Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #2

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So when I say they didnt have dealings before, it's because they never had to. AS probably did most of this work on the phone and on the road and didnt need to be at the hangar. So what I am saying is he is giving us his impression and a lot is being read into DM's character from AS' impression. The real estate agent met DM several times and had completely different things to say about his character in that business deal, so why not quote him more often?

Also, WM did not ask for or need the Region to make a runway. Millardair has no business building runways at the airport.

So far as it being unprofessional to bring toys to work, I understand his grandfather may have done the same, being a collector of cars. AB's article also contains a pilot's quote that "by 1990, it wasn't much of a business and was more of a hobby for Carl". DM was 5 in 1990. This is the business environment DM was raised in. They taught him how to fly planes and helicopters. So maybe this is what he understood to be a part of business ownership.

I would love to stick around and debate more points but I have to go. :wave:

In 1990 Millardair went bankrupt. Also it does not state anywhere that I have read Carl or Wayne were into dissembling and rebuilding vehicles. Seems Carl may have had a bit of a collection of vehicles which according to an article and assumption (not confirmed by LE), were eventually moved and stored at the new hangar by either WM or DM. It does not state CM kept his America built collection at the old hangar to tinker on either. CM may have had them storage elsewhere. In the earlier articles, before the investigation at the new hangar the reporter could be assuming the collection was Carl's based on Mr. Seaman's word he knew CM to be a collector of American built cars. Reports have claimed anywhere from 10 to 100 stolen vehicles in the hangar. Until LE release information pertaining to the vehicles found at the new hangar, all we have is other peoples' opinions to go on in many reports. And other peoples' opinions vary greatly in regards to who DM is/was, what he was like, his interest, hobbies, financial status, abilities ect. HTH.

Another thing which has been mentioned in numerous articles, the Millard family never flaunted their money. It may be hard to flaunt money when there is no money to flaunt and that is JMO.

May 13, 2013
Shortly after his father’s death, Mr. Millard met with Mr. Seaman, when Millardair was considering selling the Waterloo facility.

“He was just a young man who had inherited the business and was trying to figure out where he’s going with his life,” said Mr. Seaman.

“He clearly didn’t have an active or heavy interest in pursuing the family business. He was into off-road racing, he was into helicopters.”

His interest in automobiles seemed to come from his grandfather, who amassed a collection he stored in his hangar — all of them American built.

May 14, 2013
At the Millardair hangar, Kavanagh said they found several vehicles as well as planes. Kavanagh said the auto squad has been called in to investigate what kind of operation Millard — the CEO of Millardair in Waterloo — was running out of the hangar.

May 18, 2013
Instead, he put the hangar up for lease and continued to store his collection of cars and aircraft there.

However, a contractor who worked on the hangar said Mr. Millard wasn’t the type to tinker on engines himself. “I’ve never seen his hands dirty that way. I didn’t find him that mechanically inclined,” the contractor said.

In fact, once when Mr. Millard needed some space he took a cutting torch and removed some structural components from the building, the contractor said. “That’s something you don’t do and I told him we have to put it back. And if he was a little more mechanically inclined, he would know that.”

Still, the recent developments don’t add up for the contractor.

“They have no problem with money. He’ll spend however many thousands on vehicles and airplanes and things. What’s the story with him buying an old truck? There’s something not right.”

May 30, 2013
Although Hamilton Police would not comment on the investigation of any of the vehicles found in the possession of suspects now charged in the case, officers did confirm that MacDougall's $35,000, 2010 Harley Davidson, convertible softail and a cargo trailer worth $7,500, was located as part of their investigation. Sources say hundreds of vehicles have been found in a hangar.

May 30, 2013
The description of vehicles dismantled, repainted and having serial numbers grinded away fits with a "typical chop shop," he said.

Police say they've found evidence that suggests the Millardair hangar at the Region of Waterloo International Airport was being used as a giant "chop shop" for stolen vehicles. Hamilton police confirm they're investigating multiple stolen vehicles and parts found inside the massive Breslau hangar owned by the 27-year-old man at the centre of the Tim Bosma murder investigation.

"I can confirm that the motorcycle written about was recovered in the hangar by the Hamilton Police. There were a number of vehicles and/or parts found in the hangar and this remains under investigation," Const. Debbie McGreal-Dinning of the Hamilton Police Service said in an email. Police say they're still trying to track down owners of the discovered vehicles, putting the number found at less than 10.

June 6, 2013
As for the family company, a former Millardair pilot who did not wish to be named said that, by 1990, “it wasn’t much of a business … and was more of a hobby for Carl.” The pilot, who kept in sporadic touch with Wayne and Carl over the years, said although he and others liked and respected the Millards, they were “very private people and no one really knew much about them.”
I didnt in the slightest suggest CM disassembled cars but since you mention it, I will say it isnt too far a stretch. Please see Ms. Sherlocks post 155 in Properties thread for link to document. Note the bit about auto parts. We dont need to draw conclusions but we can keep an open mind.

May 18, 2013
Instead, he put the hangar up for lease and continued to store his collection of cars and aircraft there.

However, a contractor who worked on the hangar said Mr. Millard wasn’t the type to tinker on engines himself. “I’ve never seen his hands dirty that way. I didn’t find him that mechanically inclined,” the contractor said.

In fact, once when Mr. Millard needed some space he took a cutting torch and removed some structural components from the building, the contractor said. “That’s something you don’t do and I told him we have to put it back. And if he was a little more mechanically inclined, he would know that.”

Still, the recent developments don’t add up for the contractor.

“They have no problem with money. He’ll spend however many thousands on vehicles and airplanes and things. What’s the story with him buying an old truck? There’s something not right.”

Well I have to say the contractors comments do add up for me. IMO the contractor is pointing out that DM was not mechanically minded. And he goes on to say that he had no problem with money and was able to buy many things mechanical (whether mechanically minded or not)

He then states that he finds something not quite right with the buying of an OLD truck... IMO he is pointing out that he (DM) could have bought a new one or more than one. Thats hpw I read it...and I do not see a discrepancy in this at all... JMO
I have a question about vin numbers that someone here might be able to answer: if you have a legitimate reason to have many auto parts from various makes and models and years because you are working on cars, what do you do with the discarded parts that have good vin numbers to keep them from being used by others nefariously to legitimize stolen vehicles?
Well I have to say the contractors comments do add up for me. IMO the contractor is pointing out that DM was not mechanically minded. And he goes on to say that he had no problem with money and was able to buy many things mechanical (whether mechanically minded or not)

He then states that he finds something not quite right with the buying of an OLD truck... IMO he is pointing out that he (DM) could have bought a new one or more than one. Thats hpw I read it...and I do not see a discrepancy in this at all... JMO

IMO, I don't know how the builder would know how much money DM had. Sure, he may have been hired & paid (hopefully) by DM, but how does the contractor know where DM's money comes from. I guess this is all in the contractors opinion, not really proof of anything to me. He may also state that DM isn't mechanically inclined, but he was just a contractor that worked on the hangar. He didn't call himself a friend or even an acquaintance of DM. I know people who know how to work on an engine, but don't have much of a clue when it comes to building (or tearing down) a wall. I guess that it's all JHO (just his opinion). I wonder if he still feels this way now. JMO
I have a question about vin numbers that someone here might be able to answer: if you have a legitimate reason to have many auto parts from various makes and models and years because you are working on cars, what do you do with the discarded parts that have good vin numbers to keep them from being used by others nefariously to legitimize stolen vehicles?

Juballee, IMO it's not the wild west in the auto part-salvage business anymore. On March 31, 2003, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation implemented the "Mandatory Vehicle Branding Program"
IMO in Ontario, any part would be traced to a vehicle that was branded as Irreparable or Salvage. Makes it a bit harder to operate a chop shop.

It is also a federal offense to tamper or alter a VIN plate.

IMO If the parts are all legit and not needed they could be sold or taken to the scrap yard for proper disposal. Also, the Mandatory Vehicle Branding Program covers cars that have been rebuilt. Hope this helps!
IMO, I don't know how the builder would know how much money DM had. Sure, he may have been hired & paid (hopefully) by DM, but how does the contractor know where DM's money comes from. I guess this is all in the contractors opinion, not really proof of anything to me. He may also state that DM isn't mechanically inclined, but he was just a contractor that worked on the hangar. He didn't call himself a friend or even an acquaintance of DM. I know people who know how to work on an engine, but don't have much of a clue when it comes to building (or tearing down) a wall. I guess that it's all JHO (just his opinion). I wonder if he still feels this way now. JMO

For me I see that the comments made by the contractor were somewhat informed.... he says DM was not mechanically inclined and that is his professional opinion about what he saw. Couple that with SS talking about himself working for his boss and being his bosses mechanic (in so many words) perhaps we can link to the site where SS describes his job /boss situation?? When you add these two things together it becomes more apparent that DM was not a hands on mechanically minded individual IMO......

Regardless of whether he (contractor)called himself a friend or an is quite apparent IMO that he was at the very least an acquaintance. He obviously had become acquainted with him to be able to describe the situation(s) that he has. IMO. Maybe said contractor was referring to the amount of money that he had seen DM have access is immaterial to me where said monies originated in this , because the contractor was stating what he saw and what he knew. Basically he is saying IMO that DM had access to plenty of money....and thats good enough for me and would be considered such in a court IMO if he could say that he saw him access such funds. Many things have been speculated on here without any substance I think the fact that this is a guy who has something to say based on actual knowledge ...should not be minimized.... IMO.... not saying anyone is...but thats my opinion .... JMO
IMO, I don't know how the builder would know how much money DM had. Sure, he may have been hired & paid (hopefully) by DM, but how does the contractor know where DM's money comes from. I guess this is all in the contractors opinion, not really proof of anything to me. He may also state that DM isn't mechanically inclined, but he was just a contractor that worked on the hangar. He didn't call himself a friend or even an acquaintance of DM. I know people who know how to work on an engine, but don't have much of a clue when it comes to building (or tearing down) a wall. I guess that it's all JHO (just his opinion). I wonder if he still feels this way now. JMO
Dizzy, IMO you've pointed out a key point. Perception of wealth is key. IMO, many "perceived" DM as having unlimited resources, when in fact it may have been WM holding the purse strings and providing DM with what he needed. After WM's death, it's a much clearer picture. JMHO, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that DM (prior to WM's death) had in fact received an inheritance from CM's estate, there's a perception that he did, but did he? I also haven't seen anything to indicate that DM was earning any substantial income. I also don't know if any of the other Millard Co's had obligations to employees or contractors. ie) mechanical patents may require the employment of a mechanical engineer-did CM & WM have one on the payroll somewhere? Of course, it could be argued that he bought the farm without any encumbrances, but there's no trail to where the money came from. Did WM actually give the money to DM with the hopes that DM would get interested in the business? IMO there's a lot about DM that we may not be aware of. MOO
In my opinion, the perception of wealth is not only about perception, but about relativity as well. To an average person, someone owning a large business, more than one property and numerous cars might be perceived as wealthy. I think that more telling in the contractors statement is that he cannot see any reason why DM would steal an older, used pick up truck. I am assuming that if he has done work in the hanger, he has seen the collection of cars and perhaps even witnessed some being bought or worked on, so for him to find that it doesn't make sense that DM would need to steal a vehicle, and likely one not really meant for a collection such as his, would seem logical and an insightful observation.
:yow: It will be interesting to find out DM's movements in that at least four hoursonce this goes to trial and if it is presented. What did LE find out in that four hours to confirm they had the right guy? Realistically four hours is a long time when you're out and about doing stuff.

Just because someone is not mechanically inclined doesn't mean they don't have an interest in mechanics. E.i., I love food and love to cook but it doesn't mean I'm a good cook kwim. If DM's buddies were mechanically inclined that was all that was required. Obviously someone was mechanically inclined and knowledgeable in order for them to rebuild the Jeep for the Baja race.

The contractor said "He’ll spend however many thousands on vehicles and airplanes and things." Perception is one thing, reality is another. The contractor saw all the vehicles (assuming CM collection, jet skis, boat, planes, helicopter, Jeeps, HD, stolen vehicles, ect.) inside the hangar and knew there was money tied up in the collection. MOO

Again, just because someone has wealth, doesn't mean they are not capable of murder. Why the contractor says, "there's something not right", to me he's saying DM is not the person he thought he was. He is not in denial, it was just his perception on the whole situation. He, like others are perplexed by the whole notion of why DM would murder someone over a truck he could presumably afford.

Maybe it wasn't about the money aspect. Maybe it wasn't meant to be a murder. Maybe DM didn't murder TB. But IMO I believe DM was there when TB was killed, therefore he is as guilty as whoever murdered TB. And the other thing is, if DM had any knowledge of what happened that night, he did not go to LE to report what he knew, so that makes him even more guilty IMHO. MOO is TB wasn't meant to die. Something went wrong and he did die and that is why there is a sloppy, obvious, trail.

Four days after Mr. Bosma’s disappearance, police tailed Mr. Millard for at least four hours before arresting him and later charging him with forcible confinement, theft over $5,000 and, eventually, first-degree murder.

However, a contractor who worked on the hangar said Mr. Millard wasn’t the type to tinker on engines himself. “I’ve never seen his hands dirty that way. I didn’t find him that mechanically inclined,” the contractor said.

In fact, once when Mr. Millard needed some space he took a cutting torch and removed some structural components from the building, the contractor said. “That’s something you don’t do and I told him we have to put it back. And if he was a little more mechanically inclined, he would know that.”

Still, the recent developments don’t add up for the contractor.

“They have no problem with money. He’ll spend however many thousands on vehicles and airplanes and things. What’s the story with him buying an old truck? There’s something not right.”
The Aug 1 court appearance is only 2 days away. I have a few questions that I would
like some insight about?

Is there any chance that MS legal counsel would opt to have him appear in person?

Is there a chance that the date could be pushed again?

Should we expect this to be as quick as the previous court appearances or more detailed?

The CA has requested DM appear in person to have his finger prints taken. Is it possible that DM has been finger printed for the 1st Degree murder charge yet?

Is it possible that DM and MS could request bail at this point?

If there are any other charges (theft or Harley or other stolen parts) would they be discussed at this time or separately?

Lastly, is anyone going to be there in person?
Dizzy, IMO you've pointed out a key point. Perception of wealth is key. IMO, many "perceived" DM as having unlimited resources, when in fact it may have been WM holding the purse strings and providing DM with what he needed. After WM's death, it's a much clearer picture. JMHO, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that DM (prior to WM's death) had in fact received an inheritance from CM's estate, there's a perception that he did, but did he? I also haven't seen anything to indicate that DM was earning any substantial income. I also don't know if any of the other Millard Co's had obligations to employees or contractors. ie) mechanical patents may require the employment of a mechanical engineer-did CM & WM have one on the payroll somewhere? Of course, it could be argued that he bought the farm without any encumbrances, but there's no trail to where the money came from. Did WM actually give the money to DM with the hopes that DM would get interested in the business? IMO there's a lot about DM that we may not be aware of. MOO

Perception is key in pretty much everything IMO

I believe we have learned that DM and WM were beneficiaries of at least one home in CM's will. That in itself is an inheritance. From this it can be 'perceived' that DM and WM were also the beneficiaries of other assets from CM. They were his only heirs !!!!!

People do not IMO go around buying properties worth almost a million dollars when they have zilch for a bank balance and zilch to back up any upcoming payments. I think it would be totally naive to think otherwise IMO.....JMO

Why should we be privy to everything about DM? IMO nothing outside of this case is anyones business really. JMO Whether he owned a house or two or three, whether he had fish, turtles or six cats or whther he spent money like water..... I do not see the relevance JMO of course...but in order to solve a murder IMO we need to address matters pertaining to the case and IMO it matters not whether someone is wealthy, perceived wealthy or downright poverty stricken. Even trying to suggest the motive is money is a tough line of thinking because you would have to prove that someone was immoral enough to do such a thing or hungry enough !!!!....not simply base it on the lack of money. JMO MOO
Perception is key in pretty much everything IMO

I believe we have learned that DM and WM were beneficiaries of at least one home in CM's will. That in itself is an inheritance. From this it can be 'perceived' that DM and WM were also the beneficiaries of other assets from CM. They were his only heirs !!!!!

People do not IMO go around buying properties worth almost a million dollars when they have zilch for a bank balance and zilch to back up any upcoming payments. I think it would be totally naive to think otherwise IMO.....JMO

Why should we be privy to everything about DM? IMO nothing outside of this case is anyones business really. JMO Whether he owned a house or two or three, whether he had fish, turtles or six cats or whther he spent money like water..... I do not see the relevance JMO of course...but in order to solve a murder IMO we need to address matters pertaining to the case and IMO it matters not whether someone is wealthy, perceived wealthy or downright poverty stricken. Even trying to suggest the motive is money is a tough line of thinking because you would have to prove that someone was immoral enough to do such a thing or hungry enough !!!!....not simply base it on the lack of money. JMO MOO
Blomquist, I'm not sure there's been hard evidence that DM actually inherited anything from CM. Also, I don't believe the details of CM's Will have been disclosed. IMO CM had relatives on his wifes side of the family and there is a possibility that he had left something for them, or perhaps an aviation related charity ie)warplane heritage museum. IMO, it's difficult to say and is only an assumption right now, how CM's Estate was truly settled. IMHO, the property transfers involving DM may have been part of WM's estate planning after CM's death or done for tax purposes. In WM's case, DM was his only child and WM had no siblings, so it may be reasonable to think that DM was WM's sole heir. IMHO, there's one thing that I find interesting and that's the addition of MB on as a Director after WM's death. There's also a possibility that WM or CM provided for MB in their Wills as well. MOO

IMO, there were numerous companies tied into the business affairs of WM and CM and we have no idea what their credit facilities were, if there were any and what they had been used for. Cash property purchases could have been done by already established lines of credit. If WM died as a result of his own depression, he may not have been able to get everything in order IMO, DM's financial situation will be disclosed on a "need to know" basis if it forms part of the evidence at trial, but for right now, IMO, I can't be certain that when he wrote the cheque for any of his properties that it was in fact coming out of his bank account that was topped up by an inheritance from CM and not as the result of WM trying to appease DM and get him interested in working at the new MRO. MOO

Also Blomquist, IMO, the money motive hasn't been ruled out-especially in the death of WM. It's probably safe to say that HPS have a forensic accountant on hand to help navigate the money end to ascertain if there could be a money motive behind the murder of TB MOO
Juballee, IMO it's not the wild west in the auto part-salvage business anymore. On March 31, 2003, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation implemented the "Mandatory Vehicle Branding Program"
IMO in Ontario, any part would be traced to a vehicle that was branded as Irreparable or Salvage. Makes it a bit harder to operate a chop shop.

It is also a federal offense to tamper or alter a VIN plate.

IMO If the parts are all legit and not needed they could be sold or taken to the scrap yard for proper disposal. Also, the Mandatory Vehicle Branding Program covers cars that have been rebuilt. Hope this helps!

I dont suppose the Program will help if someone has two same type cars and uses part from one for the other.....and sells it on....

This business with cars and legislation is something I find irksome....always a new way to extract fines and charges.... I wonder if eventually they will do the same for bicycles.hmmm.. oh well the machine has to make money I suppose..... :fence: JMO
Blomquist, I'm not sure there's been hard evidence that DM actually inherited anything from CM. Also, I don't believe the details of CM's Will have been disclosed. IMO CM had relatives on his wifes side of the family and there is a possibility that he had left something for them, or perhaps an aviation related charity ie)warplane heritage museum. IMO, it's difficult to say and is only an assumption right now, how CM's Estate was truly settled. IMHO, the property transfers involving DM may have been part of WM's estate planning after CM's death or done for tax purposes. In WM's case, DM was his only child and WM had no siblings, so it may be reasonable to think that DM was WM's sole heir. IMHO, there's one thing that I find interesting and that's the addition of MB on as a Director after WM's death. There's also a possibility that WM or CM provided for MB in their Wills as well. MOO

IMO, there were numerous companies tied into the business affairs of WM and CM and we have no idea what their credit facilities were, if there were any and what they had been used for. Cash property purchases could have been done by already established lines of credit. If WM died as a result of his own depression, he may not have been able to get everything in order IMO, DM's financial situation will be disclosed on a "need to know" basis if it forms part of the evidence at trial, but for right now, IMO, I can't be certain that when he wrote the cheque for any of his properties that it was in fact coming out of his bank account that was topped up by an inheritance from CM and not as the result of WM trying to appease DM and get him interested in working at the new MRO. MOO

Also Blomquist, IMO, the money motive hasn't been ruled out-especially in the death of WM. It's probably safe to say that HPS have a forensic accountant on hand to help navigate the money end to ascertain if there could be a money motive behind the murder of TB MOO

I think it goes without saying Sherlock that CM/WM could have left money to a few....or even Save the Seals..... but IMO and JMO I believe that is beside the point. It is extremely likely IMO that he left most of his assets to his son and grandson.... JMO

Also Sherlock it is my opinion that it very unlikely that the murder of TB was for money unless we are touching on a subject that would breach the rules of WS IMO. I personally believe its unlikely that DM killed TB..... but I have no doubt that a few 'agents' will be looking to find a motive to pin on him...thats JMO
I think it goes without saying Sherlock that CM/WM could have left money to a few....or even Save the Seals..... but IMO and JMO I believe that is beside the point. It is extremely likely IMO that he left most of his assets to his son and grandson.... JMO

Also Sherlock it is my opinion that it very unlikely that the murder of TB was for money unless we are touching on a subject that would breach the rules of WS IMO. I personally believe its unlikely that DM killed TB..... but I have no doubt that a few 'agents' will be looking to find a motive to pin on him...thats JMO
Blomquist..I totally agree that it's unlike that TB was killed for money or anything to do with money-including power and control over money and assets. IMO, TB met a senseless death for totally senseless reasons. MOO
Blomquist..I totally agree that it's unlike that TB was killed for money or anything to do with money-including power and control over money and assets. IMO, TB met a senseless death for totally senseless reasons. MOO

Most murders are senseless IMO.... this case IMO begs the questions..who else is involved here? and why? JMO
I don't believe anyone had dragged "Josie" through the mud. When someone posts information of themselves, in whatever form, on the WWW, they are leaving themselves open to scrutiny. She obviously was seeking attention, and sadly enough it took the murder of TB to bring more public awareness to her site. Matter of fact she may be glowing with the attention her pictures have gained since LE have exposed her information to the MSM. After eight years of exposure, she obviously hasn't removed her information, so I would say she is still reaping the rewards (whatever that may be). JMHO.

And matter of fact, DM and MS and their legal representatives may also be glowing with the attention they are now receiving in relation to this case. Again JMHO.

A link I meant to share in one of my recent posts regarding MB's neighbour and video.
Members of the Hamilton police break and enter unit were seen collecting surveillance video at the house next door to Millard’s Etobicoke home.
Meanwhile, Hamilton homicide detectives are also examining a photo gallery posted on a paid adult website credit Dellen Millard as the photographer.
A profile on Suicide Girls — a soft-core *advertiser censored* website - shows a young model named “Josie” posing in and around a vintage DC-4 airplane.
The name on the plane reads “MILLARDAIR.”
The profile says the photo gallery was posted February 17, 2005.

Read more:
Most murders are senseless IMO.... this case IMO begs the questions..who else is involved here? and why? JMO

IMO also.
And IMHO DM and MS are the only two, which we know of as to date, involved in the heinous, senseless murder of TB. If anyone else was involved, I am sure they have come forward and cleared themselves of any wrong doing. I feel this is why those two are in jail as we speak remaining silent, of course because it is their right and highly advisable, especially when there could be so much evidence to prove they are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I would remain silent also.

Why? Because for whatever senseless reason, they decided to steal TB's truck and ended up murdering him. All JMHO.
I don't believe anyone had dragged "Josie" through the mud. When someone posts information of themselves, in whatever form, on the WWW, they are leaving themselves open to scrutiny. She obviously was seeking attention, and sadly enough it took the murder of TB to bring more public awareness to her site. Matter of fact she may be glowing with the attention her pictures have gained since LE have exposed her information to the MSM. After eight years of exposure, she obviously hasn't removed her information, so I would say she is still reaping the rewards (whatever that may be). JMHO.

And matter of fact, DM and MS and their legal representatives may also be glowing with the attention they are now receiving in relation to this case. Again JMHO.

A link I meant to share in one of my recent posts regarding MB's neighbour and video.
Members of the Hamilton police break and enter unit were seen collecting surveillance video at the house next door to Millard’s Etobicoke home.
Meanwhile, Hamilton homicide detectives are also examining a photo gallery posted on a paid adult website credit Dellen Millard as the photographer.
A profile on Suicide Girls — a soft-core *advertiser censored* website - shows a young model named “Josie” posing in and around a vintage DC-4 airplane.
The name on the plane reads “MILLARDAIR.”
The profile says the photo gallery was posted February 17, 2005.

Read more:

She can't remove her pictures from the site. If you check the FAQ's of the website, once your photos are chosen as Set of the Day, you are paid for them and the pictures then belong to the site owners. You can't even use them anywhere else without the SG logo and copyright on them. When you no longer want to be a member, any photos sold to SG remain on the site and cannot be purchased back. She doesn't appear to have been active since 2007. Any regrets she may or may not have had over the past 6 years are out of her control.


Why has this even been brought to yet another thread?
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