Syringe in bottle contained traces of chloroform

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Come on guys! Didn't you learn anything in HS Chemistry?

In layman's terms (as i understand it)...

1. Buy some Manganese Dioxide powder, and some chloroform at 25 degrees celsius (77 degrees fahrenheit). [Or acetone if you can't find the chloroform].
2. Dissolve the manganese dioxide in the chloroform
3. Add your 4-AD to the batch, and voila! You have your testosterone. (pure grain alcohol)
Ethanol is a versatile solvent, miscible with water and with many organic solvents, including acetic acid, acetone, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, diethyl ether, ethylene glycol, glycerol, nitromethane, pyridine, and toluene

And can be bought under the name of Denatured Alcohol. Lowes sells it for a little over fifteen dollars a gallon in the paint supply department. Denatured Alcohol is 95% ethanol and the rest additives to keep it from being Everclear.
English please.....and dumb it down. :crazy: MOO

I'll do my best...sorry if I didn't make much sense earlier.

The info I posted in regard to is not a recipe for making some type of product that contains testosterone, methanol, ethanol, and chloroform. It is an analytical procedure that has been designed to determine whether or not testosterone and/or it's metabolites are found in a topical hair treatment (if I remember correctly).
Analytical chemistry can be divided into two parts, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Qualitative answers the question "What is it?" and quantitative answers the question "How much?". For example, if you find a plastic baggie full of a white solid but don't know what it is you can do some qualitative testing to try and find out. You could smell it, taste it, snort it (kidding...LOL), test for flammability, see if it dissolves in water, etc. and then compare your results what you'd expect to observe when testing a white solid of a known identity (sugar, for example). So ir you tasted the unknown white powder and it was sweet...tasted exactly like would have qualitatively analyzed the white powder because you answered the question "what is it?". If you wanted to know how much of the sugar was in the baggie you would do quantitative analysis. Most simple example would be to measure the amount of sugar you found inside the baggie. However, in a more complicated example (two-component mixture) the unknown white solid might really consist of both flour and sugar. Then you would have to figure out a way to separate the flour from the sugar before determining "how much" of each solid was in the bag. You could add warm water to the powder to dissolve the sugar and then filter the solution. When you filter, the sugar (which is dissolved in the water) will pass through your filter paper and the flour (which was not dissolved in the water) will not. Once you've successfully separated the two solids, you can allow the water to evaporate completely and can figure out "how much" of each solid was in the bag. You've quantitatively analyzed for sugar and flour after separating the two.
Think of this testosterone containing product as being the same as the flour-sugar mixture. Just like we knew that our unknown solid contained sugar, the person working with this product knew that it contained testosterone and they needed to separate the testosterone from the other ingredients before they could find out how much there was. The ethanol they used was just like our water and the chloroform:methanol mixture was like our filter paper. The difference is that they used the chemical properties of the methanol:chloroform mixture to "trap" one component and not the others instead of using a real physical barrier like a filter paper.
I hope this helps. If not I'll keep trying till I make some sense! :) Sorry if I've been confusing.
Hey RR,

I think what this poster is saying is that the ethanol, chloroform & methanol were actually substances used as part of the extraction/testing methods for testosterone. Chloroform is used in many types of testing as a 'catalyst' for lack of a better term. For example, IIRC in early research I did way, way back yonder, chloroform is used in some drug testing kits and will turn either THC (pot) or cocaine solution purple when combined with other chemicals in the testing solution.

There are a lot of docs about this stuff on an old client's site (company makes forensic, environmental test standards -> like the little tubes full of solutions you see them squirt stuff into on CSI for testing in 'the mass spectrometer' ) :)

Having said that, while I think this *might* be a viable possibility, I personally think that it might not be the correct answer in this case.
But it would only extract Testosterone if it was physically there...the process does not create the presence of Testosterone.... (as not to confuse)
yeah i think chloroform is probably in many cleaning liquids.

I wouldn't think so.

I could be mistaken but I think Chloroform is pretty much banned in household products because it is a known carcinogen

It's also been banned for consumer use since the early 70's

I put sharp things in a container before I throw them in the trash. For instance, if i break a glass in the kitchen, I put it in a container before putting it in the trash. It is a safety measure to keep the kids from getting hurt when taking out the trash. It does not surprise me at all the see a siringe in a plastic bottle in a bag in a dumpy trashy location. seems normal.
Dogmom...thank goodness you're here...I felt like I was stuck in the "who's on first?" routine.
I wish I knew how close the Disney bag was to the skull.

Maybe you can look it up. Try the tag search stink, cause I know the measurements are in a thread where i put the word stink in it.
I may have put the tag disney as well.
Wudge, it is also an old report before they compared the fabric. It even says in this report that it was moved to that place to have the fabric looked at.

Respectfully, this duct tape discussion would be much more valuable as an archive of thoughts and discussion if it was carried on in the duct tape thread, which is here:

This is a valuable, content-rich thread and I for one would hate to see it go way off the rails with mixing up too many subjects on this lovely thread. It's hard for people to keep focus and harder still for those trying to catch up if they have to wade through extraneous topic discussions.

Thanks for being considerate.
Aww DogMom, you're the best! I think we may need you to be on call for a few day's. But this report seems to be right up your alley, the Rickenbach Report.

What are all those combined testosterone's? What was he looking for?

As to the DNA and other reports I was asking about, I understand that it's not your field, but if we can ask you to maybe help us interpret terms and stuff like that, I know I'd be very grateful. TIA DogMom!!

I've been away for the day, but am home now and at your service for the rest of the evening! :) I will get started by reading it over and I'll pull out the biology and genetics my best to understand it so maybe I can help explain, lol. Feel free to PM me any questions, I'll do my best to answer but I'm definitely not an expert at all! :)
So, Caylee would have been dead for days already, and if this syringe was used in her murder, it couldn't have come from JG, right? Unless, of course, Casey had gotten it before 6/16. MOO

She could have gotten the syringe anywhere, probably from her own home, what I meant was , she probably showered at JG the day she disposed of Little Caylee:furious:
It isn't just that one that lists the testosterone.... Dr. Rickerbach spends like 200 pages on it
continuing into 11911-11987

As far as I can tell...... I am NOT a scientist or even close to it - lol - so I am completely guessing!

OH MY GOODNESS! I better get my booty in gear and start reading....good think I've got plenty of diet coke and remembered to pick up my ADD medication refill today or I'd never get through it all! LOL

Come on guys! Didn't you learn anything in HS Chemistry?

In layman's terms (as i understand it)...

1. Buy some Manganese Dioxide powder, and some chloroform at 25 degrees celsius (77 degrees fahrenheit). [Or acetone if you can't find the chloroform].
2. Dissolve the manganese dioxide in the chloroform
3. Add your 4-AD to the batch, and voila! You have your testosterone.

You think? I have no idea ~ but if that's what this was it must not have worked so well. They threw 3/4 of the bottle away. I dunno. 4-androstenediol (4-AD) is an anabolic testosterone precursor so maybe?
I guess Zanny is tied to the crime now since Casey had told people Caylee and Zanny were out at Disney and the parks.* (Disney Bag)
I don't think this bag ties any "Zanny" to the crime scene any more that it definitivley ties KC to it.* If (I say if because nothing has been proven yet) this was a premeditated murder via chloroform or other drug, a comment about "Zanny" taking her to Disney would be an effort to prove SODDI.* There has been no "verifiable" Zanny tied to this case.* KC aslo said Zanny took Caylee to Seaworld, Universal, and to the beach.* We have not seen any beach toy, Shamu toy, or Universal merchandise here.* So we can not "tie" "Zanny" to a location.* We can however, tie chloroform searches from the A home computer to a high probability that they are somehow related to Caylee.* As much as some would like to tie a real, live, Zanaida to this case....there is just no evidence that proves she exists.* I don't want to see you get bashed for your opinion nts, but you have to admit that the evidence we have seen does nothing to validate that Caylee was ever in the care of a nanny named Zenaida.* Chloroform is crucial in this case.* We have to credit evidence on both sides.* We just haven't seen anything from the other.
I wouldn't think so.

I could be mistaken but I think Chloroform is pretty much banned in household products because it is a known carcinogen

It's also been banned for consumer use since the early 70's


I dont think the ingredients are banned though. And when they talk about trace evidence, could they be talking about chlorine? I guess it depends how they word it. I dont trust them anymore.
Well...I'm glad someone is using my words...but the liquid mixture was in the bottle.

Give me a few minutes... soon as I can find the chart that shows the level, I'll prob have a better response as to whether the chloroform was a test calibration solution or not... Back as soon as I find it.

*wandering on back up-thread now*
I think the Chloroform in the Syringe pretty much confirms that this was nothing other than Cold Blooded Murder.

Casey could have picked up that syringe from anywhere & it was probably used by somebody shooting steroids.

That would account for the Testosterone

Did they test the Needle for any trace DNA?
Havent been here in eons. Just want to say I heard the new evidence on NG and I am appalled even more.
I dont think the ingredients are banned though. And when they talk about trace evidence, could they be talking about chlorine? I guess it depends how they word it. I dont trust them anymore.

Chloroform IS Banned for consumer use though so it probably wouldn't be in "Lots of Household products" as you stated.
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