Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

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DNA Solves
Interesting theory, but I would think that they would have been quoted as witnesses in the documents, if the had been asked to lie to throw off the scent. I did not see the part where it said they had video from tempo, just the witness statements. Where did you see that?

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Tempo isn't named as the restaurant, but I don't think they were together at any other restaurants....

"Graham disappeared after a night out with friends in Charlottesville. In surveillance video, she can be seen walking unsteadily and running at times before crossing a seven-block strip of bars, restaurants and shops. Another video captured her leaving a restaurant with Matthew, his arm around her. He was the last person seen with Graham, according to authorities."

After having read the plea bargain documents, which outline the events of the evening, I am totally shocked that Tempo didn't lose its liquor license. It served LJ like five drinks that night, several when he had already had many other drinks at other establishments and by all accounts was very drunk. He assaulted a woman there and sexually harassed her and was not asked to leave, and they served Hannah Graham, who was underaged. What else does a bar need to do in Charlottesville to at least get a fine?

He likely did not look that drunk when he ordered the last batch of drinks before he left. It is also not ascertained whether Hannah was actually inside the restaurant and that a Tempo employee served her. It's not uncommon that at last call, patrons at a bar order two drinks for themselves. The only person, likely the "at least one person" that the PD says will place Hannah inside Tempo was one patron of the restaurant, not any of the employees, and that person would likely be a not so satisfactory witness if she had been drinking (likely). If something could be afixed to Tempo. a civil suit would have been urged, and the Grahams have not mentioned anything of the sort, and nothing has been discussed about this.

My guess is that Hannah was sitting in the a hallway,off of an alternate entrance/exit for the place and he brought the drinks to her. He knew the place well enough to know of such details. Employees and others distinctly, immediately, and definitely ID Hannah immediately outside of Tempo, but not in there
He likely did not look that drunk when he ordered the last batch of drinks before he left. It is also not ascertained whether Hannah was actually inside the restaurant and that a Tempo employee served her. It's not uncommon that at last call, patrons at a bar order two drinks for themselves. The only person, likely the "at least one person" that the PD says will place Hannah inside Tempo was one patron of the restaurant, not any of the employees, and that person would likely be a not so satisfactory witness if she had been drinking (likely). If something could be afixed to Tempo. a civil suit would have been urged, and the Grahams have not mentioned anything of the sort, and nothing has been discussed about this.

My guess is that Hannah was sitting in the a hallway,off of an alternate entrance/exit for the place and he brought the drinks to her. He knew the place well enough to know of such details. Employees and others distinctly, immediately, and definitely ID Hannah immediately outside of Tempo, but not in there

1) I've seen pictures of Jesse that night, taken around the time he assaulted the man and woman, and he looked super-drunk to me. He was also kicked out of other bars for, among other things, drunkeness, so IMHO it's reasonable to think that he probably looked drunk after even more alcohol. He certainly was drunk by all accounts, including his.
2) The plea bargain documents say that eyewitnesses who saw the two of them meet in the Mall also saw her sitting at the bar with Jesse after following the two of them there.
3) Just because no lawsuit has been announced does not mean that no one believes the bar was at least partially culpable. The Grahams may just not be litigious, and suing wouldn't bring back their daughter. It's also possible that they still plan to do so, or that there was a settlement. Absence of a lawsuit isn't evidence of anything, in my opinion.

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