That is what this jury has told us.
What is still good? Wow......about the verdict in this case? Nothing - nothing at all........what a heartbreaking and completely unexpected outcome.

And I'm sure, when I can stand to think about it, I will try to put some pieces together to no make sense of this verdict, but at least give an explanation for this heart shattering decision. Because there is not logic that can apply.

The alternate said he didn't believe George and thought therefore it must have been an accident and didn't really consider anything past that. May my god bless the jurors with the knowledge of what they, have done.

But enough of my pain. What is good? The friends on this site I will always hold dear. The time I have spent being able to speak from my soul and was treated with deep kindness and despite the times when my opinions were in direct opposition to their own beliefs, still opened their hearts to me. As difficult as the outcome of our time here has become, I will always treasure my time spent here.

I have one terrible fear however. Our dear sister Tulessa is doubly heartbroken today and that is particularly painful for me. I am in the process of writing an open letter of support to her so she will know our hearts are with her as she counts down the time to face the murderer who took the life of her sweet brother and her dear sister-in-law. She needs our help now and will need it in October, but I fear it will not be enough as she has such a tender heart. So I weep today for her also.

Now where is that safe place I can crawl in to and pull the covers over my head and begin to rest my broken heart.
I have to say I am shocked that she is going to get away with it, but I had worse news today than this and just can't feel too much right now. I was told this morning that my mother has colon cancer and does not have much longer to live. I have to say goodbye to my mother, a childs murder will go unavenged, and KCA will be rich from the interviews and book deals. Someone please wake me up.

Your post is sobering. I send you all strength and courage for the battle ahead, and peace for your mother and you as well ((hug))
First ChefMom you and your mom in my prayers.

Everyone I talk to is in shock regarding verdict. How can you have a child missing and not report it all that time and not even get child abuse charges : (

I had to shut the TV off couldn't stand to see it over and over.

Where is justice for Caylee? Will the police not continue to try to find out what happened even though most allready know who she was with when she died?

Will George Cindy or Lee welcome her home?

And the talk of her making money off this, just sickening.

I hope people make life hell for Casey.

We love you Caylee resting in heaven with the sweet angels.
Lets show our love and support to Linda, Jeff and Frank on the "Support for Jeff Ashton and the Prosecution Team" thread. They deserve our support and thanks right now. Thank you for creating "Our own support thread" too. God bless Caylee and everyone who has been seeking justice for her at WS for the last 3 years. I for one am devastated today, but not bitter...I am a firm believer in Karma.
I believe that there was something "not right" in that jury room for this not guilty verdict to have emerged. Maybe we will never know. We were here for Caylee Marie, and I truly believed we could win justice for her. I am still heartsick, but we will survive.
We need a new mission to bring us all back.
Hugs to all.
I have to say I am shocked that she is going to get away with it, but I had worse news today than this and just can't feel too much right now. I was told this morning that my mother has colon cancer and does not have much longer to live. I have to say goodbye to my mother, a childs murder will go unavenged, and KCA will be rich from the interviews and book deals. Someone please wake me up.

God bless you. So sorry about your mom. There are no words to make it better. Just want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Injustice exists in this world, and it probably always has. But people with just and loving hearts also exist, and the Websleuths community is brimming full of them. On this very sad day, I am comforted by that fact.
I knew I would not be happy but I didn't realize how bad I would take this. I am devastated. I cannot stop crying and I am just heartbroken for little Caylee. I cannot believe all 12 jurors found her guilty of nothing............I am just totally crushed right now.

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