Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

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Has anyone figured out when DR reported this blue car and why LE did not talk about it?
If it was my case, I'd be sitting on the junkyard for however many years until I could get inside that car. It seems like since the match wasn't good enough to charge him (and he denied it), and they had 80 million other tips to check on, they just forgot about DH.

I just don't see how they could forget about him.. or even put him on the back burner.. but if they did it will go down as a monumental mistake and probably the biggest they made in the case. Consistent tire tracks and shoe prints deserved a full court press instantly.
I am quoting myself from info I posted on DAH thread.

DHeinrich will add a new dimension to this study , I feel , because it appears he escalated and then stopped.

Here is the info:

This is right from St. John's. But remember these studies are from criminals who were caught. And if 40% fit, then 60% do not. etc

Nonfamily Child Abductors Who Murder Their Victims

• Nonfamily child abductions have a low rate of occurrence
• However, they are highly publicized and tend to overwhelm most communities’ local police force.
• This is a study of nonfamily child abductors who murdered. The information was gathered from interviews with incarcerated offenders, and reviews of criminal, medical, and psychological records.

Previous Research
• Vast majority (97%) male
• Mostly white
• Usually young adult (mean age 27)
• Female killers in this category are nearly nonexistent

• Interview process
• Three main criteria
1 victim was less than 18 years old
2 offender was convicted of murder
3 victim was abducted by the offender
• 25 child abductors who murdered participated

• Gender: All offenders were male; females did abduct, but none killed
• Age: Mean was 27, range was 14–58, 72% were younger than 30
• Race: majority white, interpret with caution
• Marital history: 60% were not married at time of offense, 24% were divorced, 8% were in common law marriages, 8% were married
• Children: 56% had no children at time of offense, 16% only had one child, 20% had two children, no one had three children, and 8% had four or more children
• Education: Little formal education; only 8% had some college education
• Occupation: Most had lower-level unskilled jobs, only 8% had skilled positions
• Military: 76% did not have military history
• Religion: 88% grew up in a Christian household and 72% still considered themselves Christian
• Animal abuse: 20% had history of animal abuse
• Psychiatric: 36% had a psychiatric diagnosis prior to offense, perhaps an underestimate
• Family background: 56% lived with both biological parents during childhood, 40% had mothers that were unemployed, 16% reported having occasional instability and disruption in their household
• Family incarceration: 24% reported at least one parent had been incarcerated
• Offender incarceration history: 40% had previous incarceration, almost half had a juvenile offense history
• Childhood behavior patterns: Chronic problems from birth to age 12, including enuresis, isolation, lying, arson, and alcohol and drug abuse
• Adolescent behavior patterns: Increase in drug and alcohol abuse, isolation was significant problem, and decrease in enuresis and arson
• Adult behavior patterns: No one reported enuresis; lower levels of arson and lying; drug and alcohol abuse were elevated
• Sexual behavior history: 28% were sexually molested, 20% had printed *advertiser censored* collection, no one had video *advertiser censored* collection, 88% were heterosexual, 20% identified themselves as pedophiles
• Psychopathy: Only 4 of 20 offenders classified as psychopaths

• Findings are consistent with previous literature
• Interviews allow for a more in-depth view of offenders
• No glaring warning signs that could predict an offense
• Many offenders are not socially integrated within society
• Majority of offenders did not meet criteria for classification as a psychopath
• Self-reported data and small sample size may complicate results


Beyer, K. R., & Beasley, J. O. (2003). Nonfamily child abductors who murder their victims: Offender demographics from interviews with incarcerated offenders. In J. H. Campbell & D. DeNevi (Eds.), Profilers: Leading investigators take you inside the criminal mind. (pp. 313–333) Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
See and I wanna know who was being overheard by JNS on the radio (hand held radio like a walkie talkie with a scratch on it, up in front seat during his abduction which JH turned off). The indictment mentions that JNS heard two voices over that thing, a male and female voice. I wonder what they said, and if it was at all related to what was going on with JNS???

It wouldn't have been related to JNS because no one knew he had been kidnapped until he made it back home and told his mother.
I just don't see how they could forget about him.. or even put him on the back burner.. but if they did it will go down as a monumental mistake and probably the biggest they made in the case. Consistent tire tracks and shoe prints deserved a full court press instantly.

I agree, and I wonder if this is why Al Garber is being a Debbie Downer on this since he was one of the original investigators on the case.
See and I wanna know who was being overheard by JNS on the radio (hand held radio like a walkie talkie with a scratch on it, up in front seat during his abduction which JH turned off). The indictment mentions that JNS heard two voices over that thing, a male and female voice. I wonder what they said, and if it was at all related to what was going on with JNS???

I grew up in a LE family in the 80's and we always had a bunch of hand held police scanner/radios around the house. I'd assume that's what it was as opposed to a single frequency two-way 'walkie talkie'.

As far as the voices I'd guess it was the dispatcher and an officer (likely the only in such a small place) patrolling the streets at the time. I can't imagine the call volume for such a small place was that high so the vast majority of the time there would be radio silence.
It wouldn't have been related to JNS because no one knew he had been kidnapped until he made it back home and told his mother.

I was wondering if Heinrich was using the walkie talkie to communicate with someone else, possibly an accomplice.
Walkies could if they were on the same channel. I used to play with them all the time. So it could have been intentional (someone he was communicating with as he went along), or not - just open air frequency like a regular radio that picks up whatever comes across its channel.
For someone who does not seem to be playing with a full deck, he did do some smart things .

What do you think is with the wigs in the search warrant?
Originally Posted by Jennifermn I have been contemplating whether or not DJH would intentionally kill Jacob or not, based on his M.O. with JS and possibly the Paynesville incidents. None of the other attacks lead me to believe he would kill Jacob just to kill him. Then I remembered DR's statement about seeing a woman, or possibly a child covering their eyes in that car that went through his driveway the night of Jacob's abduction. If that was Jacob, and the perp had him cover his eyes, I would think his intention was to release him the same way JS was released. He probably needed to remove his mask to drive, and wanted Jacob to cover his eyes so that he didn't see his face. If he never intended to release Jacob, I can't imagine he'd care about Jacob seeing his face or not.

Did Jacob see him? Did Jacob fight back? Did the perp become paranoid after hearing what I'm sure was a lot of activity on his police scanner?

I don't believe Jacob's death was premeditated. I think something scared the perp, or Jacob fought back or tried escaping and he hurt him.

Just my humble opinion.

One major difference between Jacob and Jared's kidnappings is the activity DJH must have overheard on the police scanner. As far as we know Jared wasn't reported missing, but he reported the crime after he was released, right? So DJH had a sense of 'freedom' with him that he wouldn't have felt hearing activity on the scanner with Jacob.

Yes, the scanner activity could have scared him, but wouldn't he have expected that with letting the other two boys go? He had to know they would be telling someone as soon as they could. I think he never originally intended to kill anyone, but assumed he would be gone with JW before the other two boys could alert the police. I can't believe the info he heard over the scanner came as a big surprise to him.

Also, I think it is a good point about the child/woman (if there was one in the passenger seat of the dark car) covering their eyes in order not to see the abductor. You shade your eyes with one hand when you are trying to see out, but if you use both hands around your eyes it is more likely that you are trying NOT to see something or someone. jmo.
I do not know when he initially reported it to LE, or why they didn't talk about it. Everything I know about it is from the interview he did with JB back in 2013.

From Joy's blog:

And additional information given to Joy from Dan shows that, even if he didn't report it to LE that very night (and maybe he did), he did tell a reporter from the St. Cloud Times the next day:

When Dan returned home that evening (sometime around 5pm he figures), he had to park in a neighbor’s yard because a police dog was searching the road and ditch areas. He was stopped by a reporter from the St. Cloud Times, who questioned him about what he had witnessed. He told her about the two cars, but she only reported on one of them… the small dark car.

I haven't been able to find an archive of the St. Cloud Times, so don't know for sure if or when that was actually reported. The earliest stories on the media thread here at Websleuths are from just a few days after the kidnapping, and there is no mention of a car at all.

The search warrant shows that they interviewed DJH on 12/16/89 and looked at the Ford EXP - although that date is odd, because the media thread here also shows a 12/14/89 article (link no longer works) entitled: "New Lead Reported in Wetterling Case":

Article by: PAT DOYLE; STAFF WRITER, Star Tribune
Updated: December 14, 1989 - 10:00 PM
Police investigating the kidnapping of Jacob Wetterling said Thursday that they now have a prime suspect, a burly man who abducted and sexually assaulted another boy before releasing him...

The development came this week after three FBI interviews with a 12-year-old boy in Cold Spring, Minn., who told of being sexually assaulted last January. He described his assailant as a white man, 40 to 50 years old and wearing military-style fatigues and a baseball cap. Authorities had interviewed the boy previously but weren't certain until recently that his description was precise or that the abduction bore a strong similarity to the Wetterling kidnapping. "It's the guy we believe took Jacob," FBI agent Byron Gigler said yesterday...

Even though you can't click through any more, I just verified the article is in the Strib archives with a date of 12/15/89. So basically, DJH is a "prime suspect" within two months after Jacob was kidnapped...they knew (or should have known) within 24 hours that Dan saw a small blue car AT THE SAME TIME the kidnapping happened, and the tire prints and shoes from the Rassier driveway are consistent with that prime suspect's car and sneakers. What on earth could have happened to have 26 years pass between then and now with absolutely no forward movement?

If I were the Wetterlings, I think I would be absolutely livid by now. They are better people than I could ever hope to be.

I wonder if other victims were somewhat passive because they were so frightened, but Jacob fought back, and this escalated into a more serious encounter.

Profiling shows that pedophiles fantasize about their encounters, and if their experience drifts too far from their fantasy, they may panic and escalate the crime.
One major difference between Jacob and Jared's kidnappings is the activity DJH must have overheard on the police scanner. As far as we know Jared wasn't reported missing, but he reported the crime after he was released, right? So DJH had a sense of 'freedom' with him that he wouldn't have felt hearing activity on the scanner with Jacob.

You make a good point and I have been thinking the same thing .... it could have started out the same as the other boy-victims (planned to release them afterwards) but with the immediate high police attention he panicked . Plus the fact he would likely have removed the stocking-mask while driving and Jacob would see his face. If he killed Jacob I dont think it was planned , it was done in fear and panic after the fact. What a tragedy.
Even though you can't click through any more, I just verified the article is in the Strib archives with a date of 12/15/89. So basically, DJH is a "prime suspect" within two months after Jacob was kidnapped...they knew (or should have known) within 24 hours that Dan saw a small blue car AT THE SAME TIME the kidnapping happened, and the tire prints and shoes from the Rassier driveway are consistent with that prime suspect's car and sneakers. What on earth could have happened to have 26 years pass between then and now with absolutely no forward movement?

If I were the Wetterlings, I think I would be absolutely livid by now. They are better people than I could ever hope to be.

You said this perfectly. What in the H$%# have these guys been doing for 26 years?!? They HAD the CAR, they had the TIRES, and they had shoes that matched the PRINTS. Good grief.
You make a good point and I have been thinking the same thing .... it could have started out the same as the other boy-victims (planned to release them afterwards) but with the immediate high police attention he panicked . Plus the fact he would likely have removed the stocking-mask while driving and Jacob would see his face. If he killed Jacob I dont think it was planned , it was done in fear and panic after the fact. What a tragedy.

Plus wasn't the Ford Exp a manual stick shift? That would mean he took off his mask and put one hand on the wheel and the other on the shifter. What would stop Jacob from trying to get out of the car? Another reason he had him cover his eyes so he couldn't see that he had to put the gun down in order to drive after he removed his mask? Maybe he tried to subdue him in a panic and killed him? He would have been overwhelmed with the fact that the dirt road was a driveway and not a road,, maybe he saw DR look out the window as he turned around the driveway with Jacob in the passenger seat, he very quickly hears the scanner blowing up and he's got a scared kid in the passenger seat as he tries to get out of there quickly.

With Jared, he had no mask and no witnesses so nobody to immediately report him. Jacob had to be a last minute decision. He had no way of knowing the boys would be headed out in the dark for the first time that night.
So, this means that the person who took Jacob potentially tried to abduct other boys after Jacob's abduction? Where was DJH working at this time? In St. Cloud?
So, this means that the person who took Jacob potentially tried to abduct other boys after Jacob's abduction? Where was DJH working at this time? In St. Cloud?

And what cars did he have access to?
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