Sydney stabbing rampage at Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley - 15 April 2024

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who was allegedly stabbed during church sermon

makes emotional return before issuing some brutal advice to Anthony Albanese.


Sporting a white eyepatch over his right eye and carrying a gold cross,
Bishop Emmanuel stood in the same place where he was allegedly stabbed and began his service in Arabic."

"Accused 'youth terror cell'

rounded up in sweeping raids allegedly found with mobile phones

containing bomb-making videos and ISIS beheading clips.

This is the stuff of nightmares. Think about it - instead of hiding attrocities like the good ol' days, they are being used to recruit young minds. Things that should fill any conscionable human being with extreme repulsion are instead attracting these young people. I wish they would stop calling them children and boys. They should just state their age, call them teenagers or Utes, even. And I still can't figure out exactly what the problem was with this priest.

Tl;dr, kid has been messed up and violent his whole life, probably needed help he didn't get, but whether it would have helped, who knows.

I say messed up without judgement - I was also undiagnosed autistic for most of my life, also had major mental health problems, and struggled with my emotions, my schooling, and my relationships as a result. But I also never tried to kill anyone.


"Inside the alleged terror plot

teens planned to unleash on Sydney days after church stabbing.

  • Teens were planning future attack
  • Discussed obtaining guns"

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Tl;dr, kid has been messed up and violent his whole life, probably needed help he didn't get, but whether it would have helped, who knows.

I say messed up without judgement - I was also undiagnosed autistic for most of my life, also had major mental health problems, and struggled with my emotions, my schooling, and my relationships as a result. But I also never tried to kill anyone.


That article is a really good and balanced read.

It sounds like the perfect storm of a child who didn't receive the services and support he needed, combined with possible grooming and recruitment by an older person. Add in a possible lack of diagnosis/treatment. And yes while most people in these circumstances don't move on to murder, this is absolutely the type of pattern we see in very many killers.
That article is a really good and balanced read.

It sounds like the perfect storm of a child who didn't receive the services and support he needed, combined with possible grooming and recruitment by an older person. Add in a possible lack of diagnosis/treatment. And yes while most people in these circumstances don't move on to murder, this is absolutely the type of pattern we see in very many killers.
The family violence in particular is really illuminating for me. He attacks his family, and they are hurt by it, requiring medical treatment, but they don't seem to realise that him taking responsibility for causing that hurt is important.

Yes, he's dealing with a difficult hand brain-wise, but I do really wonder if anyone actually made the effort to help him learn to control his emotions that lead to these eruptions. It is possible for people to do this kind of work on themselves at any age, and with neurodivergent and mental health conditions.

Diagnosis, IMO, would have helped get him access to services and an IEP, but many people are resistant to their children being diagnosed, even when they are struggling, which he obviously was, to handle schooling and social interaction on many levels.

Diagnosis, IMO, would have helped get him access to services and an IEP, but many people are resistant to their children being diagnosed, even when they are struggling, which he obviously was, to handle schooling and social interaction on many levels.
I don't think we can conclude the parents were resistant to diagnosis. Australia has an amazing free medical system, but access to specialists requires a long, long wait even if you have the money to pay privately. I have a now-adult child with learning differences and I had the resources to pay for services. Every doctor's visit and tweak to educational services still required hours on the phone to specialists to find the right services and chase up referrals, to ensure medical and educational approaches were joined up yada yada. I also speak fluent English. My husband does not, and we have often reflected that he would not have been able to understand the system without significant help. In all likelihood if he wasn't married to me, he would have given up trying as the systems would have felt inpenetrable.

This boy's parents are first generation migrants who may neither have funds nor be culturally competent to negotiate these systems may well fall through the cracks and not be able to access the needed care. (I know, I'm assuming a lot about the family situation.)
I don't think we can conclude the parents were resistant to diagnosis. Australia has an amazing free medical system, but access to specialists requires a long, long wait even if you have the money to pay privately. I have a now-adult child with learning differences and I had the resources to pay for services. Every doctor's visit and tweak to educational services still required hours on the phone to specialists to find the right services and chase up referrals, to ensure medical and educational approaches were joined up yada yada. I also speak fluent English. My husband does not, and we have often reflected that he would not have been able to understand the system without significant help. In all likelihood if he wasn't married to me, he would have given up trying as the systems would have felt inpenetrable.

This boy's parents are first generation migrants who may neither have funds nor be culturally competent to negotiate these systems may well fall through the cracks and not be able to access the needed care. (I know, I'm assuming a lot about the family situation.)
I didn't specifically say the parents were resistant, I was speaking in general terms about it being a barrier to some kids getting diagnosed.

It's been three years since it was strongly suggested he needed assessment, so I think it's not unreasonable to assume there was some barrier. Resistance, culture and language, waiting lists, and COVID are all likely possible things that could have contributed.

It's always easier to look at these things in hindsight, but the selfharm and toe walking in infancy should have stood out like blazing beacons to a paediatrician.

Parents of teenager who stabbed bishop at Sydney church speak publicly for the first time
The boy, who can't be identified for legal reasons, is now in custody and faces a possible life sentence if convicted of committing an act of terrorism, but his parents insist their son is no terrorist.

Their account of his life paints a picture of a violent child, with serious anger management issues.

His longstanding mental health concerns and a suspected cognitive disorder left him vulnerable to radicalisation, said Peta Lowe, youth extremism expert and former director of Countering Violent Extremism for NSW Juvenile Justice.

"It's not surprising to find out that there are some concerns about his mental health, that he seems to have been isolated for a long period of time from different places in the community," she said.

"His school was one of them, and from all reports, he isolated himself further from his family at home and retreated to a space online."
I really feel sorry for this kid

Maybe he can get help and turn his life around?

What a shining example and role model he could be

I hope he tries

"My son is not a terrorist"

I'm sorry but that's a delusional statement.
He committed an act of terror.
He stabbed a bishop on a livestream because he didn't like what he had said.
This is the stuff of nightmares. Think about it - instead of hiding attrocities like the good ol' days, they are being used to recruit young minds. Things that should fill any conscionable human being with extreme repulsion are instead attracting these young people. I wish they would stop calling them children and boys. They should just state their age, call them teenagers or Utes, even. And I still can't figure out exactly what the problem was with this priest.
I also find it annoying
It's part if the US' influence on us
Why they infanticide their adolescents I don't know
But the fact remains that teenagers are adolescents not children, they are going through the metamorphosis of puberty, children aren't.
Legally they are all minors because they haven't yet reached the age of majority
So call them minors! Not children
"Jamal Rifi, a community leader and retired GP who is supporting the family of the Wakeley attacker, said police also failed to take mental health and developmental issues into account.

"In the community, if you are a Muslim, then you are definitely a terrorist, but if you're not a Muslim, they will look for psychological issues," said Dr Rifi, who has worked closely with police to counter violent extremism."

Dude his own Muslim parents didn't want to look for psychological issues, they ignored two psychologists for years. I hope you weren't his GP!

Source of quote and my claims:
I also find it annoying
It's part if the US' influence on us
Why they infanticide their adolescents I don't know
But the fact remains that teenagers are adolescents not children, they are going through the metamorphosis of puberty, children aren't.
Legally they are all minors because they haven't yet reached the age of majority
So call them minors! Not children
I think you meant infantalise. Infanticide means the murder of babies.

But yeah, there's a theme of diffusion of responsibility for his actions coming from the family. It's difficult, because I don't think they're doing it on purpose, but by removing all accountability from someone, you're never going to do them anything but harm in the long run, and they may go on to hurt others as a result, as has happened in this case.

I think you meant infantalise. Infanticide means the murder of babies.

But yeah, there's a theme of diffusion of responsibility for his actions coming from the family. It's difficult, because I don't think they're doing it on purpose, but by removing all accountability from someone, you're never going to do them anything but harm in the long run, and they may go on to hurt others as a result, as has happened in this case.

Lol autocorrect
Do you ever think about turning it off and typing like it's 2001?

It's *advertiser censored***d up
I hope they're not like the Skaff family
Im pretty sure their mother still believes those slutty white Australian girls ruined her precious boys lives and set them up and now ones out he's going to get married and have kids *facepalm*

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