On Sunday July 14 the police in Malmö (Sweden's third largest city) found a burned-out car in an industrial area, and two dead bodies were discovered in the car. The car had been hired earlier that day at the airport in Copenhagen, Denmark, on the other side of the Öresund Bridge, about 30 minutes away. The bodies have not yet been identified, but the police believe they are those of two missing UK business men who travelled to Denmark on Saturday.
Two bodies found in burnt-out car in Sweden rented by Briton
Driver and passenger had been shot dead after car had reportedly been driven from Copenhagen to Malmö
Uppgifter: Affärsmännen lämnade Storbritannien – dagen före dubbelmordet
Offren i det misstänkta dubbelmordet i Malmö är ännu oidentifierade men brittiska UD bekräftar att två medborgare saknas i Sverige. Enligt Aftonbladets uppgifte