Tampering Investigation Who? What? When? Where? We already know why!

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I do beleive there was ALOT of discussion here that day about how secure those files would actually be. Hinky meters right on target, eh?

I'd like to think it's Hizhonor giving the defense the rope required to hang themselves. It's the only thing that makes sense.

I do remember HHJS being VERY specific about there being a special acct (by email or the like) set to view the sensitive photos - I do not recall his authorizing any prints being shared. Now I could have remembered wrong but if I am - I'm close, he was adamant about these photo's not being viewed by anyone outside the inner defense team.
I do remember HHJS being VERY specific about there being a special acct (by email or the like) set to view the sensitive photos

Yes. Baez was *supposed* to set up a secure server so ONLY his experts could view the photos. Later he came before Judge Strickland and claimed technical limitations by said experts, as in, they were too dumb to figure out how to do this, so could he make copies of the CD and his personal *secure* representative, Mort, would be in charge of the CDs.

- I do not recall his authorizing any prints being shared. Now I could have remembered wrong but if I am - I'm close, he was adamant about these photo's not being viewed by anyone outside the inner defense team.

Exactly. In fact, FL law prohibits autopsy photos from being released under the Sunshine Law (see: Dale Earnhart Law). If Mort is running around "sharing" them with non-experts....... woo, boy! BIG violation.

-----------> Big ole' respectful snip!

I am also curious why Mort chose not to press charges against JJ regarding the illegal taping of the interview. Is it possible that a particular interview tactic or agenda would have been evident thus causing damage to the defense?


Only thing I can think of is if the person you are bringing charges on, was someone whom you showed say.....autopsy photos to? Or someone you showed a tree in the woods to. Or someone whom you wrote a statement for to testify to 'mistruths' <-----speculation, IMHO, etc! (said person might also call witnesses whom might have experienced one or all of the above too!)
· Contact between Buchanan and Jose Baez and Cindy Anthony 45 pgs


pg 9 - email from Laura to Baez - sighting of Caylee at Disney monorail
pg 10 - Cindy email telling Laura about Good Morning America
pg 14 - photo of Laura w/dtr she sent to Baez
pg 15 - Laura email to Baez - photo so he knows who talking with
pg 16 - photo of Laura sent to Baez
pg 17 - email from Laura to Baez - photo her and dtr 5 yrs old
pg 18 - email from Laura to Baez - did he get her photos, Tessa text msgs
pg 19 - email from Laura to Baez - she thinks Kronk is involved
pg 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 - email from Laura to Baez - asks for his cell phone number
pg 28 and pg 30 and pg 32 - photo of Laura's cell phone text from Tessa

Thanks, ThinkTank! Now, why on earth would she think he needed to see what she looked like? Hmmm! :waitasec: Stalker or helper? It's scary The people that this murder has brought out! jmo
The Medical Examiner's photos are more than just the autopsy photos. They are all the photos that were taken by the investigator at the scene. These photos are probably very similar to the ones that LE took. IF Mort was showing photos from the ME's office, they were probably the ones that showed the area and exactly where the skull was and how it was originally found, to see if he could get them to say that they had been in that exact area. Showing searchers the photos of the skeletal examination would serve no purpose, but showing them the photos of where the body was found and how the area looked, certainly would.

ETA: He also might have been showing them the photos that have been released by LE, which showed the area and where things were found after the remains were moved. LE could have been trying to figure out if Mort was showing photos that were already released to the public or ones that had not been released because they showed the remains.

:twocents: ITA with ALL that I underlined (you :seeya: hit the nail on the head describing the activity of a medicolegal investigator:rocker: working under the jurisdiction of a ME's office at a recovery site/scene and as should be reminded to all, HE/SHE has control :rocker: per se of the site NOT LE!)! The BBM section is the nagging fear I have that this character* MORT might, just might have shown OME photos showing bone(s) in situ to "jog" searcher memories or to just "stimulate their interest in their 15 minutes of fame".:banghead:

* when I ever use the term "character" at work, EVERYBODY knows it does NOT mean any endearment rather :loser::sick: :crazy: :waitasec: :maddening: :floorlaugh: but this "character" :behindbar:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
after re-reading the emails that LB sent to JB, (thanks for re-posting them, Thinktank), I'm not buying that those are the only emails/conversations that happened between the 2 of them. It sounds to me like they had been talking more, based on things she says in her emails to him. This is JMO, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised one little bit if JB just deleted a ton of stuff and left her swinging in the breeze when the chit hit the fan, so to speak.

ETA: especially the email from january 13,2009. LB says "I spoke to Tessa last night and at first she was okay with the idea of coming forward, but today she is kinda recanting..." etc. Doesn't this sound like LB and JB had previously been talking about LB coming forward with others and discussing other searchers, etc?
I'm thinking there still could be additional correspondence that we have yet to see.
We'll leave a light on for you!

TY! Read it! Phew!
Groupie mentality. Love LDB!!
And Baez objecting when asked why she obtained a lawyer.

People never seize to amaze me! And now I find myself giggling at my inter self.
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
I am also curious why Mort chose not to press charges against JJ regarding the illegal taping of the interview. Is it possible that a particular interview tactic or agenda would have been evident thus causing damage to the defense?


If Mort had pressed charges against JJ for illegally recorded tape, it would have, for sure, been sealed and NOBODY could ever listen to it, or use it as evidence. The Defense, and Mort, wanted the tape used as evidence because at that time Joe J was saying he did not believe Caylee's body was there. (he realized he was mistaken later).

Uh, cause Mort knew he was doing underhanded things for the defense and would probably get fired for bringing unwanted attention to the defense? Ironically, that happened anyway, but I'm thinking at the time he thought if he shut up about it, it would just go away and he'd keep his job. After all, those PI's are making a killing from the state - their bills are the biggest ones from the defense to the JAC thus far and most of what they have billed has been paid. No way he's going to do anything to stop that money train.

I bet he also figured Joe would be considered another loon like LB and JW. So who ya gonna believe, a loon or a licensed PI? He figured he had the advantage over Joe Jordan, but thankfully he sooooooooo did not.
With all of this new information on possible tampering with evidence and this is what WESH has as a headline?
Casey Prosecutors Face Crucial Stumbling Block

Name that Drug...
With all of this new information on possible tampering with evidence and this is what WESH has as a headline?
Casey Prosecutors Face Crucial Stumbling Block

Name that Drug...

Poor sweet Caylee, she just had to play with that darn duct tape and somehow managed to wrap 3 pieces around her little face. Is this the next defense tactic we can expect?

Alex, I'll take Antipsychotics for $500.00, please.
Poor sweet Caylee, she just had to play with that darn duct tape and somehow managed to wrap 3 pieces around her little face. Is this the next defense tactic we can expect?

Alex, I'll take Antipsychotics for $500.00, please.

And what about the other duct tape that was found at the recovery scene that was not attached to the skull? We have never seen a report on it at all. But in Ashton's statement that he made in court in the winter of 2009 he stated that Caylee's hand were constrained behind her. There is no way that statement was made just for effect there is more to this. mo The defense has just made so many attempts attacking after the original crime and done nothing about the thirty one days evidence whether circumstantial or not. mo :banghead:

I'd also like to add that my impression is that while LB may or may not have actually intended to alter / change / tamper with search documents, there must a reason for her or ANYONE else to do so.

The only logical reason is to "help" KC.

There are a number of people that got caught up in the "mystery surrounding
a missing child" for various reasons. Not all of those reasons were altruistic.

We have seen ordinary folks that camped out in front of the Anthony home making life for anyone in that neighborhood miserable.

We have seen folks jump through hoops to give an interview when they had nothing of value to offer. An aside....have you ever noticed that the media plucks the MOST ridiculous people to interview? They never pick Joe business suit, they pick Joe Bob overalls and a dip in the mouth. JMO

I think it is too early to label LB as a perp with fraudulent motives. I am not saying it isn't the case, just that we don't know the whole story. LB was manipulated by someone(s). If she wasn't we never would have heard her name.

Think about it. How many TES searchers volunteered their assistance to the defense??? Did she? Who knows. How many volunteered their assistance to the SAO? Who knows.

What I am saying is that while LB may or may not have inappropriately handled docs......what possible motive would she have for doing that? Grab a soundbite on TV, score an interview with a local news station, maybe get a cameo on Nancy Grace....those would be motive for being vocal and inserting yourself into the case.

BUT, to tamper with a doc...allegedly....who has the real motive here???Food for thought.

IMO, there were several who had motive.

1. The A's because Casey didn't murder their grand-daughter although
all the evidence points to Casey did kill Caylee. So, in the A's narcisstic
viewpoint there isn't anything wrong with creating false documents that
would prove Casey didn't do.

2. Baez's motive is the national recogniztion and celebrity status that
attorneys such as AL, Shapiro(sic?) Gloria A., for starters.

3. LB's motive is a self-serving, attention seeking person which is often
seen with narcissitic warped psych-eys. For instance, She claimed to
be an important police officer from Ky and flashes a gun to some of the
the searchers. LB plays up her role in the searches, ie. team leader.
LB tells the other searchers that people were calling her to seek her
assistance on such and such case because she's some awesome police
officer. Then, we see that she personally CONTACTS MN AND BAEZ
offering to interject herself into this case. With MN she claims to be
a paralegal, states that she could get the truth out of Casey, and
consistency blows smoke up their *advertiser censored***. Look at the photos she sends
to them...LB sitting in some office that makes her look like some powerful
and important person. With Baez, LB sends him photos of her and her
daughter. With Baez LB said she needed his personal cell phone number
to forward the text messages. Look at the general overview of her
letters. All of them infer a personal relationship yet she had not met any
of these professionals.

4. The defense team because of personal greed and not necessary in a
monetary manner.

Novice Seeker
only change their mind if there is "evidence" to prove otherwise then
Maybe we have only seen a portion of what they have? If it is still on going perhaps they don't want to disrupt where the information ultimately leads? I dunno but I imagine the State wants JB at the end of the hook and not just LB. The State has been concerned about JB's ethics for a while. Perhaps they are privately presenting what they have. I just don't know if it will trump ICA's right to have the attorney of her choosing,JB, because as HHJP points out, death is different. But I honestly I have no clue.

One thing that every judge and state's attorney has to be concerned about is that there are no appeal issues after the trial. Inadequate representation is an appeal issue that could get her a new trial. (And I really fear that she may have a lock on that already.) Still that representation would have to be really really bad before they would interfere. That may also be why the judges seem to be schooling JB at times. They wouldn't interfere unless the attorney's misrepresentation was really bad, but if it became egregious then yeah I think they pretty much have to interfere. If what we believe is true, his actions have not only been egregious, they may have been criminal. If his actions are criminal, then as officers of the court they have an obligation to investigate and take action on any findings.

If action is taken on JB the trial won't be starting in May. No new attorney would have time to get caught up on all the info and evidence, do the research and develop a defense strategy by May. So if any action is taken against JB, don't expect a trial until at least next year. Even if the second chair takes over the case, he would need a new second chair and need to develop his own strategies, so still will need more time before trial.
And what about the other duct tape that was found at the recovery scene that was not attached to the skull? We have never seen a report on it at all. But in Ashton's statement that he made in court in the winter of 2009 he stated that Caylee's hand were constrained behind her. There is no way that statement was made just for effect there is more to this. mo The defense has just made so many attempts attacking after the original crime and done nothing about the thirty one days evidence whether circumstantial or not. mo :banghead:

P1569 - I agree, and of course Caylee did not apply duct tape to her precious little face or her arms. A twisted, hateful, self proclaimed spiteful b!tch did this horrendous deed and the defense team had better come up with a reasonable excuse that Caylee was found this way P.D.Q. - so far I'm not impressed with a single attempt they have made - not even a little.

ICA is going down, no two ways about it - there is no big secret that the defense will reveal, come May, that will make us say; "Oh, I understand!" Nope, won't happen. (JB are you listening?) Honestly, there is nothing they will tell us that anyone with 2 functioning brain cells will buy. We know this. The team just hasn't wrung every. last. dime. out. yet. Once they are convinced they have gone as far as they can take this, they will scatter like roaches in the light - after proclaiming ICA couldn't get a fair trial on this planet - not their fault.
Which is why ICA has been asked, is she happy with her representation...this is all for raising reasonable doubt but it will come back to bite them, hard..

If you have nothing to hide, you hide nothing. Seems to me, this is an open and shut whodoneit...but since the defense can only go off what their client tells them and I'd bet ICA is crying innocent but if this was a really good attorney, he'd say that all evidence is showing otherwise.

Baez also made a claim or innuendo of tunnel vision, that LE only focused on ICA...not true and that will be shown at trial. The prosecution will show how hard these fine detectives tried to find ZFG..also most took LDT's (those CA suspected, JG, AH, RM and TonyL) but not one person from this family did. Very telling to me since we know the family is the first to be suspected, either they get ruled in right away or ruled out..

So far all I can see is a very incriminating case against the last one who had Caylee in their care, along with those crucial, critical 31 days of not reporting an allegedly missing child. This is the focus but the defense is taking away that focus for that's all they have. I await the defense team coming under fire for their egregious behaviors. Why didn't they check into LB before making such a false claim? Reasonable doubt is all they've got, at this point, JMHO

Justice for Caylee
One thing that every judge and state's attorney has to be concerned about is that there are no appeal issues after the trial. Inadequate representation is an appeal issue that could get her a new trial. (And I really fear that she may have a lock on that already.) Still that representation would have to be really really bad before they would interfere. That may also be why the judges seem to be schooling JB at times. They wouldn't interfere unless the attorney's misrepresentation was really bad, but if it became egregious then yeah I think they pretty much have to interfere. If what we believe is true, his actions have not only been egregious, they may have been criminal. If his actions are criminal, then as officers of the court they have an obligation to investigate and take action on any findings.

If action is taken on JB the trial won't be starting in May. No new attorney would have time to get caught up on all the info and evidence, do the research and develop a defense strategy by May. So if any action is taken against JB, don't expect a trial until at least next year. Even if the second chair takes over the case, he would need a new second chair and need to develop his own strategies, so still will need more time before trial.

And I believe as long as the "investigation" is ongoing there will be no arrests so LE will wait until after the trial to proceed and either close the case due to lack of evidence or issue warrants. They are in no hurry, obviously. KC's trial is more important. I think the release of these documents are in essence "a firing across one's bow", just a warning shot, letting everyone know.....including KC that "we know what you know" and addressing the fact that LB is a potential defense witness.

I do not believe for one second that this was all that LE has on this new case. I think there may be more that LB has shared with LE, we just have not seen it yet. I do not think they would let her leave Florida unless they got exactly what they wanted. LB has committed a crime but as in all police investigations she may just be the stepping stone. jmo

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