Ted Bundy - Serial Killer - 1974-1978

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I'm not sure either .but if it's a real worst one. Why not to killed him than to have and get more victims .
Ted Bundy (Theodore Robert Bundy) was debatably the worst serial killer of all time and his true crimes served as inspiration for the movie American Psycho .

Do you think they should have killed him or kept him in maximum security for psychological research ?

Ted Bundy; Worst Serial Killer who Inspired American Psycho [FULL CASE] - AHistoryOfMystery
Ted Bundy (Theodore Robert Bundy) was debatably the worst serial killer of all time and his true crimes served as inspiration for the movie American Psycho .

Do you think they should have killed him or kept him in maximum security for psychological research ?

Ted Bundy; Worst Serial Killer who Inspired American Psycho [FULL CASE] - AHistoryOfMystery

Can't even see on his face that he's regreting everything he did. But I'm still thankful he's in jail.

Can't get over on he's face,what a *advertiser censored* person I don't even see on his face if he's regreting of not.
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I can't imagine what he did . He killed many women . For me much better to killed him too . His a dangerous man .
I cannot imagine the violence he inflicted on the victims, so sad that innocent people die simply because of criminals like him.
There was a time that I thought a lot could've been learned from keeping Ted Bundy alive and studying him. Bundy was such a narcissist though, as well as a consummate liar and mind game player, that it's unlikely he could have given any insight on any killer except himself. We already knew enough about him to know that he deserved the death penalty many times over. Really a shame he could only be executed once, in my opinion only of course.
There was a time that I thought a lot could've been learned from keeping Ted Bundy alive and studying him. Bundy was such a narcissist though, as well as a consummate liar and mind game player, that it's unlikely he could have given any insight on any killer except himself. We already knew enough about him to know that he deserved the death penalty many times over. Really a shame he could only be executed once, in my opinion only of course.

He was a dangerous psychopath, skilled at manipulation. Society is safer with him dead.
Did anyone else read this monstrosity of an article on Believer about Ted Bundy? It's practically a love letter to a serial killer, while attacking Dr. Robert Hare and anyone who is in favor of the death penalty - as if Bundy twice escaping prison to rape and murder again wasn't argument enough for why people like that have to die for the public good.

I don't mind if someone doesn't believe in the death penalty, but this article is not about that. It's a whitewash of Bundy. It's an incredibly biased, victim-hating, pro-normalization of criminal behavior. The author is so biased, so unscientific, and so intellectually dishonest that her only sources for arguing that psychopathy doesn't exist and that Ted should've been diagnosed as bipolar are ... defense attorneys.

It's one of the most morally disgusting and repugnant articles I've ever read. According to this author, serial rapists and killers just need a little therapy and they won't do it again. Words fail me at the idiocy, the naivete, and the moral worthlessness of this vile line of thinking.

The End of Evil - Believer Magazine
Did anyone else read this monstrosity of an article on Believer about Ted Bundy? It's practically a love letter to a serial killer, while attacking Dr. Robert Hare and anyone who is in favor of the death penalty - as if Bundy twice escaping prison to rape and murder again wasn't argument enough for why people like that have to die for the public good.

I don't mind if someone doesn't believe in the death penalty, but this article is not about that. It's a whitewash of Bundy. It's an incredibly biased, victim-hating, pro-normalization of criminal behavior. The author is so biased, so unscientific, and so intellectually dishonest that her only sources for arguing that psychopathy doesn't exist and that Ted should've been diagnosed as bipolar are ... defense attorneys.

It's one of the most morally disgusting and repugnant articles I've ever read. According to this author, serial rapists and killers just need a little therapy and they won't do it again. Words fail me at the idiocy, the naivete, and the moral worthlessness of this vile line of thinking.

The End of Evil - Believer Magazine

You'll always get those who side with the condemned, no matter how horrible their actions that put them on death row is .

I see certain well known inmates on a pretty regular basis, one is a serial killer, he gets thousands of fan letters from people who are serial killer buffs, people with dark personalities, women who have a romantic interest in them for whatever reason, often its Altruistic "I can save him/her" , you have men who contact female inmates simply because they find them attractive (For EX Susan Smith already has a plethora of men anxiously awaiting her release due to her sexual exploits on the inside and she has managed to make herself look much more attractive than when she went in)

In some cases you get Hybristophiles who are individuals that are sexually aroused by other peoples violent acts, and even worse, people who consider themselves fledgling serial killers .

To anyone with even a basic moral compass, it makes no sense, ...until you meet these individuals

Then its like the "a ha !" joke in the movie coming to America

Barring those who simply find Serial (murder rape etc..) interesting AKA "buffs" , or those who are studying it for academic reasons, the rest are EXACTLY what you think they are .

Sad, lonely, pathetic, underachievers, that may or may not have a psychological disorder, or even full blown mental illness.

When you meet them its both shocking ,but you get this "OK now I get it " kind of feeling.

I could post one here but it was a long conversation (and I felt like I needed a drink after)

Many oppose the death penalty, and I understand their stance ( I personally do not oppose it and would like to see it used more often) , but anytime some monster is set to be ended, you have a bunch of sympathizers outside the prison, crying and protesting the death penalty
You'll always get those who side with the condemned, no matter how horrible their actions that put them on death row is .

Thank you for your reply, so I don't feel alone in thinking about justice for the victims first. This line of thinking is just a mental illness, and maybe we need laws that whenever a single person tries to have romantic relations with a convicted killer they get mandatory therapy instead.
Thank you for your reply, so I don't feel alone in thinking about justice for the victims first. This line of thinking is just a mental illness, and maybe we need laws that whenever a single person tries to have romantic relations with a convicted killer they get mandatory therapy instead.

Not always mental illness as much as a personality disorder, which the system is NOT set up to handle.

They seem to fall into 3 categories , though lke all behavior they blur into each other ,these are all my observations and not official

1) Altruistic -People who seriously feel they can change even the worst hardened deviant, this is usually a self serving mechanism, often we find they have some form of psychological issue .

2) Associative popularity- people who seek attention by being associated with the worst of the worst, it gives them an identity even if its unpopular, its something . Instead of fame, they seek out infamy, These are the people who write killers all over the country, they'they'll become pen pals , they'll form a type of friendship with them, sometimes they say its to "study" these types , but its usually more fanfare , and a source of being affiliated with someone infamous . These may become a romantic interest over time .

3) The Hybristophilic- Those who derive sexual arousal from the violent acts of others , as sick as that sounds they do exist . I recall a conversation with one who was jealous of the individual John Gacy tried to rape in prison while he was interviewing him for a book.
Hi all nice to be back once more.
Been studying Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgeway for a while especially the former. It was interesting listening to Bundy's last ever interview before he was executed in which he blamed hardcore *advertiser censored* for twisting his mind. He claims that he came from a good Christian home and had a very good upbringing which is in conflict with witness statements that his home was a living hell in which his grandfather was actually his father. It is also reported that his grandfather was extremely violent and abusive towards his wife and children.
Usually in other cases I've studied such as Fred West and Ian Brady you find that they themselves were victims of sexual abuse before they turned into serial killers and I just wondered if members believe Bundy when he blames *advertiser censored* for his fate or do you believe like other writers claim, that he too suffered abuse and is hiding behind it?
Hi all nice to be back once more.
Been studying Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgeway for a while especially the former. It was interesting listening to Bundy's last ever interview before he was executed in which he blamed hardcore *advertiser censored* for twisting his mind. He claims that he came from a good Christian home and had a very good upbringing which is in conflict with witness statements that his home was a living hell in which his grandfather was actually his father. It is also reported that his grandfather was extremely violent and abusive towards his wife and children.
Usually in other cases I've studied such as Fred West and Ian Brady you find that they themselves were victims of sexual abuse before they turned into serial killers and I just wondered if members believe Bundy when he blames *advertiser censored* for his fate or do you believe like other writers claim, that he too suffered abuse and is hiding behind it?

Ted came from anything BUT a normal upbringing , there are rumors (with some evidence to support) that Ted was actually the son of his own grandfather, hence why his mother was sent away to a home for unwed mothers in Vermont.

He lived only a mile from where I sit now , from birth until the age of 4, Then at the behest of family members, some say it was for employment purposes, some say it was to escape her father....he and his mother very suddenly went to live with other relatives, in Tacoma.

There are to this day . abundant rumors, of physical , psychological and possibly even sexual abuse at the hands of his grandfather (possibly his father) , who was known to be a violent alcoholic as well.

Ted exhibited red flag bizarre behavior almost from the time he could speak , he had a fascination with violence, and with holding people captive, as a child he would dig "tiger traps" in the woods with the idea of catching people in them , some equipped with sharpened stakes in the bottom to impale whomever stepped on them .

In one instance he threatened his cousin with a knife then upin being reprimanded, tormented her daily by putting knives under the girls pillow

Ted had an arrogance about him that didnt go unnoticed, also was a glaring lack of friends, and a preference to be alone, throughout his life

Violent *advertiser censored* was not to blame for his actions, that was one of his many excuses, one thing we see with Violent criminal sexual psychopaths , is a genetic predisposition toward the disorder, and some form of abuse to exacerbate the underlying feelings. Add into the mix a period of isolation, where their fantasies can mature unabated, you have a fledgling monster

To understand Ted all you have to do is consider this

When Ted was in custody , he decided to start talking , the media was also at the same time interviewing Elanor (his mother) at the same time as other agents were questioning him in prison

When her son confessed to at least 30 as many as 50 unsolved, murders across, the US they told her right there ...

Elanor Cowell, exhaled deeply turned with no emotion, and asked the investigators if they wanted pie.
Ted came from anything BUT a normal upbringing , there are rumors (with some evidence to support) that Ted was actually the son of his own grandfather, hence why his mother was sent away to a home for unwed mothers in Vermont.

He lived only a mile from where I sit now , from birth until the age of 4, Then at the behest of family members, some say it was for employment purposes, some say it was to escape her father....he and his mother very suddenly went to live with other relatives, in Tacoma.

There are to this day . abundant rumors, of physical , psychological and possibly even sexual abuse at the hands of his grandfather (possibly his father) , who was known to be a violent alcoholic as well.

Ted exhibited red flag bizarre behavior almost from the time he could speak , he had a fascination with violence, and with holding people captive, as a child he would dig "tiger traps" in the woods with the idea of catching people in them , some equipped with sharpened stakes in the bottom to impale whomever stepped on them .

In one instance he threatened his cousin with a knife then upin being reprimanded, tormented her daily by putting knives under the girls pillow

Ted had an arrogance about him that didnt go unnoticed, also was a glaring lack of friends, and a preference to be alone, throughout his life

Violent *advertiser censored* was not to blame for his actions, that was one of his many excuses, one thing we see with Violent criminal sexual psychopaths , is a genetic predisposition toward the disorder, and some form of abuse to exacerbate the underlying feelings. Add into the mix a period of isolation, where their fantasies can mature unabated, you have a fledgling monster

To understand Ted all you have to do is consider this

When Ted was in custody , he decided to start talking , the media was also at the same time interviewing Elanor (his mother) at the same time as other agents were questioning him in prison

When her son confessed to at least 30 as many as 50 unsolved, murders across, the US they told her right there ...

Elanor Cowell, exhaled deeply turned with no emotion, and asked the investigators if they wanted pie.
Thanks for your reply. I can equate to everything you're saying.
Hi all nice to be back once more.
Been studying Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgeway for a while especially the former. It was interesting listening to Bundy's last ever interview before he was executed in which he blamed hardcore *advertiser censored* for twisting his mind. He claims that he came from a good Christian home and had a very good upbringing which is in conflict with witness statements that his home was a living hell in which his grandfather was actually his father. It is also reported that his grandfather was extremely violent and abusive towards his wife and children.
Usually in other cases I've studied such as Fred West and Ian Brady you find that they themselves were victims of sexual abuse before they turned into serial killers and I just wondered if members believe Bundy when he blames *advertiser censored* for his fate or do you believe like other writers claim, that he too suffered abuse and is hiding behind it?

Pretty much everything I've seen/read from investigators and people who knew Ted seems to indicate that just about everything in that interview about his upbringing, motivations, thoughts and feelings about his crimes, basically everything outside of his blanket admission of guilt was pure, uncut hokum. I'm inclined to agree.

Everything about his grandfather stands in pretty stark contrast with his claims that he came from a perfectly loving home. His claims of having remorse immediately following the crimes doesn't square with other comments he made to police in Utah about saving a box full of Polaroids he'd taken of his victims, nor keeping the severed heads of his victims with him in his apartment. I mean, we could be here all day if we were to pick through every off statement he made in that, or any other, interview. But I think I can say with some confidence that no, *advertiser censored* isn't the reason 30+ women were murdered by a drunk, inadequate Volkswagen enthusiast.
Pretty much everything I've seen/read from investigators and people who knew Ted seems to indicate that just about everything in that interview about his upbringing, motivations, thoughts and feelings about his crimes, basically everything outside of his blanket admission of guilt was pure, uncut hokum. I'm inclined to agree.

Everything about his grandfather stands in pretty stark contrast with his claims that he came from a perfectly loving home. His claims of having remorse immediately following the crimes doesn't square with other comments he made to police in Utah about saving a box full of Polaroids he'd taken of his victims, nor keeping the severed heads of his victims with him in his apartment. I mean, we could be here all day if we were to pick through every off statement he made in that, or any other, interview. But I think I can say with some confidence that no, *advertiser censored* isn't the reason 30+ women were murdered by a drunk, inadequate Volkswagen enthusiast.

Ted Bundy:
"I'm the most cold-hearted son of a you'll ever meet."
During this interrogation after his arrest in Pensacola, Florida. (1978). Quoted in Hare, Robert D. (1999). Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopath Among Us. New York: The Guildford Press. p.
Pretty much everything I've seen/read from investigators and people who knew Ted seems to indicate that just about everything in that interview about his upbringing, motivations, thoughts and feelings about his crimes, basically everything outside of his blanket admission of guilt was pure, uncut hokum. I'm inclined to agree.

Everything about his grandfather stands in pretty stark contrast with his claims that he came from a perfectly loving home. His claims of having remorse immediately following the crimes doesn't square with other comments he made to police in Utah about saving a box full of Polaroids he'd taken of his victims, nor keeping the severed heads of his victims with him in his apartment. I mean, we could be here all day if we were to pick through every off statement he made in that, or any other, interview. But I think I can say with some confidence that no, *advertiser censored* isn't the reason 30+ women were murdered by a drunk, inadequate Volkswagen enthusiast.

a killer pre-trial is a completely different animal from the convict.

One thing common with psychopaths, is that they are like chameleons, (no offense to chameleons) depending on the situation, you saw Bundy's demeanor change, from one thing to another

While committing his crimes he was likable to his victims, but cold and calculating, while on the run he was sloppy and haphazard almost frenzied , in custody, he was arrogant, and defiant, in court, he tried to come off as likable, and dismissive, in prison, he initially denied guilt, once he was sentenced, he became cocky yet cautious, once the FBI got him to open up he was again cocky and almost proud of himself and his crimes , once the end of his time was imminent , he became "remosrsful" and offered to admit to more crimes

Some fight the system to their last breath, some cave, with Ted they had to play to his psychopathy and narcissism in order to get him to open up

When he was given the spotlight, he couldn't resist almost bragging about his crimes .

He didnt realize he was played by investigators, till it was time for the chair then this arrogant self sure individual began to cave .

Remember a Psychopath will be anyone you want them to be, until they get what they want
Well, this isn't anything really new or exciting, but I stopped by Ted Bundy's childhood home in Tacoma today, so I thought I'd drop off a pic. It was actually quite a cute house, and not in a bad neighborhood at all. It is definitely not what you would imagine a serial killer's childhood home to look like.


  • IMG_20211219_135002948.jpg
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Ted Bundys Volkswagen

Ted Bundy's brown/bronze/tan Volkswagen Beetle.
Ted Bundy probably used a number of different weapons and methods to capture and kill his victims, but one that seems to be his most used method was to bludgeon them on the head with an iron rod or crowbar. Most of the skulls found in his burial/disposal ground were badly fractured, as were the skulls of other victims who were found.

This "signature" method should be considered when comparing other possible Bundy murders.

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