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Gabby said:

Is there anything I can do to help you search? PM me and I will do what I can!

Gabby, it looks like the perverted-justice folks have really nailed this down. They must have really raised a stink for GOOGLE to remove them from the news services. PJ has added some more info if you're interested, here's the site:

p.s. scroll all the way down to the bottom to see a picture of the *offices* of TAA. It would almost be amusing, but this is their home and the funds that they solicit for TAA are spent improving their property.
I'm glad someone is getting to the bottom of this. TeamAmberAlert makes the REAL Amber Network look bad."Code+Amber+clan"&hl=en

I found this in cache ... judge for yourselves! :eek:

Google News No longer Carries Team Amber Alert News
Date: Friday, April 08 @ 11:12:59 CDT
Topic: National Amber Alert News

Americas Amber Alert News Center (TAA) -- Americas Amber Alert News Services is no longer carried by Google News. Technical challenges overcome after hackers attacked us for months was too much for Googgle. Though others have detracked us and we have proven the reports wrong the bottom line was the lack of request from our readers for our site to be carried.


Other for profits also complained, in particular Code Amber LLC. Code Amber Alert is a for profit that pretends to be a non profit. Code Amber Foundation is also part of that faux effort to get third party fans to detract us and make attacks on us.

Linda and Bryant and the rest of Code Amber clan will not stop us from continuing. We are and will continue to be a public service. Google is most likely to return again with the Publics demand to reenstate our fifty states news portal.

We have learned to spell words we never use and to get tools to tell us our grammar is good or bad but have yet to find tool that write the stories. We do not write journalistic news styles but the way regular folks talk and thing. As if it were a radio speake. And our readed tell us when we make blunders.
golfmom said:
VERY long analysis of TeamAmberAlert. Basically says it is a sham organization working outside of the Amber Alert network for financial gain.

Which breaks us to Team"Amber" itself. The entire concept of has already been done by an actual professional organization.
My apologies for snipping your post, but I noticed the link to you gave and it is obvious that you have not taken the time to dig a little bit to find out if is credible as a source or not: Here is some information you may not have realized (I posted this elsewhere also, but will copy and paste what I posted so you do not have to go searching for the thread). My apologies for this being long, but it is information which has been verified by RELIABLE sources, including lawyers and has been reported to the FBI, who is currently investigating:

Information uncovered, and subsequently turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and to other law enforcement agencies by (an civil rights/anti-vigilante website, who has been investigating for over a year), shows that the owner of (Xavier Von Erck) has not only corrupted the morals of several minors at his site, but that he has exploited at least one minor.

Satine, a "PeeJ" contributor, who uses the line "Mrs. Von Erck", was only 16 years old when Xavier and the (at that time) co-owner Frank Fencepost was having her have hardcore sexual chats with men in their 20's and 30's, and even possibly having her watch these men masturbate on webcam in order to post it on the front page of She was a 16 year old child when she did her first "bust". The Federal satutes state that a person is a minor until the legal age of 18. Having Satine do that would, by Federal standards, be considered the exploitation of a minor, if I am interpreting the law correctly. Satine's birthdate is: July 16, 1985 and her first "bust" was on January 1, 2002 (it was saved as an HTML file and turned over to authorities).

Further, there is information collected from the forums which indicates there are many more minors (Erika, from Canada, was 15 when she became online friends with Xavier Von Erck (owner of and 16 when she started to help out at PeeJ). Crowgirl09 is currently a 14 year old who contacts dangerous predators for perverted-justice and harasses them. Geris was 13 and involved in a "sex" thread on the PeeJ forums in which they were discussing the taste of semen. There are many more minors involved on the PeeJ forums.

It is believed that by having hardcore sex chats, and photos of the "busts" masturbating on webcam (which are also posted at perverted-justice, in some of the main chats) and knowing minors are there reading this, this could be legally considered corruption of the morals of minors.

Further, evidence has come out, and has been turned over to the above mentioned authorities that proves that Xavier Von Erck himself stole someone's identity and contacted their server host (it was a server that hosts a website called, which is an civil rights/anti-vigilante website which questions PJs tactics) claiming that he was this other person, so he could get them to reset the passwords for the website.

On top of that, server logs indicate that Xavier Von Erck and those from were responsible for three successful hackings of the website.

The chats these alleged perverts have are illegal and I do not condone nor support them. I think each one of them should be turned over to law enforcement and if found guilty in a court of law, be sentenced according to the laws. Each one of them-- not one here and there, but all of them. Those who prey on or exploit minors should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Even when they exploit a 16 year old who uses the online name Satine.

I feel those preying on minors online needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but as you will see in the following two links, they do more harm than good to prosecutions:

here is a list of some of the things they have been able to provide provable information about perverted justice and they have turned the information over to Federal authorities and to lawyers working on lawsuits against "PeeJ":
1. that the owner of has possibly exploited at least one minor (Satine, at age 16 (she is now an adult) was made to go into chat rooms and have hardcore sex chats with men in their late 20s, 30s and possibly even older, in order for the owner of to post them on his website.)

2. that the owner of has allowed social security and DMV records to be posted on the perverted-justice forums, including the DMV records of people NOT associated with someone they have busted.

3. that the law violation of stalking occurs and is bragged about on the PJ forums. (several busts have had Followup Forum participants stalk their house, taking photos of their house, vehicles, and taking note of who is in the neighborhoods)

4. that the law violation of threats against lives, and against livlihoods are posted on the PJ forums. (one such death threat was recorded on an answering machine tape and has been turned over to authorities).

5. that the owner of perverted-justice HIMSELF stole the identity of the owner of to unlawfully gain access to their servers to get access to their hidden forums and private messages.

6. that on three other occasions, those from have hacked into their forum systems, and stolen their databases and stolen their private information.

7. That an elderly relatives of a "bust" have been harassed.

8. That members of "PJ" have harassed neighbors and friends and relatives of "busts".

They have plenty of other proof (such as the fact that they themselves get harassed relentlessly for speaking out against with harassing phone calls, harassing instant messenger messages and harassing emails, and so does everyone else who speaks out against Others who were defamed or harassed by those at include TeamAmberAlert's site owners (Xavier has posted photos of the owner's house on his site), the well known activist Julie Posey (they called her "money seeking *advertiser censored*"), a civil rights attorney from California who was working on a lawsuit against PJ (they spread lies claiming that attorney is a member of Nambla), and anyone else who speaks out against them.
You should check out their site at and you will see the truth about and they don't just tell you to believe it, they show you actual proof of it, and provide links to where they found the proof on the PJ forums making it easy to verify.

Just look at both sides of the issue before you decide that is so great, because if your neighbor is ever busted, you too will become a target of harassment.

One last thing before I sign off on this message:
Take a long hard look at these photos. This was an EX-WIFE of a "bust" who they targeted because they could not find information on that bust himself. This harassment of her has gone on for a full year now, and she had to move to a new town to avoid the threats and harassment. Her small children had to be sent to an "undisclosed location" due to death threats against her and her children because of her ex-husband being "busted" by PJ. They threatened her and her children because they could not get to the bust himself. But here is photos they got of her off of webcam as they told her her life was going to be destroyed:
This is an innocent woman, who had her life destroyed because of PJ-- lets hope you never know someone busted by them, because you too just may have your information posted in their forums.

Newest Updated Information:;fp;2;fpid;1
"Man arrested for '01 Airforce hacks

Paul Roberts, IDG News Service

12/04/2005 09:12:15

A popular Venezuelan hacker known as "RaFa" was arrested April 2 and charged with hacking into U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) servers almost four years ago. " *Click link for full article*

But then this:

Which discusses the hack attacks against the Air Force and also NASA (I believe it was Seth Pack who did that) this is in the last couple of paragraphs of the news article:
"Pack cooperated with investigators, but intends to help out Nuñez. Along with Perverted-Justice, a group that attempts to aid child-*advertiser censored* investigations, Pack drafted a letter calling others to help. "

So is calling for people to support a hacker who is facing jail time for hacking, which is a federal crime.

Is this really who you want protecting your children?

I say let those in law enforcement handle it so REAL convictions can be made, and keep those who harm children off of the streets.

Thank you for taking the time to read everything I have presented.
Everything in this message is verifiable, and those at will be more than happy to pass the verifable information directly to the lawyers and law enforcement who request it (I think they also will provide this information to media upon request too).

Now, those who support "PeeJ" will call me a pedo, a pedo-enabler, and accuse me of being this person or that person, just for speaking out (they have done this against those at, TeamAmberAlert, Julie Posey, and many, many more people who have spoken out against "PeeJ" but all information is verifiable and those at are more than willing to pass this information on to those in Law Enforcement, lawyers for verification.

Now, I do not know the full scope of TeamAmberAlert, but what I do know, is that should not be thowing accusations their way, when they themselves have not just visciously attacked TeamAmberAlert, but EVERYONE who has publicly spoken out against them. And I am not talking about just criticizing them. Those at who have spoken out publicly have received many harassing phone calls, threats of those from PeeJ harassing their jobs and co-workers, bosses, the colleges they attend, their families, and have had those from PeeJ steal their identity to post things online to make the public think those at are perverts, and we can not forget posting a list of on members children who are minors, and a list of the neighbors.. And one must also not forget death threats that were posted about them, and threats against those they love. All for speaking out.

So you may want to dig a little bit before you post claiming is credible, because they are not. They DID help bring one missing girl back home, and as for their few convictions (out of almost 1000 "busts" they have aproximately 8 convictions, less than 1% conviction rate) they helped in-- all are either parole violations, pleads of guilty or because the alleged predator had child *advertiser censored* on their system-- not once has's tactics, chat logs, or anything been brought into a courtroom.

I am against pedophiles, against predators, but am equally against vigilantes terrorists who destroy lives for the thrill of it.

Thank you for reading this entire post, and I ask that you check into this to see the truth-- it is all verifiable and I will not tell you that you have to believe me-- check it out for yourselves, and THEN decide for yourself. Do not take anyone's word for it.
O.K. I'll check and be back when I've finished my research. But, regarding TEAMAMBERALERT, I did research a variety of sources before I posted and Perverted-Justice was not the only link I provided. Also, other members of our boards comfirmed that TAA do harass people in the field of the missing.

So far,
1. most of the links (except for CJ) are broken.
2. you have cross-posted this info on a number of message boards.
I'm not going to go too far indepth here. I think that you are just trolling around and posting to anywhere that links Perverted-Justice.

Age Issues:
-With a click of a little tiny button anyone can claim to be over 18. It looks to me that PJ is doing what they can to ensure that their members are over 18.
-Quite frankly, the whole Geris situation is a giant tangle of you said / they said / who cares. I just have to chalk up the whole hacking situation as well.
-Your dates are off regarding Mrs. Von Erck. According to my calculator she was legally of age at the time the website was created.
"The website was created in July of 2002 and relaunched with a new script in late July of 2003 for its second era."
-I found posted info that leads me to believe that Crowgirl09 is not a 14-year old girl (although she might want you to think so.)

-Your complaints of incorrect info showing up on their registered/private boards kindof makes me laugh. You posted this whole complaint on a site that devotes itself to researching and investigating crimes. We've done it here before ourselves in tracking down leads in cases that interest us. Sometimes *clues* lead you in the wrong direction. We have each other as check & balance. PJ has this nifty little system their of color coding the information with green being confirmed and red being unconfirmed.

Harassment of Family Members:
-All throughout the followup at PJ I can find little notes regarding contact of family members. Examples are everywhere of please do not call elderly mother/father, please be careful young child answered phone, etc. etc. etc. It is not their policy to punish or harass family members.

Effective or just Controversial?:
Each person need to investigate for themselves on whether PJ is effective or not. LE is just now catching up with the services that PJ has been providing for a number of years. Over the last 10 months PJ has contributed to 10 convictions. So your numbers again seem to be somewhat off.

My initial post was about TAA, not PJ, however, I did site PJ as a source. I would welcome any research regarding TAA that you would care to provide as a *check & balance* system here.
hmmm.....after reading the links given, I'm thinking... extraaccount=teamamberalert.
alpharee said:
hmmm.....after reading the links given, I'm thinking... extraaccount=teamamberalert.

I think extraaccount=corrupted justice. I doubt TAA would be able to write that post .... see my siggy line for a prime example of their writing style.

Of course if you can't write, it's not a good idea to be sending out Amber Alerts.
alpharee said:
hmmm.....after reading the links given, I'm thinking... extraaccount=teamamberalert.
Actually I am a concerned citizen-- concerned that you do not seem to feel that it is wrong for to sexually exploit minors (three that are now known about-- Erika, Satine, and Demetrious-- Demetrious was the youngest at 14 or 15 years old when he was having hardcore sex chats with adult men for the sake of posting them on the front pages for Xavier Von Erck).

I am concerned that you feel this is not bad, but yet those at TeamAmberAlert spell wrong and it is a tragedy.

I am concerned that you do not see anything wrong with them WRONGLY targeting the wrong people, contacting his coworkers and trying to contact his family and neighbors (A Washington State reporter) to get him fired, and kicked out of his home, and everything else.

If you support that, then maybe you should take a look at your own set of morals and ethics.

I live in the United States of America and that entitles me to the right to face my accusers-- Unfortunately, those targeted by PeeJ do not have that right, since their accusers are some anonymous cyber terrorists who go around destroying their lives, harassing them, stalking them, and yes even threatening the lives of the busts ex-wife and children, and yet do not have to be held accountable for that.

We have rights, but I guess since you are such a great "sleuther", you would not understand rights-- people are guilty until they can convince you otherwise.

Pathetic. Just pathetic. And that goes for Golfmom too-- I sure hope you teach your children that they have rights, since you see taking rights away from others as acceptable.

Pathetic. I speak out and am accused of being with this group or that group instead of you taking a look at the information and seeing the truth--that EXPLOITS CHILDREN.

Wouldn't Matlock and Jessica Fletcher and those at Law & Order be looking for the truth to ensure the TRUTH is found? Oh I forgot you are expert "sleuthers" and therefore can never be wrong.

You all (well...all but one) are totally correct in regards to TAA being a fraudulent organization!!

They register URL's that belong to other organizations (different versions of them like ".info" which is their favorite) or using names of missing persons (yet that person's name doesn't even appear on the page!).

Some examples for you are below. By looking at the dates, you can see where the original was registered, then they "hurried" to register the other versions to, in my opinion, hold the domain(s) hostage:

*NOTE*: TAA is also MSNX and/or James Beistle, Antonia Plemmons - registered to someone other than TAA on 5-27-05 - registered to MSNX on 6-2-05 - registered to MSNX on 6-2-05 - registered to someone other than TAA on 6-9-04 (my guess here is that this person is trying to protect their domain) - registered to someone other than TAA on 9-15-04 - registered to MSNX on 9-18-04 (3 DAYS!) - registered to MSNX on 6-2-05 - registered to MSNX on 6-2-05

In my opinion, these were "hijacked" as when you go to "", this is what it says:

This Domain is for sale by Msnx Communications contact 806-669-2980 for Inquiry thee are several names pointed to this Page please designate which one you are interested in.
All prices are in US Dollars. we take check or credit card after payment terms are met the names will be transfered to you or released to your registrar of choice. doesn't even point to the above URL. When you GO to that URL, it actually changes to "
Obviously these domains were registered for pure spite and/or profit!

But wait! There's more!

Child Seek Network has been a missing person's organization for quite some time: - original owner 01-Jan-2003 - original owner still has this site,
was "re-upped" 05-Jan-2005 - original owner to no doubt protect site 05-Jan-2005
They also had to register to protect themselves. This would be because of this: - registered to MSNX 5-19-05
This site was registered to slander ChildSeekNetwork after TAA was contacted regarding plagerism.

Another of this type of "hijacking" is the slander they have against Marianne Malky of Voice for the Children, Inc. Her organization has been incorporated since 1990, and she has made numerous TV and radio appearances as well as had legistlation passed. Something that TAA cannot HONESTLY claim! TAA decided to attack Ms. Malky and her organization after Mr. Beistle was questioned about some monies by the accountant they had at the time. At one point, James was "helping" Voice for the Children, Inc. What they discovered was that he was helping JAMES BEISTLE...not the organization at all!!

Voice for the Children, Inc. can be found at

They had to go and register numerous variations of their name after James Beistle registered them (at the time FOR the organization), then held them hostage. One of the URL's he registered, he kept soley for the purpose of slander. That is

It would appear as shown below, that TAA thought these URL's would be GREAT names to hold on to! - registered to other than TAA 9-13-01 - registered to MSNX 5-18-05 - registered to MSNX 5-19-05 - registered to MSNX 5-19-05 - registered by someone other than MSNX on 4-26-05 - registered by someone other than MSNX on 4-4-05 - resistered by MSNX on 5-10-05

It would appear that if it has any type of "emergency" name, he wants it! These are something else seeings that "faux" means FAKE! LOL! - registered to Beistle 8-28-2004 - registered to Beistle 8-28-2004 - registered to Beistle 8-28-2004 - registered to Beistle 8-28-2004

I believe these were SUPPOSED to be regarding the children of Mr. Mike Shannon: - registered to other than TAA on 9-10-02 - registered to TAA 8-5-04 - registered to TAA 8-5-04

The datillo family has their own website regarding Molly. I have to wonder if they know what TAA is up to....

The family website for Molly is: - registered to our buddy 8-19-04 - same as above - same as above

More URL's. Note, they protect THEIR URL's while they hijack ones belonging to others!! - Nov 13 2003 - Jul 18 2003 - 19-Jul-2003 - 19-May-2005 - (non direct) Thu Jul 29 21:17:22 GMT 2004 - Thu Jul 29 21:17:32 GMT 2004 - Jul 18 2003 - Jul 18 2003 - 19-Jul-2003 - no info - Thu Jul 29 21:21:11 GMT 2004 (non direct) - Jul 29 2004 - Sat Jul 19 00:26:27 GMT 2003

Here is a note written by Antonia Plemmons regarding hijacked URL's. Amazing how they don't like it when it's done to them!!

A plea from Team Amber Alert was announced today to a few of its corporate supporters to help Team Amber Alert secure a like domain name that was abruptly placed on the bidder block for sale by a company that claims to raise money for the benefit of Missing Children. "I need help from our supporters," said Tonia Plemmons, Cofounder Team Amber Alert, "After a two year effort to acquire TeamAmber.Com for our trade name and service name website it has fallen captive to an opportunist, Vision Media."

The issue became ugly Monday when Team Amber rejected an unsolicited proposal from Vision Media to represent the Team Amber organization with the use of its name at fundraisers, to be orchestrated and managed by Vision Media.

"Vision Media had pledged the domain name as a donation in its most recent proposal," explained Tonia Plemmons. Though Vision Media had an association with Code Amber and is a part of the ongoing investigation that Vision Media was a part of raising money during 2003/4 for an assumed and non-existent Code Amber charity, the primary reason for Team Amber rejecting the proposal was related to exclusive compliance clauses that placed the Team Amber Alert IRS determined 501(C)(3) Non Profit Public Charity at the mercy of Vision Media directives and goals.

Upon notice that the proposal was not acceptable, Vision Media promptly placed TeamAmber.Com up for sale again to the highest bidder. "I had a closed deal for $5000.00 then Scott Woods said it would be a donation in kind," Tonia said, "Vision Media made a deal. In Texas verbal agreement are solid as if in writing. But now the offer Scott will honor is back to $5000.00 but he won’t accept the original terms. One thousand down and the remainder over a sixty month period. The deal offered then went to 18 months then on Wednesday Scott Woods demanded all the money ASAP for the DNS Name TeamAmber.Com.”

“We had agreed to buy this from a track coach for $80.00 in 2003 but learned a European firm took it for a higher bid.” Jim Beistle stated, ”this $5000.00 is more money than Team Amber raised in 2003.” “I have to believe our sponsors can and will come to our aid. This is an SOS!” Though the cost to register the name was less than fifty dollars, the price tag is now $ 5,000 or it can be sold to a higher bidder and the name, TeamAmber.Com can fall into the hands of anyone in spite of the fact that the new owners would not be a 501C(3) Non Profit organization, dedicated to the search and rescue of all missing children as is Team AmberAlert.Net. “ It is our hope that we can get the money to transfer to Vision Media and that Scott Woods will allow the name to be transferred to us here in Texas. We rely on the public’s good will only trying to raise funds when needed.

Now we will have to start raising money for situations like this in the future. We are targeting predators and now find ourselves as targets of opportunist. I will fight and win this for the kids sake.” said Tonia Plemmons. “I have registered the Trade name and Service Name Team Amber. Our common law names since January 2000 when we launched Team Amber initiatives. This was donation in kind from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. ”

So, as you can see by now, these people are total con-artists! Total Internet fraud. Disgusting, sick, twisted people.

Their latest "sympathy" ploy is to claim they have been hacked by Child Seek Network. Yeah, ok. And if you believe THAT one he's REALLY got you suckered!!

For those of you who mentioned contacting the BBB, here's the link to the office that would handle complaints in his area:

This link is to ask the BBB to create a report:

It's TOTALLY unacceptable for ANYONE to try to gain money from the tragedy of another. TAA does EXACTLY that!

If you are a webmaster, PLEASE...DO NOT use their ticker!! The proper ticker to be used is located at http://www.codeamber.og

Thanks for reading this!

And...never give up on the missing!
Excellent work!
Ok, the indicators are there that a crime is occurring. Have you contacted the FBI and referred them for investigation?
Hello again!

Many, MANY agencies and organizations have been contacted. Some have responded, some have not.
These people are total scum-of-the-earth, and it sickens me that they are attempting to gain money through the grieving of families and by people who think they are doing a good thing by donating!
Here are a couple more contacts to make:

Pampa police dept.

Greg Abbot att. Gen. Texas

Texas state Lt. Governor

Texas House of Representatives

Texas State Senate

These 2 links show their intense plagerism on the net:

Where they got it:

If you look at the bottom of the pages, you can see that ATSA was there LONG before TAA. They've been notified, but as to date it is unknown if they have contacted TAA or anyone else regarding this!
Treasure, I'm sorry I missed when you posted the information regarding TAA. Thank you so much for the excellent sleuthing!!!! I hope you drop in and give us any updates. Again THANKS! GM :)
Treasure_Family said:
These 2 links show their intense plagerism on the net:

Where they got it:

If you look at the bottom of the pages, you can see that ATSA was there LONG before TAA. They've been notified, but as to date it is unknown if they have contacted TAA or anyone else regarding this!

They could have been a little less obvious about it! :loser:

Good work on this. Thank you for making it known.

BTW Golfmom, I truly enjoyed your post # 26 from 04/05. Excellent response.
mysteriew said:
BTW Golfmom, I truly enjoyed your post # 26 from 04/05. Excellent response.

Thanks myst. honestly a silly-ole troll doesn't bother me nearly as much as the whole TAA situation does. I know I poked fun at TAA's spelling and grammar. But honestly, when an Amber Alert is issued it is critical that all details and descriptions be absolutely correct. A child's life is on the line.

TAA is taking advantage of people when they are most vulnerable, searching for any means possible to recover a loved child. If you've ever had a chance to read any of their editorials on cases you can quickly see that they are just ill-informed and ignorant.

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