Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

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If DH is the perp, it's hard to believe the fire isn't somehow connected. The timing is alarming. According to the MN CBS local website, the fire happens. Then LE learns that DH had a connection to the house. And then four days later DH "is arrested in another kidnapping case." Is this case Jared?

I wonder if there's info on where the inhabitants of the house were on the night of the Jacob kidnapping. Could DH have broken into that house, or gained access, to commit the crime? Did he take Jacob there and then stash evidence/who knows what in that basement storage area for awhile without the people who lived there even realizing it? It's possible he then burned some evidence in the fire. The fire is surely very risky, but we know DH is not afraid of taking risks and really ANY disposal of a body/evidence would come with some major risks of getting caught. It's possible he just got away with it. I do wonder though, if the news article mentions that LE knew DH had a connection to the house, you'd think they would have checked out the remains of the fire for evidence.

I can't believe how much is coming to the surface. Still taking it all in.
Sure thing, depending on what you're looking for - see below:

Mind Hunters - John Douglas - For a well written summary of several cases that John & colleagues covered over the years, how they nailed the profiles, etc.

Law & Disorder - John Douglas - Very interesting and well written book about several infamous cases of the cops getting the wrong guy. Best chapters are on Jon Bonet Ramsey and The Memphis Three. By the way, The Devil's Knot is an amazing movie about the The Memphis Three.

Whoever Fights Monsters, by Robert Ressler is also good, but IMO does not measure up to John Douglas' books.

Another great book, by James A. Jack:
Three Boys Missing - Tells the tale of three boys murdered in a Chicago suburb in 1955, and the long term investigation that followed. Written by the lead investigator in the case.

Thank you, I am reading Three Boys Missing now.

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Kare11 last night had an interview with 2 brothers who were attacked by "Chester" in Paynesville and they seemed to think that it was possible that both DH and DAH were behind the assaults throughout the years.

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The Wetterlings today, like me, are still wondering what Daniel Heinrich is all about. This is the first time in their sons case that they even heard about him. Why should they have earlier? The tire and footprints were never a match to him anyway. They got us with the white van for 15 years, then they got us with DR for 10 more, now this? This is the final straw. Is this mans size shoe on that driveway? Is this mans vehicle on that driveway? 26 years later, inconclusive. Let the ride continue.
Tire tracks and shoe prints appear to place djh at the scene. Sasquatch have you been following the recent developments?
The Wetterlings today, like me, are still wondering what Daniel Heinrich is all about. This is the first time in their sons case that they even heard about him. Why should they have earlier? The tire and footprints were never a match to him anyway. They got us with the white van for 15 years, then they got us with DR for 10 more, now this? This is the final straw. Is this mans size shoe on that driveway? Is this mans vehicle on that driveway? 26 years later, inconclusive. Let the ride continue.

What are you talking about? The tires and shoes ARE a match to DJH. And I'm sure they are undergoing further analysis as we speak to make a concrete match that will stand in court.
Tire tracks and shoe prints appear to place djh at the scene. Sasquatch have you been following the recent developments?

The answers were in the sand, I have no doubts.

DR was a witness to what happened, as he had said all along. I doubted him over the years partly due to giving the benefit of the doubt to LE. Turns out there was too much benefit and not enough doubt.
Someday, someone should write a book called "Answers in the Sand" about this case. After reading the info in the tiretrack thread and tracker's information it seems pretty obvious who the perp was.

It's so obvious DJH was a loose cannon - so driven by his 'condition; that he actually molested the same poor kid twice - and had to leave his town for another one to continue his doings because he knew was going to get caught.

It just took much too long.
What are you talking about? The tires and shoes ARE a match to DJH. And I'm sure they are undergoing further analysis as we speak to make a concrete match that will stand in court.

Not really. There is no match of wear and tear or cuts, etc. There were many, many tires like that sold. The car was destroyed - no way for further tests.
A small child having a nightmare and crawling into an older sibling's bed for comfort is not sexual, imo. We have to be careful to remember there is such a thing as "good touching" that children need, and often siblings can be very close and caring about younger ones. Obviously you thought there was more to it than this, so I respect your opinion. I just think we risk viewing everything as sexual these days.... and that's not good either. There needs to be a middle road.

Sorry. I was unclear as 40 years later this upsets me. The girl was a teenager and she was talking about sleeping with her brother as in sex.

Yes, we teachers thought it was disgusting and unbelievable but that is a far as it went. We had no idea what that really meant.

After Jacob, we got training on sexual abuse. I knew nothing about such things.

I remember growing up and there was a family up the street my parents told us to stay away from. The uncle spent many days burning things in the yard year after year, Who knows what all of that meant.

We children were never told anything except to stay away, which we did cuz they were creepy.
Here is an interesting article with two of the Paynesville victims:
"They always drove around in the car together. They lived in the Plaza apartments together," Cole said, adding, "I'm sure. I'm sure he's the one who sculpted Danny into what he is."

Cole also mentions that he believes Hart might have been involved in the Paynesville assults. Hart is the one who initially pointed the finger at DH saying he matches the description of Jared and Jacobs abductor. I think Hart might know more then what he says. Might be worth talking to him again..

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Not really. There is no match of wear and tear or cuts, etc. There were many, many tires like that sold. The car was destroyed - no way for further tests.

Are you aware that he had mismatched tire brands on the car, and prints of both brands were photographed and casted on the driveway? What would be the chances of another person having the exact same combo of mismatched tires AND the same shoes as the prints in the driveway? ? Zero.

Plus, hopefully with today's technology they will be able to make a wear and tear match that stands in court.

Also, LE took the rear they still have them? I can't remember
Not really. There is no match of wear and tear or cuts, etc. There were many, many tires like that sold. The car was destroyed - no way for further tests.

Also, I am still bothered by the boys' (TW and AL) statement that the perp had black shoes on. DJH's shoes that match are white, and, as has been said, we do not know what size. I thought that the black shoes comment was possibly an incorrect reporting in a newspaper article, but there it is in the DJH affidavit too.

So glad someone else has brought up DAH being involved. I would not rule that out. Really wish LE would pursue more questioning along that line.
Also, I am still bothered by the boys' (TW and AL) statement that the perp had black shoes on. DJH's shoes that match are white, and, as has been said, we do not know what size. I thought that the black shoes comment was possibly an incorrect reporting in a newspaper article, but there it is in the DJH affidavit too.

So glad someone else has brought up DAH being involved. I would not rule that out. Really wish LE would pursue more questioning along that line.


I think the shoes are brown, not white.

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Also, I am still bothered by the boys' (TW and AL) statement that the perp had black shoes on. DJH's shoes that match are white, and, as has been said, we do not know what size. I thought that the black shoes comment was possibly an incorrect reporting in a newspaper article, but there it is in the DJH affidavit too.

So glad someone else has brought up DAH being involved. I would not rule that out. Really wish LE would pursue more questioning along that line.
I think the actual shoes worn on October 22 had been discarded, and the pair turned over were the same style in a different color. JMO

ETA: Has the color of the examined shoes been reported? I know it's been said they were white, but I can't recall the source, and the color's not mentioned in the affidavit. Just going by the pictures, it's hard to tell. They don't look white to me. They could be brown, gray, or even faded black.
While there is likely a lot of finger-pointing circulating, along with the expected "what ifs," ultimately, the focus still needs to be moving forward, to continue searching for the truth and delivering justice accordingly. Some may also stress the importance of having faith.

"If it was your child, you'd never give up looking," Larson said. "I just hope they can continue putting some of the pieces of the puzzle together."

At this point in time, Heinrich has not been charged in Jacob's case. He is also denying any involvement - though he also denied involvement in Jared's assault, which is now known to be a lie. Additional information or evidence would likely need to be discovered before charges were made. With few clues and no body - alive or deceased - a conviction is unlikely.
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