Terri and the gym

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They were both at the gym and both were rude to the reporter. They got in their car very fast. How I see it - the gym is where they went to get grounded, and maybe they resented being intruded on when they needed to regain composture. It would've been a perfect time for them to just ask again for help finding Kyron. There's some strange reason for this quiet from them at that point. Did they both know Kyron was dead? Control of what got out in the media even then, IMO.

Watching the gym video made me remember how things were kept so quiet and under wraps right from the beginning. Nothing has changed in all this time. There better be a good reason for all this mystery because I have not appreciated hourly tv reports that TH is the last person to see Kyron - every hour or so over a month. WTH did this woman do other than make the gym remark, I have very little to go on. Worried about Kyron and feel after a month I deserve another clue.

Maybe I'm venting, but hope you understand I am so frustrated I can barely swallow. LOL
Let's get back on target....... Terri in the gym ......... we are going way off topic.
Vent away! I feel the same frustration.

Funny thing though, with their profound dedication to the gym, neither one looks in shape.

:waitasec: :waitasec: :waitasec:
Why did both of them choose to not acknowledge the reporter? It was less than a week since Kyron was missing. Now they want us to look for him but not so much at that time. My head hurts!
snipped:He got custody of Kyron after a restraining order because of a medical emergency. But she retained custody until that point.

Why would a restraining order be necessary in a medical emergency? I had not read that anywhere. He was given custody when she went to Canada for treatment of a kidney issue. This is from the Oregonian I believe (oregonlive.com) Desiree had a RO against him when she initially left while pregnant (again the Oregonian reported this iirc)

snipped : and he used Desiree's tactic of a restraining order to get the upper hand.

Are you saying that KH got a RO against DY in order to obtain custody of Kyron? Are you further saying that DY had received one against him? Again, I have not read anything about that. Where did you find that information? I'd like to read more about these odd occurences. Thanks
No, that's not what I'm saying.
Yes, I am saying DY had one against him
This was all talked about very early on in the disappearance, and I imagine it's in the media thread.
Her "hitting the gym" will be her downfall (posting on FB) as that's when most of us got out Hinky Flags up.

She deserves all the negativity coming at her, at this point IMO.

Could not disagree more with you -

They were dressed in workout clothes and had a gym bag with them. They may have done something related to Kyron while at the gym, but it's obvious that they went there to work out.

I remember watching the footage thinking "they are in heavy winter coats, how do we know they worked out" all you see is when they were getting into the car.

Was it obvious to everyone else but me?

Ok, just sweatshirts - not heavy coats - I still don't know that we knew what they were doing in the gym, if they were meeting someone or truly had a workout.
I don't believe for one second that going to the gym is a clue to Kyron's disappearance yet. I sometimes think because we are told so little that we begin to think everything we see and hear is a clue to the mystery. Unfortunately I think LE has all the clues and we have but crumbs.
I remember watching the footage thinking "they are in heavy winter coats, how do we know they worked out" all you see is when they were getting into the car.

Was it obvious to everyone else but me?

Ok, just sweatshirts - not heavy coats - I still don't know that we knew what they were doing in the gym, if they were meeting someone or truly had a workout.

haha...did you edit? Cause me and my daughter just spent 10 minutes watching and freezing the video to find these "heavy winter coats" you spoke of :) She asks me to let you know that, between them, they're wearing sweats, shorts, yoga pants, ball caps and a pony tail and she has concluded that, unequivocally, they worked out!!!! She's 11. And in case you can misinterpret my tone -- we're just jokin' with ya.
haha...did you edit? Cause me and my daughter just spent 10 minutes watching and freezing the video to find these "heavy winter coats" you spoke of :) She asks me to let you know that, between them, they're wearing sweats, shorts, yoga pants, ball caps and a pony tail and she has concluded that, unequivocally, they worked out!!!! She's 11. And in case you can misinterpret my tone -- we're just jokin' with ya.

To put it in context, I'm in southern california where we are wearing tank tops - so the heavy sweatshirts was heavy winter stuff to my pea brain :) (Yes, I edited)

I still don't know how you know they worked out. I could go to the gym in the right attire, and come out in the right attire, but that doesn't mean I did anything more than chat with my friends as I walked around the gym ;) That's my point....we saw them get into the car after the gym period.

They were dressed in workout clothes and had a gym bag with them. They may have done something related to Kyron while at the gym, but it's obvious that they went there to work out.

Each time I have seen them they both dress very casually.

We do not know what was in the bag. It could have held fliers.

The gym is a non-issue for me. Whether or not they spent two hours working out a couple of days after Kyron disappeared very likely made no difference and he would still be missing even if they never worked out again in their life. I'm not the gym type myself but it is the way some people deal with stress.

FB updates about going to the gym seem very casual and "normal" though, and odd in the circumstances if you don't want reporters to know where you are and follow your footsteps and let you talk about your missing son.

I do believe they were there to work out because if they were there to distribute flyers, why not take the opportunity and give a few to the reporters?
Each time I have seen them they both dress very casually.

We do not know what was in the bag. It could have held fliers.


Well, I guess it just seems so obvious to me I wonder why anyone would question it. Not challenging you in particular, I just don't get any "valid alternative scenario" vibes on this particular point.

TH posts that she's hitting the gym tomorrow.

TH and KH show up at the gym, as promised, dressed to exercise. They may typically dress casually, but I've never seen Kaine in the media in gym shorts and a hooded sweatshirt, nor Terri with her hair in a pony, nor either one of them in baseball caps.

They took a gym bag.

LE came out with a statement after all the fuss about the gym explainint that they had encouraged the family to relieve stress and stay healthy -- i.e., that's why they went to the gym.

And, as Donjeta pointed out, if they DID go to get fliers, too, they had to suspect that the press might approach them, and even if they didn't suspect it, they sure missed a great opportunity to let everyone know what they were doing there, and to show them/give them a flier and get it on camera for wide media exposure.

Sometimes 2 + 2 really does = 4 imo.

eta: sorry for the centering. I can't find the right format button to fix it.
haha...did you edit? Cause me and my daughter just spent 10 minutes watching and freezing the video to find these "heavy winter coats" you spoke of :) She asks me to let you know that, between them, they're wearing sweats, shorts, yoga pants, ball caps and a pony tail and she has concluded that, unequivocally, they worked out!!!! She's 11. And in case you can misinterpret my tone -- we're just jokin' with ya.

Starting your daughter young as a sleuther, I see. :wave: It sounds like workout clothes to me. Tell your DD she did a great job. :thumb:
Well, I guess it just seems so obvious to me I wonder why anyone would question it. Not challenging you in particular, I just don't get any "valid alternative scenario" vibes on this particular point.

TH posts that she's hitting the gym tomorrow.

TH and KH show up at the gym, as promised, dressed to exercise. They may typically dress casually, but I've never seen Kaine in the media in gym shorts and a hooded sweatshirt, nor Terri with her hair in a pony, nor either one of them in baseball caps.

They took a gym bag.

LE came out with a statement after all the fuss about the gym explainint that they had encouraged the family to relieve stress and stay healthy -- i.e., that's why they went to the gym.

And, as Donjeta pointed out, if they DID go to get fliers, too, they had to suspect that the press might approach them, and even if they didn't suspect it, they sure missed a great opportunity to let everyone know what they were doing there, and to show them/give them a flier and get it on camera for wide media exposure.

Sometimes 2 + 2 really does = 4 imo.

eta: sorry for the centering. I can't find the right format button to fix it.

BBM That's what is so odd. Why do you think they both, instead, avoided that perfect moment to get the word out?

Could it have been Kaine didn't want to seem together in the investigation with Terri when he was starting to suspect her? I just don't know why he would snub that reporter so early on. IMO, Kaine's control is more questionable than TH's gym remark.
I must admit, a couple of times I have wondered who's idea it was (his or hers) to go to the gym and to post about it. I realize it's out there, but it's crossed my mind.
I must admit, a couple of times I have wondered who's idea it was (his or hers) to go to the gym and to post about it. I realize it's out there, but it's crossed my mind.

Since Kaine said on June 25th that he wasn't aware of the posting I have to think it was Terri's.
Well, I guess it just seems so obvious to me I wonder why anyone would question it. Not challenging you in particular, I just don't get any "valid alternative scenario" vibes on this particular point.

TH posts that she's hitting the gym tomorrow.

TH and KH show up at the gym, as promised, dressed to exercise. They may typically dress casually, but I've never seen Kaine in the media in gym shorts and a hooded sweatshirt, nor Terri with her hair in a pony, nor either one of them in baseball caps.

They took a gym bag.

LE came out with a statement after all the fuss about the gym explainint that they had encouraged the family to relieve stress and stay healthy -- i.e., that's why they went to the gym.

And, as Donjeta pointed out, if they DID go to get fliers, too, they had to suspect that the press might approach them, and even if they didn't suspect it, they sure missed a great opportunity to let everyone know what they were doing there, and to show them/give them a flier and get it on camera for wide media exposure.

Sometimes 2 + 2 really does = 4 imo.

eta: sorry for the centering. I can't find the right format button to fix it.

Here's why to me....in the back of my mind, I think there is someone else involved - and it was simply announcing, "we'll be here if you want to drop him off, we'll be there to get him"
Since Kaine said on June 25th that he wasn't aware of the posting I have to think it was Terri's.

Hi, yes I realize he said that, but the thought occured to me anyway. Again it's out there :)
There are two reasons to me that TH hitting the gym and the way she posted on Facebook struck me as cold, offputting, and noncaring:

1. I started at Websleuths on the Casey Anthony case, and it struck me like Casey going out with her boyfriend and renting movies, partying at fusion, and so on after her daughter Caylee went missing. I know these situations aren't the same, but what struck me is that it seemed like TH already knew what happened to Kyron and where he was, so she felt safe that no one was going to find him and she wasn't going to get into trouble. Therefore, why not go to the gym and workout? She had it all in control and there was no reason to worry.

2. I just don't think she loves Kyron in the same way she loves her own biological daughter. What I mean by that is, I bet if it were the baby missing, she wouldn't be hitting the gym so casually and nonchalantly. I have a feeling it would be a vastly different reaction if it was her own child and not her stepchild. That hurts me deeply as a stepmother because if my stepchild went missing, I'd be so devastated I wouldn't be able to focus on anything but finding her and getting depressed with each passing day that she wasn't found. I have the feeling that TH was relieved that it was Kyron missing and not her baby daughter.

Now it could be that she needed to blow off steam, or do something to relieve stress, but so soon after he went missing? I can see doing this down the road if he's missing for months or years, not DAYS after he went missing and could still possibly be found alive. It struck me as cold and just wrong. It struck me as she was concentrating on herself, and Kyron and his wellbeing were clearly secondary to her own needs. I still don't like it to this day.

And honestly, I think Kaine was there to support her in the beginning. I think he felt protective of TH in the beginning and she probably insisted on going to gym and he felt he had to go to help support her. I don't see her as a weak, controlled woman at all. I see her as a strong willed, I'm going to do what I'm going to and that's that sort of woman. I think Kaine has been trying to please her for a long time and he just can't. And now she's making him pay the price for not keeping her happy.

I'm sorry, but I am just not suspicious of Kaine at all in this. I think TH is trying to make it appear that he's to be suspected to take the heat off of herself. I think he's just awkward, odd, and geeky, not over controlling or some horrendous, wife beating monster that some people want to make him out to be. I think he's dealing with this situation as best as he knows how, and engineers tend to be more practical and less emotional people. Until I see some specific evidence against him to make me think otherwise, I don't think he had anything to do with Kyron's disappearance.

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