Tammi Smith -The Charges

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Hi, CMT! :welcome::welcome::welcome
I have only heard what you heard. If I.S. is off air at the time I guess we will have to wait until the next Monday to see if they show it on there.
I am sure we will find the play by play on twitter.
Or Live feed.

I wish tru tv would have trials until 3:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. that would help!
Welcome to the group and have a happy 4th OF JULY!!!!!


Thank you, daisy (one of my very favorite flowers), I appreciate the fun welcome.

I too, wish tru tv would go longer. I figure it's about money/advertising dollars. If CNN.com cooperates it's OK but they seem to be a hit or miss on some trials.
There is a station called KPHO (Arizona TV) which broadcast the trial and kept cameras on long after InSession was off the air.


Imo, a reporter from KPHO, Donna Rossi, is very interested in this case so let's hope she encourages her superiors to carry the live feed.

Another local station that carried the live feed was www.azfamily.com , but I don't think their reporters have the "fire in the belly" like Rossi does.

A side note: Arizona does not observe daylight savings time, so 1 p.m. in Arizona is the same as 1 p.m. in California, Oregon, etc.
Imo, a reporter from KPHO, Donna Rossi, is very interested in this case so let's hope she encourages her superiors to carry the live feed.

Another local station that carried the live feed was www.azfamily.com , but I don't think their reporters have the "fire in the belly" like Rossi does.

A side note: Arizona does not observe daylight savings time, so 1 p.m. in Arizona is the same as 1 p.m. in California, Oregon, etc.

In Session is reportedly planning to have a camera in the court room, too, although IDK if they will be providing actual coverage/commentary.
In Session is reportedly planning to have a camera in the court room, too, although IDK if they will be providing actual coverage/commentary.

If In Sessions are planning on having a camera in the court room some may still have to wait until Monday to see it, The program goes off here off 12:00 p.m.

So I will check here to get the lastest and the great post yall make!
So nice to see all of the thoughts on here.
I have a feeling I will be let down once more with this case.
I hope not. So far it has gone Tammi's way I hope there is a turn around!
Imo, a reporter from KPHO, Donna Rossi, is very interested in this case so let's hope she encourages her superiors to carry the live feed.

Another local station that carried the live feed was www.azfamily.com , but I don't think their reporters have the "fire in the belly" like Rossi does.

A side note: Arizona does not observe daylight savings time, so 1 p.m. in Arizona is the same as 1 p.m. in California, Oregon, etc.


I wouldn't say that. Laurie Merrill was still doing stories about Gabriel when other people seemed to forget about him. She's connected to AZ Family.

I wouldn't say that. Laurie Merrill was still doing stories about Gabriel when other people seemed to forget about him. She's connected to AZ Family.

You're right, Laurie Merrill is good, but it seemed to me that Mike Watkiss took over reporting the story when it the trial started, because he's their "big news" reporter. And I'm not saying Watkiss isn't competent, I just remember him back in the day when he was the most hard-hitting journalist in the valley. He seems to be a shadow of his former self if I compare him to how he was when he went after polygamist cult leader Warren Jeffs back in 2005.
You're right, Laurie Merrill is good, but it seemed to me that Mike Watkiss took over reporting the story when it the trial started, because he's their "big news" reporter. And I'm not saying Watkiss isn't competent, I just remember him back in the day when he was the most hard-hitting journalist in the valley. He seems to be a shadow of his former self if I compare him to how he was when he went after polygamist cult leader Warren Jeffs back in 2005.

All I know is that during the trial when the camera panned both sides, I saw Laurie there every day taking notes.

6/29/2012 Notice Of Filing - Party (002)


6/29/2012 Request - Party (002)


6/28/2012 Notice Of Filing - Party (002)


6/28/2012 Reply - Party (002)


I was just looking at this again, noting that State filed their Motion to Continue (NOTE: LETTERS) on 6/27.

I was wondering if anyone wants to speculate about the grounds for this motion and whether or not you think it will be granted.

Since I really got the Motion for Stay confused....don't trust my own ability to interpret these....

Here are some grounds for a Motion to Continue:
Several factors are considered in issuing a continuance on the ground that a witness or evidence is absent:
The expected evidence or witness is material and competent to the trial.[43][44][45]

There is a probability that the evidence will be forthcoming if the case is continued. (Case law reviewed) [46][47]

The moving party (the party requesting the continuance) has exercised due diligence (issued a subpoena) to secure the evidence or witness.[48][49]

A continuance may be granted in a criminal case where matters arise that could not have been reasonably anticipated. A continuance should be granted where depositions with information tending to create an alibi for the accused had been suppressed.[60]

A continuance can be granted if there is an amendment to the indictment or introduction of new information in the criminal complaint.[64][65]

A continuance may be granted because there has been unexpected evidence or testimony. This includes additional witnesses not named in the original indictment, or unaticipated testimony of witnesses, such as major differences of fact from deposition and trial. Minor differences in testimony do not constitute surprise.[66][67][68]

[edit]Other grounds

A hearing may be held on the issue of the propriety of an application for a continuance.[133] However, there is no absolute requirement that a formal hearing in the matter of a continuance.

.........I'd be interested to hear what anyone feels may be applicable grounds in the Prosecution's motion. Since a hearing is not required, I wonder if the Judge can approve or deny the motion before July 6. Thank you anyone who wants to respond.
Thanks everyone for all the info and links.

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