Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #2

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Thanks for refreshing me on the POA & trust Snoofo. The star article also says

"Legal experts agree the documents show a series of sophisticated –— and curious — transactions for which there is a case to be made against Millard under the provincial Fraudulent Conveyances Act. "
"David Ullman, a partner at Minden Gross who specializes in issues involving creditors — including finding hidden assets — says Millard could have simply given his mother power of attorney to manage his affairs or added her to the property title.

“I think it’s a little strange that it’s being done six days after the power of attorney was appointed,” Ullman said. “My instinct as someone who deals with people who are trying to hide assets from their creditors is that this could be done for that purpose.”

Toronto lawyer Barry Fish called the property transfers “highly unusual.”

“The purpose of doing this is opaque to me,” he said. “[Millard] has not put these three properties out of reach of his creditors. He has only placed an obstacle in their path, which a plaintiff lawyer can circumvent.”

IMO, Members of the legal world found the way this was all handled and the timing very strange as well. MOO

I wonder how many legal experts they spoke to before they decided which ones to quote, because from my experience, for ever lawyer who gives you one opinion, there are 2 more with very different takes on it.

Unless he was stealing cars and chopping them up in his fairly spotless hanger while his father was still alive (and there all the time to wonder why all the different cars were always coming in whole and going out parts), then the money he paid for the properties in question couldn't have been from the proceeds of that crime. I find it completely inconceivable that WM would allow his hanger to used for a crime ring while he was alive.

And that is when those properties were actually bought, when WM was alive. The condo was only considered bought on the day after TB was missing because that was when the building itself was ready to close the deal, being newly finished. Usually in cases of buying before a building is constructed, quite a bit, if not all of it, can be paid off before the place is ready to live in. He did not even profit from the crimes he has so far been charged with that I can see, unless he had sold the truck, and even then he certainly didn't have time to use any of that possible profit to buy any of those properties.
I think every legal professional would see it the same, if they are standing on the same side of the room. If they cross over and judge from a different viewpoint, the transfers mean a totally different thing. It should be made clear that they don't get transferred because someone just feels like doing that for no reason, there is usually a reason but it isn't necessarily an underhanded one.

In any event, remember what Det. Kavanagh says about the transfers:
"It doesn't form part of the evidence in my case"
I wonder how many legal experts they spoke to before they decided which ones to quote, because from my experience, for ever lawyer who gives you one opinion, there are 2 more with very different takes on it.

Unless he was stealing cars and chopping them up in his fairly spotless hanger while his father was still alive (and there all the time to wonder why all the different cars were always coming in whole and going out parts), then the money he paid for the properties in question couldn't have been from the proceeds of that crime. I find it completely inconceivable that WM would allow his hanger to used for a crime ring while he was alive.

And that is when those properties were actually bought, when WM was alive. The condo was only considered bought on the day after TB was missing because that was when the building itself was ready to close the deal, being newly finished. Usually in cases of buying before a building is constructed, quite a bit, if not all of it, can be paid off before the place is ready to live in. He did not even profit from the crimes he has so far been charged with that I can see, unless he had sold the truck, and even then he certainly didn't have time to use any of that possible profit to buy any of those properties.
Thanks Juballee. I too find it hard to believe that WM would condone illegal activities and there's no proof he was. I also don't believe that WM would ever rat DM out. Reprimand him or try to put his foot down: yes, but turn him in? No. MOO
Even though it would make sense, I haven't read anything to indicate that the closing date was the decision of the developer or anything indicating when the offer was actually submitted. Is this an assumption or has there been something reported to show this?
IMO this is not public information and we have no way to find this information out. However, Lawyers & Realtor must adhere to strict FINTRAC requirements in real estate deals, so, it would have been determined by the Lawyer/Developer/Realtor that the funds used had a legitimate source. So IMO, this property purchase appears to be nothing but legit.

IMO, DM threw red flags all around this property and the others-not by giving MB Power of Attorney to deal with them, but by the legal transfer into MB's name less than a week after his arrest. JMHO, DM, who was not talking to LE, along with DP must have felt there was a pressing need to protect these assets from "asset forfeiture" before the searches were even completed.

"Kavanagh told CP24 that police are working on an “asset forfeiture” aspect of the case."


JMHO, it fits into line with the "keep quiet and lets wait and see what they find" but in the mean time, we better quickly protect everything in case they find everything we think they could find! MOO

Thanks fellow sleuthers for reading my thoughts...I'll move on now! :rockon:
Not really directed at anyone in particular, but I was just reading through the "Harley in the Hangar" thread last night, and came across a picture someone had posted of what I believe is the hangar in Waterloo (post #205, Harley in the Hangar). I have noticed a few posters stating that this hangar wasn't as cluttered as the Pearson hangar, but I could never seem to locate any pictures of it. MOO, but it looks kind of cluttered to me in this pic. If this is the way it looked when AS was trying to drum up some MRO contracts, no wonder he was concerned. MOO MOO MOO
Thanks for pointing that out dizzy. I am not sure of the date of those photographs, but the source was a mechanic of DM's from a chat forum. I don't know which forum they were found at, but in later post #215, our jash points out DM's mechanic's comments about a Cobra from 2011. In 2011, the hangar was still under construction and was not approved for occupancy until Feb 2012 (link below). So I would say its possible those pictures were from the Pearson hangar or, if Waterloo, while waterloo hangar was still under construction when nobody would be touring IMO. I think the latest interior photos I've seen of the Waterloo hangar were last summer, which would have been well before the steakhouse chat, and those pictures looked pretty good too me. The cars that were in there looked like shiny showpieces that could be driven out of there in seconds if there was an airline tour on its way in to view premises. Tool storage by the walls wouldn't be odd, it is after all a hangar. Just my observations, however if those pics in #205 are from after Spring, 2012, then they did appear to have cleaned up. Some of those photos did look like the old hangar though (floor didnt shine in some pics) but it's tough to say for certain.
What the WHAT??? Ugh I had to join one of those FB groups to view it. yuck.

I was hoping to find his signature at the end, as I had already sleuthed it and could compare. But no signature. i've never seen DM's handwriting though so I can't comment. This is bizarre.

No kidding about joining a FB group, same here. Oh well, sometimes you have to take one for the team :)

And thanks to skatergirl for posting the link.
Can someone summarize this letter?

I checked the rules, and it's OK to paraphrase from facebook, so that's what I'll do.

What I saw was 2 jpgs of a handwritten letter that was 2 pages in length.

--- paraphrasing! ---

DM comments on how he hasn't been in prison before. Worst part is that people think he's a murderer. He says he always thought newspapers were full of crap, but had no idea how bad until now. Also surprised at police, says they are turning their theories into reality...thinks there are a lot of innocent people in jail.

Friends and family supportive. Happy to get letter from a stranger that believes in him, gives him hope that a jury will as well. Hopes to make bail in September.

Gets a couple of 20 min visits a week, wants to meet the person who contacted him.

------ End of paraphrasing ---
What the WHAT??? Ugh I had to join one of those FB groups to view it. yuck.

I was hoping to find his signature at the end, as I had already sleuthed it and could compare. But no signature. i've never seen DM's handwriting though so I can't comment. This is bizarre.

I found it odd that his apparent nickname is the same as one of his friend's on Steam.

I found it odd that his apparent nickname is the same as one of his friend's on Steam.


I've got to hand it to you, AD. You sure can sleuth!
It is a little odd, huh?
Do we know which one that is? I only know of one that plays hockey. Avatar mentions hockey. Maybe a different person. Hmmm.:dunno:
I checked the rules, and it's OK to paraphrase from facebook, so that's what I'll do.

What I saw was 2 jpgs of a handwritten letter that was 2 pages in length.

--- paraphrasing! ---

DM comments on how he hasn't been in prison before. Worst part is that people think he's a murderer. He says he always thought newspapers were full of crap, but had no idea how bad until now. Also surprised at police, says they are turning their theories into reality...thinks there are a lot of innocent people in jail.

Friends and family supportive. Happy to get letter from a stranger that believes in him, gives him hope that a jury will as well. Hopes to make bail in September.

Gets a couple of 20 min visits a week, wants to meet the person who contacted him.

------ End of paraphrasing ---
Here's a rundown on the social media rule, (FB, Twitter, blogs, etc.).

The page must belong to

  • a victim or suspect;
  • MSM or LE;
  • "official" missing/victim pages approved by the mods; and
  • generally commercial pages for busineses and legitimate, mainstream organizations are okay, as well.
If a social media page is one of the above, you can reference the posts in your own words, but you must provide a link. Additionally, posts on social media pages can't be verified, so the information is considered rumor. If it's relevant and not outlandish or harmful, you can take it into consideration, toss it around, and file it away.

Is this the same FB that we decided not to allow early on? Ianman, I'll let your post stand until tomorrow if you will please pm the link or the name of the page so the mods can check it out.

Thank you!
Here's a rundown on the social media rule, (FB, Twitter, blogs, etc.).

The page must belong to

  • a victim or suspect;
  • MSM or LE;
  • "official" missing/victim pages approved by the mods; and
  • generally commercial pages for busineses and legitimate, mainstream organizations are okay, as well.
If a social media page is one of the above, you can reference the posts in your own words, but you must provide a link. Additionally, posts on social media pages can't be verified, so the information is considered rumor. If it's relevant and not outlandish or harmful, you can take it into consideration, toss it around, and file it away.

Is this the same FB that we decided not to allow early on? Ianman, I'll let your post stand until tomorrow if you will please pm the link or the name of the page so the mods can check it out.

Thank you!

Unfortunately I ended up accepted to 3 FB groups (delete! Delete!). And they a
all contains copy of the letter. These are Tim Bosma groups.
Unfortunately I ended up accepted to 3 FB groups (delete! Delete!). And they a
all contains copy of the letter. These are Tim Bosma groups.

I would assume that the Posting links of non MSM articles pertains to AB's personal blog. Although I find it interesting, I don't see her currently attached to any accredited MSM news sources. The last major project that I could find that AB worked on was a TV listings guide produced for Bell. A custom content piece produced for a corporate client.
AB has an updated blog today regarding the "Jailhouse Letter"

A criminal profiler, with decades of experience in police work, said of the letter: “I’m not surprised by the content…I think it’s totally consistent with (MIllard) and his circumstances.”

He noted that the letter was “implying (Millard’s) innocence although not defending it with any specific details.”

The letter’s purpose, said the profiler, was to establish a connection with the recipient, “charm her a bit. Being in custody is boring. He’s looking to spice things up.”

The profiler was struck by Millard’s comment that he “go(es) out of his way not to step on ants. In almost 800 murder cases, that (type of) phrase is generally only used by somebody that has involvement,” said the profiler. “We refer to it as ‘words of confession framed in a form of denial.’ It more than lifts one of my eyebrows.”

The profiler also noted how the letter blames other people, media and police but is “totally devoid of supporting details.” He described it as Millard’s “weak unsubstantiated attempt to defend himself.”
I too have seen this letter, I found it interesting how he switches writing styles, he uses print and then script in the same sentence.. His hand writing is poor, as are the majority of people his age who have grown up typing not writing by hand...

I found the ants comment strange as well and it lead me to believe it was somehow related to not rubbing with other prisoners.

if this letter is true to be what it is claimed to be, as response from DM to a "fan", I wonder if the motive of the fan was to get something in writing back from DM and expose it, or if she truly wanted to start a relationship with him... I guess there are women out there that find this type of guy (DM, charged with murder, etc) attractive?
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