Syringe in bottle contained traces of chloroform

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On her show, Nancy Grace is not acting as an Officer of the Court.

I explained why such lies are told. It's to improve ratings and make money. They know the vast majority of the public remembers headlines far moreso than anything else. And they also know that the vast majority of the public will not do their own research (or thinking). We live in a culture that features fast foods and jumps to conclusions. Shows like Nancy Grace's take advantage of our culture.

Yes. I realize that she is not acting as an officer of the court.
Yes. I know you explained why such lies are told.
I guess I wouldn't have it in me to do trashy reporting.
Chloroform was found but in no more dangerous amounts than a glass of tap water or a nice hot shower (even less than that). There were alot of posters on all morning discussing it. DogMom hasn't been back yet. Still busy no doubt. :)

Yes, I have read all the posts but none of them have made it clear to me that I have seen the actual testing results for quantity in the documents. The charts JWG referred to as showing quantitative results are the ones DogMom said showed qualitative results. Maybe the one chart does show both qualitative and quantitative measures? I really don't know. That's why I'm asking for clarification. Can anyone explain it like they are teaching a 5th grade science class? TIA
Respectfully snipped.

I have to say that I didn't like that NG was using "syringeS" and "LOADED" either.
I want to know how come they don't get into trouble for "reporting" such things and why would they do that knowing that the public can read the documents themselves. I think it makes them look kinda stupid. MOOC.

I can accept that errors get made in the scramble to air some last-minute development or other, but there's no honorable explanation for not correcting that error at the beginning of the very next program!

Are you still talking about a bottle that is sitting next to a child's corpse? :waitasec:

Dont try to bait the issue...we were speaking in generalities as a means of why someone would have that in general. Not explaining a good reason why it was next to child corps.

Its off topic anyway so we will simply drop it from here.
No traces of pot, heroin or crack were found in any of the items that were tested so I'm not sure why we are discussing street drugs and paraphernalia at all. The needle obviously originated from someone using testosterone.


testosterone that was found is a class III yes it is in essence a street drug. Sold and obtained by illicit/illegal means. and it was packaged with items that constitute paraphernalia for the above illegal drugs.
I can accept that errors get made in the scramble to air some last-minute development or other, but there's no honorable explanation for not correcting that error at the beginning of the very next program!


You are so right - I think a retraction or at least modification is in order. We are not all adoring Shebas (now I will never get through on the phone, lol).

Sometimes I think the callers are weeded to see who knows less about the case than NG.
No traces of pot, heroin or crack were found in any of the items that were tested so I'm not sure why we are discussing street drugs and paraphernalia at all. The needle obviously originated from someone using testosterone.

The reason I mention it because I think it could have been street drug related paraphernalia tossed/thrown away and had nothing to do with Caylee's death or even KC.

I posted earlier (w/ several links) that since a syringe is used for illicit drugs and so are TP rolls, that it was likely someones left over party trash. Ethanol (alcohol) often goes along with this kind of partying as well and that was present in higher amounts than the others. I also know heroin users and have seen them draw rubbing alcohol up in the syringe to "clean" it since they reuse it so many times. Maybe testosterone users do that too?

All I was saying is that this was likely the leftover garbage of some combination of illegal drug use whether one person smoking one thing and injecting other and drinking another or more than one person doing more than one thing. I can't speculate as to what specifically was being used. I just think it has nothing to do with a murder and likely everything to do with drug abuse paraphernalia.

(BTW - injecting testosterone is often drug abuse and illegal/illicit.)

testosterone that was found is a class III yes it is in essence a street drug. Sold and obtained by illicit/illegal means. and it was packaged with items that constitute paraphernalia for the above illegal drugs.

Testosterone is also prescribed legally though. Maybe I used the wrong term in "street drug" but I think most people know what I meant. Steroids for bodybuilding are illegal, but you don't see bodybuilders strung out on the street looking for their next fix. Well, at least I don't.
Ok IMO If the syringe and Gatorade bottle were Casey's........ (and we don't know that there isn't another link between the finger prints.) I think she trash picked it from one of her many "boyfriends" homes....for the sole purpose of using it to kill her daughter.

I don't understand the mindset that it's hard to give a child a shot. My own son was never any problem in this area. Doctor hides it until the last possible moment and I would warn my son to stay still, it will only sting for a second and then it would be over, I'd quickly explain that it's very important. He sat there and took it, he would get teary eyed sometimes...or frown. But it wasn't discussed after except to say, "good job." If it's treated like it's no big isn't.

With the traces of chloroform in the trunk, Caylee could have already been knocked out and the needle was just added insurance that she would die.
The reason I mention it because I think it could have been street drug related paraphernalia tossed/thrown away and had nothing to do with Caylee's death or even KC.

I posted earlier (w/ several links) that since a syringe is used for illicit drugs and so are TP rolls, that it was likely someones left over party trash. Ethanol (alcohol) often goes along with this kind of partying as well and that was present in higher amounts than the others. I also know heroin users and have seen them draw rubbing alcohol up in the syringe to "clean" it since they reuse it so many times. Maybe testosterone users do that too?

All I was saying is that this was likely the leftover garbage of some combination of illegal drug use whether one person smoking one thing and injecting other and drinking another or more than one person doing more than one thing. I can't speculate as to what specifically was being used. I just think it has nothing to do with a murder and likely everything to do with drug abuse paraphernalia.

(BTW - injecting testosterone is often drug abuse and illegal/illicit.)

I've heard of Botox parties, but never Testosterone parties.

Seriously, I do agree with you that it's probably a person's trash who was illegally using steriods. Since no other drugs were found though I don't see why we are guessing the toilet paper roll was for pot smoking.
I've heard of Botox parties, but never Testosterone parties.

Seriously, I do agree with you that it's probably a person's trash who was illegally using steriods. Since no other drugs were found though I don't see why we are guessing the toilet paper roll was for pot smoking.

Basically just pointing out that TP rolls are apparently (according to my research, albeit not in depth, extended research - just googling some terms and reading) are frequently items of drug paraphernalia. The combination of two different types of drug paraphernalia (syringe and TP rolls) combined with traces of an often illicit drug (testosterone) and then alcohol lead me to believe there is possibly a connection to drugs and that's what the TP rolls were possibly used for. Offered it up so others could make what they wanted of it.

I haven't focused on the testosterone that much because I'm not sure if there is a significant amount/concentration of it in light of what we've finally discovered about the chloroform. The chloroform was mentioned as present but was not significant. It could be the same with the testosterone. So, for now I'm focusing on just what is more obvious to me and that is that these are drug paraphernalia.

HTH. Heres my post from before: TP Rolls + Syringe = Drug Paraphernalia

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Syringe in bottle contained traces of chloroform[/ame]

ETA: Do we know if they tested for any other illegal drugs?
DogMom has posted links to these same charts as evidence that chloroform was found. She stated she was still looking for anything showing the concentration found. Did I miss some posts with further analysis today?

I don't think there's a single person (including JWG) in this thread who is saying chloroform wasn't detected. The argument is that chloroform in the syringe appears to have been below reportable limits and it appears there may have been an error on the overall summary table.

It truly was "trace" amounts in the syringe. So I personally think the title of the thread is absolutely correct.
my friend's son was badly addicted to steroids he first used while body building. It took him years of rehab and relapsing before he was able to begin recovery for real. Happy to say he has been clean for almost 4 years, married his high school sweetheart and they have beautiful baby girl, but he knows he's and addict and will have to fight it his entire life
Yes, I have read all the posts but none of them have made it clear to me that I have seen the actual testing results for quantity in the documents. The charts JWG referred to as showing quantitative results are the ones DogMom said showed qualitative results. Maybe the one chart does show both qualitative and quantitative measures? I really don't know. That's why I'm asking for clarification. Can anyone explain it like they are teaching a 5th grade science class? TIA

I can't explain it I'm afraid. However, here are the numbers of some of the posts that clarified it for me. I would still be interested in DogMoms take on it but would be very (very) surprised if she has a different conclusion than Bond, JWG, and Vallhall who I greatly admire for their brain power. Hopefully, she'll (DM) weigh in when she gets back.

1371 confused now.....
i read it as the package the bottle was sent in or came in was 238.
then when they took the bottle out they labled it 238.1

i did see in the dna said....Q307/308
i did not see a page like that though that read Q238.1
only a page with the differnt dna's for each, ca ga la kc caylee that didnt have anything across for the Q238.1

im not sure that makes since.....LOL....but i tried :)

there has to be more reports ran for the Q238.1 like the one for Q307/308

In trying to be helpful I was probably not so much helpful as confusing. When I read this batch of reports I did the unthinkable: I assumed.

I assumed they were referencing the same material: Q238.1. The DNA results I listed apparently came from a specimen labeled Q304, even though that specimen was not identified within those documents. I've been told Q304 references a comb found in the car. So for now, let's just put my remarks on the back shelf and move on.
The Anthonys used Baquacil- so even if they emptied their pool into the ground ( do people really do that?) it would not contain chlorine.

Okay I have a little knowledge on this. We had a water main leak in front of our home. They tested the water coming into our house leading to our sump pump. It contained NO CHLORINE so they determined it was not a water main break...HOWEVER after calling several water treatment companies I came to learn that soil filters chlorine and in fact the water coming into our sump pump would not contain this element.

Then suddenly in front of our home water appeared around our water meter. The county we live in dropped a pellet and BOOM it turned maroon signifying chlorine. We had mass amounts of water coming into our sump pump for months that the county MISTAKENLY didn't want to take blame for. My sump pump was cycling every 4 minutes for MONTHS. It turned out to be their problem even though they said it wasn't b/c the water in our sump pump didn't come back positive for chlorine..well it wouldn't b/c it's filtered out by the soil.
Hey there QS. :wave:

I looked at pages 12347 to 12355 and they all list Q304 as the sample. Pages 12356 to 12363 are the combined Q307 / Q308 samples.

The DNA test for the Gatorade bottle and syringe is summarized on 12332, and it looks like they found nothing not even a fragment. :banghead:

Thank you. I am excruciatingly embarrased and have learned it's not good to stay up all night and try to think logically at the same time.

At least I am sure I can compare DNA when I need to. 'Nuff said.
Thank you. I am excruciatingly embarrased and have learned it's not good to stay up all night and try to think logically at the same time.

At least I am sure I can compare DNA when I need to. 'Nuff said.

I don't think you have anything to be embarrassed about. I, on the other hand, owe you an apology for just blathering at you. Probably could have been a bit more graceful in my comments. That's an allele that apparently is recessive in

And, again, thank you for helping to see an error in my own notes.
Any question of the power of the media can quickly be answered by this thread. Over 1400 posts, countless cumulative research hours by sleuthers, and a whole lot of speculation about the smoking gun, courtesy of our friends in the media. If this story caused this much hoopla in one thread, how much did it cause nationwide?
I've heard of Botox parties, but never Testosterone parties.

Seriously, I do agree with you that it's probably a person's trash who was illegally using steriods. Since no other drugs were found though I don't see why we are guessing the toilet paper roll was for pot smoking.

Nor me- we must be living very sheltered lives :laugh:
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