Syringe in bottle contained traces of chloroform

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The search for the method to make chloroform was made on Casey's computer, then her child is found dead, with chloroform in a bottle alongside her, and there is chloroform in the trunk of the car, where traces of the decomposing child were found. Isn't that enough? :banghead:
If I look up on MY computer how to make a bomb, then my relative who is cramping my style,that I really want to get rid of is blown up, and traces of explosives are found in my car, isn't that a pretty convincing link?

A simple thanks was not enough.
I am getting dizzy going round and round on this evidence stuff and what level of evidence people are expecting.
Honestly, I think this is the most likely scenario.

Also, if you do some research, chloroform has been injected into veins. Just look for some scholarly articles for reliable references.

It has always been used as an inhaled vapor. Can you provide any medical study or reference that it has ever been used in a therapeutic environment in Injectable form?
What if you did leave all that stuff next to the body? What if you wanted to implicate someone else? Someone who had used the syringe and whose fingerprints were on it?

But your own fingerprints are all over the duct tape, right? How is that gonna work to frame somebody else?

My point is that it won't hurt anyone here to regard the bottle/syringe as unrelated to the crime until further notice. If you insist that KC left it there - then you have these absurdities that go along with it. Primarily, it looks like she didn't give a damn if Caylee was found and she went to jail for the rest of her life.

If Roy Kronk is accurate and is telling the truth... he actually saw Caylee's skull only two months after she was placed there. This was within minutes of entering the woods on an already established pathway. He was able to see this even though there was standing water. He was so certain of what he saw that he told his coworkers with him that he just saw a skull. A skull! This is all only a few blocks from her house.

Yeah, that's how motivated KC was to hide the dead Caylee. And she left a chloroform syringe there too?
Just to correct, I misread the Mass. document. The 470 ppb is for limits on surface water. They default to the EPA limit of 80 ppb for total THM's for drinking water.
Casey has yet to be placed where Caylee's remains were found. There's no report that they found Casey's fingerprints or DNA on the syringe. I know of no evidence that proves Casey bought the syringe or had possession of it. I know of no evidence that proves Casey bought chloroform.

Moreover, other chemicals were also found to have been in the syringe. Many off-the-shelf products contain chlorofrm in a mixture with other chemicals. Furthermore, there no evidence that Caylee died from chloroform in a pure state or in mixture with other chemicals.

Who did they determine to be the owner of the testosterone?

This is yet more evidence that works for the defense.
In reference to the bolded portion of this post, that may well be, but there is also NO evidence that Caylee was ever with anyone again after she was last seen with Casey. So there IS evidence that places Casey as the very last person who ever saw Caylee alive and that is the testimony of George Anthony.
In reference to the red portion of this post:Criminals are known to wear gloves so a lack of fingerprints is not conclusive that Casey never handled that syringe either.
In reference to the blue protion of this post: That is true, but there IS evidence that she researched how to make it herself.

Bold, red and blue done by me, respectfully wudge...:blushing:
Just wondering...:waitasec:

Why did the official FBI report (not the many, many notes) mention only the four testosterone components and not the chloroform? Could it be that they did not find the chloroform to be significant?

Just asking.
If I'm reading the report right no blood was found on the plunger or needle
Casey was an avid watcher of CSI...she could have easily (and would know to do this) used an alcohol swab to wipe off the tip of the needle. If she had on gloves, then there would be nothing to connect this to her or to Caylee...

Also, isn't amonia known to render blood untestable?
Several folks have mentioned finding blood on her shirt and on the blanket. Was that information in the last document releases this week? It's very possible that I missed it because on about pdf 17 my eyes were rolling back in my head looking at all the 'junk science'... can you point me in the right direction please?
Good am caught up as much as I can... still not seeing specifically what it is that connects the syringe (or bottle eg) to KC? I gather it's the location itself which everyone finds suspicious, and the chloroform components in trunk. However it seems fingerprints are the only real hope prosecution has of tying this to KC. :twocents:


I agree that the proximity of the bag/bottle/syringe in very curious, but do agree nothing we have seen ties it to KC. Still trying to catch up on today's posts, but something hit me today. How is it possible this was less than a foot from her remains, with the huricaines and the flood waters in the area, wouldn't be more likely to float away? Perhaps it was originally in the bag with Caylee, and later drug out by creatures. Thoughts or theories?
I am not going off topic. I owned a Restaurant for 16 years. Believe me, I know food very well. Not all food has preservatives in it. However as you can see in my other post, I quoted wikipedia as using chlorinated water in foods and linking that to chloroform.

Also on wikipedia it refers to animal decomp and human decomp in the same sentence to create coffin wax. We are talking traces here.
Wiki is not the most reliable of sources...just FYI...:innocent:
But your own fingerprints are all over the duct tape, right? How is that gonna work to frame somebody else?

My point is that it won't hurt anyone here to regard the bottle/syringe as unrelated to the crime until further notice. If you insist that KC left it there - then you have these absurdities that go along with it. Primarily, it looks like she didn't give a damn if Caylee was found and she went to jail for the rest of her life.

If Roy Kronk is accurate and is telling the truth... he actually saw Caylee's skull only two months after she was placed there. This was within minutes of entering the woods on an already established pathway. He was able to see this even though there was standing water. He was so certain of what he saw that he told his coworkers with him that he just saw a skull. A skull! This is all only a few blocks from her house.

Yeah, that's how motivated KC was to hide the dead Caylee. And she left a chloroform syringe there too?

Duct tape fingerprints? I thought that had not been established. If there are no prints anywhere, she took precautions. Which would lend itself to my what if game in my previous post. FWIW, I'm not "married" to the chlorform being tied to her. I feel far more confident about the entomology reports. Right now, the chloroform issue is a muddle to me. I'm just exploring all angles and thinking out loud.....
Maybe this Disney bag of trash was left in the woods in 2007 or earlier. Do any of the reports say that it was placed in the woods in June 2008? If this trash is very old, there won't be fingerprints or DNA.
Casey was an avid watcher of CSI...she could have easily (and would know to do this) used an alcohol swab to wipe off the tip of the needle. If she had on gloves, then there would be nothing to connect this to her or to Caylee...

Also, isn't amonia known to render blood untestable?

I think Chloroform would work too. Now isn't that ironic!
Just to correct, I misread the Mass. document. The 470 ppb is for limits on surface water. They default to the EPA limit of 80 ppb for total THM's for drinking water.
Which still leaves the sample in question, according to your calculations,perfectly within safe limits, correct?:banghead:
I agree that the proximity of the bag/bottle/syringe in very curious, but do agree nothing we have seen ties it to KC. Still trying to catch up on today's posts, but something hit me today. How is it possible this was less than a foot from her remains, with the huricaines and the flood waters in the area, wouldn't be more likely to float away? Perhaps it was originally in the bag with Caylee, and later drug out by creatures. Thoughts or theories?
Thats just what i was thinking!
Maybe this Disney bag of trash was left in the woods in 2007 or earlier. Do any of the reports say that it was placed in the woods in June 2008? If this trash is very old, there won't be fingerprints or DNA.

I'm sure the defense will say the same thing.
I don't know what to think, honestly. I like the entomology thread, that feels like a picnic in comparison! But, let's play a game of what if.....

What if you did leave all that stuff next to the body?
What if you wanted to implicate someone else? Someone who had used the syringe and whose fingerprints were on it?

I admit, it's crazy. And I also admit that beyond being thoroughly confused, I am suffering from some sort of mental deficiency from reading this entire thread and trying to understand. Maybe it's from all the chloroform. :crazy:

Long time lurker on this case (giant THANK YOU to all posters--my brain feels like it's been doing some advanced form of yoga...). Will try to keep this post focused & not repeat too much as I think this out loud:

1. In terms of direct tangible evidence, there is no direct link between Gatorade bottle/syringe/contents and Casey, no fingerprints etc. At least not that we know of yet.
2. Bottle/syringe contents are among several coincidental appearances of "chloroform" in this case.
3. Written notes on doc dumps indicate some LE interest in chloroform levels related to this case.
3. Casey had several different means of acquiring a syringe which could include either or both testosterone and chloroform, such as the syringe which was found 1 foot from her dead child's skull.
4. The remains were scattered. I seem to recall that the head and torso were in one location with various extremities moved away from that site. (God I hate to even type that.) IF these items turn out to be in fact related then it either both were dumped at the same time, or that the killer returned to same scene to dump bottle containing potentially-incriminating-to-hoped-for-scapegoat-JR syringe later... OR that the items are unrelated and the bottle either pre-dated the placement of the body, or post-dated it and whoever dumped the bottle failed to report anything suspicious... OR OR that it is completely unrelated and flood waters placed it in its eventual location. (Thanks to the less pretzel-brained posters for this obvious miss on my part!)

Posters have questioned whether Casey was the sort of person to return a needle to its cap, then bag it, then put it in a bottle, THEN dump same in the same area as Caylee's body. I think yes, if only because she would not have wanted to stick herself with said needle.

I have heard from more than one friend in LE that when it comes to solving crimes, the simplest answer is usually THE answer. I wish there were more simple answers here. And I appreciate all your work in sorting through this tangled ball of possibilities!
I can't come up with any reason that Casey would even use a syringe. Why would she go to all the extra trouble associated with giving a shot to a toddler when it would be so much easier to just have Caylee inhale it? Wouldn't she just be creating extra work for herself for no reason?
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