Suspicious behavior of Haleigh Cummings father

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"Snip" Sierra1947
March 03, 2009

Ron traveled to Tampa, Florida with Misty to get Two (2) tattoo's, one of Haleigh and one of Jr. which cost $400.00. The people inside said Ron mostly spoke of the money he had been receiving. Not about Haleigh.. That to me is suspicious as well.
Is that a fact? There was a lot of speculation about the keys back when Ronald said he had changed the locks because he doesn't want anyone to have keys to his home but I don't recall that we ever heard anything about who had spare keys.

As paranoid as Ron seemed to be about checking the backdoor was locked everyday, I find it hard to believe that he'd want Misty to be without a key, meaning that she'd have to leave the front door unlocked if she went anywhere with the kids during the day and wanted to get back in.

It was easy for me to believe because it sounded just like how an abusive partner would act, but IHNI if Ronald even was abusive.

Also, if Ron had just kicked her out the week before, I imagine he would have taken her key. [I do believe they did split up and had just reconciled because I heard it from a real life person that I know on 2/10/09.]
You've listed the same reasons why I've been hesitant to accept the accidental shooting theory. The region abounds in isolated, wooded areas and unpopulated stretches of highway where a gunshot in the distance would not draw attention. So, I dunno.

This theory also calls for bloody clothing besides Haleigh's because the intended target was probably standing close enough to get blood on his clothing. Anyone who attended to her or moved her body would probably have blood on their clothes. I'd loe to know if aaany of the players changed clothing unexpectedly that evening. Is that why Chelsea made a point to say JO slept in his boxers?

We also need a bloody blanket or sheet of plastic to wrap her body and blood in the vehicle used to transport her. There was blood in the scratched van which someone said was deer blood (Misty?), but surely LE has tested it. Wouldn't we have heard if it was Haleigh's blood? Or even human blood?

Misty said she washed a blanket; Ron says there was no detergent. If Misty did wash a bloody blanket, Ron sure wouldn't want anyone to know that she did. Once she admitted it, he had to come up with a reason to refute her story. But there was a working washer/dryer in the MH, so the best he could come up with is lack of detergent. LE was investigating a missing child. I doubt they noted the presence of laundry detergent the first night. It could've been discarded afterward. (AH said he learned "from a source close to the case" that the washer (or was it the dryer?) was runnning when LE arrived. It's never been verified, though, and wouldn't prove the presence of laundry detergent, anyway.)

I like this theory because it satisfies certain criteria which in my mind any good explanation must offer.
  • There was no willful intent to harm Haleigh

  • Her death was linked to unrelated criminal activity so that reporting it would've implicated Ron

  • The accident was hidden either to protect Ron from being arrested or losing custody of Jr, or both
  • Misty and Ron share culpablity
  • Misty's role was accomplice or accessory, otherwise Ron would not have married her;
  • nor would LE think they could get her to talk. When two or more parties share involvement in a crime, LE puts the squeeze on the one who is least responsible and has the least to lose by speaking up.

Very good points!! Yes, it could have been in a remote area, but why would Haleigh have been there and in the line of fire?
I have the strong feeling that it was an accidental death, but something that wouldn't produce visible DNA evidence right away. A drug overdose or maybe a blow to the head or abdominal area, perhaps, where she might have died later. But I am left wondering, because sensible people would notice some signs of trauma and would have taken her to an ER. Even as uneducated as Misty was... unless she was stoned or passed out... would have noticed if Haleigh was getting lethargic, nauseous, c/o headache, or to the point of passing out. And if Misty was that stoned... how did she manage to sound alert on the 911 call?
I also agree with you, that they are putting pressure on Misty to talk because she's the least responsible, and would be the most likely to break.
All the talk about the blanket washing and no detergent in the house is odd, but she could have borrowed some from a neighbor. Or washed them in just water. However, the forensic team would be able to detect if anything with blood on it was run through the machine. They take those suckers apart and go over them with a magnifying glass, believe me!
I may not have addressed all your points so please forgive me. I enjoyed your post!!
BBM..ITA.. But that doesn't mean a gun wasn't purposely fired or accidentally went off somewhere else...JMO

That's true... but if one of them was firing a gun with a child around, then they have to be a very stupid person. I don't know anybody who would even point a gun in anybody's direction, much less shoot, when their child was close enough to have stepped in the way of a bullet... do you? Even if said child was beside or behind you... you're still taking a BIG chance. And surely no one would shoot at somebody if the child was close to the target.
Not to mention that the sound of a gunshot is pretty loud, and the noise carries a long way. Surely someone would have heard it and remembered it if it happened on the day a child vanishes into thin air. Unless they were in a very remote area with nobody around for miles... which still begs the question... why was Haleigh there to start with?
Very good points!! Yes, it could have been in a remote area, but why would Haleigh have been there and in the line of fire?
I have the strong feeling that it was an accidental death, but something that wouldn't produce visible DNA evidence right away.
A drug overdose or maybe a blow to the head or abdominal area, perhaps, where she might have died later. But I am left wondering, because sensible people would notice some signs of trauma and would have taken her to an ER. Even as uneducated as Misty was... unless she was stoned or passed out... would have noticed if Haleigh was getting lethargic, nauseous, c/o headache, or to the point of passing out. And if Misty was that stoned... how did she manage to sound alert on the 911 call?
I also agree with you, that they are putting pressure on Misty to talk because she's the least responsible, and would be the most likely to break.
All the talk about the blanket washing and no detergent in the house is odd, but she could have borrowed some from a neighbor. Or washed them in just water. However, the forensic team would be able to detect if anything with blood on it was run through the machine. They take those suckers apart and go over them with a magnifying glass, believe me!
I may not have addressed all your points so please forgive me. I enjoyed your post!!

Hi TxLady2.. I'm going on the presumption Misty picked up Haleigh and drove off in the opposite direction of the MH..
It has also been mentioned Ron C showed up at the bus stop too and was told Misty had picked up Haleigh and he went looking for Misty..
If It is true TN offered to pay Misty to babysit and she said payment was not necessary, and she would do it if it was OK with Ron, perhaps TN had not cleared that with Ron...I can imagine him being rageful enough to go after Misty with Haleigh in that van... No telling what happened when he caught up with Misty...
Also, IF that is the case, and I'm not saying for certain it is, (just my theory as to what may have happened) I suspect TN views herself, to a certain degree, as being somewhat responsible for whatever it is that happened to Haleigh that afternoon also...That could be another explanation as to why she praised Misty to high heaven after Haleigh's disappearance..

Can you imagine knowing your granddchild met with a horrible accident because you over stepped your boundaries and took it upon yourself to give someone the go ahead to watch that child w/o clearing it with your own child? JMO
That's true... but if one of them was firing a gun with a child around, then they have to be a very stupid person. I don't know anybody who would even point a gun in anybody's direction, much less shoot, when their child was close enough to have stepped in the way of a bullet... do you? Even if said child was beside or behind you... you're still taking a BIG chance. And surely no one would shoot at somebody if the child was close to the target.
Not to mention that the sound of a gunshot is pretty loud, and the noise carries a long way. Surely someone would have heard it and remembered it if it happened on the day a child vanishes into thin air. Unless they were in a very remote area with nobody around for miles... which still begs the question... why was Haleigh there to start with?

IMHO .. We are not only dealing with a very stupid person, we are dealing with a crazy person..... I believe several people have witnessed Ron C put a gun in his own mouth and he also told Cobra and TM that he would put a gun in Misty's mouth... and blow her teeth out of the back of her head...God ONLY knows how many people he has threated with a gun...JMO
That's true... but if one of them was firing a gun with a child around, then they have to be a very stupid person. I don't know anybody who would even point a gun in anybody's direction, much less shoot, when their child was close enough to have stepped in the way of a bullet... do you? Even if said child was beside or behind you... you're still taking a BIG chance. And surely no one would shoot at somebody if the child was close to the target.
Not to mention that the sound of a gunshot is pretty loud, and the noise carries a long way. Surely someone would have heard it and remembered it if it happened on the day a child vanishes into thin air. Unless they were in a very remote area with nobody around for miles... which still begs the question... why was Haleigh there to start with?

True... However, you and I were raised by fathers who taught us gun safety from early on and would probably shoot us for poaching.
Hi TxLady2.. I'm going on the presumption Misty picked up Haleigh and drove off in the opposite direction of the MH..
It has also been mentioned Ron C showed up at the bus stop too and was told Misty had picked up Haleigh and he went looking for Misty..
If It is true TN offered to pay Misty to babysit and she said payment was not necessary, and she would do it if it was OK with Ron, perhaps TN had not cleared that with Ron...I can imagine him being rageful enough to go after Misty with Haleigh in that van... No telling what happened when he caught up with Misty...
Also, IF that is the case, and I'm not saying for certain it is, (just my theory as to what may have happened) I suspect TN views herself, to a certain degree, as being somewhat responsible for whatever it is that happened to Haleigh that afternoon also...That could be another explanation as to why she praised Misty to high heaven after Haleigh's disappearance..

Can you imagine knowing your granddchild met with a horrible accident because you over stepped your boundaries and took it upon yourself to give someone the go ahead to watch that child w/o clearing it with your own child? JMO

Stay with me on this......
Ronald and Misty were together Sunday night and they stayed up all night "talking" or something. Then, after taking Haleigh to school, they came back and went to bed, sleeping until around noon. At this point she has had as much sleep as Ronald, so I don't buy the excuse that she is too tired to watch the kids. I have always felt that was just an excuse to explain why Misty was so deep in sleep that she didn't hear an intruder three feet from her. Or, if there were a flurry of phone calls between Ronald, his mother and his g-mother, they would need to explain them. I believe if you could get a time line on those phone calls, it would pinpoint the time Haleigh really went missing. I don't discount that it was an accidental shooting. Some handguns don't make a lot of noise, they make a popping sound. I don't know what kind of gun was found in the culvert, but I lean toward this being the weapon. Ronald went to a lot of trouble to plant this gun for it to not be important. Why would he bring this up unless he needs for LE to know that it was out of his possession for an amount of time. Misty insists she can only think of 2 people that could harm Haleigh, her cousin and her brother. I'm thinking the gun was found at her brother's house which is also where her cousin is staying. Am I right? I wonder if he sent Misty to retrieve the gun so her fingerprints would be on it. At this point, I think he was willing to throw everybody against the wall to see which one would stick.
IMO the first time we ever heard Ron's voice on the 911 call, is the most suspicious behavior we have heard from Ron.
We have all wondered why he wasn't screaming her name in the streets, asking neighbors to turn their light's on and help, help me find my daughter...while the police were on the way. Sure I think he had. and still has plenty to hide.
To me the 911 call with him in the background, Misty on the phone, him taking the phone and being frustrated but VIOLENT, all says he knows who took her,maybe he was warned? I also believe for a short while he thought he may get her back if LE had caught on to the real deal (or people involved). LE was forced in the wrong direction from the beginingR & M know who it was, but are very afraid to tell. There are rough groups of drug dealers out there, gangs and mafia types...JMO
True... However, you and I were raised by fathers who taught us gun safety from early on and would probably shoot us for poaching.

nice post!
My father was/is a gun collector. There are many guns in my parents home, and there have been many children and grandchildren in that house.
Gun safty makes a difference!
It's the adults in question, teaching the responsibility of gun ownership.
IMO the first time we ever heard Ron's voice on the 911 call, is the most suspicious behavior we have heard from Ron.
We have all wondered why he wasn't screaming her name in the streets, asking neighbors to turn their light's on and help, help me find my daughter...while the police were on the way. Sure I think he had. and still has plenty to hide.
To me the 911 call with him in the background, Misty on the phone, him taking the phone and being frustrated but VIOLENT, all says he knows who took her,maybe he was warned? I also believe for a short while he thought he may get her back if LE had caught on to the real deal (or people involved). LE was forced in the wrong direction from the beginingR & M know who it was, but are very afraid to tell. There are rough groups of drug dealers out there, gangs and mafia types...JMO

BBM.. The whole scene was staged.. Big RED HERRING...No one abducted Haleigh, but I do agree Ron and Misty know what happened to her...JMO
I'm thinking that with the two of them (Ron and Misty) having such a dramatic weekend (fighting, boozing, drugging, sexing) that they both probably felt like death warmed over on that Monday evening. Not much has been stated about what Ron was up to the weekend that Misty was out on her own partying. There is a statement that Ron was calling Misty during this time. I'm willing to bet that he was looking for her. We also don't know if he was scheduled to work during the weekend either. With large contracts to meet Fabrication shops usually work throught the weekends too. GGMS did say that she was angry with Misty for leaving Ron without a babysitter and stated that Misty showed up prior to Ron having to go to work. I bet those two "lovebirds" were pretty exhausted (Misty and Teresa made statements about Misty being exceptionally exhausted) Teresa also made a statement that Ron and Misty were up all night long on Sunday night "talking", and this was suppose to be "after" the big fight and the partying all weekend. I will say that neither of these two were in the mood for two needy toddlers. Obviously the fight was still going on, hence, the multitude of calls Ron made and Misty susposedly shutting her phone off. It has been reported by Ron's co-worker that Misty had called in the past complaining that she could not get Haleigh to go to bed. I think it is very probable that Haleigh was given a drug to make her sleepy and more easy to put to bed. Reportedly, Misty and Ron were arguing up to around 8:30 pm. I bet with everything going on, Haleigh most likely refused to go to bed. Ron probably instructed Misty to give her something. Misty was probably whinning that she didn't want to babysit to begin with. Either Ron left work and forced Haleigh to take a pill or maybe mortally injured her, then returned to work. Maybe Haleigh was injured earlier in the evening and GGMS came over with the nurse because Haleigh was gravely injured. Ron was sent back to work by GGMS or TN. Haleigh died. The coverup began.

Excellent post, lonetraveler! We're thinking along the same lines.

Regarding the part I bolded: No link, but at some point I read Misty had a prescription for Xanax. But prescription or not, Xanax seems to be very popular amongst recreational pill poppers. They're fairly cheap and easy to get. Could see Ron and Misty having something like that. Perhaps Ronald thought it'd be okay for Misty to give some to Haleigh to knock her out. Figured just a little bit wouldn't hurt. Unfortunately, even a tiny amount could be overwhelming to a small child. Xanax can be very dangerous to those with lung or breathing problems, especially a 39 lb child with asthma.
I've never heard LE was reconstructing the 3-day-bender, as you put it.

I have heard that they are trying to reconstruct the 3 days prior to the phone call (reporting Haleigh missing), for everyone who came into contact with Haleigh those 3 days.

Hi LFlorida! Assuming that you mean (please correct me if I'm wrong here) February 7, 8, and 9 as the three days prior to HaLeigh's disappearance/or 911 call; I'd be extremely curious to know if LE has the events/timeline reconstructed, to their satisfaction, from Tuesday, February 3rd through Friday, February 6th? The reason I ask is because it seems (at least to me) that alot of the conflict/turmoil between Ronald & Misty began (or should I say escalated) during that time(s);

(L, not directing the following at you - just building off of your post)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009:

Misty is cruising around with NayNay (in NayNay's blue Lincoln) ~

Apparently there is another female (teen or adult) passenger in the vehicle along with two little one's who are not in car seats ~

NayNay clips another vehicle at an intersection and leaves the scene but they're later located and cited by LE outside Greg P's mother's home (Lyn) ~

Lyn, Grep P's mother, meets Misty when she invites the girls (NayNay, unknown female, and Misty) into her home. After showing Misty pictures of her son (Greg), Misty expresses an interest in meeting him ~

So according to this, Misty has not met Greg P > therefore she obviously hasn't (yet) been intimate with him.

Thursday, February 5, 2009:

Misty tells Ronald that she's pregnant ~

An altercation takes place between Ronald & Misty; Ronald denies it's his child, calls Misty a *advertiser censored* and a "n__lover" and drops her off at her brothers without any of her clothes ~

*Misty hasn't yet met/slept with Greg P. so why does Ronald call/or refer to Misty as a n___lover during this fight? Did Misty have a previous relationship/encounter with a black man? Just curious...

Misty runs down the road and calls NayNay to come pick her up ~

The party begins; Misty then meets Greg P. The trio, NayNay, Misty, and Greg P. hang out doing drugs and cruising between Palatka and St. Augustine ~

An argument ensues between Misty and Amber (Ron's ex) over Misty stealing her (Amber's) man and trying to take her (Amber's) child - Misty & Amber were pulled apart before it came to blows ~

Sunday, February 8, 2009:

Greg P. last sees Misty at 4:00 AM ~

Misty visits her father, Hank Croslin Sr, who is in the hospital due to a broken leg from an automobile accident ~

NayNay dropped Misty off at her brothers to "babysit the kids" but before she did, Misty asked NayNay if she had a condom because Ronald told her to bring one...~

*Based on the above I would assume the brother Misty was referring to was Tommy on Tyler St. as NayNay asked Misty if she was babysitting for her nephews or HaLeigh and Jr. and/or if she was going back to Ronald - Misty, without responding specifically to NayNay's question, instead asked for a condom...

Sometime on Sunday, February 8, 2009, Misty returns to 202 Green Lane ~

Still more questions...

*Who did Ronald contact during those 3-days that Misty was gone?

*Did Ronald hook-up (or rehook-up) with someone while Misty was gone? (for revenge/payback)

*Were HaLeigh and Jr. at 202 Green Lane on Sunday when Misty returned with condom in hand?


Did whatever happened to HaLeigh have anything to do with any of the events that occurred between February 3rd to February 8th?

Or was it simply the result of mayhem and dysfunction that occurred when Ronald (the fire) and Misty (the gas) reunited?

Inquiring minds want to know
Excellent post, lonetraveler! We're thinking along the same lines.

Regarding the part I bolded: No link, but at some point I read Misty had a prescription for Xanax. But prescription or not, Xanax seems to be very popular amongst recreational pill poppers. They're fairly cheap and easy to get. Could see Ron and Misty having something like that. Perhaps Ronald thought it'd be okay for Misty to give some to Haleigh to knock her out. Figured just a little bit wouldn't hurt. Unfortunately, even a tiny amount could be overwhelming to a small child. Xanax can be very dangerous to those with lung or breathing problems, especially a 39 lb child with asthma.

IA Xanax is popular and a single dose would cause major problems for a small child.

I just know/knew .... have been around druggies and I can't imagine them "wasting" anything on getting a child to go to sleep ..... heck if that's what they wanted a simple Benadryl would do the same.
IA Xanax is popular and a single dose would cause major problems for a small child.

I just know/knew .... have been around druggies and I can't imagine them "wasting" anything on getting a child to go to sleep ..... heck if that's what they wanted a simple Benadryl would do the same.
I hear ya, but street price for those little blue pills is only about $2 at most.

I've taken a half pill and it knocked me out cold. Of course my tolerance was low, but it was pretty potent stuff. I'm thinking if a half pill can knock an adult out, no telling what it could do to a little kid.

Druggies are stingy, but maybe if they had plenty of something that wasn't really expensive.... Misty was tired and at her wits end with a very energetic 5 year old who refused to go nite nite. Dissolved the tiny pill in some chocolate milk, worked like a charm. Then after enjoying her break, finally realized Haleigh wasn't "just sleeping". :(

I could be so wrong about it all, just throwing it out there. Accidental OD is one of my main theories.

IMO Ron knows what happened and knows it's his fault (whether he meant to or not). He's already lost his daughter, why add insult to injury by having to serve time for it? Hard enough to admit, but he's already lost out-- he won't make things *worse* for himself by telling the truth.

Even if Misty was the one who actually gave Haleigh the drug, she's got something on Ron. Something that could prove he condoned it? Ah heck.. I don't know. They are obviously covering for one another though. imo
IA Xanax is popular and a single dose would cause major problems for a small child.

I just know/knew .... have been around druggies and I can't imagine them "wasting" anything on getting a child to go to sleep ..... heck if that's what they wanted a simple Benadryl would do the same.

I sometimes take a dose of Benadryl to put me to sleep, and it hits me pretty hard when I take a full dose. I suppose even it could cause problems for a child with breathing problems, especially if the one who gives the dose can barely read instructions.
I hear ya, but street price for those little blue pills is only about $2 at most.

I've taken a half pill and it knocked me out cold. Of course my tolerance was low, but it was pretty potent stuff. I'm thinking if a half pill can knock an adult out, no telling what it could do to a little kid.

Druggies are stingy, but maybe if they had plenty of something that wasn't really expensive.... Misty was tired and at her wits end with a very energetic 5 year old who refused to go nite nite. Dissolved the tiny pill in some chocolate milk, worked like a charm. Then after enjoying her break, finally realized Haleigh wasn't "just sleeping". :(

I could be so wrong about it all, just throwing it out there. Accidental OD is one of my main theories.

IMO Ron knows what happened and knows it's his fault (whether he meant to or not). He's already lost his daughter, why add insult to injury by having to serve time for it? Hard enough to admit, but he's already lost out-- he won't make things *worse* for himself by telling the truth.

Even if Misty was the one who actually gave Haleigh the drug, she's got something on Ron. Something that could prove he condoned it? Ah heck.. I don't know. They are obviously covering for one another though. imo

IA I think that whatever happened they both share responsibility for.

I thought about accidental OD for a while, and I guess I am biased against it ... just because I knew ...heck I still do know ... people on pills, and I can't see them sharing their stuff with their kids.

I sometimes take a dose of Benadryl to put me to sleep, and it hits me pretty hard when I take a full dose. I suppose even it could cause problems for a child with breathing problems, especially if the one who gives the dose can barely read instructions.

I have had to take Benadryl before and IA it will knock you out LOL. My son has had to take it too, he has asthma & allergies so I have to be careful, but even what the doctor says to give him, knocks him out. I do believe that a large dose could likely OD a child especially one with breathing problems.
According to TN (;)) Haleigh hated to take medicine. That childrens' liquid Benedryl tastes nasty. I know I have a hard time getting my kids to take it (even the medicine loving one), and it's quite hard to disguise.

I suppose it's possible Misty dissolved one of the adult pills in some drink, but I still don't think that'd be enough to kill a child. jmo Maybe she dissolved several, but seems like it'd taste so weird no kid would drink it. Not so sure they'd even have something like that on hand anyway... OTC meds for adults or kids. They didn't even have enough blankets for the children. Their spare cash most likely spent on ciggies and illegal drugs.

If Misty was frustrated and aggravated enough, she just might share one of her pills, as it would benefit her.

My view of Misty: selfish, impatient, impulsive girl.
According to TN (;)) Haleigh hated to take medicine. That childrens' liquid Benedryl tastes nasty. I know I have a hard time getting my kids to take it (even the medicine loving one), and it's quite hard to disguise.

I suppose it's possible Misty dissolved one of the adult pills in some drink, but I still don't think that'd be enough to kill a child. jmo Maybe she dissolved several, but seems like it'd taste so weird no kid would drink it. Not so sure they'd even have something like that on hand anyway... OTC meds for adults or kids. They didn't even have enough blankets for the children. Their spare cash most likely spent on ciggies and illegal drugs.

If Misty was frustrated and aggravated enough, she just might share one of her pills, as it would benefit her.

My view of Misty: selfish, impatient, impulsive girl.

LOL IA my son can't stand the taste of liquid Benadryl, he says it's "horrible", he can't swallow pills yet.

Teresa agrees that Oxys taste equally as bad ... I thought they had a coating on them to prevent one from tasting them ....if taken as directed :waitasec:

IA Snookie ... maybe Misty got frustrated enough to give her something with or without Ron's approval, especially after a 3 day bender.
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