Terri's friends want to distance themselves after being dragged into investigation

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I wonder if D&K consider Dede not to be cooperating if she has refused to take a lie detector test? Some people just don't believe in them and she may feel she has nothing of value to share. Of course, she may know something, but I think that in Desiree's eyes, anyone who refused a test would be uncooperative.

Reading D/K/T's statement again, I really do wonder what they mean by not cooperating and asking others not to cooperate. Is that refusing to talk to police without an attorney present? Is the advise given to Terri that she needed to get herself an attorney? The wording is too vague.

As far as DeDe disappearing for a couple of hours that morning, yeah... she needs to account for her whereabouts.
I had this same conversation with the Boy Toy earlier this evening.

I, too,wonder if DS is being accused of not cooperating because she may have refused to take a poly.

I also wonder if she is being accused of advising TH "not to cooperate" because she advised TH to get an attorney & advised her not to talk to LE without her attorney present.

Since DS is from an LE family, she may be offering what she considers to be good advice.

I think y'all may be right. And the threat of a civil action to shake her up. 'Course if she's got an attorney, it won't matter; I don't see them allowing her to take a poly.
I think those principles are her constitutional rights.

I've been thinking about this, from the point of view of what I would do in her position. I would not take a polygraph for any reason, unless the missing child were my own.

I would probably tell LE exactly what I had been doing that day, unless I were guilty of being involved with anything connected to Kyron's disappearance. If I discovered that I may have been unwittingly involved (supplied concrete blocks or weights to TH believing at the time that it was for an unrelated legal purpose, like landscaping or weight lifting), I would consult a criminal defense attorney.

I would not take a poly either, but I'd be happy to answer their questions --- with my attorney sitting next to me.
IMO, DeDe's situation is different than Terri's. Terri needs to account for her time during her "drive" (maybe she has cell records for people she called during that time?) because of who she is~the mother/stepmother of the missing child.

DeDe, however, seems more like an innocent bystander at this point, and since LE has taken her phone, IMO, it is up to them to first check her cell records and calls, and then question her about anything unusual. My point is, I don't think that DeDe should have to explain herself until there is proof against her (my reasoning is: what if she did not do anything illegal, but doesn't want the world to know what she was doing? She has a right to privacy, IMO).
In following this latest news, it seems DDS is in quite the spotlight now. I can understand not taking a poly, but I wonder why she has yet to find and attorney to advise her and go with her to talk to LE.

Indeed, if she has nothing to hide, a heart-to-heart with the attorney would be protected and he or she could facilitate getting that across to LE.

I simply can't accept that someone who might have a small clue into Kyron's disappearance wouldn't want to help find the child.

LE now has her computer and cell. Let's hope they can provide information. The child should come first in everybody's heart and mind.
Not necessarily - they seem to be searching for emails on computers, correspondance, calendars - a paper trail and anything that could show Terri's intentions and frame of mind.

If these people were willing to cooperate, LE wouldn't need a search warrant. If they aren't cooperating in the search for a missing little boy, then red flags go up and bells go off about a possible obstruction of justice or conspiracy of silence among the friends.

I was just wondering the same thing...plus, the search warrants are sealed, which sounds kind of ominous...

I wonder whether LE served search warrants before asking for voluntary cooperation just in case some of these people were involved so they wouldn't have time to destroy evidence if they were involved? Like if LE then had to go away for a search warrant once refused...

Showing up with a search warrant right off the bat before asking for voluntary cooperation would prevent potential evidence being destroyed...

An abundance of caution kind of thing....A kind of LE shows up and asks nicely to search the home and if told no, they serve the warrant on the spot...scenario

Does LE ever serve warrants that way?
IMO, DeDe's situation is different than Terri's. Terri needs to account for her time during her "drive" (maybe she has cell records for people she called during that time?) because of who she is~the mother/stepmother of the missing child.

DeDe, however, seems more like an innocent bystander at this point, and since LE has taken her phone, IMO, it is up to them to first check her cell records and calls, and then question her about anything unusual. My point is, I don't think that DeDe should have to explain herself until there is proof against her (my reasoning is: what if she did not do anything illegal, but doesn't want the world to know what she was doing? She has a right to privacy, IMO).
I see your point but people who don't cooperate in a missing-child investigation throw up red flags. So it's just going to get her even more attention and now she looks guilty of "something" even if she isn't.

But a plea for privacy isn't going to fly when a child is missing. They have to investigate anyone who is part of TH's inner circle, and it seems this woman was. Not only that, she was in the area on the day the child disappeared. So they have reasons beyond TH to look at DeDe.
The more I think about it, the answers must be in any cell phone records. I just can't imagine the daughter of a sheriff using the internet for any sort of communication, even "code"... I suppose we won't find out any time soon, but I'd love to know if Terri and DeDe spoke on the phone between 8-1:00 on June 4th...
I was just wondering the same thing...plus, the search warrants are sealed, which sounds kind of ominous...

I wonder whether LE served search warrants before asking for voluntary cooperation just in case some of these people were involved so they wouldn't have time to destroy evidence if they were involved? Like if LE then had to go away for a search warrant once refused...

Showing up with a search warrant right off the bat before asking for voluntary cooperation would prevent potential evidence being destroyed...

An abundance of caution kind of thing....A kind of LE shows up and asks nicely to search the home and if told no, they serve the warrant on the spot...scenario

Does LE ever serve warrants that way?
I think they probably do that sometimes - just to see what people will say or don't say.

LE has to have probably cause in order to get a search warrant. Judges don't hand those out lightly, so this isn't just a case of "harrass Terri's friends until she talks." They have to list specific things they are looking for in a search warrant.
I would be crushed if no one wanted to help find my child, not even the innocent people.
And you would want the guilty person caught.

For me, it would not be a question of not wanting to help but to help in a way that doesn't implicate myself as an innocent. As convoluted as this case is, and my feeling that LE really can't find evidence to 'pin' this on anyone much less Terri, I'd answer their questions but only with my attorney present.
Given that LE wanted DD's home searched, which means trying to put some sort of blame on her plate, I would not take a lie detector test either. She is well aware of these tactics given her family relationship, and knows better. I would run to the best danged attorney I could find, tell everyone they can talk to my lawyer. Seen too many cases where talking with LE, lie detector or not, is not in your best interest, unless you have a lawyer at your side. "Everything you say, can and will be, used against you." Just saying.

Now, if they just asked my relationship to the person, if I knew anything, I would answer. Probably b/c I would not know anything. I am always "late" on the action, lol.


And that would include statements made on the record to the media.
I see your point but people who don't cooperate in a missing-child investigation throw up red flags. So it's just going to get her even more attention and now she looks guilty of "something" even if she isn't.

But a plea for privacy isn't going to fly when a child is missing. They have to investigate anyone who is part of TH's inner circle, and it seems this woman was. Not only that, she was in the area on the day the child disappeared. So they have reasons beyond TH to look at DeDe.

Just another thought--maybe most people would want to clear their name immediately, but some people (stubborn?), because they know they are innocent, don't worry about what people think because they *know* the truth will come out in the end?
Well, at this point, I feel like the parents are deeming anyone uncooperative who does not have the exact answer that they want right at the moment that they want it. I'm sorry and I know I need sleep. lol But, that is just my opinion. I do feel for them, I do. The fact of the matter is that some people are being questioned and searched who may, in the end, actually not know anything. I'm not saying that I know that (of course) or even believe that for sure, just making a point.

The media is saying that DS's timeline is suspicious because she was doing a landscaping job and then "all of a sudden" left at 11:30 am. I don't know. Isn't that lunch time for some people? Maybe she "all of a sudden" had to pee and then went to lunch right afterwards. Maybe she suddenly realized she needed to pay a bill and that she'd need to take a longer lunch to get that done. But, more importantly, wouldn't that timeline coincide with TMH's timeline of being at the gym..which I'm guessing could be proven by the gym's database, a swipe of her gym card, etc?
IF she can account for her whereabouts during that time, and all she's done is advise Terri and others to "lawyer up" and refuse polys, then K, D, and T may indeed find themselves in a civil action with this person... but on the receiving end.
It will be interesting to see if DeDe has an attorney by Monday...maybe she waited for LE to search her cell records and clear her? At this point, she is being vilified by the public with no proof~ if you search.twitter.com and put in her twitter name, you can get an idea of how she's already being treated...
I thought she was driving the roads with Kiara from 10 something am until 11:39 am when she went to the gym. At least, that is what it says in the timeline article I just read. So, actually, DS's so-called unaccounted for time would be during a time when TMH's timeline can (or should easily) be accounted for...Since they are so specific about the gym time, 11:39 to be exact, I'm guessing they are basing that on clocked in information in the gym database.

Do you have a link please? I've been away since yesterday afternoon... trying to catch up.
Do you have a link please? I've been away since yesterday afternoon... trying to catch up.

In the OP of this timeline thread:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110103"]Sources detail Terri’s timeline day Kyron disappeared - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Dede missing 11:15am to 1:00pm.

Terri driving 10:10am to 11:39pm on rural roads.

Terri at gym 11:39am to 12:40pm.

Terri home at 1:21pm.

KGW has learned from a reliable source. Spicher reportedly left where she was working at 11:15 a.m. on June 4 and returned around 1 p.m.
I think they probably do that sometimes - just to see what people will say or don't say.

LE has to have probably cause in order to get a search warrant. Judges don't hand those out lightly, so this isn't just a case of "harrass Terri's friends until she talks." They have to list specific things they are looking for in a search warrant.

Exactly! I was thinking that it may be something like:

LE found multiple e-mails between TH and the other people since June 4. So a judge signed off on warrants so LE could search in case Kyron is there or had been there...

But the search doesn't yield any evidence for any of those people who are innocent of any wrongdoing...

My hunch is that TH may be involved and has one other party helping her... I hope someone talks soon!
I think they probably do that sometimes - just to see what people will say or don't say.

LE has to have probably cause in order to get a search warrant. Judges don't hand those out lightly, so this isn't just a case of "harrass Terri's friends until she talks." They have to list specific things they are looking for in a search warrant.

I think that's the reason they'd ask first, not to see how the person reacts. Without a search warrant listing what they're after, everything is fair game.
Well, at this point, I feel like the parents are deeming anyone uncooperative who does not have the exact answer that they want right at the moment that they want it. I'm sorry and I know I need sleep. lol But, that is just my opinion. I do feel for them, I do. The fact of the matter is that some people are being questioned and searched who may, in the end, actually not know anything. I'm not saying that I know that (of course) or even believe that for sure, just making a point.

The media is saying that DS's timeline is suspicious because she was doing a landscaping job and then "all of a sudden" left at 11:30 am. I don't know. Isn't that lunch time for some people? Maybe she "all of a sudden" had to pee and then went to lunch right afterwards. Maybe she suddenly realized she needed to pay a bill and that she'd need to take a longer lunch to get that done. But, more importantly, wouldn't that timeline coincide with TMH's timeline of being at the gym..which I'm guessing could be proven by the gym's database, a swipe of her gym card, etc?

Good point--this is what I've been thinking about, too...Terri must have proof of the "11:39" time frame since it's so specific. I am unsure of which time frame of DS' co-worker and homeowner to go by--they state 11:15 and 11:30. A 9-14 minute window here... I would like to know how many minutes it is from Terri's home to the gym, because there would have to be "drive time" in there somewhere if she and DS "met". It just seems very tight, IMO...

(I also find it interesting that first reports were "11:30" for the co-worker and homeowner, and now people are only focusing on the "11:15" IMO, because it gives more time for speculation).

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