Suspects: Jesse Rush and Marvin Chaney

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Yes, ive heard that one. Plenty actually, and i think dating back to shortly after the trial. Big news obviously in the area.
I just remembered another thing pertaining to this case. Hard thing to ever verify, and the guy who made the claim is one that if you wouldnt exactly question his honesty, in knowing him you might question his perceptual accuracy. But, i do remember this guy, who lived i think about a mile down the road from the Chaney/Rush house, said that one of the nights he was walking back home from another guy's house and having to pass directly by the Chaney/Rush house, that somebody from there took a shot at him with a firearm.

Kinda crazy because while its not 15 feet apart between houses like in a city, there are multiple houses that were occupied that are within probably 30 yards or so in multiple directions in that immediate vicinity there. Also i got the impression by the way this guy talked about that he believed it was a shot aimed at him and that it bothered him a bit afterwards.
This was also when they had the notorious town cops in Macks Creek. They normally always had one on them "on" call/patrol somewhere between the 2 ends of town on 54 highway or the town boundary line a couple miles down State Rd W, spanning the stretch of road where this allegedly happened.
It's been some years, and I will try to find source( if not appropriate please delete) it was mentioned this pair was being looked at for disappearance of Diana Braungardt ( hope the spelling is correct) in Chrystal City. She had gotten off work one evening and never made it to where her car was parked. High School aged young woman. Simply vanished. Very sad, these unsolved cases. JMO
I read about that one just a couple weeks ago for the first time. I had never heard anything that i recall about them being placed in that part of the state before.
The Diana Braungart case though, i think its one they link strictly to Chaney. Jess Rush would have only been 11 or 12 at that time. (Im unsure how her last name was spelled too right this moment.)
Some more things are occurring to me here, not sure how great they are but i will try and spell them out.

As has been mentioned earlier in this thread with the speculation or even apparent certainty on the part of law enforcement about there being 3 people involved during the abduction of Trudy Darby, that does seem likelier to me right now just due to a few different things. One is that by what i recall of what Chaney looked like, which was sort of like a younger version of the old actor Rip Torn if he had joined the stereotypical motorcycle gang of the 80s and 90s and also with a grimy quality additionally as if he had the hygiene of a Mexican bandit from the Young Guns films, its very hard to imagine a guy with this appearance wouldnt have startled the hell out of Mrs. Darby on sight. And if it were he and Rush walking in there together or separately but simultaneously (the place at least later on always had it set up with 2 public entrances that were basically in line with each other at the front and rear of the store), i think she would have had the alarms go off internally and be on the phone right away, very possibly to the cops instead of to her home.

Im also damn near certain she'd have "made" Rush immediately since she'd have dealt with him through her job at the school, as a secretary to the principal and superintendent. I dont think he got in a ton of major trouble or did anything that earned automatic expulsion or required police presence. But the way they had it set up with the whole disciplinary code, it was like the sports leagues do now for repeated infractions of certain things. It wasnt the strictest place around for damn sure, but you could get penalized for alot of things at a teacher's discretion (or personal idiosyncrasies and animosity toward a student) and if they so chose, you got the "disruptive log" marked against you. First was no further penalty, 2nd was i think in-school suspension, 3rd out of school suspension, then just ascending with longer times after that. Most times though kids got this for minor *advertiser censored* like swearing in class, arguing with teachers etc. Rush was continually breaking these type of rules and i know had to have been among the very top "frequent flyers" in the principal's office. Its damn tough to be anonymous in a school system that had about 25 total students per grade level anyway, but she would for sure recognized him. So im thinking that the 3rd person might well have been a local and a person who came into that store regularly enough, somebody who was familiar enough to have at least a disarming effect if he were to have been the first to enter.
Another somewhat strange thing is that when Mrs. Darby called home and told her son she saw somebody suspicious on the premises outside, the version ive always heard was that he left immediately to head down there. One thing about that is that it seems very likely to me that this seemed the better option than calling the police for the simple fact that at that time of night, i cant imagine the Macks Creek "station" in the city hall building would have had anybody there to take the call unless for some reason the cop on duty decided to pop back in there to grab something for the car or personal gear. The call very likely would have just went to Camdenton, if it even had that kind of forwarding setup in place, and then either radio it to the one Macks Creek cop sitting in the patrol car wherever exactly, get him up there. Only about 3 miles i believe, but also technically not in the city limits by im thinking 2/3 of that 3 mile distance. Those cops would go to those stations up there to get gas in the cars i remember, mainly across the road at the Bates station, but that was just because it was the closest place to do so. Jurisdictionally, very convoluted of a thing. I remember this because at times certain among those cops had stopped people on that stretch of road outside of town and ticketed them and it caused a huge uproar.

I guess my point with this is that while it wouldnt have been very hard in theory for one to get up there within 3 to 5 minutes, between the whole jurisdictional element i mention and Mrs. Darby im sure well aware of all this, she went with the better bet in calling home. I know the location of where their family lived, my aunt lives very near to it, and it might be closer in distance than to come from Macks Creek. Its about 3 miles i bet too. Not much traffic on 73 highway at that time, the son was probably there in less than 5 minutes start to finish.

Brazen sons of *advertiser censored*, and also probably luckier than *advertiser censored* due to there normally always being some traffic on 54 at night, local teens and 20somethings out doing the rural town cruising thing, alot of guys also that maybe were older than this but liked to drive around while drinking and visit friends that live nearby. Truckers used that store parking lot to camp for the night, as well as the roadside park the state put in up there on the south side of where the highways intersect. It was actually basically adjacent and connected to the store lot i believe. Almost seems like it was a well-practiced thing they reasonably knew they could pull off.

Especially being that if its unsuccessful, they are screwed and pretty quickly if not instantly. Macks Creek was always known for its nosyness and steady rumor mill stuff to begin with, even for the most minor stuff. An attempted kidnapping of a well-thought of local woman would have been huge news and if anybody saw anything, holy *advertiser censored* even more so. So im thinking they had alot of pretty morbid "experience" with this *advertiser censored* to do it as they managed to here.
Would sure seem they had this style of assault and capture down pretty well, knew the scene well enough to be brazen, and comfortable enough to share with others . At least in Ms Darby's sad demise, may have been more than Rush and Cheney involved. Hard to interpret some of those jailhouse letters. Truly discusting and convoluted. But a blessing in disguise since there was a conviction in this case. So sad for the families affected by these sick offenders. Does anyone know if Rush has a rehearing since Supremes ruling on juvenile lifers ? Haven't been able to find anything available on that situation. TIA and JMO.
Actually its funny you mention the last part. This might be my own confusion or lack of diligence in keeping up, but i truly dont know what the law is on that kind of situation.

I do actually recall that in the summer of 2002, i was at the Walmart in Camdenton in the afternoon about this time of year. Pretty sure it was a situation of trying to get in there, buy a box knife or some other small tool and then get out as fast as possible so i could go finish whatever i was working on that day. But i swear i saw Jesse Rush that day out there in the parking lot. It was up near the doors, like we were both going thru the pedestrian crossing they have in those lots right near the doors, and we were no more than 20 feet apart. Looked JUST like the guy, looked about the right height and build, looked the right age. I remember it well because at the time i probably hadnt thought about the whole crazy proceeding but very intermittently since it had all happened, and sure as hell wasnt thinking about it recently to then. Probably hadnt seen the guy in person since 93' or 92', but very hard to forget faces in general for me and even harder when its connected to something like that. I think me and a friend tried looking it up at the time as to his being released and couldnt find anything.

Seems like the last i saw of him in online records was a couple years ago. He seemed to be incarcerated somewhere but it seemed to be for something totally different and it looked like he had later convictions for sexual offenses. That site could have been total crap but you never know.
Thanks so much. That just gave me the big time chills ! Will see what I can dig up. I'm thinking there has to be some kind of publicly available info, but the conviction was when Rush was still.a juvenile so ......
Yes, very curious with all that. There is some other stuff that has came to mind. Not about this crime exactly but about Rush, Chaney etc.

That family, had some very visible difficulties you could say. Its not like i really knew them, just their names and spoke to them occasionally. Kinda like with all the other kids in school in that you were at least that familiar with every kid within a few years or so of your age group, in a school that size. Plus they rode my bus, or at least did after a certain point, there were only 2 routes that covered the area west of town and out to the county lines.

I dont remember know what the specifics were, maybe they were problems on the other route, maybe it was just that there were so many kids in that family that the seating capacity was overfilled, not sure. But there were i swear 5 or 6 other kids aside from Rush. None of them had that last name. 1 had the last name of Chaney like the uncle. The rest i think all had Zimmerman as a last name. They were all blond, all kinda lighter skinned compared to the average white kid, and were visibly very impoverished. Im guessing they didnt even have running water in that place they stayed in, which was a single wide trailer that im not sure had any underpinning or any form of barrier against the elements for the underneath part. Im thinking the siding was halfway off or worse, where you could see that thin yellow fiberglass insulation sticking out. Im not sure they had electricity.

I think the 1 adult that was there fulltime was the grandmother of the kids. Im not so sure they hadnt started out in Camdenton. I think they were related to this one guy down there who everybody kinda talks about as having impregnated a close relative of his. Ive dealt with the guy through the store i used to work for, and he is pretty clearly way "off" somehow. Im pretty sure ive seen this guy in Walmart with one or more of the Chaney/Zimmerman kids multiple times. They all left Macks Creek for Camdenton sometime in the early 90s i think. Cant really blame them with that one. I guess the point is the setting or circumstances these people lived in couldnt have helped. The younger ones might have turned out comparatively pretty good by some things ive heard.
I still find it fairly dubious as to these guys being the "doers" for the Springfield 3. Totally different particulars, 3 victims taken together, from a residence rather than a solitary victim at a store around closing time like Darby, Hammond and the woman from Nevada. Ive also been by the house in Springfield where they disappeared from. Finally had to take a look a couple years ago. That place is only about 40 feet from the street its on, and im guessing no more than a couple hundred feet from Glenstone St. Its heavily traveled even at night alot of times in my experience. Even really late. Plus there is enough area and roads in the town to get a person lost if they dont know the place. Im not sure anybody has ever placed Chaney or Rush as ever living down there or within a shorter driving radius like Fair Grove, Marshfield, Buffalo etc where they would have gained a familiarity with the layout. Anything is possible i guess but it all just seems very unlikely.
On the subject of the Springfield women though, something ive always found a little curious is that there was a report pretty early on back then about how someone had spotted either the 2 girls or even all 3 women at that restaurant called George's around 1 to 1:30 a.m. on the night in question. Supposedly it was retracted or realized as to being a misidentification very shortly into the investigation if i remember right. I think that always seemed strange to me. Not as that would be impossible to do necessarily, or to confuse it with a different night where they also happened to be there. But still, something has nagged at me about it.

There is alot that goes into my thinking on this, but basically from my recall and things ive heard said about that town, that it was likely enough the mom was a regular patron of Georges' on those weekend nights and that its also highly plausible that this being graduation night and the 2 girls out and about in a very festive mood, that they happened to decide to drive by the place to see if she was there as opposed to at home, especially since they were intending to go bsck and stay at that house rather than stay with the Kirby girl as originally intended. However it would have came about, it just seems very likely. And that this witness statement got changed due to some "induced recollection" afterward. Just a hunch, but hard to dismiss right now.

Also while this could open up any number of peripheral ideas on it, its kinda worth noting that a persom could easily have followed them down Glenstone and seen exactly where they ended up inadvertently enough without even having to turn on Delmar. Not sure exactly what that amounts to though.
It's been some years, and I will try to find source( if not appropriate please delete) it was mentioned this pair was being looked at for disappearance of Diana Braungardt ( hope the spelling is correct) in Chrystal City. She had gotten off work one evening and never made it to where her car was parked. High School aged young woman. Simply vanished. Very sad, these unsolved cases. JMO
Holy Crap......Diana Braungardt looks a hell of a lot like Angela Hammond that disappeared from Clinton, Mo. while on a pay phone. Strange........wonder if the're related crime wise?
That's what I always thought, would have made Jesse really young, but there's a possibility they used him to approach women. These guys were creepy ! When I listened to interview with Trudy Darby's son the hair on my neck stood up. It was like they were stalking prey and the robbery was added bonus.
I have followed the SP3 since it happened. Digging around that part of Missouri has been quite a ride. Jackie John's murder led me some real interesting places too. Tight knit for a couple generations. Rebels and radicals. Major drug pipeline from MO to Cali and in-between. There is a history of unsolved missing pretty young women down that way. So sad for the families !MOO
That's what I always thought, would have made Jesse really young, but there's a possibility they used him to approach women. These guys were creepy ! When I listened to interview with Trudy Darby's son the hair on my neck stood up. It was like they were stalking prey and the robbery was added bonus.
I have followed the SP3 since it happened. Digging around that part of Missouri has been quite a ride. Jackie John's murder led me some real interesting places too. Tight knit for a couple generations. Rebels and radicals. Major drug pipeline from MO to Cali and in-between. There is a history of unsolved missing pretty young women down that way. So sad for the families !MOO
Jesse Rush was quoted by a man, whom he though was a jail house lawyer, but was really a snitch, as saying, "If they knew all the stuff we'd done, they'd fry us for sure".

Think Trudy Darby was the "Only Murder" they'd committed? I personally don't!

If you look at a map, they could have easily taken back county roads and hwys from Macks Creek to Neveda.

And Clinton (Angela Hamond) is close to Kansas City. Rush was living in Kansas City when he confessed to a couple people to the Trudy Darby murder.


Cheryl Kenney......The Nevada Convenient store clerk that went missing on her shift.
Has anyone seen what Mo is doing with Rush ? A lot of young lifers and death row prisoners are being brought back to court to revisit their sentences after Scotus ruling . Haven't seen anything from the state of Missouri. TIA
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