Suppose, just suppose, DP is innocent?

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Considering he followed her every move, one would think he would know of this. He would know if Stacy was with another man.

Ditto. Plus there would either be two missing people or two dead bodies.

As DP said,there may be" some things pigs just won't do", but I'm pertty sure if he is innocent, pigs will fly.

(Had to say it)

This man, like all the other serial abusers, is so good at what he does he could create a bit of doubt. I am sure this was the point of his TV interview today. I have been on websleuths now for almost two years and I have come to trust the judgment of the regulars on here. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
Lastly, if Stacy ran off with another man, she would have had to be seeing him for quite some time to make an earth shattering move like DP is claiming.

She didn't meet this "man" Saturday night and leave the next day.

People who cheat on their spouses nowadays are going to get caught. As a previous post in this thread indicated, cell phone records and emails are readily available for the spouse getting two timed.

Furthermore, Stacy was too dedicated to her kids and family to leave without a trace. If she was having an affair, DP knew of it. Again, he watched pretty much everything she did.

Lastly, when would she have time to even go on a date, let alone have a full blown affair with man when she was tending to her kids nearly 24/7?,1,3924553.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

:shakeshead: Think about this!

He is afraid of the media but sitting in front of Matt Lauer on National TV.

When asked by Matt Lauer "Can you look me in the eye and say you didn't....." he responds back saying.

"I can look right in your eye and say I had nothing to do with either of those incidences," Innocent people don't respond this way. You CAN... Ok, why don't you. Why not just a simple, yes I can. This is like when I ask you if you had anything to do with such and such and respond with a question like why would you think that or how could you think that. This is fact. Innocent people DO NOT respond this way.

He is DEFENDING himself but seems not concerned as to where she is. Had my spouse called me and said "I found somebody else and I'm leaving." I would ask, ok, where do you want me to send your divorce papers?

He says him and Stacy were always trying to one-up each other, out do each other so to speak. So much to say about that.... :shakeshead: Why mention this? So now she had made herself missing to one up him? Hummm?

He says his lawyers advised him not to speak to the police, yet, he is on TV giving an interview. Interesting.

If he didn't do it, and she returns home alive, I'll eat worms, but I think she is dead.

Gosh I of all people would surely say wow I rushed to judgement.....

In which I had to do that just recently in the Kelly Stanley case! I thought for sure Erin boyfriend had killed her too. He never so I apologized. I thought 40 lashes with a wet noodle would serve me right!

IF: DP is innocent I'll do the same again!!!!
Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the Lauer interview.
Armand, I know you can't watch it from work, but don't miss watching it when you get home.

Also, Ric Mims will be in the WS chat room tonight around 8:00 p.m. our time.
Armand, I know you can't watch it from work, but don't miss watching it when you get home.

Also, Ric Mims will be in the WS chat room tonight around 8:00 p.m. our time.

Thanks, TG. Right now it's an "iffy." I have a car in the shop which may or may not be ready for pick-up. I am in a rental (seems more like a golf cart than a car) that I'll also have to turn in.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the Lauer interview.

He was to cool, calm, & collected not to of done something.....The only thing the interview did was for him to state both women are unstable.....came from bad family back grounds.

He needed a lawyer & welcomes one to call him. He wants the media off his back.
We will not and I repete will not allow the victim "Stacy" to be attacked here on this forum. If I should have to delete another post where Stacy is being attacked the member guilty of it will be gone from WS for a month.
I always try to stay neutral until we know different -- but after watching todays interview with Matt Lauer my hinky meter went off the charts! There's just noooo way he didn't have something to do with Stacy missing. This would be him after the interview --> :liar:

When Stacy comes home to pick up her children (that she would never have left with that man) and it's proven that wife number 3 died of a true accident (doubtful), then I'll apologize for jumping to conclusions. ;)
Thanks. Another purpose of this is to put a stop sign in front of those who may be rushing to judgement. Sometimes it is necessary to sit back and reassess what one knows (or doesn't know).

Hard not to rush to judgement when the evidence is carrying you along at the speed of light!
I'll have to admit I'm wrong about Drew the day that "pigs" can fly...
While it is interesting to say 'what if...", and get everyone's input on 'what if Drew is innocent', I think we should give DP zero amount of our time since that is what he has put forth in the search for his wife.

We are wasting precious time giving that jerk a second thought.
Stickiing my question in here. I have only been primarilly following this case by media, and a tiny bit of reading here.

Someone tell me IF they have removed DP's third wife from her gravesite, for further forensic testing?

Saw DP's best friend since they were 13 years old, being interviewed on TV. Friend said DP loved to flirt with the women.

Another question on the picture thread. A picture of a bathroom toward the end of the thread, with an oval tub. Would that be the present home tub OR OR the wife #3 tub where she drowned?

IF he is not guilty I will eat some worms with the other poster as well.

Thanks guys.

Granted, DP seems to be not such a "warm & cuddly" person. It is possible that he did something to Stacy, but suppose that she is found and someone else was responsible. What would you say then? Or, another scenario, suddenly Stacy shows up with (or without) another man? What would you say then? To those here ready to "string him up," would you be willing to admit, "I had him figured wrong"? Interesting food for thought.
Not possible...too many red flags a waving....

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