Sweden - Gay Marriage Now Legal In.....

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About darn time! Congratulations to the LGBT Community on this historic day!

I'm very pleased. It was so clearly discrimination and it was wrong. I'm glad everyone can marry who they love.
I went to FOX news curious about what they'd report. On their page, the momentous Supreme Court decision wasn't referenced until 27, TWENTY SEVEN articles down, after multiple articles about ISIS. And then it was this: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...ps-same-sex-marriage-ruling-day-after-backed/

When you click on that link, there are a few other articles "you might like", which have headlines like: "Why the Supreme Court Got it Wrong".

Wow. Not one article just reporting the decision. Every single one is negative. What happened to "fair and balanced?"
HOW will the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage alter the way Americans feel about the country, and how we feel about ourselves?

I can’t speak for everyone. But I can speak for this one 12-year-old boy.


People move to New York for many complicated reasons — personal, professional, spiritual, gravitational — some quite clear, some unknowable. Edith Windsor came 60 years ago for a very simple one.

“I came to New York to let myself be gay,” said Ms. Windsor, 83 and regal in a pink silk blouse, black slacks, flowing blond hair and the pearls she wore on her wedding day in Canada five years ago.

That her decision to move to New York would eventually take her to the United States Supreme Court would have seemed as unlikely at the time as the idea of two women stepping into a courtroom to get married. But on Friday, the court agreed to hear her federal suit challenging the law that requires the federal government to deny marital benefits to gay and lesbian couples who live in states that allow such unions.
For Obergefell, the case is simply about that tricky-to-pronounce name: He wants it on Arthur’s death certificate as the surviving spouse, an idea the state of Ohio, where same-sex marriage is illegal, opposes.
The Supreme Court Justices did exactly what should have been done. They heard the injustice and the inequality. They heard the sound reasoning to make their decisions. They corrected a wrong in our society which never should have been.

The opposition needs to finally comprehend they are given a choice to decide their religion, career, and their own path in life, but it is not only their right to choose.

We are Americans.

We are one nation.

We are human beings chasing the same dreams in life.
I went to FOX news curious about what they'd report. On their page, the momentous Supreme Court decision wasn't referenced until 27, TWENTY SEVEN articles down, after multiple articles about ISIS. And then it was this: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...ps-same-sex-marriage-ruling-day-after-backed/

When you click on that link, there are a few other articles "you might like", which have headlines like: "Why the Supreme Court Got it Wrong".

Wow. Not one article just reporting the decision. Every single one is negative. What happened to "fair and balanced?"

When was Fox News ever fair or balanced?
Fantastic news. Well done America!

With the horrific massacre against tourists in Tunisia at the moment, the world needs love.
So happy for all my LGBTQ friends, and all those who have been waiting for this for sooooooo long! This is America. Finally.

"MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is expected to launch a run for president within weeks, on Friday called the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide a "grave mistake" and renewed his call for an amendment to the Constitution allowing states to determine who can marry."


I may be a Brit, but I have a gay female American friend, who is overjoyed with this decision. And I am pleased for her. After all, if two adults want to get married, why the hell should it matter whether they are man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman? If they are happy together and want to be together for the rest of their lives, and want to consummate that with marriage, why should that be anyone else's business? What harm are they doing anyone else?

Why should it even be an issue to anyone? If someone is against same gender marriage, then don't marry someone of the same gender! The law doesn't force it upon anyone, nor does it in the slightest diminish a man and woman's right to marry. I've never liked the moral judgementalism indulged in by some for the lifestyle choices of others, when those choices harm no one. Live and let live.

As far as I am concerned - and on behalf of my friend - the Supreme Court has struck a blow for freedom and tolerance, and against bigotry and narrow-mindedness.
Bill Maher:
“Of course, the Republican candidates for president are all against this—but they took the news with grace and good will. I’m joking, of course. They all went completely ape-**** and said crazy things,” said Maher. “‘We will not honor any decision,’ Rick Santorum said, ‘which will force us to violate our clear, biblical understanding.’ Mike Huckabee said, ‘The Supreme Court can’t overrule God.’ Bobby Jindal said, ‘This ruling paves the way for an all-out assault on religious freedoms of Christians.’ Fellas, you do realize that this is not mandatory. You don’t have to have sex with another man—it’s just an option now. OK, I just wanted to make that clear.”

“They’re such drama queens, aren’t they?” he added.
Somebody's already feeling victimized because other people got the same rights that he always had:


Funny how, according to some, the Constitution only protects the meanest and pettiest of religious views. Those of us with kinder and more expansive understandings of Jesus' teachings are afforded no protection at all. One would think the U.S. had been founded in 1776 BCE, rather than 1776 CE.
When was Fox News ever fair or balanced?

Well, they did have the Supreme Court ruling as article #27. What I saw of their coverage yesterday was rather subdued.

Maybe Roger Ailes didn't expect the ruling until Monday and was caught off-guard. He hadn't written the memo telling the Fox News folks what to say...
"MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is expected to launch a run for president within weeks, on Friday called the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide a "grave mistake" and renewed his call for an amendment to the Constitution allowing states to determine who can marry."



Of course Walker continues to demonstrate in every way that he is a moron. Have he and others like him even considered the madness of a decision that leaves each state to define marriage in a different manner? I can speak from personal experience of the craziness of being married in California, but unmarried if I drive 90 minutes east into Arizona. Our grandchildren live in Massachusetts, but during our hour layover at the Houston airport our marriage is suddenly nonexistent. What if one of us died during such a layover? The legal complications boggle the mind!

Letting each state implement its own definition of marriage is a sure route to courts clogged with cases attempting to litigate the resulting confusion!
Funny how, according to some, the Constitution only protects the meanest and pettiest of religious views. Those of us with kinder and more expansive understandings of Jesus' teachings are afforded no protection at all. One would think the U.S. had been founded in 1776 BCE, rather than 1776 CE.

What really get's my goat is..States now are made to allow such marriage's..Yet can and has passed so many bills into LAW that allows discrimination in places of business + their ability to move into some neighbourhoods despite their ability to qualify for mortgage ..Course some loans manager may disqualify them because of their religious views...SMH...

This ruling ( tho major) is just a few steps into ALL the freedoms for same sex families> aka total EQUALITY...

THERE's much more work to do to enable "Equality" in all aspects of life :shame:

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