Susan G. Komen charity pulls grants

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of Komen until this brouhaha so I'm glad it happened. Many of us who participate/donate never knew much about the group itself. Now I've been reading about the budget priorities (They spend $50 million on fundraising, and $28 million on administrative costs), bloated salaries, political affiliations, refusal to support stem cell research, getting rid of their longstanding lobbyist and bringing on a losing repub gubanatorial candidate that ran on a platform of de-funding Planned Parenthood and banning adoptions by gays to be in charge of their "policy" activities.

This new woman, Karen Handel is not the kind of scientific mind one would assume would be associated with a group focused on medical and scientific issues. No, she's just your basic extreme right winger who was endorsed by Sarah Palin-some choice quotes:

KH: I’ve been very clear. And you know, as a Christian, marriage is between a man and a woman. I do not think that gay relationships are — they are not what God intended.
KH: I am against gay adoption.
Q: Would you favor outlawing gay adoptions?
KH: Yeah, I would consider that, absolutely.

It seems they have chosen to become another extremeist partisan group and that's fine but they can hardly legitimately act surprised by the backlash. This rabid hatred of Planned Parenthood is just bizarre to me. They are such a needed provider of health care services in so many places.

In my state there is another group, MASS Breast Care Coalition, that is more grass roots and has questioned Komen's corporate ties, including to companies that manufacture chemicals and other substances linked to cancer and their refusal to investigate and fund prevention. This is from something I read on their web site:
Komen has been suing small companies that use the term “for the cure,” for which they have the copyright. We’re talking bake sales, folks. If you use the term “for the cure” and Komen finds out, they may sue you. It just doesn’t seem right. Another thing that Komen did recently is endorse a perfume – “Promise Me” – which was determined to contain cancer-causing ingredients. Breast Cancer Action, a breast cancer advocacy group that is a partner with MBCC, called out Komen on this issue.

I think I'll be looking to support efforts of non-partisan local groups like this instead of the behemoths.

I think they've dug the hole they find themselves in. Now they are backtracking which is arousing the ire of the anti-choice/forced birthers who were donating yesterday. They are a great example of a PR disaster.

Why the heck wouldn't people donate to Komen?
On the wishful thinking that PP is corrupt?

Or on the belief that Komen has become politicized and that that is not proper?

Maybe both?

That's not simple math. That's political capital that you're mathing there. IMO.
I said "should be able to"

Do you not care that your tax dollars (over $1 million a day) go to PP but they continue to overcharge and use wrong codes.

If any funders had the option to remove funding on a whim, there would be few (if any) grantees that would take on these services. These grantees are reimbursed and there would be very few that they would gamble on being reimbursed for $ they have already paid out. This would simply result in less services (overall) provided by the nonprofit sector. I can't see how this would be positive in any way :waitasec:

Also, if PP is SO corrupt, I would imagine our previous President would have made sure to shut them down. They've been around much longer than the past 3 years so why are they still in operation? Maybe because they are not as corrupt as some conservative people think??

BTW-- I don't believe everything I read on the the net. Just cuz it's on the net does not make it true. It's disheartening that some people will just still believe random web pages that support their own personal opinions, whether factual or not.
Want to know what is actually happening with Komen vs. Planned Parenthood?
They released a very carefully scripted statement today which echoes what their President Nancy G. Brinker said yesterday on MSNBC. They didn’t cave, they are saying the exact same thing they’ve always been saying, just in a new way, in an effort to beg for space and a break from the incessant threat by liberal elites and attacks by the mainstream and left-wing media (which GetReligion covers).

Make no mistake, Susan G. Komen is in a fight for its life. WSJ columnist James Taranto describes what is happening to Komen as a mafia shakedown:

Planned Parenthood’s bitter campaign against Komen–aided by left-liberal activists and media–is analogous to a protection racket: Nice charity you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if anything happened to it. The message to other Planned Parenthood donors is that if they don’t play nice and keep coughing up the cash, they’ll get the Komen treatment.

There’s one crucial difference, however. In a real-life protection racket, the victim never pays voluntarily. The threat is present from the get-go. By contrast, Komen presumably was not under any duress when it made its grants–and it could have avoided all this nasty publicity by never dealing with Planned Parenthood in the first place.

Thus smart prospective donors–especially ones that are apolitical, like Komen–are getting the message that supporting Planned Parenthood is a trap. Give once, and you will give again–or else you will pay.
I mean, just pause for a moment: if Planned Parenthood is so serious about protecting women’s health how does it justify leading a crusade to destroy the world’s leading breast cancer research foundation over these past days?? It’s simply incredible, and we need to make sure it’s never forgotten.
Some people never cease to amaze me with their sheer audacity in disregarding fact:

In Komen Foundation debacle, conservatives see themselves as victims (Daily Kos)

Time after time, issue after issue, they try this same tactic; time after time some people fall for it. Amazing; amazing and depressing.

More at Daily Kos link above.

It is depressing, but then again, PP has been targeted for years and years and all of the false allegations and paranoid shrieking from so called "pro-lifers" has come to nothing time and time again. This was a swift and decisive smack-down of an ugly political agenda. It has been so heartening to see the overwhelming support for the mission of PP. Sadly, SGK's mission got lost along the way....
I personally have found this controversy to be both eye opening and so very sad. We live in such a great nation and yet we are unable to collectively agree about women's health.

Due to our economic decline in the past few years PP has been there more for women than ever before.I do wonder what Susan would say about her organization becoming so political. So very sad.

My money will now go to PP instead of this corporate merchandising machine.
BBM No, it's ok because he's on the right side of women's health issues and national healthcare. It's an embarassment that the US doesn't provide health care to all of it's citizens. It's indefensible to not support it. PP is in the business of assisting women in their health care needs regardless of ability to pay or social status. Of course they are supporting his administration. Who are they going to support, Newt??? Mitt???? Puh-leeze.

Well, this republican is all about assisting women in their health care needs regardless of ability to pay or their social status as well. I just prefer that the clinic providing that service not be corrupt. I also expect that clinic bill for the procedures preformed once and honestly.

I guess I'm just unique in that way!
Right, and SGK screwed up big time. They lost sight of their purpose, and are now suffering big consequences. As they should. But the bright side is that PP is now benefiting from SGK's slipperly political stunt. :woohoo: (We all know this has everything to do with abortions.)

No. Actually we don't all know it.

The fact you seem to be happy SGK had lost supporters speaks volumes:

They are the LARGEST financier of breast health care for the poor women of the country.
And you are happy they lost donations?


I thought it was about corruption, the investigation of PP, and the investigation of PP is about abortions.

Why insist it's got nothing to do with abortions, when we all know the investigation has EVERYTHING to do with abortions?

This article should be of interest:

SGK has nothing to do with abortions.

Their grant has nothing to do with abortions.

The investigation is about misuse of funds.
If any funders had the option to remove funding on a whim, there would be few (if any) grantees that would take on these services. These grantees are reimbursed and there would be very few that they would gamble on being reimbursed for $ they have already paid out. This would simply result in less services (overall) provided by the nonprofit sector. I can't see how this would be positive in any way :waitasec:

Also, if PP is SO corrupt, I would imagine our previous President would have made sure to shut them down. They've been around much longer than the past 3 years so why are they still in operation? Maybe because they are not as corrupt as some conservative people think??

BTW-- I don't believe everything I read on the the net. Just cuz it's on the net does not make it true. It's disheartening that some people will just still believe random web pages that support their own personal opinions, whether factual or not.

The lawsuits are true are part of public record.
I personally have found this controversy to be both eye opening and so very sad. We live in such a great nation and yet we are unable to collectively agree about women's health.

Due to our economic decline in the past few years PP has been there more for women than ever before.I do wonder what Susan would say about her organization becoming so political. So very sad.

My money will now go to PP instead of this corporate merchandising machine.

It's sad that SGK is political but it's ok for PP to be political?

Ok... :waitasec:

PP gets over $365 million in federal funds a year. They are campaigning for BO.

Is that not political?
I personally have found this controversy to be both eye opening and so very sad. We live in such a great nation and yet we are unable to collectively agree about women's health.

Due to our economic decline in the past few years PP has been there more for women than ever before.I do wonder what Susan would say about her organization becoming so political. So very sad.

My money will now go to PP instead of this corporate merchandising machine.

Yes, because PP does SO MUCH for breast health! $800,000 per year!

SGK gives about $350 million per year for breast health.

But let's not let facts get in the way of media sensationalism.
I thoroughly enjoy the fact that not only did they reverse, they apologized for the original decision.

They're probably just hoping all this will go away so they can go back to sustaining themselves. :D
SGK has nothing to do with abortions.

Their grant has nothing to do with abortions.

The investigation is about misuse of funds.

:waitasec:Huh..Direct quotes from board members....
The discussion within Komen about addressing the objections of anti-abortion advocates intensified last year after Karen Handel was hired as senior vice president for public policy, several former Komen employees said. Ms. Handel, a Republican, had been secretary of state in Georgia and had run unsuccessfully for governor in 2010. During that campaign, she had spoken about ending financing for Planned Parenthood and said, “Since I am pro-life, I do not support the mission of Planned Parenthood.”


Is it possible for a woman’s health organization to stay out of the abortion issue and help all women?” asked Mr. Raffaelli, the Komen board member. “I don’t know the answer to that yet. What we were doing before was angering the right-to-life crowd. Then, with our decision in December, we upset the pro-choice crowd. And now we’re going to make the right-to-life crowd mad all over again. How do we stop doing that?”
Yes, because PP does SO MUCH for breast health! $800,000 per year!

SGK gives about $350 million per year for breast health.

But let's not let facts get in the way of media sensationalism.

For it to be a fair comparison we would have to look at what PP does in birth control, pap smears (can't get BC without one) and education -- this is what the organization is about. Prevention and protection. Despite it's notoriety for being providers of abortion, they do a lot for prevention of pregnancy and women's reproductive health.

SGK is about breast health. PP is about reproductive health. While that includes the breast it is not PP's focus. Compare PP's birth control numbers to those of SGK's . We might have a better idea of the value of the services PP provides to the un/under-insured.

$800,000 isn't much sure, but it's $800,000 going into breast cancer screening. I'd rather see $800,000 than nothing.
SGK has nothing to do with abortions.

Their grant has nothing to do with abortions.

The investigation is about misuse of funds.

logic salad there. What misuse of funds? Or, more accurately, what alleged misuse of funds?

Let's try again.

SJK pulled funds due to the PP investigation, which the Senator/investigator indicates has to do with abortion-related accounting, among other things. The Senator says taxpayers should know if their tax-funds are being misappropriated and used for abortions - because that is not permitted.

While I agree with your statement that the SJK grant had nothing to do with abortions, the SJK withdrawal of funds did. It had to do with this investigation into PP's abortion-fund appropriation.

Logically, what SJK was saying was this: we don't want our funds misappropriated and PP is under investigation for misappropriation, so (even before the investigation proves anything), out of an abundance of caution, we're not funding PP.

This is not hard to understand because we hear it all the time from the right.

In fact, the reason for the PP investigation has everything to do with the right's desire to do some abortion funding accounting.

So, the reason for the SJK action was this investigation and their concern about SJK contributors not wanting their SJK donations used for abortion funding.

Part of the (PP-supporter) outrage is that reasonable people can readily see what's going on here. Pressure. From the right. To PP based on an incomplete investigation and no evidence of fraud, corruption, or misuse of funds.

Reasonable people believe SJK's actions was about anti-abortion pressure from the right. PP guilty until the investigation proves otherwise.

Reasonable people were outraged. And Koman, who chose to make a decision about breast cancer funding instead a decision about abortion accounting, was unsuccessful in defending themselves against the charges that this was, in fact, a political decision made to appease SJK donor bullies on the right - capitulated to reason.

That's how people are making this connection between the SJK pulled funding and abortion. I guess they just were not interested in sipping the Komen Kool-aid, offered in at least 3 flavors.

You don't have to agree, of course.
Our fight for women's health does not end here. There are still many who will continue to put partisan politics ahead of women's health, and we need to make sure that the grassroots support and energy that successfully came together to right this wrong stands ready to be there for women the next time we're needed.

Read more:

I agree with this, the fight for women's health is not over. This was just a skirmish. There are many politicians inserting themselves into a woman's right to choose at this moment.
I am heartened to see that there are so many willing to stand up and make themselves heard.
Keep up the good work!
Well, this republican is all about assisting women in their health care needs regardless of ability to pay or their social status as well. I just prefer that the clinic providing that service not be corrupt. I also expect that clinic bill for the procedures preformed once and honestly.

I guess I'm just unique in that way!

If you had every doctor bill/hospital bill or insurance statement and checked codes versus what actually happened in the visit, you'd be unique if there were no coding/billing issues.

Most of the time, it's a subjective opinion of what the clinic/facility says happened and what the payor says happened (which always results in the payor reimbursing at a lesser rate).

Say you have an accident in your vehicle-you get 3 estimates to repair that range from $400-$550. Your insurance decrees that according to their studies, it shouldn't take that much labor or that many parts to put your vehicle into working condition. You will receive $175 to fix your vehicle no matter what.

That's a good example of what getting reimbursed for providing care to people is like.
If you had every doctor bill/hospital bill or insurance statement and checked codes versus what actually happened in the visit, you'd be unique if there were no coding/billing issues.

Most of the time, it's a subjective opinion of what the clinic/facility says happened and what the payor says happened (which always results in the payor reimbursing at a lesser rate).

Say you have an accident in your vehicle-you get 3 estimates to repair that range from $400-$550. Your insurance decrees that according to their studies, it shouldn't take that much labor or that many parts to put your vehicle into working condition. You will receive $175 to fix your vehicle no matter what.

That's a good example of what getting reimbursed for providing care to people is like.

I worked as an insurance adjuster for years. I'm quite aware of how it works.

The audits showed much more than accidental or objectionable miscoding.

Blatant fraud.

Same code numerous times. Codes that aren't even related to the procedures received.


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