Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

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While we're all waiting for what will happen next I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone here at Websleuths. is where I eventually landed after googling Jacob's case a few years back. Once I found this site I started reading each and every post from beginning to end, following every link to a story that was still active. About 1/2 way through the posts, I figured I would finish it off and then that would be it for me. But the thing is I got really drawn into the case, and it all started right here.

I honestly don't know if "It Can't Happen Here" would have been a reality if it were not for this site and the really great people here. I've made a lot of friends here, and appreciate all the support you've given me. Many of you have complemented me for the work I put into the case, and while I have to acknowledge it was probably more than the average effort - it was never work. It was always a mission to find answers, and I've gotten so many rewards in the way of new friendships, doing the research, and just all the little things that happened along the way. It was never work, it was never hard - it was only effort, and anyone could have done it.

As a collective group you are truly unsung heroes for all the caring and effort you put into this. But none of us were ever in it for attention or recognition, and that's what I think I like best about all of this. Maybe one day you'll get a shout-out, I hope that you do!

Sooner or later I'll move onto to other things, but will always be checking back here to see what's going on. This will always be my Jacob "home". This is really where I started, and will always appreciate this, and all of you! Eventually I think we'll find answers. The truth always comes to the surface in the end, it just takes a little time and patience, and everything eventually works itself out. Everything works if you let it (shameful Cheap Trick reference there).

After 26 long years we find out there were answers in the sand the whole time. We're getting very close.

It's shameful that a book was written against the wishes of the family and has chapters devoted to implicating completely innocent folks like Alan Hollinger.
It's shameful that a book was written against the wishes of the family and has chapters devoted to implicating completely innocent folks like Alan Hollinger.

As an American everyone is entitled to their opinion, but not their own set of facts. I've decided that for anyone who has a problem with what I've done to help find answers, then that's a reflection of them, and not me.

After all, how could anyone possibly be opposed to an effort to find a missing person? That's a question I get asked.

As for Hollinger, that's your conclusion not mine. Everything in the book about him has been verified by 4 sources, all of whom are direct witnesses. I stand by what has been written.

While we're all waiting for what will happen next I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone here at Websleuths. is where I eventually landed after googling Jacob's case a few years back. Once I found this site I started reading each and every post from beginning to end, following every link to a story that was still active. About 1/2 way through the posts, I figured I would finish it off and then that would be it for me. But the thing is I got really drawn into the case, and it all started right here.

I honestly don't know if "It Can't Happen Here" would have been a reality if it were not for this site and the really great people here. I've made a lot of friends here, and appreciate all the support you've given me. Many of you have complemented me for the work I put into the case, and while I have to acknowledge it was probably more than the average effort - it was never work. It was always a mission to find answers, and I've gotten so many rewards in the way of new friendships, doing the research, and just all the little things that happened along the way. It was never work, it was never hard - it was only effort, and anyone could have done it.

As a collective group you are truly unsung heroes for all the caring and effort you put into this. But none of us were ever in it for attention or recognition, and that's what I think I like best about all of this. Maybe one day you'll get a shout-out, I hope that you do!

Sooner or later I'll move onto to other things, but will always be checking back here to see what's going on. This will always be my Jacob "home". This is really where I started, and will always appreciate this, and all of you! Eventually I think we'll find answers. The truth always comes to the surface in the end, it just takes a little time and patience, and everything eventually works itself out. Everything works if you let it (shameful Cheap Trick reference there).

After 26 long years we find out there were answers in the sand the whole time. We're getting very close.

ELOC thanks for your contributions on here. As I had mentioned you have been a clear voice of reason all along
I completely agree about the look in the mirror. We are ALL guilty of accusing innocent or not so innocent people in this case.

Also, it was Joy Baker who said the book was written against the families wishes, I haven't heard it from anyone else.

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ELOC thanks for your contributions on here. As I had mentioned you have been a clear voice of reason all along

The truth wins in the end, it always does.
Hey, I suspected and rejected lots of people over time; Hollinger, DR, Penney, Lawrence brothers, various priests/monks - I'm sure we all did. But we were searching for answers. I feel ELOC's book helped narrow down some of those choices. I felt really good about his research, because everything he discovered, he reported to both Stearns LE and the FBI. The FBI actually listened.

I agree about great friendships formed here, ELOC, I've made several lasting friendships through Websleuths.
Hey, I suspected and rejected lots of people over time; Hollinger, DR, Penney, Lawrence brothers, various priests/monks - I'm sure we all did. But we were searching for answers. I feel ELOC's book helped narrow down some of those choices. I felt really good about his research, because everything he discovered, he reported to both Stearns LE and the FBI. The FBI actually listened.

I agree about great friendships formed here, ELOC, I've made several lasting friendships through Websleuths.

Eloc discovered nothing that wasn't already known to LE. Sanner has reiterated this many times. LE names Heinrich a POI, he's the one,
Eloc discovered nothing that wasn't already known to LE. Sanner has reiterated this many times. LE names Heinrich a POI, he's the one, and that old book needs to be burned up in a big ole pile.

When sanner is talking about things already known to them, hi is ALWAYS referring to Joy the blogger, watch the context when he says it. He has never publicly said anything about the book.

Also, LE did name Heinrich, but it was ELOC who brought the PIs notes to the attention of the FBI again after all these years and it was long ago forgotten.

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When sanner is talking about things already known to them, hi is ALWAYS referring to Joy the blogger, watch the context when he says it. He has never publicly said anything about the book.

Also, LE did name Heinrich, but it was ELOC who brought the PIs notes to the attention of the FBI again after all these years and it was long ago forgotten.

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The notes can't hold much weight if they were simply forgotten about. What got heinrich busted was the wright county sheriff turning over old dna samples that finally linked jared to heinrich.
The notes can't hold much weight if they were simply forgotten about. What got heinrich busted was the wright county sheriff turning over old dna samples that finally linked jared to heinrich.

Heinrich was all but forgotten until ELOC brought them to an FBI agent!

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Heinrich was all but forgotten until ELOC brought them to an FBI agent!

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It's seriously hard for me to believe that. But if true, then I do congratulate him.
It seems odd that you are so anti-book. <modsnip>

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Books should not be written durng an active investigation. You know, we could all yet be surprised again and we will all be praising LE when Jacob is home.
Active??????? After 26 years the book and ELOC is just what this case needed to move it along or we would still be vilifying poor Dan Rassier still!!!

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I'm rubber, you're glue, your words (no matter how truthful) bounce off me and stick to you! Na-na, na-na, boo-boo!


Prov. 11:14
Wow! I suppose all of this will be deleted. The absurd things written about the book. It is really strange.

ELOC brought the long forgotten and missing notes to the attention of the FBI.Fact. What they did with them and the process is unknown to us.

As far as the book being written without the family support, what exactly is in it that is negative ? Facts are facts. Things were researched with many citations.

Although Jacob is not our child, everyone of us who had children had their lives spun through the universe. No longer could they ride their bikes very far. No longer could they walk to a firend's house unaccompanied. No longer could they do a million things they were allowed to do pre Oct. 22, 1989.

And the perp was out there waiting to strike again. The boogeyman actually was not a fairytale.

We will never go back to Lake Woebegone. Those days are over, Pandora's box has been opened. Naivete and trust are gone .

The truth was there for years, but ELOC was there at the right time and place. I thank him for taking more veils off of this crime.
Lose to win, analyze and decide what it's worth. Does Heinrich know about Jacob? Is he the one on the driveway? We don't care about Jacobs perp, but we do care about the mass amount of people who want to find Jacob. Heinrich doesn't talk and he's not going to without incentive to do so. Take a step back and look how much Jacob has turned the world into a much better and safer place. What is more important? Following the rules or losing to win for this family-

"Zero incentive. Because the federal government really can’t make a deal with him saying look, we’ll give you five years in prison if you give us Wetterling information. Because it would be just awful public policy,” Tamburino told Fox 9. “Think about it: it means someone could allegedly commit a murder 20 years ago, and if they get arrested for some serious crime in the future, they could say, gee, I have this trump card. I could tell you about this information so I could have a lesser sentence or a get out of jail free. It’s just not going to happen.”
I "think" I agree with you. Awful public policy or not, the only way to get the truth out of him is with a deal of some sort. This poor boy has been missing far too long. It is my opinion that Tamburino needs to look at the bigger picture. This was the watershed event in missing children cases..time to bring it to closure and give the family an answer. Murders get thrown into prison every day only to be released in an absurdly short period of time given the crime. It's not like this would be the first "deal" of this sort in history...
Not sure if this has been mentioned but there is a Raymond Heinrich, Jr in Michigan that was arrested for murder. wonder if they are related?
Can't make a deal when the other guy holds all the aces
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