Terri and the gym

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There are two reasons to me that TH hitting the gym and the way she posted on Facebook struck me as cold, offputting, and noncaring:

1. I started at Websleuths on the Casey Anthony case, and it struck me like Casey going out with her boyfriend and renting movies, partying at fusion, and so on after her daughter Caylee went missing. I know these situations aren't the same, but what struck me is that it seemed like TH already knew what happened to Kyron and where he was, so she felt safe that no one was going to find him and she wasn't going to get into trouble. Therefore, why not go to the gym and workout? She had it all in control and there was no reason to worry.

2. I just don't think she loves Kyron in the same way she loves her own biological daughter. What I mean by that is, I bet if it were the baby missing, she wouldn't be hitting the gym so casually and nonchalantly. I have a feeling it would be a vastly different reaction if it was her own child and not her stepchild. That hurts me deeply as a stepmother because if my stepchild went missing, I'd be so devastated I wouldn't be able to focus on anything but finding her and getting depressed with each passing day that she wasn't found. I have the feeling that TH was relieved that it was Kyron missing and not her baby daughter.

Now it could be that she needed to blow off steam, or do something to relieve stress, but so soon after he went missing? I can see doing this down the road if he's missing for months or years, not DAYS after he went missing and could still possibly be found alive. It struck me as cold and just wrong. It struck me as she was concentrating on herself, and Kyron and his wellbeing were clearly secondary to her own needs. I still don't like it to this day.

And honestly, I think Kaine was there to support her in the beginning. I think he felt protective of TH in the beginning and she probably insisted on going to gym and he felt he had to go to help support her. I don't see her as a weak, controlled woman at all. I see her as a strong willed, I'm going to do what I'm going to and that's that sort of woman. I think Kaine has been trying to please her for a long time and he just can't. And now she's making him pay the price for not keeping her happy.

I'm sorry, but I am just not suspicious of Kaine at all in this. I think TH is trying to make it appear that he's to be suspected to take the heat off of herself. I think he's just awkward, odd, and geeky, not over controlling or some horrendous, wife beating monster that some people want to make him out to be. I think he's dealing with this situation as best as he knows how, and engineers tend to be more practical and less emotional people. Until I see some specific evidence against him to make me think otherwise, I don't think he had anything to do with Kyron's disappearance.

Kaine went to the gym with her. Why does all of that apply to Terri but not Kaine? If Terri hitting the gym indicates she didn't love Kyron as much as her own biological child, what does it say about Kaine that he hit the gym right along with Terri so soon after his biological child went missing.

I don't care that either of them went to the gym that day. Their gym was putting together support for the search, etc., and beyond that, I'd rather see people doing something healthy to work out their stress than taking to the bottle or pills (especially with a baby in the home). BUT it seem rather hypocritical for Terri alone to be slammed for doing this, when Kaine was right there beside her.
Kaine went to the gym with her. Why does all of that apply to Terri but not Kaine? If Terri hitting the gym indicates she didn't love Kyron as much as her own biological child, what does it say about Kaine that he hit the gym right along with Terri so soon after his biological child went missing.

I don't care that either of them went to the gym that day. Their gym was putting together support for the search, etc., and beyond that, I'd rather see people doing something healthy to work out their stress than taking to the bottle or pills (especially with a baby in the home). BUT it seem rather hypocritical for Terri alone to be slammed for doing this, when Kaine was right there beside her.

I don't think their going to the gym is what upset people, it was the casual way she posted about it on FB that got to people. I read that at the time and I thought it was pretty nonchalant for a person that had a missing child but it didn't send out any red flags. I guess it was the context that was strange.
I don't think their going to the gym is what upset people, it was the casual way she posted about it on FB that got to people. I read that at the time and I thought it was pretty nonchalant for a person that had a missing child but it didn't send out any red flags. I guess it was the context that was strange.

That's exactly what I found strange, too...the need to post it.

Given the news about the landscaper, I think Kaine may have gone with Terri to see if she was meeting anyone or if she was approached by anyone.
I am trying to get details straight in my head on TH and hope some of you who have been following this case from the beginning can answer a few questions..

1. When was the bodybuilding competition depicted in video that has been released?

2. Has there been any facts released as to when TH became interested in bodybuilding?

3. Was Desiree ever involved in bodybuilding?

4. Desiree made comment to media that it was NOT true that she was friends with TH BEFORE Kyron was born....do we know when these two befriended each other?

Such a HUGE contrast in the "bodybuilding image" of TH and current photos.....years ago, I had a friend who was very involved in competitive bodybuilding and believe me, it takes 100% 24/7 dedication for several months to prepare for a competition....every minute of their day is dictated down to the several small meals each day, precise detailed workout schedule, etc... Friend even had difficult time keeping her job in order to make the competition her priority.

So curious as to the timeframe when she would have been preparing for this competition in relation to whether Kyron was born or she was supposively his caregiver?
I am trying to get details straight in my head on TH and hope some of you who have been following this case from the beginning can answer a few questions..

1. When was the bodybuilding competition depicted in video that has been released?

2. Has there been any facts released as to when TH became interested in bodybuilding?

3. Was Desiree ever involved in bodybuilding?

4. Desiree made comment to media that it was NOT true that she was friends with TH BEFORE Kyron was born....do we know when these two befriended each other?

Such a HUGE contrast in the "bodybuilding image" of TH and current photos.....years ago, I had a friend who was very involved in competitive bodybuilding and believe me, it takes 100% 24/7 dedication for several months to prepare for a competition....every minute of their day is dictated down to the several small meals each day, precise detailed workout schedule, etc... Friend even had difficult time keeping her job in order to make the competition her priority.

So curious as to the timeframe when she would have been preparing for this competition in relation to whether Kyron was born or she was supposively his caregiver?


IMO, Desiree and Terri were never "friends". I believe Kaine was involved with Terri and that is how the two women met.

IMO, Desiree and Terri were never "friends". I believe Kaine was involved with Terri and that is how the two women met.

I thought it was reported that Desiree and Terri were friends when Desiree and Kaine were married. Desiree had some health issues, and she hired Terri to watch Kyron when he was an infant while she made frequent trips to the doctor/hospital. At that time, Kaine and Terri became involved, and thus ended Desiree and Kaines marriage.

IMO, Desiree and Terri were never "friends". I believe Kaine was involved with Terri and that is how the two women met.

I actually agree with you based on the conflicting comments to media by Terri's mom. In one interview, she claimed that she Terri and Kaine had been together for 7 - 8 years, but in another, explained that their relationship did not turn romantic until 6 months prior to their marriage in 2007?

All this is buried somewhere on the forum but was very telling to me....even Mom seems confused as to when Terri came into the picture....
I thought it was reported that Desiree and Terri were friends when Desiree and Kaine were married. Desiree had some health issues, and she hired Terri to watch Kyron when he was an infant while she made frequent trips to the doctor/hospital. At that time, Kaine and Terri became involved, and thus ended Desiree and Kaines marriage.

That is the version that was put out by Terri's family!! Only comment about this from Desiree that I am aware of is comment that she did NOT know Terri BEFORE Kyron was born.....and Kaine has made no comment in regards to any relationsip between Desiree and Terri.

So at this point, any "friendship" between the two was reported by the media based on information they received from ONE source....Terri (family)

Here is what I THINK transpired....

Desiree is pregnant with Kyron and her marriage to Kaine falters so she files for divorce when 8 months pregnant. Perhaps infidelity with Terri (based on Terri mom comment)?

Kyron is born and parents are living separate with Desiree having custody of Kyron.

Kaine participates in scheduled visitation rights and during these times when he has possession of the baby, Terri, the new (possible live in girlfriend), helps care for the infant (Mom's comment again about Terri taking care of Kyron since infancy)

When Kyron is about 2 years old, Terri's health forces her to go to Canada for medical treatment and she and Kaine work out details for Kyron to relocate to Kaine's home (was primary care issue addressed in court?)

Terri and Kaine eventually marry and have a child. Kyron remains in care of his father with Terri now the new step mom.

I think any relationship between Terri and Desireee was merely tolerated as her ex-hubbys new significant other and woman who was partially responsible for breaking up her marriage during her pregnancy with Kyron?
I'm not sure where to put this because there is no link up yet. Last nights local news on KOIN interviewed the owner of the gym where he describes Terri as "creey" and he has banned her from the gym. Wow...if she's innocent, she's going to have lots of lawsuits to file. When a link becomes available, I'll post it. Should it be a new thread? Or keep it here?

ETA: If some kind soul could watch the KOIN website, please feel free to post the link if one comes up. I have lots to do this morning and might not have puter time. I also wonder if they won't put that in print since it's inflammatory?? (sp?)
I'm not sure where to put this because there is no link up yet. Last nights local news on KOIN interviewed the owner of the gym where he describes Terri as "creey" and he has banned her from the gym. Wow...if she's innocent, she's going to have lots of lawsuits to file. When a link becomes available, I'll post it. Should it be a new thread? Or keep it here?

Interesting. That's not how he talked when interviewed before (a news clip following one of the MCSO press conferences). I wonder if he's getting flak from other members (and/or internet peeps who seem to have such a problem with her going to the gym)? Fair-weather friend, eh?
Interesting. That's not how he talked when interviewed before (a news clip following one of the MCSO press conferences). I wonder if he's getting flak from other members (and/or internet peeps who seem to have such a problem with her going to the gym)? Fair-weather friend, eh?

Who's the "fair weather friend?" She walked right by him and never even stopped to thank him for his fund raising efforts! She totally snubbed him. At a time like this, you would think she would hang on to every last "friend" she has!
Who's the "fair weather friend?" She walked right by him and never even stopped to thank him for his fund raising efforts! She totally snubbed him. At a time like this, you would think she would hang on to every last "friend" she has!

How do you know she never thanked him?

In the video report I saw after the presser, Terri and Kaine were not there, btw.
How do you know she never thanked him?

In the video report I saw after the presser, Terri and Kaine were not there, btw.

I'm talking about when she went to work out at the gym.
News link please. We don't discuss it without a link.
News link please. We don't discuss it without a link.

I'll try to find it, but I can't swear I'll be able to after all this time. I know what I saw; it was a report from their gym that followed one of the pressers earlier on while the search was still going on. The gym was one of the drop-off points for donations for the SAR teams.
I am trying to get details straight in my head on TH and hope some of you who have been following this case from the beginning can answer a few questions..

1. When was the bodybuilding competition depicted in video that has been released?
2. Has there been any facts released as to when TH became interested in bodybuilding?

3. Was Desiree ever involved in bodybuilding?

4. Desiree made comment to media that it was NOT true that she was friends with TH BEFORE Kyron was born....do we know when these two befriended each other?

Such a HUGE contrast in the "bodybuilding image" of TH and current photos.....years ago, I had a friend who was very involved in competitive bodybuilding and believe me, it takes 100% 24/7 dedication for several months to prepare for a competition....every minute of their day is dictated down to the several small meals each day, precise detailed workout schedule, etc... Friend even had difficult time keeping her job in order to make the competition her priority.

So curious as to the timeframe when she would have been preparing for this competition in relation to whether Kyron was born or she was supposively his caregiver?

I think I can answer #1 correctly..The year was 2005
And IF I am not mistaken that is the same year the DUI and reckless endangement charges were filed against her...
Kyron would have been around two years old.. I believe she was with Kaine at that time... Don't know when they got married though..Hopefully someone will answer that one..JMO
According to the blended family article (that got Terri and Desiree's friendship wrong) Kaine and Terri got married in 2007.
Talk about pressure, huh?

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